129 resultados para ABERRANT SALIENCE


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Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) regulates a broad spectrum of fundamental cellular processes like proliferation, death, migration and cytokine production. Therefore, elevated levels of S1P may be causal to various pathologic conditions including cancer, fibrosis, inflammation, autoimmune diseases and aberrant angiogenesis. Here we report that S1P lyase from the prokaryote Symbiobacterium thermophilum (StSPL) degrades extracellular S1P in vitro and in blood. Moreover, we investigated its effect on cellular responses typical of fibrosis, cancer and aberrant angiogenesis using renal mesangial cells, endothelial cells, breast (MCF-7) and colon (HCT 116) carcinoma cells as disease models. In all cell types, wild-type StSPL, but not an inactive mutant, disrupted MAPK phosphorylation stimulated by exogenous S1P. Functionally, disruption of S1P receptor signaling by S1P depletion inhibited proliferation and expression of connective tissue growth factor in mesangial cells, proliferation, migration and VEGF expression in carcinoma cells, and proliferation and migration of endothelial cells. Upon intravenous injection of StSPL in mice, plasma S1P levels rapidly declined by 70% within 1 h and then recovered to normal 6 h after injection. Using the chicken chorioallantoic membrane model we further demonstrate that also under in vivo conditions StSPL, but not the inactive mutant, inhibited tumor cell-induced angiogenesis as an S1P-dependent process. Our data demonstrate that recombinant StSPL is active under extracellular conditions and holds promise as a new enzyme therapeutic for diseases associated with increased levels of S1P and S1P receptor signaling.


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Activation of beta-catenin is a hallmark of hepatoblastoma (HB) and appears to play a crucial role in its pathogenesis. While aberrant accumulation of the beta-catenin is a common event in HB, mutations or deletions in CTNNB1 (beta-catenin gene) do not always account for the high frequency of protein expression. In this study we have investigated alternative activation of beta-catenin by HGF/c-Met signaling in a large cohort of 98 HB patients enrolled in the SIOPEL-3 clinical trial.


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MicroRNAs can influence hematopoietic cell lineage commitment and aberrant expression of hematopoietic miRNAs contributes to AML pathology. We found that miR-143 and miR-145 expression is significantly repressed in primary AML patient samples as compared to neutrophils of healthy donors. Further analysis revealed impaired neutrophil differentiation of APL cells upon inhibition of miR-145 expression. Lastly, we identified p73 as transcriptional regulator of miR-143/145 during neutrophil differentiation of APL cells. Our data suggest that low miR-145 levels in APL, possibly due to aberrant expression of p73 transcription factors, contribute to the differentiation block seen in this disease.


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The retromolar canal is an anatomic structure of the mandible with clinical importance. This canal branches off from the mandibular canal behind the third molar and travels to the retromolar foramen in the retromolar fossa. The retromolar canal might conduct accessory innervation to the mandibular molars or contain an aberrant buccal nerve.


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Learned irrelevance (LIrr) refers to a form of selective learning that develops as a result of prior noncorrelated exposures of the predicted and predictor stimuli. In learning situations that depend on the associative link between the predicted and predictor stimuli, LIrr is expressed as a retardation of learning. It represents a form of modulation of learning by selective attention. Given the relevance of selective attention impairment to both positive and cognitive schizophrenia symptoms, the question remains whether LIrr impairment represents a state (relating to symptom manifestation) or trait (relating to schizophrenia endophenotypes) marker of human psychosis. We examined this by evaluating the expression of LIrr in an associative learning paradigm in (1) asymptomatic first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients (SZ-relatives) and in (2) individuals exhibiting prodromal signs of psychosis ("ultrahigh risk" [UHR] patients) in each case relative to demographically matched healthy control subjects. There was no evidence for aberrant LIrr in SZ-relatives, but LIrr as well as associative learning were attenuated in UHR patients. It is concluded that LIrr deficiency in conjunction with a learning impairment might be a useful state marker predictive of psychotic state but a relatively weak link to a potential schizophrenia endophenotype.


