40 resultados para Bite
The rehabilitation of a patient with advanced tooth wear by means of Procera ZrO2 ceramic crowns is described. A healthy, 60 year old patient complained about front teeth esthetics and impaired function due to reduced tooth height. He was aware of bruxism and wished full mouth rehabilitation. The clinical examination showed that tooth wear was generalized, but most teeth could be maintained in both jaws. A staged procedure was planned, starting with a splint therapy and a provisional fixed prosthesis to reestablish correct vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) and stable occlusal contacts. The new ZrO2 material with the Procera technique was chosen to restore all teeth in both jaws, except the mandible front teeth. In the second treatment phase, crown lengthening of the maxillary front teeth was performed and one implant placed to replace a maxillary premolar. After final tooth preparation, impression taking and bite registration the ZrO2 crown-copings were scanned, processed and completed by veneering. A flat occlusal scheme with stable front teeth guidance was established. The advantage of the presented treatment is the esthetic result in combination with a material of high mechanical and biological quality.
BACKGROUND: Equine insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction provoked by insect-derived allergens. Icelandic horses living in Iceland do not have IBH due to absence of relevant insects, but acquire it at high frequency after being imported to mainland Europe. In contrast, their offspring born in mainland Europe has reduced IBH incidence. T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells and cytokines were determined in Icelandic horses born in Iceland and on the continent and which either have IBH or are healthy. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from these horses were stimulated for 18 h during summer and winter with polyclonal T cell stimuli, IBH allergen(s) or irrelevant allergen(s). Cells were analysed by flow cytometry for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4); RNA was analysed for IFN-gamma, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 mRNA. RESULTS: During summer, but not during winter, IBH PBMC stimulated polyclonally showed reduced IFN-gamma mRNA and IFN-gamma-producing cells when compared with those of healthy horses, regardless of origin. PBMC stimulated polyclonally or with IBH allergen showed increased IL-4 mRNA levels and higher numbers of IL-4-producing cells when born in Iceland or showing IBH symptoms. IL-5 and IL-13 mRNA were modulated neither by disease nor by origin. Abrogation of IL-4 production in healthy horses born in mainland Europe may be due, at least in part, to IL-10. There was an increased level of IL-10 in supernatants from PBMC of healthy horses born in mainland Europe and stimulated polyclonally or with IBH allergen. CONCLUSIONS: Modulation of IBH incidence is governed by altered Th1/Th2 ratio, which might be influenced by IL-10.
Pasteurella species are part of the oral flora of cats and dogs. In humans, they are frequently found in infected animal bite wounds, but invasive infections are rare. This is the first report of prosthetic-valve endocarditis with a Pasteurella dagmatis-like species, which originated from the patient's cat.
BACKGROUND Patients suffering from cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by New World Leishmania (Viannia) species are at high risk of developing mucosal (ML) or disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL). After the formation of a primary skin lesion at the site of the bite by a Leishmania-infected sand fly, the infection can disseminate to form secondary lesions. This metastatic phenotype causes significant morbidity and is often associated with a hyper-inflammatory immune response leading to the destruction of nasopharyngeal tissues in ML, and appearance of nodules or numerous ulcerated skin lesions in DCL. Recently, we connected this aggressive phenotype to the presence of Leishmania RNA virus (LRV) in strains of L. guyanensis, showing that LRV is responsible for elevated parasitaemia, destructive hyper-inflammation and an overall exacerbation of the disease. Further studies of this relationship and the distribution of LRVs in other Leishmania strains and species would benefit from improved methods of viral detection and quantitation, especially ones not dependent on prior knowledge of the viral sequence as LRVs show significant evolutionary divergence. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS This study reports various techniques, among which, the use of an anti-dsRNA monoclonal antibody (J2) stands out for its specific and quantitative recognition of dsRNA in a sequence-independent fashion. Applications of J2 include immunofluorescence, ELISA and dot blot: techniques complementing an arsenal of other detection tools, such as nucleic acid purification and quantitative real-time-PCR. We evaluate each method as well as demonstrate a successful LRV detection by the J2 antibody in several parasite strains, a freshly isolated patient sample and lesion biopsies of infected mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE We propose that refinements of these methods could be transferred to the field for use as a diagnostic tool in detecting the presence of LRV, and potentially assessing the LRV-related risk of complications in cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Knowledge of spider bites in Central Europe derives mainly from anecdotal case presentations; therefore we aimed to collect cases systematically. From June 2011 to November 2012 we prospectively collected 17 cases of alleged spider bites, and together with two spontaneous notifications later on, our database totaled 19 cases. Among them, eight cases could be verified. The causative species were: Cheiracanthium punctorium (3), Zoropsis spinimana (2), Amaurobius ferox, Tegenaria atrica and Malthonica ferruginea (1 each). Clinical presentation was generally mild, with the exception of Cheiracanthium punctorium, and patients recovered fully without sequelae. In Switzerland, spider bites generally have a benign clinical course, which is characterised by minor effects, with rapid and complete recovery. Since only verified spider bites can be regarded as spider bites, in the case of clinically important arachnidism, the spider should be sent to an expert for identification. Our study may help to diminish spider fear and reassure people who have experienced a bite. The study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01355744).
