483 resultados para Hannes Schmid


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Here we investigate the expression of OCT4 human lung adenocarcinoma and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) tumor biopsies and tumor-derived primary cell cultures. OCT4 has been detected in several human tumors suggesting a potentially critical role in tumorigenesis. We assessed the presence of OCT4 in clinical tumor samples of both adenocarcinoma and BAC at the cellular and transcriptional levels, respectively. Furthermore, we evaluated tumor-derived cell cultures for potential differences in OCT4 expression. Immunohistochemical analysis depicted OCT4 in 2 of 8 adenocarcinoma tumor samples and 3 of 5 BAC tumor samples, with no apparent difference in the degree of expression among the sections examined. These results were validated by transcript analysis. Flow cytometric assessment of 11 adenocarcinoma-derived cell cultures and 3 BAC-derived cell cultures revealed significantly higher OCT4 expression in adenocarcinoma tumors compared to their normal counterparts. This, however, was not observed in the BAC cultures. Comparative studies of OCT4 in adenocarcinoma and BAC tumor cell cultures demonstrated a dramatically higher expression in the former. The expression of OCT4 may represent a specific and effective target for therapeutic intervention in adenocarcinoma and BAC. In addition, the aberrant expression and distribution of OCT4 may indicate important parameters concerning the differences between adenocarcinoma and BAC.


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The cytokine tumor-necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) has been shown to preferentially induce apoptosis in cancer cells. A previous study of our group demonstrated that non-small cell lung cancer cell lines can be sensitized to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis by chemotherapeutic agents. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of these results in a model of primary culture of non-small cell lung cancer.


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Gene transfer using electroporation is an essential method for the study of developmental biology, especially to understand the internal control of degeneration and apoptosis of the muscle cells that occurs earlier and quicker than the usual degeneration process occurring by aging. Such experimental studies may have a role in developing new strategies for treating patients suffering from inherited primary myopathies such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The present study was designed to evaluate the feasibility of electroporation mediated transfer of reporter genes to the diaphragm in vivo. This is the first report of gene transfer of naked plasmid DNA into the diaphragm muscle in vivo using electroporation. Our results showed that in vivo gene transfer of naked plasmid DNA into the diaphragm muscle using electroporation is feasible.


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Aims Phenotypic optimality models neglect genetics. However, especially when heterozygous genotypes ire fittest, evolving allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies may not correspond to predicted optima. This was not previously addressed for organisms with complex life histories. Methods Therefore, we modelled the evolution of a fitness-relevant trait of clonal plants, stolon internode length. We explored the likely case of air asymmetric unimodal fitness profile with three model types. In constant selection models (CSMs), which are gametic, but not spatially explicit, evolving allele frequencies in the one-locus and five-loci cases did not correspond to optimum stolon internode length predicted by the spatially explicit, but not gametic, phenotypic model. This deviation was due to the asymmetry of the fitness profile. Gametic, spatially explicit individual-based (SEIB) modeling allowed us relaxing the CSM assumptions of constant selection with exclusively sexual reproduction. Important findings For entirely vegetative or sexual reproduction, predictions. of the gametic SEIB model were close to the ones of spatially explicit CSMs gametic phenotypic models, hut for mixed modes of reproduction they appoximated those of gametic, not spatially explicit CSMs. Thus, in contrast to gametic SEIB models, phenotypic models and, especially for few loci, also CSMs can be very misleading. We conclude that the evolution of trails governed by few quantitative trait loci appears hardly predictable by simple models, that genetic algorithms aiming at technical optimization may actually, miss the optimum and that selection may lead to loci with smaller effects, in derived compared with ancestral lines.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological factors are important in the etiology and prognosis of coronary heart disease (CHD). Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) aims to reduce psychological distress, besides other somatic risk factors. Studies have shown that CR is effective in reducing psychological distress, but little is known about gender-specific outcome differences. Our objective was to examine whether women and men benefit equally from outpatient CR in terms of reduction in psychological distress and whether women show more impaired psychological health at baseline of CR than do men. METHODS: We enrolled 441 CHD patients (mean age 58+/-11 years, 79.8% men) who underwent a 12-week outpatient CR program. Psychological dimensions, namely, anxiety, depression, vital exhaustion, social inhibition, and negative affect, were assessed at baseline and post-CR. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), controlling for age, disease severity, and exercise capacity, was applied to test for gender-specific differences at baseline and change between baseline and post-CR. In addition, gender-specific effect sizes were calculated for the change on psychological dimensions. RESULTS: Women and men did not differ on any psychological measure at baseline of CR. The effect sizes show small to moderate treatment effects on the psychological dimensions assessed. Gender had a significant impact on change on the dimensions vital exhaustion (F=5.040(df=1), p<0.05) and social inhibition (F=5.74(df=1), p<0.05). Women showed larger change on social inhibition and smaller change on vital exhaustion than men. CONCLUSIONS: Women and men do not differ in the extent of psychological distress at baseline of CR, which could be explained also by the exclusion of highly distressed women from treatment. CR is less effective among women with regard to vital exhaustion and more effective with regard to social inhibition compared with men in a sample of low distressed patients.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological distress, poor disease-specific quality of life (QoL), and reduction in vagally mediated early heart rate recovery (HRR) after exercise, all previously predicted morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We hypothesized lower HRR with greater psychological distress and poorer QoL in CHF. DESIGN: All assessments were made at the beginning of a comprehensive cardiac outpatient rehabilitation intervention program. METHODS: Fifty-six CHF patients (mean 58+/-12 years, 84% men) completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire. HRR was determined as the difference between HR at the end of exercise and 1 min after exercise termination (HRR-1). RESULTS: Elevated levels of anxiety symptoms (P=0.005) as well as decreased levels of the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire total (P = 0.025), physical (P=0.026), and emotional (P=0.017) QoL were independently associated with blunted HRR-1. Anxiety, total, physical, and emotional QoL explained 11.4, 8, 7.8, and 9.0%, respectively, of the variance after controlling for covariates. Depressed mood was not associated with HRR-1 (P=0.20). CONCLUSION: Increased psychological distress with regard to elevated anxiety symptoms and impaired QoL were independent correlates of reduced HRR-1 in patients with CHF. Reduced vagal tone might explain part of the adverse clinical outcome previously observed in CHF patients in relation to psychological distress and poor disease-specific QoL.


