65 resultados para Displaced homemakers
ABSTRACT: Particulate air pollution has been associated with respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Evidence for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative effects of ambient particles was reviewed as part of a workshop. The purpose of this critical update is to summarize the evidence presented for the mechanisms involved in the translocation of particles from the lung to other organs and to highlight the potential of particles to cause neurodegenerative effects.Fine and ultrafine particles, after deposition on the surfactant film at the air-liquid interface, are displaced by surface forces exerted on them by surfactant film and may then interact with primary target cells upon this displacement. Ultrafine and fine particles can then penetrate through the different tissue compartments of the lungs and eventually reach the capillaries and circulating cells or constituents, e.g. erythrocytes. These particles are then translocated by the circulation to other organs including the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the heart and the brain, where they may be deposited. It remains to be shown by which mechanisms ultrafine particles penetrate through pulmonary tissue and enter capillaries. In addition to translocation of ultrafine particles through the tissue, fine and coarse particles may be phagocytized by macrophages and dendritic cells which may carry the particles to lymph nodes in the lung or to those closely associated with the lungs. There is the potential for neurodegenerative consequence of particle entry to the brain. Histological evidence of neurodegeneration has been reported in both canine and human brains exposed to high ambient PM levels, suggesting the potential for neurotoxic consequences of PM-CNS entry. PM mediated damage may be caused by the oxidative stress pathway. Thus, oxidative stress due to nutrition, age, genetics among others may increase the susceptibility for neurodegenerative diseases. The relationship between PM exposure and CNS degeneration can also be detected under controlled experimental conditions. Transgenic mice (Apo E -/-), known to have high base line levels of oxidative stress, were exposed by inhalation to well characterized, concentrated ambient air pollution. Morphometric analysis of the CNS indicated unequivocally that the brain is a critical target for PM exposure and implicated oxidative stress as a predisposing factor that links PM exposure and susceptibility to neurodegeneration.Together, these data present evidence for potential translocation of ambient particles on organs distant from the lung and the neurodegenerative consequences of exposure to air pollutants.
In previous studies, it was shown that there is a gunshot-related transport of skin particles and microorganisms from the entrance region into the depth of the bullet path. The present study deals with the question of whether gunshots may also cause a retrograde transport of skin particles and microorganisms from the bullet exit region back into the bullet path. For this purpose, we used a composite model consisting of rectangular gelatin blocks and pig skin. The skin pieces were firmly attached to the gelatin blocks on the side where the bullet was to exit. Prior to the test shots, the outer surface of the pig skin was contaminated with a thin layer of a defined bacterial suspension. After drying the skin, test shots were fired from a distance of 10 m using cartridges calibre .38 spec. with different bullet types. Subsequent analyses showed that in all shots with full penetration of the composite model, the bullet path contained displaced skin particles and microorganisms from the skin surface at the exit site. These could be regularly detected in the distal 6-8 cm of the track, occasionally up to a distance of 18 cm from the exit hole. The distribution of skin particles and microorganisms is presented and the possible mechanism of this retrograde transport is discussed.
Non-invasive documentation methods such as surface scanning and radiological imaging are gaining in importance in the forensic field. These three-dimensional technologies provide digital 3D data, which are processed and handled in the computer. However, the sense of touch gets lost using the virtual approach. The haptic device enables the use of the sense of touch to handle and feel digital 3D data. The multifunctional application of a haptic device for forensic approaches is evaluated and illustrated in three different cases: the representation of bone fractures of the lower extremities, by traffic accidents, in a non-invasive manner; the comparison of bone injuries with the presumed injury-inflicting instrument; and in a gunshot case, the identification of the gun by the muzzle imprint, and the reconstruction of the holding position of the gun. The 3D models of the bones are generated from the Computed Tomography (CT) images. The 3D models of the exterior injuries, the injury-inflicting tools and the bone injuries, where a higher resolution is necessary, are created by the optical surface scan. The haptic device is used in combination with the software FreeForm Modelling Plus for touching the surface of the 3D models to feel the minute injuries and the surface of tools, to reposition displaced bone parts and to compare an injury-causing instrument with an injury. The repositioning of 3D models in a reconstruction is easier, faster and more precisely executed by means of using the sense of touch and with the user-friendly movement in the 3D space. For representation purposes, the fracture lines of bones are coloured. This work demonstrates that the haptic device is a suitable and efficient application in forensic science. The haptic device offers a new way in the handling of digital data in the virtual 3D space.
