72 resultados para Cytoplasm.


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To identify components of the copper homeostatic mechanism of Lactococcus lactis, we employed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to detect changes in the proteome in response to copper. Three proteins upregulated by copper were identified: glyoxylase I (YaiA), a nitroreductase (YtjD), and lactate oxidase (LctO). The promoter regions of these genes feature cop boxes of consensus TACAnnTGTA, which are the binding site of CopY-type copper-responsive repressors. A genome-wide search for cop boxes revealed 28 such sequence motifs. They were tested by electrophoretic mobility shift assays for the interaction with purified CopR, the CopY-type repressor of L. lactis. Seven of the cop boxes interacted with CopR in a copper-sensitive manner. They were present in the promoter region of five genes, lctO, ytjD, copB, ydiD, and yahC; and two polycistronic operons, yahCD-yaiAB and copRZA. Induction of these genes by copper was confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR. The copRZA operon encodes the CopR repressor of the regulon; a copper chaperone, CopZ; and a putative copper ATPase, CopA. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the copRZA operon conferred copper resistance, suggesting that it functions in copper export from the cytoplasm. Other member genes of the CopR regulon may similarly be involved in copper metabolism.


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OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is critically involved in the control of cartilage matrix metabolism. It is well known that IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is increased during osteoarthritis (OA), but its function(s) is not known. In other cells, IGFBP-3 can regulate IGF-I action in the extracellular environment and can also act independently inside the cell; this includes transcriptional gene control in the nucleus. These studies were undertaken to localize IGFBP-3 in human articular cartilage, particularly within cells. DESIGN: Cartilage was dissected from human femoral heads derived from arthroplasty for OA, and OA grade assessed by histology. Tissue slices were further characterized by extraction and assay of IGFBPs by IGF ligand blot (LB) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for IGF-I and IGFBP-3 was performed on cartilage from donors with mild, moderate and severe OA. Indirect fluorescence and immunogold-labeling IHC studies were included. RESULTS: LBs of chondrocyte lysates showed a strong signal for IGFBP-3. IHC of femoral cartilage sections at all OA stages showed IGF-I and IGFBP-3 matrix stain particularly in the top zones, and closely associated with most cells. A prominent perinuclear/nuclear IGFBP-3 signal was seen. Controls using non-immune sera or antigen-blocked antibody showed negative or strongly reduced stain. In frozen sections of human ankle cartilage, immunofluorescent IGFBP-3 stain co-localized with the nuclear 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI) stain in greater than 90% of the cells. Immunogold IHC of thin sections and transmission electron immunogold microscopy of ultra-thin sections showed distinct intra-nuclear staining. CONCLUSIONS: IGFBP-3 in human cartilage is located in the matrix and within chondrocytes in the cytoplasm and nuclei. This new finding indicates that the range of IGFBP-3 actions in articular cartilage is likely to include IGF-independent roles and opens the door to studies of its nuclear actions, including the possible regulation of hormone receptors or transcriptional complexes to control gene action.


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To clarify the role of Angiotensin II (Ang II) in the sensory system and especially in the trigeminal ganglia, we studied the expression of angiotensinogen (Ang-N)-, renin-, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)- and cathepsin D-mRNA, and the presence of Ang II and substance P in the rat and human trigeminal ganglia. The rat trigeminal ganglia expressed substantial amounts of Ang-N- and ACE mRNA as determined by quantitative real time PCR. Renin mRNA was untraceable in rat samples. Cathepsin D was detected in the rat trigeminal ganglia indicating the possibility of existence of pathways alternative to renin for Ang I formation. In situ hybridization in rat trigeminal ganglia revealed expression of Ang-N mRNA in the cytoplasm of numerous neurons. By using immunocytochemistry, a number of neurons and their processes in both the rat and human trigeminal ganglia were stained for Ang II. Post in situ hybridization immunocytochemistry reveals that in the rat trigeminal ganglia some, but not all Ang-N mRNA-positive neurons marked for Ang II. In some neurons Substance P was found colocalized with Ang II. Angiotensins from rat trigeminal ganglia were quantitated by radioimmunoassay with and without prior separation by high performance liquid chromatography. Immunoreactive angiotensin II (ir-Ang II) was consistently present and the sum of true Ang II (1-8) octapeptide and its specifically measured metabolites were found to account for it. Radioimmunological and immunocytochemical evidence of ir-Ang II in neuronal tissue is compatible with Ang II as a neurotransmitter. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II could be produced locally in the neurons of rat trigeminal ganglia. The localization and colocalization of neuronal Ang II with Substance P in the trigeminal ganglia neurons may be the basis for a participation and function of Ang II in the regulation of nociception and migraine pathology.


