54 resultados para D-glucose and N-acetylglucosamine


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To ascertain the consequences of pancreas transplantation with systemic venous drainage on glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion, glucose and insulin responses to intravenous glucose were compared in 10 recipients and 15 normal control subjects. There were no differences in fasting glucose levels or intravenous glucose disappearance rates. However, basal insulin levels and acute insulin responses to glucose were threefold greater in the recipients. It is not clear whether this consequence of hyperinsulinemia in the recipients is due to the abnormal circulatory drainage, the lack of autonomic input, or concurrent immunosuppressive drug therapy.


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BACKGROUND: We studied the association of baseline fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels with survival and coronary artery disease (CAD) progression among postmenopausal women without unstable angina. METHODS: Women were recruited from seven centers in the Women's Angiographic Vitamin and Estrogen Trial (WAVE) (n = 423). Event follow-up was available for 400 women (65.1 +/- 8.5 years, 66% white, 92% hypertensive, 19% smokers, 67% hypercholesterolemic). Thirty-eight percent of the women had diabetes or FPG > 125 mg/dL, and 21% had a fasting glucose 100-125 mg/dL. Follow-up angiography was performed in 304 women. Cox regression was used to model survival from a composite outcome of death or myocardial infarction (D/MI, 26 events; median follow-up 2.4 years). Angiographic progression was analyzed quantitatively using linear regression accounting for baseline minimum lumen diameter (MLD), follow-up time, and intrasubject correlations using generalized estimating equations. Regression analyses were adjusted for follow-up time, baseline age, treatment assignment, and Framingham risk (excluding diabetes). RESULTS: Women with impaired fasting glucose/diabetes mellitus (IFG/DM) had a relative risk (RR) of D/MI of 4.2 ( p = 0.009). In all women, each 10 mg/dL increase in FPG was associated with an 11% increase ( p < 0.001) in the hazard of D/MI. Each 10 mg/dL increase in FPG was associated with a 6.8 mum decrease in MLD over the follow-up period ( p = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Higher FPG is associated with increased risk of D/MI and greater narrowing of the coronary lumen in women with CAD. Aggressive monitoring of glucose levels may be beneficial for secondary CAD prevention.


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Fat mobilization to meet energy requirements during early lactation is inevitable because of insufficient feed intake, but differs greatly among high-yielding dairy cows. Therefore, we studied milk production, feed intake, and body condition as well as metabolic and endocrine changes in high-yielding dairy cows to identify variable strategies in metabolic and endocrine adaptation to overcome postpartum metabolic load attributable to milk production. Cows used in this study varied in fat mobilization around calving, as classified by mean total liver fat concentrations (LFC) postpartum. German Holstein cows (n=27) were studied from dry off until d 63 postpartum in their third lactation. All cows were fed the same total mixed rations ad libitum during the dry period and lactation. Plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones were measured in blood samples taken at d 56, 28, 15, and 5 before expected calving and at d 1 and once weekly up to d 63 postpartum. Liver biopsies were taken on d 56 and 15 before calving, and on d 1, 14, 28, and 49 postpartum to measure LFC and glycogen concentrations. Cows were grouped accordingly to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 in high, medium, and low fat-mobilizing cows. Mean LFC (±SEM) differed among groups and were 351±14, 250±10, and 159±9 mg/g of dry matter for high, medium, and low fat-mobilizing cows, respectively, whereas hepatic glycogen concentrations postpartum were the highest in low fat-mobilizing cows. Cows in the low group showed the highest dry matter intake and the least negative energy balance postpartum, but energy-corrected milk yield was similar among groups. The decrease in body weight postpartum was greatest in high fat-mobilizing cows, but the decrease in backfat thickness was greatest in medium fat-mobilizing cows. Plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate were highest around calving in high fat-mobilizing cows. Plasma triglycerides were highest in the medium group and plasma cholesterol concentrations were lowest in the high group at calving. During early lactation, the decrease in plasma glucose concentrations was greatest in the high group, and plasma insulin concentrations postpartum were highest in the low group. The revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index values decreased during the transition period and postpartum, and were highest in the medium group. Plasma cortisol concentrations during the transition period and postpartum period and plasma leptin concentrations were highest in the medium group. In conclusion, cows adapted differently to the metabolic load and used variable strategies for homeorhetic regulation of milk production. Differences in fat mobilization were part of these strategies and contributed to the individual adaptation of energy metabolism to milk production.