Whether and to what extent activation of peripheral presynaptic dopamine2-receptors may modulate the release of norepinephrine (NE) and so affect blood pressure (BP) in normal or hypertensive man is not clear. The hydrogenated ergotoxine derivative, co-dergocrine, given in effective antihypertensive rather than excessive experimental doses, has recently been shown to act predominantly as a peripheral dopamine2-receptor agonist in several species. Accordingly, BP regulation assessed has been in 8 normal men on placebo and after 3 weeks on codergocrine 4 mg/day. Co-dergocrine significantly reduced urinary NE excretion from 43 to 33 micrograms/24 h, supine and upright plasma NE 21 to 16 and 49 to 36 ng/dl, respectively, heart rate (-8 and -5%, respectively) and upright systolic BP, 115 to 102 mm Hg; upright diastolic BP also tended to be lower. A standard pressor dose of infused NE was lowered from 131 to 102 ng/kg/min, and the relationship between NE-induced changes in BP and concomitant NE infusion rate or plasma NE concentration was displaced to the left. Exchangeable sodium and plasma volume tended to be slightly decreased. Plasma and urinary electrolytes and epinephrine, plasma renin activity and aldosterone levels, pressor responsiveness to angiotensin II, the chronotropic responses to isoproterenol, and the NE-induced rise in BP, plasma clearance of NE, glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow were not consistently modified. The findings are consistent with effective peripheral dopamine2-receptor agonism by co-dergocrine in humans. Peripheral presynaptic dopaminergic activation may modulate sympathetic activity and BP in normal man.
We present a 3 day old girl born at term presenting with an interlabial, cystic mass. Pregnancy, delivery and routine antenatal screening were unremarkable. The smooth lesion was located in the anterior half of the vulva, covered with thin vessels. The medially displaced urethra and the medio-posteriorly displaced hymen were identified. Voiding was not impaired. We discuss the differential diagnosis of vulvar masses in the newborn girl. A thorough clinical examination must be the standard of care of pediatric examinations in infants.
OBJECTIVE: To present the functional and radiographic outcome 1 and 6 years after application of a new intramedullary fixation device for proximal humerus fractures. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. SETTING: Level II orthopaedic surgery hospital. PATIENTS: Twenty-six consecutive patients (average age 68.9 years) with 2-, 3- and 4-part fractures of the proximal humerus were operated at a single institution. Follow-up was performed after 1 year (26 patients) and 6 years (16 patients). INTERVENTION: All patients were treated with closed reduction and intramedullary helix wires. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: The Constant-Murley score and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) score. Clinical complications and radiological posttraumatic arthritis were recorded. RESULTS: The average Constant-Murley score was 70.3 (points) and 70.7 after 1 and 6 years, respectively; the average UCLA score was 27.2 and 31.5 after 1 and 6 years, respectively. Major complications were 4 revisions for 3 secondary fragment displacements and 1 nonunion with partial avascular osteonecrosis in the first postoperative year. Complications were found predominantly in 4-part fractures (3/5, 60%). There were no further complications or progressive posttraumatic arthritis up to 6 years following surgery. CONCLUSION: The helix wire is well suited for displaced or unstable 2- and 3-part proximal humerus fractures. Adequate functional outcome, a low number of implant displacements, a low number of application morbidity, and infrequent implant removals were recorded. The use of this device is not recommended for 4-part fractures.
Velopharyngeal insufficiency in cleft patients with muscular insufficiency detected by nasendoscopy is commonly treated by secondary radical intravelar veloplasty, in which the palatal muscles are reoriented and positioned backwards. The dead space between the retro-displaced musculature and the posterior borders of the palatal bone remains problematic. Postoperatively, the surgically achieved lengthening of the soft palate often diminishes due to scar tissue formation in the dead space, leading to reattachment of the reoriented muscles to the palatal bone and to decreased mobility of the soft palate. To avoid this, the dead space should be restored by a structure imitating the function of the missing palatal aponeurosis. The entire dead space was covered using a double layer of autogenous fascia lata harvested from the lateral thigh, which should allow sufficient and permanent sliding of the retro-positioned musculature. A clinical case of a 9-year-old boy who underwent the operation is reported. Postoperatively, marked functional improvements were observable in speech assessment, nasendoscopy and nasometry. The case reported here suggests that the restoration of the dead space may be beneficial for effective secondary palatal repair. Fascia lata seems to be a suitable graft for this purpose.
