38 resultados para Drug Discovery


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One of the simplest questions that can be asked about molecular diversity is how many organic molecules are possible in total? To answer this question, my research group has computationally enumerated all possible organic molecules up to a certain size to gain an unbiased insight into the entire chemical space. Our latest database, GDB-17, contains 166.4 billion molecules of up to 17 atoms of C, N, O, S, and halogens, by far the largest small molecule database reported to date. Molecules allowed by valency rules but unstable or nonsynthesizable due to strained topologies or reactive functional groups were not considered, which reduced the enumeration by at least 10 orders of magnitude and was essential to arrive at a manageable database size. Despite these restrictions, GDB-17 is highly relevant with respect to known molecules. Beyond enumeration, understanding and exploiting GDBs (generated databases) led us to develop methods for virtual screening and visualization of very large databases in the form of a “periodic system of molecules” comprising six different fingerprint spaces, with web-browsers for nearest neighbor searches, and the MQN- and SMIfp-Mapplet application for exploring color-coded principal component maps of GDB and other large databases. Proof-of-concept applications of GDB for drug discovery were realized by combining virtual screening with chemical synthesis and activity testing for neurotransmitter receptor and transporter ligands. One surprising lesson from using GDB for drug analog searches is the incredible depth of chemical space, that is, the fact that millions of very close analogs of any molecule can be readily identified by nearest-neighbor searches in the MQN-space of the various GDBs. The chemical space project has opened an unprecedented door on chemical diversity. Ongoing and yet unmet challenges concern enumerating molecules beyond 17 atoms and synthesizing GDB molecules with innovative scaffolds and pharmacophores.


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Background Tools to explore large compound databases in search for analogs of query molecules provide a strategically important support in drug discovery to help identify available analogs of any given reference or hit compound by ligand based virtual screening (LBVS). We recently showed that large databases can be formatted for very fast searching with various 2D-fingerprints using the city-block distance as similarity measure, in particular a 2D-atom pair fingerprint (APfp) and the related category extended atom pair fingerprint (Xfp) which efficiently encode molecular shape and pharmacophores, but do not perceive stereochemistry. Here we investigated related 3D-atom pair fingerprints to enable rapid stereoselective searches in the ZINC database (23.2 million 3D structures). Results Molecular fingerprints counting atom pairs at increasing through-space distance intervals were designed using either all atoms (16-bit 3DAPfp) or different atom categories (80-bit 3DXfp). These 3D-fingerprints retrieved molecular shape and pharmacophore analogs (defined by OpenEye ROCS scoring functions) of 110,000 compounds from the Cambridge Structural Database with equal or better accuracy than the 2D-fingerprints APfp and Xfp, and showed comparable performance in recovering actives from decoys in the DUD database. LBVS by 3DXfp or 3DAPfp similarity was stereoselective and gave very different analogs when starting from different diastereomers of the same chiral drug. Results were also different from LBVS with the parent 2D-fingerprints Xfp or APfp. 3D- and 2D-fingerprints also gave very different results in LBVS of folded molecules where through-space distances between atom pairs are much shorter than topological distances. Conclusions 3DAPfp and 3DXfp are suitable for stereoselective searches for shape and pharmacophore analogs of query molecules in large databases. Web-browsers for searching ZINC by 3DAPfp and 3DXfp similarity are accessible at www.gdb.unibe.ch webcite and should provide useful assistance to drug discovery projects.


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Nearly 10 years ago the usefulness of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors to kill BRCA1 or BRCA2-deficient cells was reported, and this finding has served as a prime example of the concept of synthetic lethality in the context of anticancer therapy. The clinical translation of this finding has undergone several ups and downs, however. Despite spectacular responses seen in some patients with BRCA-deficient breast or ovarian cancers, other patients did not show the expected benefit from PARP inhibitor therapy. Thus, like for all novel tailored anti-cancer drugs, upfront and secondary resistance remain major hurdles in the implementation of the initial preclinical finding. We know at least one clinically relevant mechanism of PARP inhibitor resistance: the reversion of BRCA function by secondary mutations. Nevertheless, it is also clear that this mechanism does not explain all cases of resistance. At the moment, we only have a poor understanding of BRCA reversion-independent resistance mechanisms. Preclinical data have pointed in several directions, e.g. increased drug efflux, reduced drug target levels, or alternative DNA repair. Here, we discuss these mechanisms with a focus on potential DNA repair adaptations.