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Consumption of simple carbohydrates has markedly increased over the past decades, and may be involved in the increased prevalence in metabolic diseases. Whether an increased intake of fructose is specifically related to a dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism remains controversial. We therefore compared the effects of hypercaloric diets enriched with fructose (HFrD) or glucose (HGlcD) in healthy men. Eleven subjects were studied in a randomised order after 7 d of the following diets: (1) weight maintenance, control diet; (2) HFrD (3.5 g fructose/kg fat-free mass (ffm) per d, +35 % energy intake); (3) HGlcD (3.5 g glucose/kg ffm per d, +35 % energy intake). Fasting hepatic glucose output (HGO) was measured with 6,6-2H2-glucose. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both fructose and glucose increased fasting VLDL-TAG (HFrD: +59 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +31 %, P = 0.11) and IHCL (HFrD: +52 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +58 %, P = 0.06). HGO increased after both diets (HFrD: +5 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +5 %, P = 0.05). No change was observed in fasting glycaemia, insulin and alanine aminotransferase concentrations. IMCL increased significantly only after the HGlcD (HFrD: +24 %, NS; HGlcD: +59 %, P < 0.05). IHCL and VLDL-TAG were not different between hypercaloric HFrD and HGlcD, but were increased compared to values observed with a weight maintenance diet. However, glucose led to a higher increase in IMCL than fructose.


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A global metabolic profiling methodology based on gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) for human plasma was applied to a human exercise study focused on the effects of beverages containing glucose, galactose, or fructose taken after exercise and throughout a recovery period of 6 h and 45 min. One group of 10 well trained male cyclists performed 3 experimental sessions on separate days (randomized, single center). After performing a standardized depletion protocol on a bicycle, subjects consumed one of three different beverages: maltodextrin (MD)+glucose (2:1 ratio), MD+galactose (2:1), and MD+fructose (2:1), consumed at an average of 1.25 g of carbohydrate (CHO) ingested per minute. Blood was taken straight after exercise and every 45 min within the recovery phase. With the resulting blood plasma, insulin, free fatty acid (FFA) profile, glucose, and GC-TOFMS global metabolic profiling measurements were performed. The resulting profiling data was able to match the results obtained from the other clinical measurements with the addition of being able to follow many different metabolites throughout the recovery period. The data quality was assessed, with all the labelled internal standards yielding values of <15% CV for all samples (n=335), apart from the labelled sucrose which gave a value of 15.19%. Differences between recovery treatments including the appearance of galactonic acid from the galactose based beverage were also highlighted.


