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AIMS: In pressure overload left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, gender-related differences in global LV systolic function have been previously reported. The goal of this study was to determine regional systolic function of the left ventricle in male and female patients with hypertensive heart disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: Regional LV function was analyzed from multiplane transesophageal echocardiography with three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the left ventricle. In 24 patients (13 males and 11 females), four parallel (2 basal and 2 apical) equidistant short axis cross-sections from base to apex were obtained from the reconstructed LV. In each short axis 24 wall-thickness measurements were carried out at 15 degrees intervals at end-diastole and end-systole. Thus, a total of 192 measurements were obtained in each patient. Wall thickening was calculated as difference of end-diastolic and end-systolic wall thickness, and fractional thickening as thickening divided by end-diastolic thickness. Fractional thickening and wall stress were inversely related to end-diastolic wall thickness in both, males and females. Females showed less LV systolic function when compared to males (p<0.001). However, when corrected for wall stress, which was higher in females, there was no gender difference in systolic function. CONCLUSION: There are regional differences in LV systolic function in females and males which are directly related to differences in wall stress. Thus, gender-related differences in LV regional function are load-dependent and not due to structural differences.


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BACKGROUND: Intermittent (IT) and continuous (CT) thermodilution and esophageal Doppler (ED), are all used for hemodynamic monitoring. The aim of this study was to test the agreement between these methods during endotoxin (ET) and dobutamine infusion. METHODS: Twenty-two pigs (39 +/- 1.8 kg body weight) were randomized to general anesthesia and either continuous ET (n = 9) or placebo (PL, n = 13) infusion. After 18 hours of ET or PL infusion, the animals were further randomized to receive dobutamine (n = 3 in ET, n = 5 in PL) or PL. A set of measurements using the three methods were obtained every hour, and the relative blood flow changes between two subsequent measurements were calculated. RESULTS: Bias or limits of agreement for flows were 0.73 L/min or 1.80 L/min for IT and CT, -0.33 L/min or 4.29 L/min for IT and ED, and -1.06 or 3.94 for CT and ED (n = 515, each). For flow changes they were 1% or 44%, 2% or 59%, and 3% or 45%, respectively. Bias and limits of agreement did not differ in ET- and PL-treated animals or in animals with or without dobutamine. Despite significant correlation between any two methods, the respective correlation coefficients (r) were small (IT vs. CT: 0.452; IT vs. ED: 0.042; CT vs. ED: 0.069; all p < 0.001). The same directional changes were measured by any two methods in 49%, 40%, and 50%. When IT flows >5 L/min were compared with IT flows 5 L/min.


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AIM: To test whether quantitative stress echocardiography using contrast-based myocardial blood flow (MBF, ml x min(-1) x g(-1)) measurements can detect coronary artery disease in humans. METHODS: 48 patients eligible for pharmacological stress testing by myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) and willing to undergo subsequent coronary angiography were prospectively enrolled in the study. Baseline and adenosine-induced (140 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) hyperaemic MBF was analysed according to a three-coronary-artery-territory model. Vascular territories were categorised into three groups with increasing stenosis severity defined as percentage diameter reduction by quantitative coronary angiography. RESULTS: Myocardial blood flow reserve (MBFR)-that is, the ratio of hyperaemic to baseline MBF, was obtained in 128 (89%) territories. Mean (SD) baseline MBF was 1.073 (0.395) ml x min(-1) x g(-1) and did not differ between territories supplied by coronary arteries with mild (<50% stenosis), moderate (50%-74% stenosis) or severe (>or=75% stenosis) disease. Mean (SD) hyperaemic MBF and MBFR were 2.509 (1.078) ml x min(-1) x g(-1) and 2.54 (1.03), respectively, and decreased linearly (r2 = 0.21 and r2 = 0.39) with stenosis severity. ROC analysis revealed that a territorial MBFR <1.94 detected >or=50% stenosis with 89% sensitivity and 92% specificity. CONCLUSION: Quantitative stress testing based on MBF measurements derived from contrast echocardiography is a new method for the non-invasive and reliable assessment of coronary artery disease in humans.


