38 resultados para Fenoglio Bianciardi interferenza io-traduttore lingua letteratura inglese
Pensionamento e plurilinguismo. Un'indagine qualitativa su immigrati italiani e su svizzeri tedeschi
Che cosa succede con le competenze linguistiche quando una persona va in pensione? Perde delle competenze perché si indebolisce il contatto con la rete sociale del lavoro o acquisisce nuove competenze grazie alla maggiore disponibilità di tempo (frequentando per esempio un corso di lingua)? Partendo da queste domande il presente lavoro indaga la tematica finora poco studiata della percezione di cambiamenti riguardo all’uso e alle competenze delle lingue durante il processo del pensionamento. Dopo aver passato in rassegna il quadro interdisciplinare degli studi incentrati sulla terza età, viene discusso il complesso di fattori che interagiscono nelle dinamiche del pensionamento. Nella seconda parte del lavoro, si presenta invece una serie di indagini empiriche svolte dall’autrice che offrono un primo approccio sociolinguistico ai mutamenti legati a questo importante momento della vita.
This article analyzes the Jakobsonian classification of aphasias. It aims to show on the one hand the non-linguistic character of this classification and on the other hand its asymmetry, in spite of the fact that its author had conceived his structural construction as symmetrical. The non-linguistic character of Jakobson’s formulation is due to the absence of any definition of language, this absence being the main characteristic of Jakobsonian linguistics: concerning the aphasia problem, the Jakobsonian formulation is linguistic solely by virtue of its object, aphasia, which is already considered as a linguistic concern because it belongs to the field of « language », but which is not defined as such (as linguistic). As for asymmetry, it demonstrates first the circularity of the Jakobsonian representation of language (the duality between structure and functioning), and secondly the non-linguistic character – in the Saussurean sense of the term – of the aphasia problem. Thus it appears that breaking (in the sense of Gaston Bachelard) with idiom is the prerequisite of a scientific apprehension of language, and therefore of any interdisciplinarity, this being one of Jakobson’s favorite topics but one that this linguist failed to render fruitful because he did not offer a real definition of language.
Io's plasma and neutral tori play significant roles in the Jovian magnetosphere. We present feasibility studies of measuring low-energy energetic neutral atoms (LENAs) generated from the Io tori. We calculate the LENA flux between 10 eV and 3 keV. The energy range includes the corotational plasma flow energy. The expected differential flux at Ganymede distance is typically 10(3)-10(5) cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) eV(-1) near the energy of the corotation. It is above the detection level of the planned LENA sensor that is to be flown to the Jupiter system with integration times of 0.01-1 s. The flux has strong asymmetry with respective to the Io phase. The observations will exhibit periodicities, which can be attributed to the Jovian magnetosphere rotation and the rotation of Io around Jupiter. The energy spectra will exhibit dispersion signatures, because of the non-negligible flight time of the LENAs from Io to the satellite. In 2030, the Jupiter exploration mission JUICE will conduct a LENA measurement with a LENA instrument, the Jovian Neutrals Analyzer (JNA). From the LENA observations collected by JNA, we will be able to derive characteristic quantities, such as the density, velocity, velocity distribution function, and composition of plasma-torus particles. We also discuss the possible physics to be explored by JNA in addition to the constraints for operating the sensor and analyzing the obtained dataset. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hebräisch lebt, schon weil jede Generation von Hebraisten auch in der alten Sprache neue Funktionen und Bedeutungen entdeckt. Doktor Martin Luther würde bei uns durch die Sprachprüfung fallen.