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Human sexual determination is initiated by a cascade of genes that lead to the development of the fetal gonad. Whereas development of the female external genitalia does not require fetal ovarian hormones, male genital development requires the action of testicular testosterone and its more potent derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The "classic" biosynthetic pathway from cholesterol to testosterone in the testis and the subsequent conversion of testosterone to DHT in genital skin is well established. Recently, an alternative pathway leading to DHT has been described in marsupials, but its potential importance to human development is unclear. AKR1C2 is an enzyme that participates in the alternative but not the classic pathway. Using a candidate gene approach, we identified AKR1C2 mutations with sex-limited recessive inheritance in four 46,XY individuals with disordered sexual development (DSD). Analysis of the inheritance of microsatellite markers excluded other candidate loci. Affected individuals had moderate to severe undervirilization at birth; when recreated by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in bacteria, the mutant AKR1C2 had diminished but not absent catalytic activities. The 46,XY DSD individuals also carry a mutation causing aberrant splicing in AKR1C4, which encodes an enzyme with similar activity. This suggests a mode of inheritance where the severity of the developmental defect depends on the number of mutations in the two genes. An unrelated 46,XY DSD patient carried AKR1C2 mutations on both alleles, confirming the essential role of AKR1C2 and corroborating the hypothesis that both the classic and alternative pathways of testicular androgen biosynthesis are needed for normal human male sexual differentiation.


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Brain tumors comprise a wide variety of neoplasia classified according to their cellular origin and their morphological and histological characteristics. The transformed phenotype of brain tumor cells has been extensively studied in the past years, achieving a significant progress in our understanding of the molecular pathways leading to tumorigenesis. It has been reported that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway is frequently altered in grade IV brain tumors resulting in uncontrolled cell growth, survival, proliferation, angiogenesis, and migration. This aberrant activation can be explained by oncogenic mutations in key components of the pathway or through abnormalities in its regulation. These alterations include overexpression and mutations of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), mutations and deletions of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) tumor suppressor gene, encoding a lipid kinase that directly antagonized PI3K activity, and alterations in Ras signaling. Due to promising results of preclinical studies investigating the PI3K/AKT pathway in grade IV brain tumors like glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, the components of this pathway have emerged as promising therapeutic targets to treat these malignant brain tumors. Although an arsenal of small molecule inhibitors that target specific components of this signaling pathway is being developed, its successful application in the clinics remains a challenge. In this article we will review the molecular basis of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway in malignant brain tumors, mainly focusing on glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, and we will further discuss the current status and potential of molecular targeted therapies.


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Medulloblastoma (MB), the most common malignant brain tumour in children, is characterised by a high risk of leptomeningeal dissemination. But little is known about the molecular mechanisms that promote cancer cell migration in MB. Aberrant expression of miR-21 is recognised to be causatively linked to metastasis in a variety of human neoplasms including brain tumours; however its function in MB is still unknown. In this study we investigated the expression level and the role of miR-21 in MB cell migration. miR-21 was found to be up-regulated, compared to normal cerebellum, in 29/29 MB primary samples and 6/6 MB-derived cell lines. Inverse correlation was observed between miR-21 expression and the metastasis suppressor PDCD4, while miR-21 repression increased the release of PDCD4 protein, suggesting negative regulation of PDCD4 by miR-21 in MB cells. Anti-miR-21 decreased protein expression of the tumour cell invasion mediators MAP4K1 and JNK, which are also known to be negatively regulated by PDCD4, and down-regulated integrin protein that is essential for MB leptomeningeal dissemination. Moreover miR-21 knockdown in MB cells increased the expression of two eminent negative modulators of cancer cell migration, E-Cadherin and TIMP2 proteins that are known to be positively regulated by PDCD4. Finally and importantly, suppression of miR-21 decreased the motility of MB cells and reduced their migration across basement membranes in vitro. Together, these compelling data propose miR-21 pathway as a novel mechanism impacting MB cell dissemination and raises the possibility that curability of selected MB may be improved by pharmaceutical strategies directed towards microRNA-21.