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The various types of glomerulonephritis, including many forms of vasculitis, are responsible for about 15% of cases of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Arterial hypertension represents a frequent finding in patients suffering from glomerulonephritis or vasculitis and hypertension also serves as an indicator for these severe types of diseases. In addition, there are symptoms and signs like hematuria, proteinuria and renal failure. Especially, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) constitutes a medical emergency and must not be missed by treating physicians. This disease can either occur limited to the kidneys or in the context of a systemic inflammatory disorder, like a vasculitis. If left untreated, RPGN can lead to a necrotizing destruction of glomeruli causing irreversible kidney damage within several months or even weeks. With respect to the immunologically caused vasculitis, there are - depending upon the severity and type of organ involved - many clinical warning signs to be recognized, such as arterial hypertension, hemoptysis, arthalgias, muscle pain, palpable purpura, hematuria, proteinuria and renal failure. In addition, constitutional signs, such as fever and loss of body weight may occur concurrently. Investigations of glomerulonephritis or vasculitis must contain a careful and complete examination of family history and medications used by the respective patient. Thereafter, a thorough clinical examination must follow, including skin, joints and measurement of arterial blood pressure. In addition, a spectrum of laboratory analyses is required in blood, such as full blood screen, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, creatinine, urea and glucose, and in urine, including urinalysis looking for hematuria, red cell casts and proteinuria. Importantly, proteinuria needs to be quantified by the utilization of a random urine sample. Proteinuria > 3g/d is diagnostic for a glomerular damage. These basic tests are usually followed by more specialized analyses, such as a screening for infections, including search for HIV, hepatitis B or C and various bacteria, and for systemic inflammatory diseases, including tests for antibodies, such as ANA, anti-dsDNA, ANCA, anti-GBM and anti-CCP. In cases of membranous nephropathy, antibodies against phospholipase-A2-receptor need to be looked for. Depending upon the given clinical circumstances and the type of disease, a reasonable tumor screening must be performed, especially in cases of membranous and minimal-change nephropathy. Finally, radiological examinations will complete the initial work-up. In most cases, at least an ultrasound of the kidney is mandatory. Thereafter, in most cases a renal biopsy is required to establish a firm diagnosis to define all treatment options and their chance of success. The elimination of a specific cause for a given glomerulonephritis or vasculitis, such as an infection, a malignancy or a drug-related side-effect, remains the key principle in the management of these diseases. ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor-blockers, aldosteron antagonists and renin-inhibitors remain the mainstay in the therapy of arterial hypertension with proteinuria. Only in cases of persistently high proteinuria, ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers can be prescribed in combination. Certain types of glomerulonephritis and essentially all forms of vasculitis require some form of more specific anti-inflammatory therapy. Respective immunosuppressive drug regimens contain traditionally medications, such as glucocorticoids (e. g. prednisone), cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine. With respect to more severe forms of glomerulonephritis and vasculitis, the antibody rituximab represents a new and less toxic alternative to cyclophosphamide. Finally, in certain special cases, like Goodpasture's syndrome or severe ANCA-positive vasculitis, a plasma exchange will be useful and even required.


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In ruminal drinkers (RD) ingested milk is transported into the rumen and not into the abomasum. Because this is followed by changes in digestibility and absorption, we have tested whether this is associated with postprandial metabolic and endocrine changes. Unweaned, bucket-fed calves (one RD, two controls) were studied on seven farms. On d 1, after metabolic and endocrine 12-h profiles were studied, RD and one control calf were fed for 10 d by nipple, whereas the other control calf was fed by bucket. On d 11, metabolic and endocrine 12-h profiles were again studied. On d 1, mean plasma concentrations of glucose, triglycerides, urea, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and leptin were significantly different between RD and controls, whereas mean concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), total protein, albumin, and glucagon did not differ significantly among groups. In RD concentrations of glucose, NEFA, insulin, growth hormone, IGF-1, and T4 were higher, and of urea were lower on d 11 than on d 1. Glucose and insulin concentrations increased postprandially in healthy calves on d 1, but barely in RD and remained lower than in controls, and there was no rise of NEFA and triglyceride concentrations on d 1 after the initial postprandial decrease in RD, in contrast to controls. But on d 11 postprandial responses of these four traits were similar in RD and controls and urea and T4 concentrations on d 11 became normalized. However, glucose and T3 concentrations in RD on d 11 were still lower than in one or both control groups. In conclusion, various metabolic and endocrine traits in RD differed from healthy controls. Drinking by floating nipple instead of drinking from bucket for 10 d normalized several metabolic and endocrine traits in RD.


