433 resultados para Medicine, magic, mistic and spagiric


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Background: Sensor-based recordings of human movements are becoming increasingly important for the assessment of motor symptoms in neurological disorders beyond rehabilitative purposes. ASSESS MS is a movement recording and analysis system being developed to automate the classification of motor dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) using depth-sensing computer vision. It aims to provide a more consistent and finer-grained measurement of motor dysfunction than currently possible. Objective: To test the usability and acceptability of ASSESS MS with health professionals and patients with MS. Methods: A prospective, mixed-methods study was carried out at 3 centers. After a 1-hour training session, a convenience sample of 12 health professionals (6 neurologists and 6 nurses) used ASSESS MS to capture recordings of standardized movements performed by 51 volunteer patients. Metrics for effectiveness, efficiency, and acceptability were defined and used to analyze data captured by ASSESS MS, video recordings of each examination, feedback questionnaires, and follow-up interviews. Results: All health professionals were able to complete recordings using ASSESS MS, achieving high levels of standardization on 3 of 4 metrics (movement performance, lateral positioning, and clear camera view but not distance positioning). Results were unaffected by patients’ level of physical or cognitive disability. ASSESS MS was perceived as easy to use by both patients and health professionals with high scores on the Likert-scale questions and positive interview commentary. ASSESS MS was highly acceptable to patients on all dimensions considered, including attitudes to future use, interaction (with health professionals), and overall perceptions of ASSESS MS. Health professionals also accepted ASSESS MS, but with greater ambivalence arising from the need to alter patient interaction styles. There was little variation in results across participating centers, and no differences between neurologists and nurses. Conclusions: In typical clinical settings, ASSESS MS is usable and acceptable to both patients and health professionals, generating data of a quality suitable for clinical analysis. An iterative design process appears to have been successful in accounting for factors that permit ASSESS MS to be used by a range of health professionals in new settings with minimal training. The study shows the potential of shifting ubiquitous sensing technologies from research into the clinic through a design approach that gives appropriate attention to the clinic environment.


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The immunogenicity of malignant cells has recently been acknowledged as a critical determinant of efficacy in cancer therapy. Thus, besides developing direct immunostimulatory regimens, including dendritic cell-based vaccines, checkpoint-blocking therapies, and adoptive T-cell transfer, researchers have started to focus on the overall immunobiology of neoplastic cells. It is now clear that cancer cells can succumb to some anticancer therapies by undergoing a peculiar form of cell death that is characterized by an increased immunogenic potential, owing to the emission of the so-called "damage-associated molecular patterns" (DAMPs). The emission of DAMPs and other immunostimulatory factors by cells succumbing to immunogenic cell death (ICD) favors the establishment of a productive interface with the immune system. This results in the elicitation of tumor-targeting immune responses associated with the elimination of residual, treatment-resistant cancer cells, as well as with the establishment of immunological memory. Although ICD has been characterized with increased precision since its discovery, several questions remain to be addressed. Here, we summarize and tabulate the main molecular, immunological, preclinical, and clinical aspects of ICD, in an attempt to capture the essence of this phenomenon, and identify future challenges for this rapidly expanding field of investigation.


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In addition to antigen processing, immunoproteasomes were recently shown to exert functions influencing cytokine production by monocytes and T cells, T-helper cell differentiation, and T-cell survival. Moreover, selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome subunit LMP7 ameliorated symptoms of autoimmune diseases including CD4(+) T-cell mediated EAE. In this study, we show that LMP7 also plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-induced meningitis mediated by CTLs. Mice lacking functional LMP7 display delayed and reduced clinical signs of disease accompanied by a strongly decreased inflammatory infiltration into the brain. Interestingly, we found that selective inhibition and genetic deficiency of LMP7 affect the pathogenesis of LCMV-induced meningitis in a distinct manner. Our findings support the important role of LMP7 in inflammatory disorders and suggest immunoproteasome inhibition as a novel strategy against inflammation-induced neuropathology in the CNS.