BACKGROUND The aim of the survey was to obtain information on the treatment plan preferences, mechanics and characteristics of temporary anchorage device (TAD) application using a single case presented to orthodontists in Switzerland. METHODS A structured questionnaire to be completed by all study participants with case-specific (treatment plan including mechanics and TAD usage) and general questions (general fixed appliance and TAD usage as well as professional, educational and demographic questions) together with an orthodontic borderline case was utilised. The case was a female adult with dental Class II/2, deep bite and maxillary anterior crowing, who had been treated in childhood with extraction of four premolars and fixed appliance followed by wisdom tooth extraction. RESULTS The response rate was 24.4% (108 out of 443). The majority (96.3%, 104) proposed comprehensive treatment, while 3.7% (4) planned only alignment of maxillary teeth. 8.3% (9) included a surgical approach in their treatment plan. An additional 0.9% (1) combined the surgical approach with Class II mechanics. 75.1% (81) decided on distalization on the maxilla using TADs, 7.4% (8) planned various types of Class II appliances and 3.7% (4) combined distalization using TADs or headgear with Class II appliances and surgery. Palatal implants were the most popular choice (70.6%, 60), followed by mini-screws (22.4%, 19) and mini-plates on the infrazygomatic crests (7.0%, 6). The preferred site of TAD insertion showed more variation in sagittal than in transversal dimension, and the median size of mini-screws used was 10.0-mm long (interquartile range (IQR) 2.3 mm) and 2.0-mm wide (IQR 0.3 mm). CONCLUSIONS Distalization against palatal implants and then distalization against mini-screws were the most popular treatment plans. Preferred site for TAD insertion varied depending on type and size but varied more widely in the sagittal than in the transversal dimension.
Canine granulocytic anaplasmosis (CGA) is caused by the rickettsial microorganism Anaplasma phagocytophilum. CGA is typically characterized by fever, thrombocytopenia, lethargy, anorexia, arthropy, and other nonspecific clinical signs. Skin lesions have been described in naturally infected lambs and humans. The pathophysiology of CGA is not entirely clear, and the persistence of the organism after the resolution of clinical signs has been described. The aim of the study was to investigate if A. phagocytophilum can be detected in canine lesional skin biopsies from A. phagocytophilum-seropositive dogs with etiologically unclear skin lesions that improved after the treatment with doxycycline. Paraffin-embedded lesional skin biopsies were allocated into separate groups: biopsies from A. phagocytophilum-seropositive dogs responsive to treatment with doxycycline (n=12), biopsies from A. phagocytophilum-seronegative dogs (n=2), and biopsies in which skin lesions histopathologically resembled a tick bite (n=10). The serological status of the latter group was unknown. Histology of the seropositive and seronegative dog skin lesions did not indicate an etiology. DNA was extracted, and a conventional PCR for partial 16S rRNA gene was performed. Anaplasma phagocytophilum DNA was amplified from 4/12 seropositive dogs' skin biopsies. All sequences were 100% identical to the prototype A. phagocytophilum human strain (GenBank accession number U02521). Anaplasma phagocytophilum was not amplified from the 2 seronegative and 10 suspected tick bite dogs. Serum antibody titers of the PCR-positive dogs ranged from 1:200 to 1:2048. Histopathologically, a mild-to-moderate perivascular to interstitial dermatitis composed of a mixed cellular infiltrate and mild-to-moderate edema was seen in all seropositive dogs. In 8/12 seropositive dogs, vascular changes as vasculopathy, fibrinoid necrosis of the vessel walls, and leukocytoclastic changes were observed. In summary, our results support the hypothesis that the persistence of A. phagocytophilum in the skin may be causative for otherwise unexplained skin lesions in seropositive dogs.
We report the case of glandular tularemia that developed in a man supposedly infected by a tick bite in Western Switzerland. Francisella tularensis (F. tularensis) was identified. In Europe tularemia most commonly manifests itself as ulcero-glandular or glandular disease; the diagnosis of tularemia may be delayed in glandular form where skin or mucous lesion is absent, particularly in areas which are assumed to have a low incidence of the disease.
Nowadays, many people retain their natural teeth until late in life as a result of the large success of preventive strategies. However, there is still a very high prevalence of edentulism especially in elderly patients and many of these patients are provided with inadequate dental prostheses. In addition, many elderly citizens suffer from systemic diseases leading to increased drug prescription with age. This may have direct or indirect negative effects on the health and integrity of oral tissues like teeth, mucosa or muscles. There is growing evidence that a close interaction between the general medical condition and oral health exists. From a dental point of view, the chewing ability and capacity and its interaction with the nutritional status seem to be especially important. For example, complete denture wearers present a significant oral disability, which often leads to a gradual deterioration of their individual dietary habits. The improvement of maximum bite force and chewing efficiency may be an important prerequisite for an adequate nutrition. Those functional parameters can often be improved by providing functional dental prostheses or by stabilizing complete dentures with endosseous implants. Nevertheless, an improvement of the nutritional status can only be achieved through a close collaboration with dieticians or clinical nutritionists.
In vivo infection routes of parasites have remained something of a "black box", in which only snapshot views of fixed tissues are available. Clearly, there exists a strong need for imaging approaches to visualise living parasites within intact organs and animals. In vivo imaging of fluorescent Plasmodium parasites now provides us with exciting insights into the infection process, from the bite of the infected mosquito to the invasion of liver cells, and alternative approaches using luciferase-expressing parasites have been used to monitor their dissemination in mice. This rapidly developing field will go a long way towards deepening our understanding of host-parasite interactions at different levels.