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OBJECTIVE: Failure of energy metabolism after traumatic brain injury may be a major factor limiting outcome. Although glucose is the primary metabolic substrate in the healthy brain, the well documented surge in tissue lactate after traumatic brain injury suggests that lactate may provide an energy need that cannot be met by glucose. We hypothesized, therefore, that administration of lactate or the combination of lactate and supraphysiological oxygen may improve mitochondrial oxidative respiration in the brain after rat fluid percussion injury. We measured oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine what effects glucose, lactate, oxygen, and the combination of lactate and oxygen have on mitochondrial respiration in both injured and uninjured rat brain tissue. METHODS: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated and ventilated with either 0.21 or 1.0 fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Brain tissue from acute sham animals was subjected in vitro to 1.1 mM, 12 mM and 100 mM concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. In another group, injury (fluid percussion injury of 2.5 +/- 0.02 atmospheres) was induced over the left hemisphere. The VO2 of mug amounts of brain tissues were measured in a microrespirometry system (Cartesian diver). RESULTS: The VO2 was found to be independent of glucose concentrations, but dose-dependent for lactate. Moreover, the lactate dependent VO2s were all significantly higher than those generated by glucose. Injured rats on FIO2 0.21 had brain tissue VO2 rates that were significantly lower than those of shams or preinjury levels. In injured rats treated with FIO2 1.0, the reduction in VO2 levels was prevented. Injured rats that received an intravenous infusion of 100 mM lactate had VO2 rates that were significantly higher than those obtained with FIO2 1.0. Combined treatment further boosted the lactate generated VO2 rates by approximately 15%. CONCLUSION: Glucose sustains mitochondrial respiration at a low level "fixed" rate because, despite increasing its concentration nearly 100-fold, it cannot up-regulate VO2 after fluid percussion injury. Lactate produces a dose-dependent VO2 response, possibly enabling mitochondria to meet the increased energy needs of the injured brain.


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BACKGROUND: Elevated plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6, C-reactive protein (CRP), and D-dimer belong to the biological alterations of the "frailty syndrome," defining increased vulnerability for diseases and mortality with aging. We hypothesized that, compatible with premature frailty, chronic stress and age are related in predicting inflammation and coagulation activity in Alzheimer caregivers. METHODS: Plasma IL-6, CRP, and D-dimer levels were measured in 170 individuals (mean age 73 +/- 9 years; 116 caregivers, 54 noncaregiving controls). Demographic factors, diseases, drugs, and lifestyle variables potentially affecting inflammation and coagulation were obtained by history and adjusted for as covariates in statistical analyses. RESULTS: Caregivers had higher mean levels of IL-6 (1.38 +/- 1.42 vs 1.00 +/- 0.92 pg/mL, p =.032) and of D-dimer (723 +/- 530 vs 471 +/- 211 ng/mL, p <.001) than controls had. CRP levels were similar between groups (p =.44). The relationship between caregiver status and D-dimer was independent of covariates (p =.037) but affected by role overload. Age accounted for much of the relationship with IL-6. After controlling for covariates, the interaction between caregiver status and age was significant for D-dimer (beta =.20, p =.029) and of borderline significance for IL-6 (beta =.17, p =.090). Post hoc regression analyses indicated that, among caregivers, age was significantly correlated with both D-dimer (beta =.50, p <.001) and IL-6 (beta =.38, p =.001). Among controls, however, no significant relationship was observed between age and either D-dimer or IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction between caregiving status and age for D-dimer and IL-6 suggests the possibility that older caregivers could be at risk of a more rapid transition to the frailty syndrome and clinical manifestations of cardiovascular diseases.


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The vitamin D(3) and nicotine (VDN) model is one of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) in which arterial calcification raises arterial stiffness and vascular impedance. The effects of VDN treatment on arterial and cardiac hemodynamics have been investigated; however, a complete analysis of ventricular-arterial interaction is lacking. Wistar rats were treated with VDN (VDN group, n = 9), and a control group (n = 10) was included without the VDN. At week 8, invasive indexes of cardiac function were obtained using a conductance catheter. Simultaneously, aortic pressure and flow were measured to derive vascular impedance and characterize ventricular-vascular interaction. VDN caused significant increases in systolic (138 +/- 6 vs. 116 +/- 13 mmHg, P < 0.01) and pulse (42 +/- 10 vs. 26 +/- 4 mmHg, P < 0.01) pressures with respect to control. Total arterial compliance decreased (0.12 +/- 0.08 vs. 0.21 +/- 0.04 ml/mmHg in control, P < 0.05), and pulse wave velocity increased significantly (8.8 +/- 2.5 vs. 5.1 +/- 2.0 m/s in control, P < 0.05). The arterial elastance and end-systolic elastance rose significantly in the VDN group (P < 0.05). Wave reflection was augmented in the VDN group, as reflected by the increase in the wave reflection coefficient (0.63 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.52 +/- 0.05 in control, P < 0.05) and the amplitude of the reflected pressure wave (13.3 +/- 3.1 vs. 8.4 +/- 1.0 mmHg in control, P < 0.05). We studied ventricular-arterial coupling in a VDN-induced rat model of reduced arterial compliance. The VDN treatment led to development of ISH and provoked alterations in cardiac function, arterial impedance, arterial function, and ventricular-arterial interaction, which in many aspects are similar to effects of an aged and stiffened arterial tree.


