67 resultados para Childhood neurological disorders, Executive function, Preterm, Extremely low birth weight
Childhood wheezing and asthma vary greatly in clinical presentation and time course. The extent to which phenotypic variation reflects heterogeneity in disease pathways is unclear.
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a condition in which the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential, resulting in low birth weight. IUGR is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, thus contributing substantially to medically indicated preterm birth in order to prevent fetal death. We subjected umbilical cord blood serum samples either belonging to the IUGR group (n = 15) or to the control group (n = 15) to fractionation by affinity chromatography using a bead system with hydrophobic interaction capabilities. So prepared protein mixtures were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric profiling. The six best differentiating ion signals at m/z 8205, m/z 8766, m/z 13 945, m/z 15 129, m/z 15 308, and m/z 16 001 were collectively assigned as IUGR proteome signature. Separation confidence of our IUGR proteome signature reached a sensitivity of 0.87 and a specificity of 0.93. Assignment of ion signals in the mass spectra to specific proteins was substantiated by SDS-PAGE in conjunction with peptide mass fingerprint analysis of cord blood serum proteins. One constituent of this proteome signature, apolipoprotein C-III(0) , a derivative lacking glycosylation, has been found more abundant in the IUGR cord blood serum samples, irrespective of gestational age. Hence, we suggest apolipoprotein C-III(0) as potential key-marker of the here proposed IUGR proteome signature, as it is a very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) member and as such involved in triglyceride metabolism that itself is discussed as being of importance in IUGR pathogenesis. Our results indicate that subtle alterations in protein glycosylation need to be considered for improving our understanding of the pathomechanisms in IUGR.
Post-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with diminished lung growth during school age. The current authors aimed to determine whether pre-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with lung function changes in the newborn. In a prospective birth cohort of 241 healthy term-born neonates, tidal breathing, lung volume, ventilation inhomogeneity and exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) were measured during unsedated sleep at age 5 weeks. Maternal exposure to particles with a 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameter of 10 microm (PM(10)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and ozone (O(3)), and distance to major roads were estimated during pregnancy. The association between these exposures and lung function was assessed using linear regression. Minute ventilation was higher in infants with higher pre-natal PM(10) exposure (24.9 mL x min(-1) per microg x m(-3) PM(10)). The eNO was increased in infants with higher pre-natal NO(2) exposure (0.98 ppb per microg x m(-3) NO(2)). Post-natal exposure to air pollution did not modify these findings. No association was found for pre-natal exposure to O(3) and lung function parameters. The present results suggest that pre-natal exposure to air pollution might be associated with higher respiratory need and airway inflammation in newborns. Such alterations during early lung development may be important regarding long-term respiratory morbidity.
Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) has been reported to inhibit the classical, alternative pathway as well as the mannan-binding lectin pathway of the complement system. Furthermore, it acts as an endothelial cell protectant inhibiting complement-mediated endothelial cell damage. Endothelial cells are covered with a layer of heparan sulfate (HS), which is rapidly released under conditions of inflammation and tissue injury. Soluble HS induces maturation of dendritic cells (DC) via TLR4. In this study, we show the inhibitory effect of DXS on human DC maturation. DXS significantly prevents phenotypic maturation of monocyte-derived DC and peripheral myeloid DC by inhibiting the up-regulation of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, ICAM-1, and HLA-DR and down-regulates DC-SIGN in response to HS or exogenous TLR ligands. DXS also inhibits the functional maturation of DC as demonstrated by reduced T cell proliferation, and strongly impairs secretion of the proinflammatory mediators IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p70, and TNF-alpha. Exposure to DXS leads to a reduced production of the complement component C1q and a decreased phagocytic activity, whereas C3 secretion is increased. Moreover, DXS was found to inhibit phosphorylation of IkappaB-alpha and activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that DXS prevents TLR-induced maturation of human DC and may therefore be a useful reagent to impede the link between innate and adaptive immunity.
Complement is an essential part of the innate immune system and plays a crucial role in organ and islet transplantation. Its activation, triggered for example by ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), significantly influences graft survival, and blocking of complement by inhibitors has been shown to attenuate I/R injury. Another player of innate immunity are the dendritic cells (DC), which form an important link between innate and adaptive immunity. DC are relevant in the induction of an immune response as well as in the maintenance of tolerance. Modulation or inhibition of both components, complement and DC, may be crucial to improve the clinical outcome of solid organ as well as islet transplantation. Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS), a well-known complement inhibitor, has been shown to prevent complement-mediated damage of the donor graft endothelium and is thus acting as an endothelial protectant. In this review we will discuss the evidence for this cytoprotective effect of DXS and also highlight recent data which show that DXS inhibits the maturation of human DC. Taken together the available data suggest that DXS may be a useful reagent to prevent the activation of innate immunity, both in solid organ and islet transplantation.