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Export of mRNA from the nucleus is linked to proper processing and packaging into ribonucleoprotein complexes. Although several observations indicate a coupling between mRNA 3' end formation and export, it is not known how these two processes are mechanistically connected. Here, we show that a subunit of the mammalian pre-mRNA 3' end processing complex, CF I(m)68, stimulates mRNA export. CF I(m)68 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a transcription-dependent manner and interacts with the mRNA export receptor NXF1/TAP. Consistent with the idea that CF I(m)68 may act as a novel adaptor for NXF1/TAP, we show that CF I(m)68 promotes the export of a reporter mRNA as well as of endogenous mRNAs, whereas silencing by RNAi results in the accumulation of mRNAs in the nucleus. Moreover, CF I(m)68 associates with 80S ribosomes but not polysomes, suggesting that it is part of the mRNP that is remodeled in the cytoplasm during the initial stages of translation. These results reveal a novel function for the pre-mRNA 3' end processing factor CF I(m)68 in mRNA export.


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Recent reports indicate that cytotoxic T cells are critically involved in contact hypersensitivity reactions in animals. In this study we sought to investigate the in vivo expression of cytotoxic granule proteins in the elicitation phase of allergic contact dermatitis in humans. Skin biopsy specimens were obtained from patients with allergic contact dermatitis (n = 8) and psoriasis (n = 6) and from controls with normal skin (n = 6). Expression of perforin and granzyme B was investigated by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. In contrast to normal skin and psoriasis, a significant enhancement of perforin and granzyme B gene expression and immunoreactivity was observed in the mononuclear cell infiltrate of allergic contact dermatitis. Immunoreactivity for perforin and granzyme B was mainly found in the cytoplasm of lymphocytic cells, which were located in the dense perivascular infiltrate as well as at sites of marked spongiosis in the epidermis. Double immunostaining revealed that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are capable of expressing perforin and granzyme B. In conclusion, our data suggest that T-cell-mediated mechanisms involving cytotoxic granule proteins may elicit epidermal cell injury in vivo and thereby strongly contribute to the development of allergic contact dermatitis in humans.


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Background The intracellular protozoan parasite Theileria parva transforms bovine lymphocytes inducing uncontrolled proliferation. Proteins released from the parasite are assumed to contribute to phenotypic changes of the host cell and parasite persistence. With 85 members, genes encoding subtelomeric variable secreted proteins (SVSPs) form the largest gene family in T. parva. The majority of SVSPs contain predicted signal peptides, suggesting secretion into the host cell cytoplasm. Methodology/Principal Findings We analysed SVSP expression in T. parva-transformed cell lines established in vitro by infection of T or B lymphocytes with cloned T. parva parasites. Microarray and quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed mRNA expression for a wide range of SVSP genes. The pattern of mRNA expression was largely defined by the parasite genotype and not by host background or cell type, and found to be relatively stable in vitro over a period of two months. Interestingly, immunofluorescence analysis carried out on cell lines established from a cloned parasite showed that expression of a single SVSP encoded by TP03_0882 is limited to only a small percentage of parasites. Epitope-tagged TP03_0882 expressed in mammalian cells was found to translocate into the nucleus, a process that could be attributed to two different nuclear localisation signals. Conclusions Our analysis reveals a complex pattern of Theileria SVSP mRNA expression, which depends on the parasite genotype. Whereas in cell lines established from a cloned parasite transcripts can be found corresponding to a wide range of SVSP genes, only a minority of parasites appear to express a particular SVSP protein. The fact that a number of SVSPs contain functional nuclear localisation signals suggests that proteins released from the parasite could contribute to phenotypic changes of the host cell. This initial characterisation will facilitate future studies on the regulation of SVSP gene expression and the potential biological role of these enigmatic proteins.


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Recently it has been shown in rodent malaria models that immunisation with genetically attenuated Plasmodium parasites can confer sterile protection against challenge with virulent parasites. For the mass production of live attenuated Plasmodium parasites for vaccination, safety is a prerequisite. Knockout of a single gene is not sufficient for such a strategy since the parasite can likely compensate for such a genetic modification and a single surviving parasite is sufficient to kill an immunised individual. Parasites must therefore be at least double-attenuated when generating a safe vaccine strain. Genetic double-attenuation can be achieved by knocking out two essential genes or by combining a single gene knockout with the expression of a protein toxic for the parasite. We generated a double-attenuated Plasmodium berghei strain that is deficient in fatty acid synthesis by the knockout of the pdh-e1α gene, introducing a second attenuation by the liver stage-specific expression of the pore-forming bacterial toxin perfringolysin O. With this double genetically attenuated parasite strain, a superior attenuation was indeed achieved compared with single-attenuated strains that were either deficient in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)-E1 or expressed perfringolysin O. In vivo, both single-attenuated strains resulted in breakthrough infections even if low to moderate doses of sporozoites (2,000-5,000) were administered. In contrast, the double genetically attenuated parasite strain, given at moderate doses of 5,000 sporozoites, did not result in blood stage infection and even when administered at 5- to 20-fold higher doses, only single and delayed breakthrough infections were observed. Prime booster immunisation with the double genetically attenuated parasite strain completely protected a susceptible mouse strain from malaria and even a single immunisation conferred protection in some cases and lead to a markedly delayed onset of blood stage infection in others. Importantly, premature rupture of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane by liver stage-specific perfringolysin O expression did not induce host cell death and soluble parasite proteins, which are released into the host cell cytoplasm, have the potential to be processed and presented via MHC class I molecules. This, in turn, might support immunological responses against Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes.


