We provide statistical evidence of the effect of the solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) on the northern winter and spring circulations. We find that the vertical structure of the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), the zonal mean circulation, and Eliassen-Palm (EP)-flux anomalies show a dynamically consistent pattern of downward propagation over a period of ~45 days in response to positive Psw anomalies. When the solar irradiance is high, the signature of Psw is marked by a positive NAM anomaly descending from the stratosphere to the surface during winter. When the solar irradiance is low, the Psw signal has the opposite sign, occurs in spring, and is confined to the stratosphere. The negative Psw signal in the NAM under low solar irradiance conditions is primarily governed by enhanced vertical EP-flux divergence and a warmer polar region. The winter Psw signal under high solar irradiance conditions is associated with positive anomalies of the horizontal EP-flux divergence at 55°N–75°N and negative anomalies at 25°N–45°N, which corresponds to the positive NAM anomaly. The EP-flux divergence anomalies occur ~15 days ahead of the mean-flow changes. A significant equatorward shift of synoptic-scale Rossby wave breaking (RWB) near the tropopause is detected during January–March, corresponding to increased anticyclonic RWB and a decrease in cyclonic RWB. We suggest that the barotropic instability associated with asymmetric ozone in the upper stratosphere and the baroclinic instability associated with the polar vortex in the middle and lower stratosphere play a critical role for the winter signal and its downward propagation.
Long-term propagation of inner ear-derived progenitor/stem cells beyond the third generation and differentiation into inner ear cell types has been shown to be feasible, but challenging. We investigated whether the known neuroprotective guanidine compound creatine (Cr) promotes propagation of inner ear progenitor/stem cells as mitogen-expanded neurosphere cultures judged from the formation of spheres over passages. In addition, we studied whether Cr alone or in combination with brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes neuronal differentiation of inner ear progenitors. For this purpose, early postnatal rat spiral ganglia, utricle, and organ of Corti-derived progenitors were grown as floating spheres in the absence (controls) or presence of Cr (5 mM) from passage 3 onward. Similarly, dissociated sphere-derived cultures were differentiated for 14 days in the presence or absence of Cr (5 mM) and spiral ganglia sphere-derived cultures in a combination of Cr with the neurotrophin BDNF (50 ng/ml). We found that the cumulative total number of spheres over all passages was significantly higher after Cr supplementation as compared with controls in all the three inner ear cultures. In contrast, sphere sizes were not affected by the administration of Cr. Administration of Cr during differentiation of spiral ganglia cells resulted in a significantly higher density of β-III-tubulin-positive cells compared with controls, whereas densities of myosin VIIa-positive cells in cultures of utricle and organ of Corti were not affected by the treatment. Importantly, a combination of Cr with the neurotrophin BDNF resulted in further significantly increased densities of β-III-tubulin-positive cells in cultures of spiral ganglia cells as compared with single treatments. In sum, Cr promoted continuing propagation of rat inner ear-derived progenitor cells and supported specifically in combination with BDNF the differentiation of neuronal cell types from spiral ganglion-derived spheres.
An in vitro system allowing the culture of ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) is described. Bone marrow (BM) cells from the sternum of 4- to 9-month-old sheep were cultured in liquid suspension in hydrophobic bags with medium containing 20% autologous serum and 20% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cells with macrophage characteristics were positively selected and increased four- to five-fold between day (d) 0 and d18. Granulocytes and cells of lymphoid appearance including progenitor cells were negatively selected and were diminished 50-fold during this 18-d culture. The addition of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-containing supernatants to liquid cultures did not significantly improve the yield of BMM in 18-d cultures. In contrast, cell survival at d6 and macrophage cell yield at d18 depended on the concentration and source of serum in the culture medium. FCS and 1:1 mixtures of FCS and autologous serum were superior to autologous serum alone. Analysis of growth requirements of ovine BMMs suggested that they are under more complex growth control than their murine counterparts. In an [3H]thymidine incorporation assay with BM cells collected at different times of culture, d3 or d4 BM cells responded to human recombinant M-CSF, human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), bovine GM-CSF, murine M-CSF or murine M-CSF-containing supernatants, and bovine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in decreasing order of magnitude. Likewise, pure murine BMM populations harvested at d6 responded to homologous GM-CSF, IL-3, and human or murine M-CSF. FCS did not stimulate the proliferation of murine BMMs (d6) and of ovine BM cells (d3 or d4). In contrast, ovine BM cells harvested at d12 responded to FCS by proliferation in a dose-dependent manner but failed to proliferate in the presence of human or murine M-CSF or M-CSF-containing supernatants of mouse and sheep fibroblasts containing mouse macrophage growth-promoting activity. Likewise, various cytokine-containing supernatants and recombinant cytokines (murine IL-3, murine and human GM-CSF, murine and bovine IL-1 beta) did not promote proliferation of ovine d12 BM cells to an extent greater than that achieved with 15% FCS alone. Thus, ovine BMM proliferation is under the control of at least two factors acting in sequence, M-CSF and an unidentified factor contained in FCS. The ovine BMM culture system may provide a model for the analysis of myelomonocytopoiesis in vitro.