41 resultados para Embryonic development


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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D (GPI-PLD) is abundant in serum and has a well-characterized biochemistry; however, its physiological role is completely unknown. Previous investigations into GPI-PLD have focused on the adult animal or on in vitro systems and a putative role in development has been neither proposed nor investigated. We describe the first evidence of GPI-PLD expression during mouse embryonic ossification. GPI-PLD expression was detected predominantly at sites of skeletal development, increasing during the course of gestation. GPI-PLD was observed during both intramembraneous and endochondral ossification and localized predominantly to the extracellular matrix of chondrocytes and to primary trabeculae of the skeleton. In addition, the mouse chondrocyte cell line ATDC5 expressed GPI-PLD after experimental induction of differentiation. These results implicate GPI-PLD in the process of bone formation during mouse embryogenesis.


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Vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase (VE-PTP) is an endothelial-specific receptor-type tyrosine phosphatase that associates with Tie-2 and VE-cadherin. VE-PTP gene disruption leads to embryonic lethality, vascular remodeling defects, and enlargement of vascular structures in extraembryonic tissues. We show here that antibodies against the extracellular part of VE-PTP mimic the effects of VE-PTP gene disruption exemplified by vessel enlargement in allantois explants. These effects require the presence of the angiopoietin receptor Tie-2. Analyzing the mechanism we found that anti-VE-PTP antibodies trigger endocytosis and selectively affect Tie-2-associated, but not VE-cadherin-associated VE-PTP. Dissociation of VE-PTP triggers the activation of Tie-2, leading to enhanced endothelial cell proliferation and enlargement of vascular structures through activation of Erk1/2. Importantly, the antibody effect on vessel enlargement is also observed in newborn mice. We conclude that VE-PTP is required to balance Tie-2 activity and endothelial cell proliferation, thereby controlling blood vessel development and vessel size.


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Plants have a remarkable potential for sustained (indeterminate) postembryonic growth. Following their specification in the early embryo, tissue-specific precursor cells first establish tissues and later maintain them postembryonically. The mechanisms underlying these processes are largely unknown. Here we define local control of oriented, periclinal cell division as the mechanism underlying both the establishment and maintenance of vascular tissue. We identify an auxin-regulated basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor dimer as a critical regulator of vascular development. Due to a loss of periclinal divisions, vascular tissue gradually disappears in bHLH-deficient mutants; conversely, ectopic expression is sufficient for triggering periclinal divisions. We show that this dimer operates independently of tissue identity but is restricted to a small vascular domain by integrating overlapping transcription patterns of the interacting bHLH proteins. Our work reveals a common mechanism for tissue establishment and indeterminate vascular development and provides a conceptual framework for developmental control of local cell divisions.


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The apical-basal axis of the early plant embryo determines the body plan of the adult organism. To establish a polarized embryonic axis, plants evolved a unique mechanism that involves directional, cell-to-cell transport of the growth regulator auxin. Auxin transport relies on PIN auxin transporters 1], whose polar subcellular localization determines the flow directionality. PIN-mediated auxin transport mediates the spatial and temporal activity of the auxin response machinery 2-7] that contributes to embryo patterning processes, including establishment of the apical (shoot) and basal (root) embryo poles 8]. However, little is known of upstream mechanisms guiding the (re)polarization of auxin fluxes during embryogenesis 9]. Here, we developed a model of plant embryogenesis that correctly generates emergent cell polarities and auxin-mediated sequential initiation of apical-basal axis of plant embryo. The model relies on two precisely localized auxin sources and a feedback between auxin and the polar, subcellular PIN transporter localization. Simulations reproduced PIN polarity and auxin distribution, as well as previously unknown polarization events during early embryogenesis. The spectrum of validated model predictions suggests that our model corresponds to a minimal mechanistic framework for initiation and orientation of the apical-basal axis to guide both embryonic and postembryonic plant development.


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Human pluripotent stem cells are a powerful tool for modeling brain development and disease. The human cortex is composed of two major neuronal populations: projection neurons and local interneurons. Cortical interneurons comprise a diverse class of cell types expressing the neurotransmitter GABA. Dysfunction of cortical interneurons has been implicated in neuropsychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, autism, and epilepsy. Here, we demonstrate the highly efficient derivation of human cortical interneurons in an NKX2.1::GFP human embryonic stem cell reporter line. Manipulating the timing of SHH activation yields three distinct GFP+ populations with specific transcriptional profiles, neurotransmitter phenotypes, and migratory behaviors. Further differentiation in a murine cortical environment yields parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing neurons that exhibit synaptic inputs and electrophysiological properties of cortical interneurons. Our study defines the signals sufficient for modeling human ventral forebrain development in vitro and lays the foundation for studying cortical interneuron involvement in human disease pathology.


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Beta1-integrins (beta1) represent cell surface receptors which mediate cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. Fässler and Meyer described chimeric mice containing transgenic cells that express the LacZ gene instead of the beta1 gene. They observed beta1-negative cells in all germ layers at embryonic day E 8.5. Later in development, using a glucose phosphate isomerase assay of homogenized tissue samples, high levels of transgenic cells were found in skeletal muscle and gut, low levels in lung, heart, and kidney and none in the liver and spleen (Fässler and Meyer 1995). In order to study which cell types require beta1 during development of the primitive gut including its derivatives, chimeric fetuses containing 15 to 25% transgenic cells were obtained at days E 14.5 and E 15.5. They were LacZ (beta-galactosidase) stained "en bloc" and cross-sectioned head to tail. In esophagus, trachea, lung, stomach, hindgut, and the future urinary bladder, we observed various mesoderm-derived beta1-negative cells (e.g. fibroblasts, chondrocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells) but no beta1-negative epithelial cells. Since the epithelia of lung, esophagus, trachea, stomach, hindgut, and urinary bladder are derived from the endodermal gut tube, we hypothesize that beta1 is essential for the development and/or survival of the epithelia of the fore- and hindgut and its derivatives.