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BACKGROUND The numbers of people attending emergency departments (EDs) at hospitals are increasing. We aimed to analyse trends in ED attendance at a Swiss university hospital between 2002 and 2012, focussing on age-related differences and hospital admission criteria. METHODS We used hospital administrative data for all patients aged ≥16 years who attended the ED (n=298,306) at this university hospital between 1 January 2002, and 31 December 2012. We descriptively analysed the numbers of ED visits according to the admission year and stratified by age (≥65 vs <65 years). RESULTS People attending the ED were on average 46.6 years old (standard deviation 20 years, maximum range 16‒99 years). The annual number of ED attendances grew by n=6,639 (27.6%) from 24,080 in 2002 to 30,719 in 2012. In the subgroup of patients aged ≥65 the relative increase was 42.3%, which is significantly higher (Pearson's χ2=350.046, df=10; p=0.000) than the relative increase of 23.4% among patients<65 years. The subgroup of patients≥65 years attended the ED more often because of diseases (n=56,307; 85%) than accidents (n=9,844; 14.9%). This subgroup (patients≥65 years) was also more often admitted to hospital (Pearson's χ2=23,377.190; df=1; p=0.000) than patients<65 years. CONCLUSIONS ED attendance of patients≥65 years increased in absolute and relative terms. The study findings suggest that staff of this ED may want to assess the needs of patients≥65 years and, if necessary, adjust the services (e.g., adapted triage scales, adapted geriatric screenings, and adapted hospital admission criteria).


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Polymorbid patients, diverse diagnostic and therapeutic options, more complex hospital structures, financial incentives, benchmarking, as well as perceptional and societal changes put pressure on medical doctors, specifically if medical errors surface. This is particularly true for the emergency department setting, where patients face delayed or erroneous initial diagnostic or therapeutic measures and costly hospital stays due to sub-optimal triage. A "biomarker" is any laboratory tool with the potential better to detect and characterise diseases, to simplify complex clinical algorithms and to improve clinical problem solving in routine care. They must be embedded in clinical algorithms to complement and not replace basic medical skills. Unselected ordering of laboratory tests and shortcomings in test performance and interpretation contribute to diagnostic errors. Test results may be ambiguous with false positive or false negative results and generate unnecessary harm and costs. Laboratory tests should only be ordered, if results have clinical consequences. In studies, we must move beyond the observational reporting and meta-analysing of diagnostic accuracies for biomarkers. Instead, specific cut-off ranges should be proposed and intervention studies conducted to prove outcome relevant impacts on patient care. The focus of this review is to exemplify the appropriate use of selected laboratory tests in the emergency setting for which randomised-controlled intervention studies have proven clinical benefit. Herein, we focus on initial patient triage and allocation of treatment opportunities in patients with cardiorespiratory diseases in the emergency department. The following five biomarkers will be discussed: proadrenomedullin for prognostic triage assessment and site-of-care decisions, cardiac troponin for acute myocardial infarction, natriuretic peptides for acute heart failure, D-dimers for venous thromboembolism, C-reactive protein as a marker of inflammation, and procalcitonin for antibiotic stewardship in infections of the respiratory tract and sepsis. For these markers we provide an overview on physiopathology, historical evolution of evidence, strengths and limitations for a rational implementation into clinical algorithms. We critically discuss results from key intervention trials that led to their use in clinical routine and potential future indications. The rational for the use of all these biomarkers, first, tackle diagnostic ambiguity and consecutive defensive medicine, second, delayed and sub-optimal therapeutic decisions, and third, prognostic uncertainty with misguided triage and site-of-care decisions all contributing to the waste of our limited health care resources. A multifaceted approach for a more targeted management of medical patients from emergency admission to discharge including biomarkers, will translate into better resource use, shorter length of hospital stay, reduced overall costs, improved patients satisfaction and outcomes in terms of mortality and re-hospitalisation. Hopefully, the concepts outlined in this review will help the reader to improve their diagnostic skills and become more parsimonious laboratory test requesters.


