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OBJECTIVE Anorexia nervosa is associated with several serious medical complications related to malnutrition, severe weight loss, and low levels of micronutrients. The refeeding phase of these high-risk patients bears a further threat to health and potentially fatal complications. The objective of this study was to examine complications due to refeeding of patients with anorexia nervosa, as well as their mortality rate after the implementation of guidelines from the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. METHODS We analyzed retrospective, observational data of a consecutive, unselected anorexia nervosa cohort during a 5-y period. The sample consisted of 65 inpatients, 14 were admitted more than once within the study period, resulting in 86 analyzed cases. RESULTS Minor complications associated with refeeding during the first 10 d (replenishing phase) were recorded in nine cases (10.5%), four with transient pretibial edemas and three with organ dysfunction. In two cases, a severe hypokalemia occurred. During the observational phase of 30 d, 16 minor complications occurred in 14 cases (16.3%). Six infectious and 10 non-infectious complications occurred. None of the patients with anorexia nervosa died within a follow-up period of 3 mo. CONCLUSIONS Our data demonstrate that the seriousness and rate of complications during the replenishment phase in this high-risk population can be kept to a minimum. The findings indicate that evidence-based refeeding regimens, such as our guidelines are able to reduce complications and prevent mortality. Despite anorexia nervosa, our sample were affected by serious comorbidities, no case met the full diagnostic criteria for refeeding syndrome.
BACKGROUND Longstanding ulcerative colitis (UC) bears a high risk for development of UC-associated colorectal carcinoma (UCC). The inflammatory microenvironment influences microRNA expression, which in turn deregulates target gene expression. microRNA-26b (miR-26b) was shown to be instrumental in normal tissue growth and differentiation. Thus, we aimed to investigate the impact of miR-26b in inflammation-associated colorectal carcinogenesis. METHODS Two different cohorts of patients were investigated. In the retrospective group, a tissue microarray with 38 samples from 17 UC/UCC patients was used for miR-26b in situ hybridization and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analyses. In the prospective group, we investigated miR-26b expression in 25 fresh-frozen colon biopsies and corresponding serum samples of 6 UC and 15 non-UC patients, respectively. In silico analysis, Ago2-RNA immunoprecipitation, luciferase reporter assay, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction examination, and miR-26b mimic overexpression were employed for target validation. RESULTS miR-26b expression was shown to be upregulated with disease progression in tissues and serum of UC and UCC patients. Using miR-26b and Ki-67 expression levels, an UCC was predicted with high accuracy. We identified 4 novel miR-26b targets (DIP1, MDM2, CREBBP, BRCA1). Among them, the downregulation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase DIP1 was closely related to death-associated protein kinase stabilization along the normal mucosa-UC-UCC sequence. In silico functional pathway analysis revealed that the common cellular pathways affected by miR-26b are highly related to cancerogenesis and the development of gastrointestinal diseases. CONCLUSIONS We suggest that miR-26b could serve as a biomarker for inflammation-associated processes in the gastrointestinal system. Because miR-26b expression is downregulated in sporadic colon cancer, it could discriminate between UCC and the sporadic cancer type.
Hintergund Seit mehr als 10 Jahren wird der kathetergestützte Aortenklappenersatz (Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation, „transcatheter aortic valve implantation“, TAVI) durchgeführt. Bereits in der Anfangsphase haben sich eingriffstypische Komplikationen nach transfemoralem Zugang herauskristallisiert. Ziel der Arbeit Beispielhaft wird anhand von 4 Sektionsfällen beschrieben, wie die Indikationsstellung zur TAVI und die Vermeidbarkeit der Komplikation zu prüfen ist. Material und Methoden Bei einer 86-jährigen Frau war es im Rahmen eines Repositionsversuchs des Implantats zu einem Abriss der rechten Beckengefäße gekommen. Bei einer 82-jährigen Frau war es während der Intervention zu einem Einriss des Aortenklappenrings mit Perikardtamponade gekommen. Eine 89-jährige Frau erlitt während der Intervention eine gedeckte Aortenverletzung und war während der anschließenden operativen Versorgung des Defekts verstorben. Im vierten Fall war bei einer 83 Jahre alt gewordenen Patientin im Rahmen des transfemoralen Klappenersatzes die Positionierung der Klappe misslungen, und ventrikelwärts entwickelte sich eine Embolisation der entfalteten Klappe. Es wurde eine zweite gleichartige Klappe positioniert, die in der Aorta hielt. Ergebnisse Die Indikationsstellung zur TAVI war in den 4 Fällen der multimorbiden Patientinnen gerechtfertigt. Die Komplikationen waren sehr unterschiedlich und die Gefäßverletzungen in 2 Fällen aufgrund der begonnenen Operationen nicht mehr zu prüfen. Schlussfolgerungen Die Versorgung einer Komplikation ist beim indikationsgerechten Patientenkollektiv aufgrund der Multimorbidität extrem schwierig und mit zahlreichen weiteren Komplikationen behaftet. Schlüsselwörter Herzklappenerkrankungen – Herzklappenprothese – Minimalinvasive Verfahren – Behandlungsfehler – Inoperabilität