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BACKGROUND: Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) is generally performed using intra-procedural guidance by transoesophageal (TEE) or intracardiac (ICE) echocardiography. While TEE requires sedation or general anaesthesia, ICE is costly and adds incremental risk, and both imaging modalities lengthen the procedure. METHODS: A total of 825 consecutive patients (age 51 +/- 13 years; 58% male) underwent percutaneous PFO closure solely under fluoroscopic guidance, without intra-procedural echocardiography. The indications for PFO closure were presumed paradoxical embolism in 698 patients (95% cerebral, 5% other locations), an embolic event with concurrent aetiologies in 47, diving in 51, migraine headaches in 13, and other reasons in 16. An atrial septal aneurysm was associated with the PFO in 242 patients (29%). RESULTS: Permanent device implantation failed in two patients (0.2%). There were 18 procedural complications (2.2%), including embolization of the device or parts of it in five patients with successful percutaneous removal in all cases, air embolism with transient symptoms in four patients, pericardial tamponade requiring pericardiocentesis in one patient, a transient ischaemic attack with visual symptoms in one patient, and vascular access site problems in seven patients. There were no long-term sequelae. Contrast TEE at six months showed complete abolition of right-to-left shunt via PFO in 88% of patients, whereas a minimal, moderate or large residual shunt persisted in 7%, 3%, and 2%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the safety and feasibility of percutaneous PFO closure without intra-procedural echocardiographic guidance in a large cohort of consecutive patients.


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The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility, safety and success of a system which uses radiofrequency energy (RFE) rather than a device for percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO). METHODS: Sixteen patients (10 men, 6 women, mean age 50 years) were included in the study. All of them had a proven PFO with documented right-to-left shunt (RLS) after Valsalva manoeuvre (VM) during transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). The patients had an average PFO diameter of 6 +/- 2 mm at TEE and an average of 23 +/- 4 microembolic signals (MES) in power M-mode transcranial Doppler sonography (pm-TCD), measured over the middle cerebral artery. An atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) was present in 7 patients (44%). Balloon measurement, performed in all patients, revealed a stretched PFO diameter of 8 +/- 3 mm. In 2 patients (stretched diameter 11 and 14 mm respectively, both with ASA >10 mm), radiofrequency was not applied (PFO too large) and the PFO was closed with an Amplatzer PFO occluder instead. A 6-month follow-up TEE was performed in all patients. RESULTS: There were no serious adverse events during the procedure or at follow-up (12 months average). TEE 6 months after the first RFE procedure showed complete closure of the PFO in 50% of the patients (7/14). Closure appeared to be influenced by PFO diameter, complete closure being achieved in 89% (7/8) with a balloon-stretched diameter < or =7 mm but in none of the patients >7 mm. Only one of the complete closure patients had an ASA. Of the remainder, 4 (29%) had an ASA. Although the PFO was not completely closed in this group, some reduction in the diameter of the PFO and in MES was documented by TEE and pm-TCD with VM. Five of the 7 residual shunt patients received an Amplatzer PFO occluder. Except for one patient with a minimal residual shunt, all showed complete closure of PFO at 6-month follow-up TEE and pm-TCD with VM. The other two refused a closure device. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that radiofrequency closure of the PFO is safe albeit less efficacious and more complex than device closure. The technique in its current state should not be attempted in patients with a balloon-stretched PFO diameter >7 mm and an ASA.


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PURPOSE: In this study we examined the arterial-adaptive dilatation and Doppler velocimetry, especially RI values, in normal fetuses with a single umbilical artery (SUA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 195 fetuses from 18 to 39 weeks of gestational age with a prenatally identified SUA retrospectively. They were enrolled in this study if the following information applied: > 18 weeks of gestational age, no structural or chromosomal abnormalities, and histopathological confirmation of SUA. Sonographic examination included evaluation of the umbilical artery resistance and the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord, and its vessels were measured in all cases. Small for gestational age (SGA) was diagnosed when the birth weight was below the 10th percentile for gestational age. Fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction were defined as those with biometric data below the 5th percentile. RESULTS: There were 119 cases of prenatally identified SUA which met the inclusion criteria. RI values were below the 10th percentile in 33/119 (27.33) and below the 50th percentile in 73/119 (61.33). RI values below the 10th percentile were significantly more likely to be in the normal collective than in the growth restricted collective [31/87 (35.63%) vs. 2/32 (6.25%); p = 0.001]. Even more significant differences became apparent when comparing the RI values below the 50th percentile of both groups. An umbilical artery diameter over the 90th percentile was found in 49 (41.9%) of cases and was significantly more likely to be present in normal growing fetuses than in the growth restricted group. CONCLUSION: Normal fetuses with SUA are at higher risk to be born as SGA. With our study results we can confirm the hypothesis that Doppler flow measurements and arterial diameter in SUA are different from those found in normal fetal umbilical arteries. RI values over the 50th percentile or a cross-sectional area of the artery below 95th percentile after 26th week of gestation significantly increases the risk of SGA.