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The default-mode network (DMN) was shown to have aberrant blood oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) activity in major depressive disorder (MDD). While BOLD is a relative measure of neural activity, cerebral blood flow (CBF) is an absolute measure. Resting-state CBF alterations have been reported in MDD. However, the association of baseline CBF and CBF fluctuations is unclear in MDD. Therefore, the aim was to investigate the CBF within the DMN in MDD, applying a strictly data-driven approach. In 22 MDD patients and 22 matched healthy controls, CBF was acquired using arterial spin labeling (ASL) at rest. A concatenated independent component analysis was performed to identify the DMN within the ASL data. The perfusion of the DMN and its nodes was quantified and compared between groups. The DMN was identified in both groups with high spatial similarity. Absolute CBF values within the DMN were reduced in MDD patients (p<0.001). However, after controlling for whole-brain gray matter CBF and age, the group difference vanished. In patients, depression severity was correlated with reduced perfusion in the DMN in the posterior cingulate cortex and the right inferior parietal lobe. Hypoperfusion within the DMN in MDD is not specific to the DMN. Still, depression severity was linked to DMN node perfusion, supporting a role of the DMN in depression pathobiology. The finding has implications for the interpretation of BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging data in MDD.


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Tyrolean Grey cattle represent a local breed with a population size of approximately 5000 registered cows. In 2003, a previously unknown neurological disorder was recognized in Tyrolean Grey cattle. The clinical signs of the disorder are similar to those of bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy (weaver syndrome) in Brown Swiss cattle but occur much earlier in life. The neuropathological investigation of an affected calf showed axonal degeneration in the central nervous system (CNS) and femoral nerve. The pedigrees of the affected calves suggested a monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance. We localized the responsible mutation to a 1.9 Mb interval on chromosome 16 by genome-wide association and haplotype mapping. The MFN2 gene located in this interval encodes mitofusin 2, a mitochondrial membrane protein. A heritable human axonal neuropathy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease-2A2 (CMT2A2), is caused by MFN2 mutations. Therefore, we considered MFN2 a positional and functional candidate gene and performed mutation analysis in affected and control Tyrolean Grey cattle. We did not find any non-synonymous variants. However, we identified a perfectly associated silent SNP in the coding region of exon 20 of the MFN2 gene. This SNP is located within a putative exonic splice enhancer (ESE) and the variant allele leads to partial retention of the entire intron 19 and a premature stop codon in the aberrant MFN2 transcript. Thus we have identified a highly unusual splicing defect, where an exonic single base exchange leads to the retention of the preceding intron. This splicing defect represents a potential explanation for the observed degenerative axonopathy. Marker assisted selection can now be used to eliminate degenerative axonopathy from Tyrolean Grey cattle.


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Synapses of hippocampal neurons play important roles in learning and memory processes and are involved in aberrant hippocampal function in temporal lobe epilepsy. Major neuronal types in the hippocampus as well as their input and output synapses are well known, but it has remained an open question to what extent conventional electron microscopy (EM) has provided us with the real appearance of synaptic fine structure under in vivo conditions. There is reason to assume that conventional aldehyde fixation and dehydration lead to protein denaturation and tissue shrinkage, likely associated with the occurrence of artifacts. However, realistic fine-structural data of synapses are required for our understanding of the transmission process and for its simulation. Here, we used high-pressure freezing and cryosubstitution of hippocampal tissue that was not subjected to aldehyde fixation and dehydration in ethanol to monitor the fine structure of an identified synapse in the hippocampal CA3 region, that is, the synapse between granule cell axons, the mossy fibers, and the proximal dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons. Our results showed that high-pressure freezing nicely preserved ultrastructural detail of this particular synapse and allowed us to study rapid structural changes associated with synaptic plasticity.