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BACKGROUND The clinical presentation of spondylsodiscitis/spondylitis are manifold. This commonly leads to a period of several months from initial symptoms to final diagnosis. A standardised treatment is difficult. The purpose of this study is to investigate the treatment carried out for patients with spondylodiscitis or spondylitis to develop an individualised standard care for better treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS Data of 90 patients were retrospective analysed. In particular documented data of the initial examination and the following treatments concerning identification of causes and systematically control of pathogens were examined. RESULTS In 91 % of patients a diagnostically conclusive MRI was conducted. The degree of spondylidiscitis/spondylitis was mainly ASA criteria I or II (86 %). In 96 % of patients different diagnostic methods for identification of pathogens were conducted and documented. RESULTS confirmed the most common pathogens mentioned in the literature. 75 % of patients were treated by surgery. In 93 % of patients an antibiotic treatment was documented. 50 patients (81 %) were successfully healed. CONCLUSION It is important to identify and treat spondylodiscitis/spondylitis as early as possible. Diagnosis by means of blood culture and MRI and treatment of the infection with antibiotics and possibly surgical interventions seem be very suitable, but need to be individualised to each and every patient.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We evaluated cerebral white and gray matter changes in patients with iRLS in order to shed light on the pathophysiology of this disease. METHODS Twelve patients with iRLS were compared to 12 age- and sex-matched controls using whole-head diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) techniques. Evaluation of the DTI scans included the voxelwise analysis of the fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), and axial diffusivity (AD). RESULTS Diffusion tensor imaging revealed areas of altered FA in subcortical white matter bilaterally, mainly in temporal regions as well as in the right internal capsule, the pons, and the right cerebellum. These changes overlapped with changes in RD. Voxel-based morphometry did not reveal any gray matter alterations. CONCLUSIONS We showed altered diffusion properties in several white matter regions in patients with iRLS. White matter changes could mainly be attributed to changes in RD, a parameter thought to reflect altered myelination. Areas with altered white matter microstructure included areas in the internal capsule which include the corticospinal tract to the lower limbs, thereby supporting studies that suggest changes in sensorimotor pathways associated with RLS.


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The rotator cuff is a complex musculotendinous unit, which plays a major role in glenohumeral joint stability and mobilization. Tears of the rotator cuff tendon and its subsequent changes of the rotator cuff muscle are common, and the incidence increases with age. Several structures such as the muscle, tendon, and bone may contribute to the development of a tear as well as on the outcome following a rotator cuff repair. Knowledge of these structures may help to improve rotator cuff healing after rotator cuff tear. The goal of this chapter is to discuss the evidence which exists with regard to the pathophysiological changes in the muscle, tendon, and bone that lead to a rotator cuff rupture as well as the changes that occur in these structures after a tear has occurred.


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BACKGROUND Cell-derived plasma microparticles (<1.5 μm) originating from various cell types have the potential to regulate thrombogenesis and inflammatory responses. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that microparticles generated during hepatic surgery co-regulate postoperative procoagulant and proinflammatory events. METHODS In 30 patients undergoing liver resection, plasma microparticles were isolated, quantitated, and characterized as endothelial (CD31+, CD41-), platelet (CD41+), or leukocyte (CD11b+) origin by flow cytometry and their procoagulant and proinflammatory activity was measured by immunoassays. RESULTS During liver resection, the total numbers of microparticles increased with significantly more Annexin V-positive, endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles following extended hepatectomy compared to standard and minor liver resections. After liver resection, microparticle tissue factor and procoagulant activity increased along with overall coagulation as assessed by thrombelastography. Levels of leukocyte-derived microparticles specifically increased in patients with systemic inflammation as assessed by C-reactive protein but are independent of the extent of liver resection. CONCLUSIONS Endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles are specifically elevated during liver resection, accompanied by increased procoagulant activity. Leukocyte-derived microparticles are a potential marker for systemic inflammation. Plasma microparticles may represent a specific response to surgical stress and may be an important mediator of postoperative coagulation and inflammation.