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Exoerythrocytic Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and develop to huge multinucleated schizonts inside a parasitophorous vacuole. Finally, thousands of merozoites are formed and released into the host cell cytoplasm by complete disintegration of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. This, in turn, results in death and detachment of the infected hepatocyte, followed by the formation of merosomes. The fast growth of the parasite and host cell detachment are hallmarks of liver stage development and can easily be monitored. Here, we describe how to translate these observations into assays for characterizing parasite development. Additionally, other recently introduced techniques and tools to analyze and manipulate liver stage parasites are also discussed.


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Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of Human African Trypanosomiasis. Trypanosomes are early diverged protozoan parasites and show significant differences in their gene expression compared with higher eukaryotes. Due to a lack of individual gene promoters, large polycistronic transcripts are produced and individual mRNAs mature by trans-splicing and polyadenylation. In the absence of transcriptional control, regulation of gene expression occurs post-transcriptionally mainly by control of transcript stability and translation. Regulation of mRNA export from the nucleus to the cytoplasm might be an additional post-transcriptional event involved in gene regulation. However, our knowledge about mRNA export in trypanosomes is very limited. Although export factors of higher eukaryotes are reported to be conserved, only a few orthologues can be readily identified in the genome of T. brucei. Hence, biochemical approaches are needed to identify the export machinery of trypanosomes. Here, we report the functional characterization of the essential mRNA export factor TbMex67. TbMex67 contains a unique and essential N-terminal zinc finger motif. Furthermore, we could identify two interacting export factors namely TbMtr2 and the karyopherin TbIMP1. Our data show that the general heterodimeric export receptor Mex67-Mtr2 is conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdom albeit exhibiting parasite-specific features.


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Suboptimal dietary zinc (Zn(2+)) intake is increasingly appreciated as an important public health issue. Zn(2+) is an essential mineral, and infants are particularly vulnerable to Zn(2+) deficiency, as they require large amounts of Zn(2+) for their normal growth and development. Although term infants are born with an important hepatic Zn(2+) storage, adequate Zn(2+) nutrition of infants mostly depends on breast milk or formula feeding, which contains an adequate amount of Zn(2+) to meet the infants' requirements. An exclusively breast-fed 6 months old infant suffering from Zn(2+) deficiency caused by an autosomal dominant negative G87R mutation in the Slc30a2 gene (encoding for the zinc transporter 2 (ZnT-2)) in the mother is reported. More than 20 zinc transporters characterized up to date, classified into two families (Slc30a/ZnT and Slc39a/Zip), reflect the complexity and importance of maintaining cellular Zn(2+) homeostasis and dynamics. The role of ZnTs is to reduce intracellular Zn(2+) by transporting it from the cytoplasm into various intracellular organelles and by moving Zn(2+) into extracellular space. Zips increase intracellular Zn(2+) by transporting it in the opposite direction. Thus the coordinated action of both is essential for the maintenance of Zn(2+) homeostasis in the cytoplasm, and accumulating evidence suggests that this is also true for the secretory pathway of growth hormone.


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Cell penetrating peptides (CPP) are peptides of 10 to 30 residues derived from natural translocating proteins. Multivalency is known to enhance cellular uptake for the Tat peptide and closely related polycationic sequences. To test whether multivalency effects on cellular uptake might also occur with other CPP types, we prepared multivalent versions of the strongly cationic Tat, the amphipathic sequences Antp, pVEC and TP10, and the polyproline helix SAP by convergent thioether ligation of the linear CPP onto multivalent scaffolds, and evaluated their uptake in HeLa and CHO cells, intracellular localization, cytotoxicity and hemolysis. While multivalency did not increase the cellular uptake of pVEC or SAP, multivalency effects on uptake comparable to Tat were observed with TP10 and Antp, which are attributable to their polycationic nature. The efficient synthetic protocol for these divalent CPP and their localization in the cytoplasm suggest that CPP might be useful for application in cargo delivery into cells.