OBJECTIVE: Anatomic reduction and stable fixation by means of tissue- preserving surgical approaches. INDICATIONS Displaced acetabular fractures. Surgical hip dislocation approach with larger displacement of the posterior column in comparison to the anterior column, transtectal fractures, additional intraarticular fragments, marginal impaction. Stoppa approach with larger displacement of the anterior column in comparison to the posterior column. A combined approach might be necessary with difficult reduction. CONTRAINDICATIONS Fractures > 15 days (then ilioinguinal or extended iliofemoral approaches). Suprapubic catheters and abdominal problems (e.g., previous laparotomy due to visceral injuries) with Stoppa approach (then switch to classic ilioinguinal approach). SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Surgical hip dislocation: lateral decubitus position. Straight lateral incision centered over the greater trochanter. Entering of the Gibson interval. Digastric trochanteric osteotomy with protection of the medial circumflex femoral artery. Opening of the interval between the piriformis and the gluteus minimus muscle. Z-shaped capsulotomy. Dislocation of the femoral head. Reduction and fixation of the posterior column with plate and screws. Fixation of the anterior column with a lag screw in direction of the superior pubic ramus. Stoppa approach: supine position. Incision according to Pfannenstiel. Longitudinal splitting of the anterior portion of the rectus sheet and the rectus abdominis muscle. Blunt dissection of the space of Retzius. Ligation of the corona mortis, if present. Blunt dissection of the quadrilateral plate and the anterior column. Reduction of the anterior column and fixation with a reconstruction plate. Fixation of the posterior column with lag screws. If necessary, the first window of the ilioinguinal approach can be used for reduction and fixation of the posterior column. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT: During hospital stay, intensive mobilization of the hip joint using a continuous passive motion machine with a maximum flexion of 90 degrees . No active abduction and passive adduction over the body's midline, if a surgical dislocation was performed. Maximum weight bearing 10-15 kg for 8 weeks. Then, first clinical and radiographic follow-up. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis for 8 weeks postoperatively. RESULTS: 17 patients with a mean follow-up of 3.2 years. Ten patients were operated via surgical hip dislocation, two patients with a Stoppa approach, and five using a combined or alternative approach. Anatomic reduction was achieved in ten of the twelve patients (83%) without primary total hip arthroplasty. Mean operation time 3.3 h for surgical hip dislocation and 4.2 h for the Stoppa approach. Complications comprised one delayed trochanteric union, one heterotopic ossification, and one loss of reduction. There were no cases of avascular necrosis. In two patients, a total hip arthroplasty was performed due to the development of secondary hip osteoarthritis.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Closed reduction and internal fixation by an anterior approach is an established option for operative treatment of displaced Type II odontoid fractures. In elderly patients, however, inadequate screw purchase in osteoporotic bone can result in severe procedure-related complications. PURPOSE: To improve the stability of odontoid fracture screw fixation in the elderly using a new technique that includes injection of polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA) cement into the C2 body. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of hospital and outpatient records as well as radiographs of elderly patients treated in a university hospital department of orthopedic surgery. PATIENT SAMPLE: Twenty-four elderly patients (8 males and 16 females; mean age, 81 years; range, 62-98 years) with Type II fractures of the dens. OUTCOME MEASURES: Complications, cement leakage (symptomatic/asymptomatic), operation time, loss of reduction, pseudarthrosis and revision surgery, patient complaints, return to normal activities, and signs of neurologic complications were all documented. METHODS: After closed reduction and anterior approach to the inferior border of C2, a guide wire is advanced to the tip of the odontoid under biplanar fluoroscopic control. Before the insertion of one cannulated, self-drilling, short thread screws, a 12 gauge Yamshidi cannula is inserted from anterior and 1 to 3 mL of high-viscosity PMMA cement is injected into the anteroinferior portion of the C2 body. During polymerization of the cement, the screws are further inserted using a lag-screw compression technique. The cervical spine then is immobilized with a soft collar for 8 weeks postoperatively. RESULTS: Anatomical reduction of the dens was achieved in all 24 patients. Mean operative time was 64 minutes (40-90 minutes). Early loss of reduction occurred in three patients, but revision surgery was indicated in only one patient 2 days after primary surgery. One patient died within the first eight postoperative weeks, one within 3 months after surgery. In five patients, asymptomatic cement leakage was observed (into the C1-C2 joint in three patients, into the fracture in two). Conventional radiologic follow-up at 2 and 6 months confirmed anatomical healing in 16 of the19 patients with complete follow-up. In two patients, the fractures healed in slight dorsal angulation; one patient developed a asymptomatic pseudarthrosis. All patients were able to resume their pretrauma level of activity. CONCLUSIONS: Cement augmentation of the screw in Type II odontoid fractures in elderly patients is technically feasible in a clinical setting with a low complication rate. This technique may improve screw purchase, especially in the osteoporotic C2 body.