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OBJECTIVE: Vital exhaustion and type D personality previously predicted mortality and cardiac events in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Reduced heart rate recovery (HRR) also predicts morbidity and mortality in CHF. We hypothesized that elevated levels of vital exhaustion and type D personality are both associated with decreased HRR. METHODS: Fifty-one patients with CHF (mean age 58+/-12 years, 82% men) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)


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AIMS: Data on moderately cold water immersion and occurrence of arrhythmias in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients are scarce. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined 22 male patients, 12 with CHF [mean age 59 years, ejection fraction (EF) 32%, NYHA class II] and 10 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) without CHF (mean age 65 years, EF 52%). Haemodynamic effects of water immersion and swimming in warm (32 degrees C) and moderately cold (22 degrees C) water were measured using an inert gas rebreathing method. The occurrence of arrhythmias during water activities was compared with those measured during a 24 h ECG recording. Rate pressure product during water immersion up to the chest was significantly higher in moderately cold (P = 0.043 in CHF, P = 0.028 in CAD patients) compared with warm water, but not during swimming. Rate pressure product reached 14200 in CAD and 12 400 in CHF patients during swimming. Changes in cardiac index (increase by 5-15%) and oxygen consumption (increase up to 20%) were of similar magnitude in moderately cold and warm water. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) increased significantly in moderately cold water from 15 +/- 41 to 76 +/- 163 beats per 30 min in CHF (P = 0.013) but not in CAD patients (20 +/- 33 vs. 42 +/- 125 beats per 30 min, P = 0.480). No ventricular tachycardia was noted. CONCLUSION: Patients with compensated CHF tolerate water immersion and swimming in moderately cold water well. However, the increase in PVCs raises concerns about the potential danger of high-grade ventricular arrhythmias.


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This study aimed to identify the microbial contamination of water from dental chair units (DCUs) using the prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella species and heterotrophic bacteria as a marker of pollution in water in the area of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Water (250 ml) from 76 DCUs was collected twice (early on a morning before using all the instruments and after using the DCUs for at least two hours) either from the high-speed handpiece tube, the 3 in 1 syringe or the micromotor for water quality testing. An increased bacterial count (>300 CFU/ml) was found in 46 (61%) samples taken before use of the DCU, but only in 29 (38%) samples taken two hours after use. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found in both water samples in 6/76 (8%) of the DCUs. Legionella were found in both samples in 15 (20%) of the DCUs tested. Legionella anisa was identified in seven samples and Legionella pneumophila was found in eight. DCUs which were less than five years old were contaminated less often than older units (25% und 77%, p<0.001). This difference remained significant (0=0.0004) when adjusted for manufacturer and sampling location in a multivariable logistic regression. A large proportion of the DCUs tested did not comply with the Swiss drinking water standards nor with the recommendations of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


