31 resultados para Cavalry drill and tactics.
The therapeutic alliance consists of a mutual dependency between patient and therapist. Whereas earlier studies have focused on the therapists' behavioral influence, the present study examined patients' impression management tactics. The motivation to manage the impressions one has on others is particularly strong during first contact. Patients' behavioral influence was thus examined in the intake interview. Twelve possible impression management tactics were defined on the basis of theoretical conceptions of the therapeutic alliance and discussions with practicing psychotherapists. After a comprehensive training, judges rated 60 videotaped interviews. Interjudge agreement was fair to good. Influence attempts could be observed in roughly 30% of all patients' utterances. The most frequent tactics were Supplication, Provoking a response from the therapist, and Self-promotion. Patients could be grouped into three different clusters of tactic employers: Negative self-presenters, positive self-presenters, and response provokers. Male and female patients did not differ with respect to the total amount of tactics used and to the choice of specific tactics. However, when the therapist was female, male patients used significantly more tactics overall and significantly more often the tactic Negative reports about third persons. Being sensitive to patients' behavioral influence can help therapists to better understand their interactional goals and to better tailor the therapeutic alliance.