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bracket type on the labiopalatal forces and moments generated in the sagittal plane. Incognito™ lingual brackets (3M Unitek), STb™ lingual brackets (Light Lingual System; ORMCO), and conventional 0.018 inch slot brackets (Gemini; 3M Unitek) were bonded on three identical maxillary acrylic resin models, with a palatally displaced right lateral incisor. The transfer trays for the indirect bonding of the lingual brackets were constructed in certified laboratories. Each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system and ten 0.013 inch CuNiTi wires were used for each bracket type. The wire was ligated with elastomerics and each measurement was repeated once after re-ligation. The labiopalatal forces and the moments in the sagittal plane were recorded on the right lateral incisor. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc Scheffe pairwise comparisons were used to assess the effect on bracket type on the generated forces and moments. The magnitude of forces ranged from 1.62, 1.27, and 1.81 N for the STb, conventional, and Incognito brackets, respectively; the corresponding moments were 2.01, 1.45, and 2.19 N mm, respectively. Bracket type was a significant predictor of the generated forces (P < 0.001) and moments (P < 0.001). The produced forces were different among all three bracket types, whereas the generated moments differed between conventional and lingual brackets but not between lingual brackets.
Anticancer drug therapy activates both molecular cell death and autophagy pathways. Here we show that even sublethal concentrations of DNA-damaging drugs, such as etoposide and cisplatin, induce the expression of autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5), which is both necessary and sufficient for the subsequent induction of mitotic catastrophe. We demonstrate that ATG5 translocates to the nucleus, where it physically interacts with survivin in response to DNA-damaging agents both in vitro and in carcinoma tissues obtained from patients who had undergone radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. As a consequence, elements of the chromosomal passenger complex are displaced during mitosis, resulting in chromosome misalignment and segregation defects. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy does not prevent ATG5-dependent mitotic catastrophe, but shifts the balance to an early caspase-dependent cell death. Our data suggest a dual role for ATG5 in response to drug-induced DNA damage, where it acts in two signalling pathways in two distinct cellular compartments, the cytosol and the nucleus.
INTRODUCTION Data concerning outcome after management of acetabular fractures by anterior approaches with focus on age and fractures associated with roof impaction, central dislocation and/or quadrilateral plate displacement are rare. METHODS Between October 2005 and April 2009 a series of 59 patients (mean age 57 years, range 13-91) with fractures involving the anterior column was treated using the modified Stoppa approach alone or for reduction of displaced iliac wing or low anterior column fractures in combination with the 1st window of the ilioinguinal approach or the modified Smith-Petersen approach, respectively. Surgical data, accuracy of reduction, clinical and radiographic outcome at mid-term and the need for endoprosthetic replacement in the postoperative course (defined as failure) were assessed; uni- and multivariate regression analysis were performed to identify independent predictive factors (e.g. age, nonanatomical reduction, acetabular roof impaction, central dislocation, quadrilateral plate displacement) for a failure. Outcome was assessed for all patients in general and in accordance to age in particular; patients were subdivided into two groups according to their age (group "<60yrs", group "≥60yrs"). RESULTS Forty-three of 59 patients (mean age 54yrs, 13-89) were available for evaluation. Of these, anatomic reduction was achieved in 72% of cases. Nonanatomical reduction was identified as being the only multivariate predictor for subsequent total hip replacement (Adjusted Hazard Ratio 23.5; p<0.01). A statistically significant higher rate of nonanatomical reduction was observed in the presence of acetabular roof impaction (p=0.01). In 16% of all patients, total hip replacement was performed and in 69% of patients with preserved hips the clinical results were excellent or good at a mean follow up of 35±10 months (range: 24-55). No statistical significant differences were observed between both groups. CONCLUSION Nonanatomical reconstruction of the articular surfaces is at risk for failure of joint-preserving management of acetabular fractures through an isolated or combined modified Stoppa approach resulting in total joint replacement at mid-term. In the elderly, joint-preserving surgery is worth considering as promising clinical and radiographic results might be obtained at mid-term.