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BACKGROUND: The Fip1-like-1-platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (FIP1L1-PDGFRA) gene fusion is a common cause of chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL)/hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), and patients suffering from this particular subgroup of CEL/HES respond to low-dose imatinib therapy. However, some patients may develop imatinib resistance because of an acquired T674I mutation, which is believed to prevent drug binding through steric hindrance. METHODS: In an imatinib resistant FIP1L1-PDGFRA positive patient, we analyzed the molecular structure of the fusion gene and analyzed the effect of several kinase inhibitors on FIP1L1-PDGFRA-mediated proliferative responses in vitro. RESULTS: Sequencing of the FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion gene revealed the occurrence of a S601P mutation, which is located within the nucleotide binding loop. In agreement with the clinical observations, imatinib did not inhibit the proliferation of S601P mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA-transduced Ba/F3 cells. Moreover, sorafenib, which has been described to inhibit T674I mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA, failed to block S601P mutant FIP1L1-PDGFRA. Structural modeling revealed that the newly identified S601P mutated form of PDGFRA destabilizes the inactive conformation of the kinase domain that is necessary to bind imatinib as well as sorafenib. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel mutation in FIP1L1-PDGFRA resulting in both imatinib and sorafenib resistance. The identification of novel drug-resistant FIP1L1-PDGFRA variants may help to develop the next generation of target-directed compounds for CEL/HES and other leukemias.


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BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein type B (SPB) is needed for alveolar gas exchange. SPB is increased in the plasma of patients with heart failure (HF), with a concentration that is higher when HF severity is highest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between plasma SPB and both alveolar-capillary diffusion at rest and ventilation versus carbon dioxide production during exercise. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty patients with chronic HF and 20 healthy controls were evaluated consecutively, but the required quality for procedures was only reached by 71 patients with HF and 19 healthy controls. Each subject underwent pulmonary function measurements, including lung diffusion for carbon monoxide and membrane diffusion capacity, and maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test. Plasma SPB was measured by immunoblotting. In patients with HF, SPB values were higher (4.5 [11.1] versus 1.6 [2.9], P=0.0006, median and 25th to 75th interquartile), whereas lung diffusion for carbon monoxide (19.7+/-4.5 versus 24.6+/-6.8 mL/mm Hg per min, P<0.0001, mean+/-SD) and membrane diffusion capacity (28.9+/-7.4 versus 38.7+/-14.8, P<0.0001) were lower. Peak oxygen consumption and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope were 16.2+/-4.3 versus 26.8+/-6.2 mL/kg per min (P<0.0001) and 29.7+/-5.9 and 24.5+/-3.2 (P<0.0001) in HF and controls, respectively. In the HF population, univariate analysis showed a significant relationship between plasma SPB and lung diffusion for carbon monoxide, membrane diffusion capacity, peak oxygen consumption, and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (P<0.0001 for all). On multivariable logistic regression analysis, membrane diffusion capacity (beta, -0.54; SE, 0.018; P<0.0001), peak oxygen consumption (beta, -0.53; SE, 0.036; P=0.004), and ventilation/carbon dioxide production slope (beta, 0.25; SE, 0.026; P=0.034) were independently associated with SPB. CONCLUSIONS: Circulating plasma SPB levels are related to alveolar gas diffusion, overall exercise performance, and efficiency of ventilation showing a link between alveolar-capillary barrier damage, gas exchange abnormalities, and exercise performance in HF.


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Patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) have an ongoing risk of sudden incapacitation that might cause harm to others while driving a car. Driving restrictions vary across different countries in Europe. The most recent recommendations for driving of ICD patients in Europe were published in 1997 and focused mainly on patients implanted for secondary prevention. In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of patients with an ICD and in the percentage of patients implanted for primary prevention. The EHRA task force on ICD and driving was formed to reassess the risk of driving for ICD patients based on the literature available. The recommendations are summarized in the following table and are further explained in the document. [table: see text] Driving restrictions are perceived as difficult for patients and their families, and have an immediate consequence for their lifestyle. To increase the adherence to the driving restrictions, adequate discharge of education and follow-up of patients and family are pivotal. The task force members hope this document may serve as an instrument for European and national regulatory authorities to formulate uniform driving regulations.