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Therapeutic over-expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can be used to treat ischemic conditions. However, VEGF can induce either normal or aberrant angiogenesis depending on its dose in the microenvironment around each producing cell in vivo, which limits its clinical usefulness. The goal herein was to determine the cellular mechanisms by which physiologic and aberrant vessels are induced by over-expression of different VEGF doses in adult skeletal muscle. We took advantage of a well-characterized cell-based platform for controlled gene expression in skeletal muscle. Clonal populations of retrovirally transduced myoblasts were implanted in limb muscles of immunodeficient mice to homogeneously over-express two specific VEGF(164) levels, previously shown to induce physiologic and therapeutic or aberrant angiogenesis, respectively. Three independent and complementary methods (confocal microscopy, vascular casting and 3D-reconstruction of serial semi-thin sections) showed that, at both VEGF doses, angiogenesis took place without sprouting, but rather by intussusception, or vascular splitting. VEGF-induced endothelial proliferation without tip-cell formation caused an initial homogeneous enlargement of pre-existing microvessels, followed by the formation of intravascular transluminal pillars, hallmarks of intussusception. This was associated with increased flow and shear stress, which are potent triggers of intussusception. A similar process of enlargement without sprouting, followed by intussusception, was also induced by VEGF over-expression through a clinically relevant adenoviral gene therapy vector, without the use of transduced cells. Our findings indicate that VEGF over-expression, at doses that have been shown to induce functional benefit, induces vascular growth in skeletal muscle by intussusception rather than sprouting.


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There is growing evidence that aberrant innate immune responses towards the bacterial flora of the gut play a role in the pathogenesis of canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Toll-like receptors (TLR) play an important role as primary sensors of invading pathogens and have gained significant attention in human IBD as differential expression and polymorphisms of certain TLR have been shown to occur in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). The aim of the current study was to evaluate the expression of two TLR important for recognition of commensals in the gut. TLR2 and TLR4 mRNA expression in duodenal biopsies from dogs with IBD was measured and correlated with clinical and histological disease severity. Endoscopic duodenal biopsies from 20 clinical cases and 7 healthy control dogs were used to extract mRNA. TLR2 and TLR4 mRNA expression was assessed using quantitative real-time PCR. TLR2 mRNA expression was significantly increased in the IBD dogs compared to controls, whereas TLR4 mRNA expression was similar in IBD and control cases. In addition, TLR2 mRNA expression was mildly correlated with clinical severity of disease, however, there was no correlation between TLR2 expression and histological severity of disease.


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Filaggrin loss-of-function mutations resulting in C-terminal protein truncations are strong predisposing factors in human atopic dermatitis (AD). To assess the possibility of similar truncations in canine AD, an exclusion strategy was designed on 16 control and 18 AD dogs of various breeds. Comparative immunofluorescence microscopy was performed with an antibody raised against the canine filaggrin C-terminus and a commercial N-terminal antibody. Concurrent with human AD-like features such as generalized NFKB activation and hyperproliferation, four distinctive filaggrin expression patterns were identified in non-lesional skin. It was found that 10/18 AD dogs exhibited an identical pattern for both antibodies with comparable (category I, 3/18) or reduced (category II, 7/18) expression to that of controls. In contrast, 4/18 dogs displayed aberrant large vesicles revealed by the C-terminal but not the N-terminal antibody (category III), while 4/18 showed a control-like N-terminal expression but lacked the C-terminal protein (category IV). The missing C-terminal filaggrin in category IV strongly points towards loss-of function mutations in 4/18 (22%) of all AD dogs analysed.


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Classical schizophrenia literature reports motor symptoms as characteristic of the disorder. After the introduction of neuroleptic drugs, the existence of genuine motor disorders was challenged. Renewed interest arose as symptoms were found in never-medicated patients. Reports focused on abnormal involuntary movements, parkinsonism, neurological soft signs, catatonia, negative symptoms, or psychomotor slowing. Since these syndromes refer to different concepts, however, the definitions are not congruent and the symptoms overlap. The prevalence rates of motor symptoms in schizophrenia are surprisingly high, and recent studies indicate a possible pathobiology. In particular, the development and maturation of the human motor system appears to be closely linked to the emergence of motor symptoms observed in schizophrenia. Post-mortem and neuroimaging results demonstrated aberrant structure and function of premotor and motor cortices, basal ganglia, thalamus, and the connecting white matter tracts. Animal models have focused on aberrant neurotransmission and genetic contributions. Findings of localized abnormal oligodendrocyte function and myelination point to the special role of the white matter in schizophrenia, and recent studies specifically found an association between motor abnormalities and white matter structure in schizophrenia. This review of the literature supports the idea that motor symptoms are closely related to the neurodevelopmental disturbances of schizophrenia and a distinct syndromal dimension with its own pathophysiology.