Cholesterol in milk is derived from the circulating blood through a complex transport process involving the mammary alveolar epithelium. Details of the mechanisms involved in this transfer are unclear. Apolipoprotein-AI (apoA-I) is an acceptor of cellular cholesterol effluxed by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1). We aimed to 1) determine the binding characteristics of (125)I-apoA-I and (3)H-cholesterol to enriched plasma membrane vesicles (EPM) isolated from lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands (MG), 2) optimize the components of an in vitro model describing cellular (3)H-cholesterol efflux in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (MeBo), and 3) assess the vectorial cholesterol transport in MeBo using Transwell(®) plates. The amounts of isolated EPM and the maximal binding capacity of (125)I-apoA-I to EPM differed depending on the MG's physiological state, while the kinetics of (3)H-cholesterol and (125)I-apoA-I binding were similar. (3)H-cholesterol incorporated maximally to EPM after 25±9 min. The time to achieve the half-maximum binding of (125)I-apoA-I at equilibrium was 3.3±0.6 min. The dissociation constant (KD) of (125)I-apoA-I ranged between 40-74 nmol/L. Cholesterol loading to EPM increased both cholesterol content and (125)I-apoA-I binding. The ABCA1 inhibitor Probucol displaced (125)I-apoA-I binding to EPM and reduced (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo. Time-dependent (3)H-cholesterol uptake and efflux showed inverse patterns. The defined binding characteristics of cholesterol and apoA-I served to establish an efficient and significantly shorter cholesterol efflux protocol that had been used in MeBo. The application of this protocol in Transwell(®) plates with the upper chamber mimicking the apical (milk-facing) and the bottom chamber corresponding to the basolateral (blood-facing) side of cells showed that the degree of (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo differed significantly between the apical and basolateral aspects. Our findings support the importance of the apoA-I/ABCA1 pathway in MG cholesterol transport and suggest its role in influencing milk composition and directing cholesterol back into the bloodstream.
We investigated the role of horizontal body motion on the processing of numbers. We hypothesized that leftward self-motion leads to shifts in spatial attention and therefore facilitates the processing of small numbers, and vice versa, we expected that rightward self-motion facilitates the processing of large numbers. Participants were displaced by means of a motion platform during a parity judgment task. We found a systematic influence of self-motion direction on number processing, suggesting that the processing of numbers is intertwined with the processing of self-motion perception. The results differed from known spatial numerical compatibility effects in that self-motion exerted a differential influence on inner and outer numbers of the given interval. The results highlight the involvement of sensory body motion information in higher-order spatial cognition.
Abstract concepts like numbers or time are thought to be represented in the more concrete domain of space and the sensorimotor system. For example, thinking of past or future events has a physical manifestation in backward or forward body sway, respectively. In the present study, we investigated the reverse effect: can passive whole-body motion influence the processing of temporal information? Participants were asked to categorize verbal stimuli to the concepts future or past while they were displaced forward and backward (Experiment 1), or upward and downward (Experiment 2). The results showed that future related verbal stimuli were categorized faster during forward as compared to backward motion. This finding supports the view that temporal events are represented along a mental time line and that the sensorimotor system is linked to that representation. We showed that body motion is not just an epiphenomenon of temporal thoughts. Passive whole-body motion can influence higher-order temporal cognition.