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XPD functions in transcription, DNA repair and in cell cycle control. Mutations in human XPD (also known as ERCC2) mainly cause three clinical phenotypes: xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome (XP/CS) and trichothiodystrophy (TTD), and only XP patients have a high predisposition to developing cancer. Hence, we developed a fly model to obtain novel insights into the defects caused by individual hypomorphic alleles identified in human XP-D patients. This model revealed that the mutations that displayed the greatest in vivo UV sensitivity in Drosophila did not correlate with those that led to tumor formation in humans. Immunoprecipitations followed by targeted quantitative MS/MS analysis showed how different xpd mutations affected the formation or stability of different transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) subcomplexes. The XP mutants most clearly linked to high cancer risk, Xpd R683W and R601L, showed a reduced interaction with the core TFIIH and also an abnormal interaction with the Cdk-activating kinase (CAK) complex. Interestingly, these two XP alleles additionally displayed high levels of chromatin loss and free centrosomes during the rapid nuclear division phase of the Drosophila embryo. Finally, the xpd mutations showing defects in the coordination of cell cycle timing during the Drosophila embryonic divisions correlated with those human mutations that cause the neurodevelopmental abnormalities and developmental growth defects observed in XP/CS and TTD patients.


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As in all metazoans, the replication-dependent histone genes of Caenorhabditis elegans lack introns and contain a short hairpin structure in the 3' untranslated region. This hairpin structure is a key element for post-transcriptional regulation of histone gene expression and determines mRNA 3' end formation, nuclear export, translation and mRNA decay. All these steps contribute to the S-phase-specific expression of the replication-dependent histone genes. The hairpin structure is the binding site for histone hairpin-binding protein that is required for hairpin-dependent regulation. Here, we demonstrate that the C. elegans histone hairpin-binding protein gene is transcribed in dividing cells during embryogenesis and postembryonic development. Depletion of histone hairpin-binding protein (HBP) function in early embryos using RNA-mediated interference leads to an embryonic-lethal phenotype brought about by defects in chromosome condensation. A similar phenotype was obtained by depleting histones H3 and H4 in early embryos, indicating that the defects in hairpin-binding protein-depleted embryos are caused by reduced histone biosynthesis. We have confirmed this by showing that HBP depletion reduces histone gene expression. Depletion of HBP during postembryonic development also results in defects in cell division during late larval development. In addition, we have observed defects in the specification of vulval cell fate in animals depleted for histone H3 and H4, which indicates that histone proteins are required for cell fate regulation during vulval development.


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Cell cycle checkpoints are signal transduction pathways that control the order and timing of cell cycle transitions, ensuring that critical events are completed before the occurrence of the next cell cycle transition. The Chk2 family of kinases is known to play a central role in mediating the cellular responses to DNA damage or DNA replication blocks in various organisms. Here we show through a phylogenetic study that the Drosophila melanogaster serine/threonine kinase Loki is the homolog of the yeast Mek1p, Rad53p, Dun1p, and Cds1 proteins as well as the human Chk2. Functional analyses allowed us to conclude that, in flies, chk2 is involved in monitoring double-strand breaks (DSBs) caused by irradiation during S and G2 phases. In this process it plays an essential role in inducing a cell cycle arrest in embryonic cells. Our results also show that, in contrast to C. elegans chk2, Drosophila chk2 is not essential for normal meiosis and recombination, and it also appears to be dispensable for the MMS-induced DNA damage checkpoint and the HU-induced DNA replication checkpoint during larval development. In addition, Drosophila chk2 does not act at the same cell cycle phases as its yeast homologs, but seems rather to be involved in a pathway similar to the mammalian one, which involves signaling through the ATM/Chk2 pathway in response to genotoxic insults. As mutations in human chk2 were linked to several cancers, these similarities point to the usefulness of the Drosophila model system.


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The epicardium is the mesothelial outer layer of the vertebrate heart. It plays an important role during cardiac development by, among other functions, nourishing the underlying myocardium, contributing to cardiac fibroblasts and giving rise to the coronary vasculature. The epicardium also exerts key functions during injury responses in the adult and contributes to cardiac repair. In this article, we review current knowledge on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying epicardium formation in the zebrafish, a teleost fish, which is rapidly gaining status as an animal model in cardiovascular research, and compare it with the mechanisms described in other vertebrate models. We moreover describe the expression patterns of a subset of available zebrafish Wilms' tumor 1 transgenic reporter lines and discuss their specificity, applicability and limitations in the study of epicardium formation.


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Tracing the history of individual cells during embryonic morphogenesis in a structure as complex as the cardiovascular system is one of the major challenges of developmental biology. It involves determining the relationships between the various lineages of cells forming an organ at different stages, describing the topological rearrangements tissues undergo during morphogenesis, and characterizing the interactions between cells in different structures. However, despite the great expectations raised in the field of regenerative medicine, only limited progress has been made in using regenerative therapy to repair the cardiovascular system. Recent research has highlighted the role of the epicardium during cardiac regeneration, but it is still unclear whether it is important for molecular signaling or acts as a source of progenitor cells during this process. Consequently, increasing knowledge about the origin, diversification and potential of epicardial cells during development and homeostasis and under pathological conditions is of fundamental importance both for basic research and for the development of effective cellular therapies. The aims of this article were to provide a general overview of the classical techniques used for tracing cell lineages, including their potential and limitations, and to describe novel techniques for studying the origin and differentiation of the epicardium and its role in cardiac regeneration.