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Transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue has been shown to induce pregnancies and puberty successfully. Therefore, using cryopreserved ovarian tissue to postpone menopause (tissue hormone therapy [THT]) seems to be an interesting option to avoid conventional menopause hormone therapy (MHT). Pregnancy induction and replacing MHT by THT, however, are completely different topics as different requirements need to be met. First, MHT requires long-lasting and continuous hormone production. It still needs to be proven if the transplanted tissue is active for at least 5 years with a continuous follicle growth to avoid phases with low oestrogen production, which would otherwise cause menopausal symptoms and could reduce the postulated benefit for women's health. Second, the advantage of a physiological hormone production over a non-physiological MHT is still hypothetical. Third, women who have undergone hysterectomies who do not need progesterone for endometrial protection would only require oestrogens, imposing more health benefits (cardiovascular system, mammary gland) than oestrogen and progesterone production or replacement. Therefore, transplanting ovarian tissue exclusively to postpone menopause is endocrinologically doubtful and should only be carried out within clinical trials.


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mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) functions as the central regulator for cell proliferation, growth and survival. Up-regulation of proteins regulating mTOR, as well as its downstream targets, has been reported in various cancers. This has promoted the development of anti-cancer therapies targeting mTOR, namely fungal macrolide rapamycin, a naturally occurring mTOR inhibitor, and its analogues (rapalogues). One such rapalogue, everolimus, has been approved in the clinical treatment of renal and breast cancers. Although results have demonstrated that these mTOR inhibitors are effective in attenuating cell growth of cancer cells under in vitro and in vivo conditions, subsequent sporadic response to rapalogues therapy in clinical trials has promoted researchers to look further into the complex understanding of the dynamics of mTOR regulation in the tumour environment. Limitations of these rapalogues include the sensitivity of tumour subsets to mTOR inhibition. Additionally, it is well known that rapamycin and its rapalogues mediate their effects by inhibiting mTORC (mTOR complex) 1, with limited or no effect on mTORC2 activity. The present review summarizes the pre-clinical, clinical and recent discoveries, with emphasis on the cellular and molecular effects of everolimus in cancer therapy.


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OBJECTIVES To prove non-inferiority of the first non-hormonal vaginal cream in Germany, Vagisan(®) Moisturising Cream (CREAM), compared to a non-hormonal vaginal gel (GEL) for vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) symptom relief. METHOD This was a 12-week multicenter, open-label, prospective, randomized, two-period, cross-over phase-III trial. The primary endpoint was the cumulative VVA subjective symptom score of the respective treatment period. Secondary endpoints were assessment of single VVA subjective and objective symptoms, VVA objective symptom score, vaginal pH, safety parameters, overall assessment of efficacy, tolerability and evaluation of product properties. In total, 117 women were randomly allocated to either one of the two treatments, each administered for 4 weeks; 92 women were included in the per-protocol analysis (primary analysis). The main outcome measure was cumulative VVA subjective symptom score. RESULTS Regarding VVA symptom relief, results confirmed non-inferiority of CREAM compared to GEL and even indicated superiority of CREAM. Frequency and intensity of subjective symptoms and objective findings were clearly reduced, with CREAM showing better results compared to GEL. Mean VVA objective symptom score significantly decreased; improvement was significantly greater with CREAM. Vaginal pH decreased only following CREAM treatment. Tolerability was superior for CREAM: burning and itching, mostly rated as mild, occurred markedly less often with CREAM than with GEL. Overall satisfaction with treatment efficacy, tolerability and most product properties were rated significantly superior for CREAM. CONCLUSIONS Subjective and objective VVA symptoms were reliably and safely reduced by both non-hormonal topical products. However, efficacy and tolerability of CREAM were shown to be superior to GEL.


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The digestive tract is colonized from birth by a bacterial population called the microbiota which influences the development of the immune system. Modifications in its composition are associated with problems such as obesity or inflammatory bowel diseases. Antibiotics are known to influence the intestinal microbiota but other environmental factors such as cigarette smoking also seem to have an impact on its composition. This influence might partly explain weight gain which is observed after smoking cessation. Indeed there is a modification of the gut microbiota which becomes similar to that of obese people with a microbiotical profile which is more efficient to extract calories from ingested food. These new findings open new fields of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through the regulation of the microbiota.