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Cord entanglement affects the majority of monoamniotic (MA) twins, accounting for the high proportion of intrauterine deaths of MA twins, and it is often present from early gestation. 3D ultrasound can be used to acquire volume data comprising information on umbilical colour Doppler flow, providing a very graphic depiction of cord entanglement. We have used 2D, "conventional" and a novel 3D display of colour Doppler ultrasound showing cord entanglement.


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OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the safety and clinical efficacy of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure under fluoroscopic guidance only, without intraprocedural echocardiography. BACKGROUND: Percutaneous PFO closure has been shown to be safe and feasible using several devices. It is generally performed using simultaneously fluoroscopic and transesophageal or intracardiac echocardiographic guidance. Transesophageal echocardiography requires sedation or general anesthesia and intubation to avoid aspiration. Intracardiac echocardiography is costly and has inherent risks. Both lengthen the procedure. The Amplatzer PFO Occluder (AGA Medical Corporation, Golden Valley, Minnesota) can be safely implanted without echocardiographic guidance. METHODS: A total of 620 patients (51 +/- 12 years; 66% male) underwent PFO closure using the Amplatzer PFO Occluder for secondary prevention of presumed paradoxical embolism. Based on size and mobility of the PFO and the interatrial septum, an 18-mm device was used in 50 patients, a 25-mm device in 492, and a 35-mm device in 78. RESULTS: All procedures were successful, with 5 procedural complications (0.8%): 4 arteriovenous fistulae requiring elective surgical correction, and 1 transient ischemic attack. Contrast transesophageal echocardiography at 6 months showed complete closure in 91% of patients, whereas a minimal, moderate, or large residual shunt persisted in 6%, 2%, and 1%, respectively. During a mean follow-up period of 3.0 +/- 1.9 years (median: 2.6 years; total patient-years: 1,871), 5 ischemic strokes, 8 transient ischemic attacks, and no peripheral emboli were reported. Freedom from recurrent ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, or peripheral embolism was 99% at 1 year, 99% at 2 years, and 97% at 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: The Amplatzer PFO Occluder affords excellent safety and long-term clinical efficacy of percutaneous PFO closure without intraprocedural echocardiography.


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BACKGROUND: Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) is able to measure in vivo relative blood volume (rBV, i.e., capillary density), and its exchange frequency b, the constituents of myo-cardial blood flow (MBF, ml min-1 g-1). This study aimed to assess, by MCE, whether left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) can be differentiated from LVH in triathletes (athlete's heart, AH) or from hypertensive heart disease patients (HHD). METHODS: Sixty individuals, matched for age (33 +/- 10 years) and gender, and subdivided into four groups (n = 15) were examined: HCM, AH, HHD and a group of sedentary individuals without LVH (S). rBV (ml ml-1), b (min-1) and MBF, at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperaemia, were derived by MCE in mid septal, lateral and inferior regions. The ratio of MBF during hyperaemia and MBF at rest yielded myocardial blood flow reserve (MBFR). RESULTS: Septal wall rBV at rest was lower in HCM (0.084 +/- 0.023 ml ml-1) than in AH (0.151 +/- 0.024 ml ml-1, p <0.01) and in S (0.129 +/- 0.026 ml ml-1, p <0.01), but was similar to HHD (0.097 +/- 0.016 ml ml-1). Conversely, MBFR was lowest in HCM (1.67 +/- 0.93), followed by HHD (2.8 +/- 0.93, p <0.01), by S (3.36 +/- 1.03, p <0.001) and by AH (4.74 +/- 1.46, p <0.0001). At rest, rBV <0.11 ml ml-1 accurately distinguished between HCM and AH (sensitivity 99%, specificity 99%), similarly MBFR < or =1.8 helped to distinguish between HCM and HHD (sensitivity 100%, specificity 77%). CONCLUSIONS: rBV at rest, most accurately distinguishes between pathological LVH due to HCM and physiological, endurance-exercise induced LVH.