This chapter summarises the metabolomic strategies currently in force used in plant science and describes the methods used. The metabolite profiling and fingerprinting of plant tissues through MS- and/or NMR-based approaches and the subsequent identification of biomarkers is detailed. Strategies for the microisolation and de novo identification of unknown biomarkers are also discussed. The various approaches are illustrated by a metabolomic study of the maize response to herbivory. A review of recent metabolomic studies performed on seed and crop plant tissues involving various analytical strategies is provided.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
Small for gestational age neonates (SGA) could be subdivided into two groups according to the underlying causes leading to low birth weight. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a pathologic condition with diminished growth velocity and fetal compromised well-being, while non-growth restricted SGA neonates are constitutionally (genetically determined) small. Antenatal sonographic measurements are used to differentiate these two subgroups. Maternal metabolic changes contribute to the pathogenesis of IUGR. A disturbed lipid metabolism and cholesterol supply might affect the fetus, with consequences for fetal programming of cardiovascular diseases. We evaluated fetal serum lipids and hypothesized a more atherogenic lipoprotein profile in IUGR fetuses.
Fetal growth is compromised in animal models with high cortisol availability. In healthy pregnancies, the fetus is protected from high circulating cortisol levels by the placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11beta-HSD2), which is reduced in preeclampsia. We hypothesized increased placental cortisol availability in preeclampsia as missing link to fetal growth restriction and prematurity. Placental tissue was obtained from 39 pregnant women dichotomized normotensive (n = 16) or preeclamptic (n = 23). Placental steroid hormone metabolites were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Apparent 11beta-HSD2 enzyme activity was calculated as substrate to product ratio. Estradiol and pregnandiol positively correlated with gestational age. Cortisol was virtually absent in 93.8% of controls, yet detectable in 79.3% of preeclamptic samples resulting in an odds ratio (OR) of 0.019 (95% CI 0.002-0.185) for the presence of placental cortisol. Apparent 11beta-HSD2 activity directly correlated with birth weight (R2 = 0.16; p < 0.02) and gestational age (R2 = 0.11; p < 0.04) ensuing a reduced risk of premature delivery (OR 0.12; 95% CI 0.02-0.58). We conclude that normotensive pregnancies are characterized by an almost completely inactivated placental cortisol. In line with our hypothesis, reduced 11beta-HSD2 activity in preeclampsia is unable to abolish placental cortisol, a finding clearly associated with prematurity and low birth weight.
BACKGROUND Lead exposure is associated with low birth-weight. The objective of this study is to determine whether lead exposure is associated with lower body weight in children, adolescents and adults. METHODS We analyzed data from NHANES 1999-2006 for participants aged ≥3 using multiple logistic and multivariate linear regression. Using age- and sex-standardized BMI Z-scores, overweight and obese children (ages 3-19) were classified by BMI ≥85 th and ≥95 th percentiles, respectively. The adult population (age ≥20) was classified as overweight and obese with BMI measures of 25-29.9 and ≥30, respectively. Blood lead level (BLL) was categorized by weighted quartiles. RESULTS Multivariate linear regressions revealed a lower BMI Z-score in children and adolescents when the highest lead quartile was compared to the lowest lead quartile (β (SE)=-0.33 (0.07), p<0.001), and a decreased BMI in adults (β (SE)=-2.58 (0.25), p<0.001). Multiple logistic analyses in children and adolescents found a negative association between BLL and the percentage of obese and overweight with BLL in the highest quartile compared to the lowest quartile (OR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.30-0.59; and OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.52-0.88, respectively). Adults in the highest lead quartile were less likely to be obese (OR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.35-0.50) compared to those in the lowest lead quartile. Further analyses with blood lead as restricted cubic splines, confirmed the dose-relationship between blood lead and body weight outcomes. CONCLUSIONS BLLs are associated with lower body mass index and obesity in children, adolescents and adults.