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BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein D (SP-D) deficient mice develop emphysema-like pathology associated with focal accumulations of foamy alveolar macrophages, an excess of surfactant phospholipids in the alveolar space and both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of alveolar type II cells. These findings are associated with a chronic inflammatory state. Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with a truncated recombinant fragment of human SP-D (rfhSP-D) has been shown to decrease the lipidosis and alveolar macrophage accumulation as well as production of proinflammatory chemokines. The aim of this study was to investigate if rfhSP-D treatment reduces the structural abnormalities in parenchymal architecture and type II cells characteristic of SP-D deficiency. METHODS: SP-D knock-out mice, aged 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 9 weeks were treated with rfhSP-D for 9, 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. All mice were sacrificed at age 12 weeks and compared to both PBS treated SP-D deficient and wild-type groups. Lung structure was quantified by design-based stereology at the light and electron microscopic level. Emphasis was put on quantification of emphysema, type II cell changes and intracellular surfactant. Data were analysed with two sided non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. MAIN RESULTS: After 3 weeks of treatment, alveolar number was higher and mean alveolar size was smaller compared to saline-treated SP-D knock-out controls. There was no significant difference concerning these indices of pulmonary emphysema within rfhSP-D treated groups. Type II cell number and size were smaller as a consequence of treatment. The total volume of lamellar bodies per type II cell and per lung was smaller after 6 weeks of treatment. CONCLUSION: Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with rfhSP-D leads to a reduction in the degree of emphysema and a correction of type II cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. This supports the concept that rfhSP-D might become a therapeutic option in diseases that are characterized by decreased SP-D levels in the lung.


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AIMS: We sought to determine whether fasting or post-challenge glucose were associated with progression of coronary atherosclerosis in non-diabetic women. METHODS: We performed a post-hoc analysis of 132 non-diabetic women who underwent 75-g oral glucose tolerance testing. The primary outcome of interest was progression of atherosclerosis determined by baseline and follow-up coronary angiography, a mean of 3.1 +/- 0.9 years apart. We analysed the association of change in minimal vessel diameter (DeltaMD) by quartile of fasting and post-challenge glucose using mixed models that included adjustment for age, systolic blood pressure, total : high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, current smoking, lipid-lowering and anti-hypertensive medication use and other covariates. RESULTS: At baseline, participants had a mean age of 65.7 +/- 6.7 years and a mean body mass index of 27.9 +/- 8.5 kg/m(2). Although there were no significant differences in atherosclerotic progression by fasting glucose category (P for trend across quartiles = 0.99), there was a significant inverse association between post-challenge glucose and DeltaMD (in mm) (Q1 : 0.01 +/- 0.03; Q2 : 0.08 +/- 0.03; Q3 : 0.13 +/- 0.03; Q4 : 0.11 +/- 0.03; P for trend = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In post-menopausal women without diabetes, post-challenge glucose predicts angiographic disease progression. These findings suggest that even modest post-challenge hyperglycaemia influences the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic progression.


