33 resultados para Caries detection
PURPOSE: To design an artificial mouth in order to evaluate if a new diagnostic tool (Clinpro Cario Diagnosis) can be used for early detection of secondary caries at resin composite margins in vitro. METHODS: 32 intact human third molars received standardized Class-V resin composite restorations (Tetric Ceram bonded with Syntac SC). After storage for 4 weeks at 37 degrees C, teeth were subjected to 5,000 or 10,000 thermocycles (+/- 5 degrees C and +/- 55 degrees C) and polysiloxane impressions were taken. Streptococcus mutans 10449 (SM) was used in a nutrition medium to initiate a secondary caries process. Daily, the teeth were incubated for 2 x 2.5 hours in SM containing nutrition medium followed by 2 x 9.5 hours incubation in artificial saliva. Teeth were investigated after total incubation periods of 4, 6, and 8 weeks. After the different incubation protocols, the restoration margins were evaluated for infection and secondary caries processes in using Clinpro Cario Diagnosis which measures site-specifically the lactic acid production of SM in response to a sucrose challenge. The color signal was read 5 minutes after removal of the diagnostic impression. After thermocycling and biological load cycling, precision polysiloxane impressions were taken and replicas were investigated under a light microscope for gap widths at enamel and dentin margins. Demineralization was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy in using a special FITC filter. The demineralization depths at the cavity margin were calculated with Xpert for Windows using a pixel distance of 5 microm. RESULTS: After the different thermocycling protocols, no differences in gap widths and demineralization depths were found (P > 0.05). After SM incubation, gap widths and demineralization depths were significantly dependent on SM incubation time and previous number of thermocycles (P < 0.05). Lactic acid formations of SM were detectable by Clinpro Cario Diagnosis at dentin cavosurface margins formed after 6 weeks of incubation with SM (P < 0.05).
Several non-invasive and novel aids for the detection of (and in some cases monitoring of) caries lesions have been introduced in the field of 'caries diagnostics' over the last 15 years. This chapter focusses on those available to dentists at the time of writing; continuing research is bound to lead to further developments in the coming years. Laser fluorescence is based on measurements of back-scattered fluorescence of a 655-nm light source. It enhances occlusal and (potentially) approximal lesion detection and enables semi-quantitative caries monitoring. Systematic reviews have identified false-positive results as a limitation. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence is another sensitive method to quantitatively detect and measure mineral loss both in enamel and some dentine lesions; again, the trade-offs with lower specificity when compared with clinical visual detection must be considered. Subtraction radiography is based on the principle of digitally superimposing two radiographs with exactly the same projection geometry. This method is applicable for approximal surfaces and occlusal caries involving dentine but is not yet widely available. Electrical caries measurements gather either site-specific or surface-specific information of teeth and tooth structure. Fixed-frequency devices perform best for occlusal dentine caries but the method has also shown promise for lesions in enamel and other tooth surfaces with multi-frequency approaches. All methods require further research and further validation in well-designed clinical trials. In the future, they could have useful applications in clinical practice as part of a personalized, comprehensive caries management system.