BACKGROUND We describe the setup of a neonatal quality improvement tool and list which peer-reviewed requirements it fulfils and which it does not. We report on the so-far observed effects, how the units can identify quality improvement potential, and how they can measure the effect of changes made to improve quality. METHODS Application of a prospective longitudinal national cohort data collection that uses algorithms to ensure high data quality (i.e. checks for completeness, plausibility and reliability), and to perform data imaging (Plsek's p-charts and standardized mortality or morbidity ratio SMR charts). The collected data allows monitoring a study collective of very low birth-weight infants born from 2009 to 2011 by applying a quality cycle following the steps 'guideline - perform - falsify - reform'. RESULTS 2025 VLBW live-births from 2009 to 2011 representing 96.1% of all VLBW live-births in Switzerland display a similar mortality rate but better morbidity rates when compared to other networks. Data quality in general is high but subject to improvement in some units. Seven measurements display quality improvement potential in individual units. The methods used fulfil several international recommendations. CONCLUSIONS The Quality Cycle of the Swiss Neonatal Network is a helpful instrument to monitor and gradually help improve the quality of care in a region with high quality standards and low statistical discrimination capacity.
Background While survival rates of extremely preterm infants have improved over the last decades, the incidence of neurodevelopmental disability (ND) in survivors remains high. Representative current data on the severity of disability and of risk factors associated with poor outcome in this growing population are necessary for clinical guidance and parent counselling. Methods Prospective longitudinal multicentre cohort study of preterm infants born in Switzerland between 240/7 and 276/7 weeks gestational age during 2000–2008. Mortality, adverse outcome (death or severe ND) at two years, and predictors for poor outcome were analysed using multilevel multivariate logistic regression. Neurodevelopment was assessed using Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Cerebral palsy was graded after the Gross Motor Function Classification System. Results Of 1266 live born infants, 422 (33%) died. Follow-up information was available for 684 (81%) survivors: 440 (64%) showed favourable outcome, 166 (24%) moderate ND, and 78 (11%) severe ND. At birth, lower gestational age, intrauterine growth restriction and absence of antenatal corticosteroids were associated with mortality and adverse outcome (p < 0.001). At 360/7 weeks postmenstrual age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, major brain injury and retinopathy of prematurity were the main predictors for adverse outcome (p < 0.05). Survival without moderate or severe ND increased from 27% to 39% during the observation period (p = 0.02). Conclusions In this recent Swiss national cohort study of extremely preterm infants, neonatal mortality was determined by gestational age, birth weight, and antenatal corticosteroids while neurodevelopmental outcome was determined by the major neonatal morbidities. We observed an increase of survival without moderate or severe disability.
It has been suggested that there are several distinct phenotypes of childhood asthma or childhood wheezing. Here, we review the research relating to these phenotypes, with a focus on the methods used to define and validate them. Childhood wheezing disorders manifest themselves in a range of observable (phenotypic) features such as lung function, bronchial responsiveness, atopy and a highly variable time course (prognosis). The underlying causes are not sufficiently understood to define disease entities based on aetiology. Nevertheless, there is a need for a classification that would (i) facilitate research into aetiology and pathophysiology, (ii) allow targeted treatment and preventive measures and (iii) improve the prediction of long-term outcome. Classical attempts to define phenotypes have been one-dimensional, relying on few or single features such as triggers (exclusive viral wheeze vs. multiple trigger wheeze) or time course (early transient wheeze, persistent and late onset wheeze). These definitions are simple but essentially subjective. Recently, a multi-dimensional approach has been adopted. This approach is based on a wide range of features and relies on multivariate methods such as cluster or latent class analysis. Phenotypes identified in this manner are more complex but arguably more objective. Although phenotypes have an undisputed standing in current research on childhood asthma and wheezing, there is confusion about the meaning of the term 'phenotype' causing much circular debate. If phenotypes are meant to represent 'real' underlying disease entities rather than superficial features, there is a need for validation and harmonization of definitions. The multi-dimensional approach allows validation by replication across different populations and may contribute to a more reliable classification of childhood wheezing disorders and to improved precision of research relying on phenotype recognition, particularly in genetics. Ultimately, the underlying pathophysiology and aetiology will need to be understood to properly characterize the diseases causing recurrent wheeze in children.
A 7-month-old male kitten was presented with chronic constipation and retarded growth. Clinical examination revealed disproportional dwarfism with mild skeletal abnormalities and a palpable thyroid gland. The presumptive diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism was confirmed by low serum total thyroxine (tT(4)) concentration prior to and after the administration of thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH), increased endogenous TSH concentration and abnormal thyroid scintigraphic scan. The kitten had abnormal liver function tests and decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentration, both of which returned to normal in correspondence with an improvement of the clinical signs after 6 weeks of thyroxine therapy. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare disease that may present with considerable variation in clinical manifestation. In cases in which clinical signs are ambiguous, disorders such as portosystemic shunt and hyposomatotropism have to be taken into account as differential diagnosis. As hypothyroidism may be associated with abnormal liver function tests and low IGF-1 concentrations, test results have to be interpreted carefully.