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The mammalian Cutl1 gene codes for the CCAAT displacement protein (CDP), which has been implicated as a transcriptional repressor in diverse processes such as terminal differentiation, cell cycle progression, and the control of nuclear matrix attachment regions. To investigate the in vivo function of Cutl1, we have replaced the C-terminal Cut repeat 3 and homeodomain exons with an in-frame lacZ gene by targeted mutagenesis in the mouse. The CDP-lacZ fusion protein is retained in the cytoplasm and fails to repress gene transcription, indicating that the Cutl1(lacZ) allele corresponds to a null mutation. Cutl1 mutant mice on inbred genetic backgrounds are born at Mendelian frequency, but die shortly after birth because of retarded differentiation of the lung epithelia, which indicates an essential role of CDP in lung maturation. A less pronounced delay in lung development allows Cutl1 mutant mice on an outbred background to survive beyond birth. These mice are growth-retarded and develop an abnormal pelage because of disrupted hair follicle morphogenesis. The inner root sheath (IRS) is reduced, and the transcription of Sonic hedgehog and IRS-specific genes is deregulated in Cutl1 mutant hair follicles, consistent with the specific expression of Cutl1 in the progenitors and cell lineages of the IRS. These data implicate CDP in cell-lineage specification during hair follicle morphogenesis, which resembles the role of the related Cut protein in specifying cell fates during Drosophila development.


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Encephalitozoon cuniculi is an obligate intracellular, spore-forming parasite belonging to the microsporidia that can cause disseminated infection in immunocompromised persons. E. cuniculi spores infect host cells by germination, i.e., by explosively everting the polar filament, through which the spore contents (sporoplasms) are subsequently injected into the cytoplasm. In addition, we observed intracellular, nongerminated spores in various nonprofessional phagocytes. In MRC5 cells, the number of internalized spores was approximately 10-fold higher than the number of injected sporoplasms. Compared to the rate of uptake by human monocyte-derived macrophages, internalization rates by A549 cells, MRC5 cells, and 293 cells were 0.6, 4.4, and 22.2%, respectively. The mechanism of uptake was studied in MRC5 cells. Killed spores were internalized at the same rate as live spores, indicating that nongerminated parasites do not actively participate in cell entry. Cytochalasin D inhibited uptake of spores by 95%, demonstrating an actin-dependent process. By electron and epifluorescence microscopy, intracellular spores were found in a tightly fitting membrane-bound compartment. The vacuole containing the spores was positive for the lysosomal membrane protein LAMP-1 and colocalized with the late endosomal-lysosomal content marker rhodamine dextran. Our results show that, in addition to the unique way in which microsporidia infect cells, E. cuniculi spores enter nonprofessional phagocytes by phagocytosis and traffic into a late endosomal-lysosomal compartment.


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Human up-frameshift 1 (UPF1) is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase and phosphoprotein implicated in several biological processes but is best known for its key function in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Here we employed a combination of stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture experiments to determine by quantitative proteomics UPF1 interactors. We used this approach to distinguish between RNA-mediated and protein-mediated UPF1 interactors and to determine proteins that preferentially bind the hypo- or the hyper-phosphorylated form of UPF1. Confirming and expanding previous studies, we identified the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) as a prominent protein-mediated interactor of UPF1. However, unlike previously reported, eIF3 binds to UPF1 independently of UPF1’s phosphorylation state. Furthermore, our data revealed many nucleus-associated RNA-binding proteins that preferentially associate with hyper-phosphorylated UPF1 in an RNase-sensitive manner, suggesting that UPF1 gets recruited to mRNA and becomes phosphorylated before being exported to the cytoplasm as part of the mRNP.


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The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) separates the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, serving both as a barrier and as a gateway. Protein complexes — believed to be universally conserved in all eukaryotes — reside in the MOM to orchestrate and control metabolite exchange, lipid metabolism and uptake of biopolymers such as protein and RNA. African trypanosomes are the causative agent of the sleeping sickness in humans. The parasites are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Trypanosomes have unique mitochondrial biology that concerns their mitochondrial metabolism and their unusual mitochondrial morphology that differs to great extent between life stages. Another striking feature is the organization of the mitochondrial genome that does not encode any tRNA genes, thus all tRNAs needed for mitochondrial translation have to be imported. However, the MOM of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. It lacks a canonical protein import machinery and facilitation of tRNA translocation remains completely elusive. Using biochemical fractionation and label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to identify a cluster of 82 candidate proteins that can be localized to the trypanosomal MOM with high confidence. This enabled us to identify a highly unusual, potentially archaic protein import machinery that might also transport tRNAs. Moreover, two-thirds of the identified polypeptides present on the MOM have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the MOM of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of insect-stage parasites and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology.