67 resultados para Brief literature review
Nasal septal hematoma with abscess (NSHA) is an uncommon complication of trauma and studies on children are especially rare. We discuss the case of a 6-year-old girl, who was initially evaluated independently by three doctors for minor nasal trauma but had to be re-hospitalized 6 days later with NSHA. Although septal hematoma had initially been excluded (5, 7 and 24 hours after trauma), a secondary accumulation of blood seems to have occured. Delayed hematoma formation has been described in the orbit as a result of possible venous injuries after endoscopic sinus surgery. However, such an observation is new for septal hematoma in children. Thus, we recommend re-evaluation for septal hematoma 48h to 72h after paediatric nasal trauma. Such a scheduled re-examination offers a chance to treat delayed subperichondral hematoma on time before almost inevitable superinfection leads to abscess formation and destruction of the nasal infrastructure. We suggest that parents should be vigilant for delayed nasal obstruction as possible herald of hematoma accumulation within the first week.
Childhood extraordinary daytime urinary frequency is likely a common but underreported condition characterized by daytime frequent voiding and typically not linked with complaints of burning, urinary incontinence, altered urinary stream, changes in the nighttime voiding pattern, excessive fluid intake and excessive urinary volume. To determine the features and outcome of extraordinary daytime urinary frequency, we report our experience with 14 children and the results of a formal systematic analysis of peer-reviewed English-language literature on this topic. Nineteen case series were found (together with 16 mostly pertinent comments), with each case series providing details on from one to 119 children. On the basis of our experience and the findings of our systematic analysis, we conclude that, in general practice, extraordinary daytime urinary frequency is a common cause of urinary frequency, that the age of such patients is, on average, 6 years and that the micturation abnormalities persist for an average of 6 months. The results of this review must be viewed with an understanding of the limitations of the analysis process, which incorporated data exclusively from case series.
The exposure of the preparation margin and the control of the hemorrhage in the gingival sulcus are prerequisites for precise impressions and thereby improving the quality of indirectly fabricated restorations. The purpose of this review article is to summarize available evidence with respect to current methods of gingival retraction and to provide the clinician with practical tips.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to report a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the petrous part of the temporal bone associated with a long history of secondary acquired cholesteatoma in a 71-year-old man. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We present the case of a 71-year-old man diagnosed with secondary acquired cholesteatoma in 1950. Treatments consisted of repetitive surgery owing to several relapses. In 2004, he presented with progressive fetid otorrhea. Clinical and computed tomography findings were indicative for relapsing cholesteatoma and a subtotal petrosectomy was performed. RESULTS: Histologic work-up demonstrated a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The staging revealed stadium pT3 cN0 cM0. Postoperative treatment consisted of local radiation therapy with intensity-modulated beam geometry with a total of 64.2 Gy in 30 fractions using a simultaneous integrated boost. CONCLUSION: Middle ear carcinoma can arise from acquired cholesteatoma. The pathogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma associated with cholesteatoma has not been elucidated satisfactorily. Due to the complex anatomic features, intensity-modulated radiation therapy is the technique of choice for postoperative radiotherapy.
BACKGROUND Legal in some European countries and US states, physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia remain under debate in these and other countries. OBJECTIVES The aim of the study was to examine numbers, characteristics, and trends over time for assisted dying in regions where these practices are legal: Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. DESIGN This was a systematic review of journal articles and official reports. Medline and Embase databases were searched for relevant studies, from inception to end of 2012. We searched the websites of the health authorities of all eligible countries and states for reports on physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia and included publications that reported on cases of physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. We extracted information on the total number of assisted deaths, its proportion in relation to all deaths, and socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals assisted to die. RESULTS A total of 1043 publications were identified; 25 articles and reports were retained, including series of reported cases, physician surveys, and reviews of death certificates. The percentage of physician-assisted deaths among all deaths ranged from 0.1%-0.2% in the US states and Luxembourg to 1.8%-2.9% in the Netherlands. Percentages of cases reported to the authorities increased in most countries over time. The typical person who died with assistance was a well-educated male cancer patient, aged 60-85 years. CONCLUSIONS Despite some common characteristics between countries, we found wide variation in the extent and specific characteristics of those who died an assisted death.
Ultrasound (US) has become a useful tool in the detection of early disease, differential diagnosis, guidance of treatment decisions and treatment monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In 2008, the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) group was established to promote the use of US in inflammatory arthritis in clinical practice. A scoring system was developed and taught to a large number of Swiss rheumatologists who already contributed to the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) database, a national patient register. This paper intends to give a Swiss consensus about best clinical practice recommendations for the use of US in RA on the basis of the current literature knowledge and experience with the Swiss SONAR score. Literature research was performed to collect data on current evidence. The results were discussed among specialists of the Swiss university centres and private practice, following a structured procedure. Musculoskelatal US was found to be very helpful in establishing the diagnosis and monitoring the evolution of RA, and to be a reliable tool if used by experienced examiners. It influences treatment decisions such as continuing, intensifying or stepping down therapy. The definite modalities of integrating US into the diagnosis and monitoring of RA treatments will be defined within a few years. There are, however, strong arguments to use US findings as of today in daily clinical care. Some practical recommendations about the use of US in RA, focusing on the diagnosis and the use of the SONAR score, are proposed.
The objective of the study was to review the literature reporting visual disturbance (VD)following sclerotherapy for varicose veins. Underlying mechanisms will be discussed. A literature search of the databases Medline and Google Scholar was performed. Original articles including randomized trials, case series and case reports reporting VD in humans following sclerotherapy for varicose veins were included. Additional references were also obtained if they had been referenced in related publications. The search yielded 4948 results of which 25 reports were found to meet the inclusion criteria. In larger series with at least 500 included patients the prevalence of VD following sclerotherapy ranges from 0.09% to 2%. In most reports foam sclerotherapy was associated with VD (19); exclusive use of liquid sclerosant was reported in two cases, some reports included foam and liquid sclerosant (4). There were no persistent visual disorders reported. VD occurred with polidocanol and sodium tetradecyl sulphate in different concentrations (0.25–3%). Various forms of foam preparation including various ways of foam production and the liquid –air ratio (1 or 2 parts of liquid mixed with 3, 4 or 5 parts of air) were reported in association with the occurrence of VD. VDs following sclerotherapy for varicose veins are rare and all reported events were transient. Bubble embolism or any kind of embolism seems unlikely to be the only underlying mechanism. A systemic inflammatory response following sclerotherapy has been suggested. Further research to clarify the mechanism of action of sclerosants is required.
OBJECTIVES To assess the literature on carotid calcifications defined from panoramic radiographs (PMX) and concurrent diagnosis of stroke and periodontitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS A literature search screening for publications using search terms such as PMX and carotid calcification, stroke and periodontitis was performed in November 2012. RESULTS A total of 189 articles were retrieved, among which 30 were included in the review. The sensitivity for PMX findings of carotid calcifications (CC) compared to a diagnosis by Doppler sonography varied between 31.1-100%. The specificity for PMX findings of carotid calcifications compared to a diagnosis by Doppler sonography varied between 21.4-87.5%. Individuals with CC findings from PMX have more periodontitis and risk for stroke. CONCLUSIONS There is a shortage of well-designed studies in older dentate individuals assessing the associations between periodontitis and radiographic evidence of CC and in relation to stroke or other cardiovascular diseases. STATEMENT OF CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carotid calcifications are prevalent in patients with periodontitis and such individuals may have an increased risk for stroke. The absence of signs of carotid calcification on panoramic radiographs is indicative of no calcification of carotid arteries.
We report a case of a 33-year-old woman with emergency admission due to dyspnoea and fever. History included squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix in complete remission. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scanning of the chest, which was indicated to rule out pneumonia, revealed an infiltrative cardiac mass. Further assessment of the tumour by echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed transmural infiltration of the apical interventricular septum with a mass extending into the left and right ventricle cavities. The mass was highly suspicious for a cardiac metastasis. Cardiac metastases from cervical cancer are extremely rare. Recurrence of cervical carcinoma involving the heart should be considered even after a curative therapy approach. Non-invasive imaging plays a paramount role in investigating cardiac masses. Echocardiography, CT and MRI are complementary imaging modalities for complete work-up of intracardiac lesions.
BACKGROUND Fetal weight estimation (FWE) is an important factor for clinical management decisions, especially in imminent preterm birth at the limit of viability between 23(0/7) and 26(0/7) weeks of gestation. It is crucial to detect and eliminate factors that have a negative impact on the accuracy of FWE. DATA SOURCES In this systematic literature review, we investigated 14 factors that may influence the accuracy of FWE, in particular in preterm neonates born at the limit of viability. RESULTS We found that gestational age, maternal body mass index, amniotic fluid index and ruptured membranes, presentation of the fetus, location of the placenta and the presence of multiple fetuses do not seem to have an impact on FWE accuracy. The influence of the examiner's grade of experience and that of fetal gender were discussed controversially. Fetal weight, time interval between estimation and delivery and the use of different formulas seem to have an evident effect on FWE accuracy. No results were obtained on the impact of active labor. DISCUSSION This review reveals that only few studies investigated factors possibly influencing the accuracy of FWE in preterm neonates at the limit of viability. Further research in this specific age group on potential confounding factors is needed.