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Metabolic abnormalities during bacterial meningitis include hypoglycorrhachia and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate accumulation. The mechanisms by which these alterations occur within the central nervous system (CNS) are still incompletely delineated. To determine the evolution of these changes and establish the locus of abnormal metabolism during meningitis, glucose and lactate concentrations in brain interstitial fluid, CSF, and serum were measured simultaneously and sequentially during experimental pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. Interstitial fluid samples were obtained from the frontal cortex and hippocampus by using in situ brain microdialysis, and serum and CSF were directly sampled. There was an increase of CSF lactate concentration, accompanied by increased local production of lactate in the brain, and a decrease of CSF-to-serum glucose ratio that was paralleled by a decrease in cortical glucose concentration. Brain microdialysate lactate concentration was not affected by either systemic lactic acidosis or artificially elevated CSF lactate concentration. These data support the hypothesis that the brain is a locus for anaerobic glycolysis during meningitis, resulting in increased lactate production and perhaps contributing to decreased tissue glucose concentration.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to measure the effects of increased inspired oxygen on patients suffering severe head injury and consequent influences on the correlations between CPP and brain tissue oxygen (PtiO2) and the effects on brain microdialysate glucose and lactate. METHODS: In a prospective, observational study 20 patients suffering severe head injury (GCS< or =8) were studied between January 2000 and December 2001. Each patient received an intraparenchymal ICP device and an oxygen sensor and, in 17 patients brain microdialysis was performed at the cortical-subcortical junction. A 6 h 100% oxygen challenge (F IO2 1.0) ( Period A) was performed as early as possible in the first 24 hours after injury and compared with a similar 6 hour period following the challenge ( Period B). Statistics were performed using the linear correlation analysis, one sample t-test, as well as the Lorentzian peak correlation analysis. RESULTS: F IO2 was positively correlated with PtiO2 (p < 0.0001) over the whole study period. PtiO2 was significantly higher (p < 0.001) during Period A compared to Period B. CPP was positively correlated with PtiO2 (p < 0.001) during the whole study. PtiO2 peaked at a CPP value of 78 mmHg performing a Lorentzian peak correlation analysis of all patients over the whole study. During Period A the brain microdialysate lactate was significantly lower (p = 0.015) compared with Period B. However the brain microdialysate glucose remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: PtiO2 is significantly positively correlated with F IO2, meaning that PtiO2 can be improved by the simple manipulation of increasing F IO2 and ABGAO2. PtiO2 is positively correlated with CPP, peaking at a CPP value of 78 mmHg. Brain microdialysate lactate can be lowered by increasing PtiO2 values, as observed during the oxygen challenge, whereas microdialysate glucose is unchanged during this procedure. Extension of the oxygen challenge time and measurement of the intermediate energy metabolite pyruvate may clarify the metabolic effects of the intervention. Prospective comparative studies, including analysis of outcome on a larger multicenter basis, are necessary to assess the long term clinical benefits of this procedure.


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Starch is the major source of food glucose and its digestion requires small intestinal alpha-glucosidic activities provided by the 2 soluble amylases and 4 enzymes bound to the mucosal surface of enterocytes. Two of these mucosal activities are associated with sucrase-isomaltase complex, while another 2 are named maltase-glucoamylase (Mgam) in mice. Because the role of Mgam in alpha-glucogenic digestion of starch is not well understood, the Mgam gene was ablated in mice to determine its role in the digestion of diets with a high content of normal corn starch (CS) and resulting glucose homeostasis. Four days of unrestricted ingestion of CS increased intestinal alpha-glucosidic activities in wild-type (WT) mice but did not affect the activities of Mgam-null mice. The blood glucose responses to CS ingestion did not differ between null and WT mice; however, insulinemic responses elicited in WT mice by CS consumption were undetectable in null mice. Studies of the metabolic route followed by glucose derived from intestinal digestion of (13)C-labeled and amylase-predigested algal starch performed by gastric infusion showed that, in null mice, the capacity for starch digestion and its contribution to blood glucose was reduced by 40% compared with WT mice. The reduced alpha-glucogenesis of null mice was most probably compensated for by increased hepatic gluconeogenesis, maintaining prandial glucose concentration and total flux at levels comparable to those of WT mice. In conclusion, mucosal alpha-glucogenic activity of Mgam plays a crucial role in the regulation of prandial glucose homeostasis.