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Drugs targeting the immune system such as corticosteroids, antihistamines and immunosuppressants have been widely exploited in the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and autoimmune disorders during the second half of the 20th century. The recent advances in immunopharmacological research have made available new classes of clinically relevant drugs. These comprise protein kinase inhibitors and biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies, that selectively modulate the immune response not only in cancer and autoimmunity but also in a number of other human pathologies. Likewise, more effective vaccines utilizing novel antigens and adjuvants are valuable tools for the prevention of transmissible infectious diseases and for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Consequently, immunopharmacology is presently considered as one of the expanding fields of pharmacology. Immunopharmacology addresses the selective regulation of immune responses and aims to uncover and exploit beneficial therapeutic options for typical and non-typical immune system-driven unmet clinical needs. While in the near future a number of new agents will be introduced, improving the effectiveness and safety of those currently in use is imperative for all researchers and clinicians working in the fields of immunology, pharmacology and drug discovery. The newly formed ImmuPhar (http://iuphar.us/index.php/sections-subcoms/immunopharmacology) is the Immunopharmacology Section of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR, http://iuphar.us/). ImmuPhar provides a unique international expert-lead platform that aims to dissect and promote the growing understanding of immune (patho)physiology. Moreover, it challenges the identification and validation of drug targets and lead candidates for the treatment of many forms of debilitating disorders, including, among others, cancer, allergies, autoimmune and metabolic diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Bioluminescence imaging is widely used for cell-based assays and animal imaging studies, both in biomedical research and drug development. Its main advantages include its high-throughput applicability, affordability, high sensitivity, operational simplicity, and quantitative outputs. In malaria research, bioluminescence has been used for drug discovery in vivo and in vitro, exploring host-pathogen interactions, and studying multiple aspects of Plasmodium biology. While the number of fluorescent proteins available for imaging has undergone a great expansion over the last two decades, enabling simultaneous visualization of multiple molecular and cellular events, expansion of available luciferases has lagged behind. The most widely used bioluminescent probe in malaria research is the Photinus pyralis firefly luciferase, followed by the more recently introduced Click-beetle and Renilla luciferases. Ultra-sensitive imaging of Plasmodium at low parasite densities has not been previously achieved. With the purpose of overcoming these challenges, a Plasmodium berghei line expressing the novel ultra-bright luciferase enzyme NanoLuc, called PbNLuc has been generated, and is presented in this work. RESULTS: NanoLuc shows at least 150 times brighter signal than firefly luciferase in vitro, allowing single parasite detection in mosquito, liver, and sexual and asexual blood stages. As a proof-of-concept, the PbNLuc parasites were used to image parasite development in the mosquito, liver and blood stages of infection, and to specifically explore parasite liver stage egress, and pre-patency period in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: PbNLuc is a suitable parasite line for sensitive imaging of the entire Plasmodium life cycle. Its sensitivity makes it a promising line to be used as a reference for drug candidate testing, as well as the characterization of mutant parasites to explore the function of parasite proteins, host-parasite interactions, and the better understanding of Plasmodium biology. Since the substrate requirements of NanoLuc are different from those of firefly luciferase, dual bioluminescence imaging for the simultaneous characterization of two lines, or two separate biological processes, is possible, as demonstrated in this work.


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Metabolomics is the global and unbiased survey of the complement of small molecules (say, <1 kDa) in a biofluid, tissue, organ or organism and measures the end-products of the cellular metabolism of both endogenous and exogenous substrates. Many drug candidates fail during Phase II and III clinical trials at an enormous cost to the pharmaceutical industry in terms of both time lost and of financial resources. The constantly evolving model of drug development now dictates that biomarkers should be employed in preclinical development for the early detection of likely-to-fail candidates. Biomarkers may also be useful in the preselection of patients and through the subclassification of diseases in clinical drug development. Here we show with examples how metabolomics can assist in the preclinical development phases of discovery, pharmacology, toxicology, and ADME. Although not yet established as a clinical trial patient prescreening procedure, metabolomics shows considerable promise in this regard. We can be certain that metabolomics will join genomics and transcriptomics in lubricating the wheels of clinical drug development in the near future.


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High throughput discovery of ligand scaffolds for target proteins can accelerate development of leads and drug candidates enormously. Here we describe an innovative workflow for the discovery of high affinity ligands for the benzodiazepine-binding site on the so far not crystallized mammalian GABAA receptors. The procedure includes chemical biology techniques that may be generally applied to other proteins. Prerequisites are a ligand that can be chemically modified with cysteine-reactive groups, knowledge of amino acid residues contributing to the drug-binding pocket, and crystal structures either of proteins homologous to the target protein or, better, of the target itself. Part of the protocol is virtual screening that without additional rounds of optimization in many cases results only in low affinity ligands, even when a target protein has been crystallized. Here we show how the integration of functional data into structure-based screening dramatically improves the performance of the virtual screening. Thus, lead compounds with 14 different scaffolds were identified on the basis of an updated structural model of the diazepam-bound state of the GABAA receptor. Some of these compounds show considerable preference for the α3β2γ2 GABAA receptor subtype.


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Double cyclization of short linear peptides obtained by solid phase peptide synthesis was used to prepare bridged bicyclic peptides (BBPs) corresponding to the topology of bridged bicyclic alkanes such as norbornane. Diastereomeric norbornapeptides were investigated by 1H-NMR, X-ray crystallography and CD spectroscopy and found to represent rigid globular scaffolds stabilized by intramolecular backbone hydrogen bonds with scaffold geometries determined by the chirality of amino acid residues and sharing structural features of β-turns and α-helices. Proteome profiling by capture compound mass spectrometry (CCMS) led to the discovery of the norbornapeptide 27c binding selectively to calmodulin as an example of a BBP protein binder. This and other BBPs showed high stability towards proteolytic degradation in serum.