494 resultados para Lyubomirsky, Sonja
Die Bologna-Reform an den Schweizer Universitäten ist zuweilen Gegenstand hitziger Diskussionen. Aber sind die Konsequenzen wirklich so dramatisch wie oft befürchtet? Zwei Berner Forschende haben, wovon andere träumen: empirische Daten aus einer Befragung von Studierenden vor und nach Bologna.
The aim of this study was (1) to examine whether childhood BMI is a significant predictor of restrained eating in preadolescents, (2) to investigate gender differences in restrained and emotional eating, and (3) to determine whether emotional problems, and body esteem were related to eating problems of preadolescents. In this longitudinal study with two measurement points, data from 428 children (50% female) were used. At time 1 (t1) children were on average 5.9 years old. BMI was assessed using objective measures. At time 2 (t2) participants were 12 years old. The adolescents and their parents completed questionnaires assessing restrained and emotional eating, body esteem, emotional problems, and BMI. Multiple regression analysis showed that restrained eating was significantly predicted by t1 BMI, by change in BMI between t1 and t2, and t2 body esteem. Emotional eating was, as expected, not predicted by t1 BMI, but associated with t2 body esteem and t2 emotional problems. Gender was not a significant predictor. The stability of BMI between childhood and preadolescence and its ability to predict restrained eating suggests that it is important to start prevention of overweight, body dissatisfaction and disordered eating at an early age
The sheep is a popular animal model for human biomechanical research involving invasive surgery on the hind limb. These painful procedures can only be ethically justified with the application of adequate analgesia protocols. Regional anaesthesia as an adjunct to general anaesthesia may markedly improve well-being of these experimental animals during the postoperative period due to a higher analgesic efficacy when compared with systemic drugs, and may therefore reduce stress and consequently the severity of such studies. As a first step 14 sheep cadavers were used to establish a new technique for the peripheral blockade of the sciatic and the femoral nerves under sonographic guidance and to evaluate the success rate by determination of the colorization of both nerves after an injection of 0.5 mL of a 0.1% methylene blue solution. First, both nerves were visualized sonographically. Then, methylene blue solution was injected and subsequently the length of colorization was measured by gross anatomical dissection of the target nerves. Twenty-four sciatic nerves were identified sonographically in 12 out of 13 cadavers. In one animal, the nerve could not be ascertained unequivocally and, consequently, nerve colorization failed. Twenty femoral nerves were located by ultrasound in 10 out of 13 cadavers. In three cadavers, signs of autolysis impeded the scan. This study provides a detailed anatomical description of the localization of the sciatic and the femoral nerves and presents an effective and safe yet simple and rapid technique for performing peripheral nerve blocks with a high success rate.
This longitudinal study investigated whether cybervictimisation is an additional risk factor for depressive symptoms over and beyond traditional victimisation in adolescents. Furthermore, it explored whether certain coping strategies moderate the impact of cybervictimisation on depressive symptoms. A total of 765 Swiss seventh graders (mean age at time-point 1 (t1) = 13.18 years) reported on the frequency of traditional and cybervictimisation, and of depressive symptoms twice in six months. At time-point 2 (t2) students also completed a questionnaire on coping strategies in response to a hypothetical cyberbullying scenario. Analyses showed that both traditional and cybervictimisation were associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms. Cybervictimisation also predicted increases in depressive symptoms over time. Regarding coping strategies, it was found that helpless reactions were positively associated with depressive symptoms. Moreover, support seeking from peers and family showed a significant buffering effect: cybervictims who recommended seeking close support showed lower levels of depressive symptoms at t2. In contrast, cybervictims recommending assertive coping strategies showed higher levels of depressive symptoms at t2.
BACKGROUND The technique of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) tumor fluorescence is increasingly used to improve visualization of tumor tissue and thereby to increase the rate of patients with gross total resections. In this study, we measured the resection volumes in patients who underwent 5-ALA-guided surgery for non-eloquent glioblastoma and compared them with the preoperative tumor volume. METHODS We selected 13 patients who had received a complete resection according to intraoperative 5-ALA induced fluorescence and CRET according to post-operative T1 contrast-enhanced MRI. The volumes of pre-operative contrast enhancing tissue, post-operative resection cavity and resected tissue were determined through shift-corrected volumetric analysis. RESULTS The mean resection cavity (29 cm(3)) was marginally smaller than the pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor (39 cm(3), p = 0.32). However, the mean overall resection volume (84 cm(3)) was significantly larger than the pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor (39 cm(3), p = 0.0087). This yields a mean volume of resected 5-ALA positive, but radiological non-enhancing tissue of 45 cm(3). The mean calculated rim of resected tissue surpassed pre-operative tumor diameter by 6 mm (range 0-10 mm). CONCLUSIONS Results of the current study imply that (i) the resection cavity underestimates the volume of resected tissue and (ii) 5-ALA complete resections go significantly beyond the volume of pre-operative contrast-enhancing tumor bulk on MRI, indicating that 5-ALA also stains MRI non-enhancing tumor tissue. Use of 5-ALA may thus enable extension of coalescent tumor resection beyond radiologically evident tumor. The impact of this more extended resection method on time to progression and overall survival has not been determined, and potentially puts adjacent and functionally intact tissue at risk.
The development of lymph nodes (LNs) and formation of LN stromal cell microenvironments is dependent on lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) signaling. In particular, the LTβR-dependent crosstalk between mesenchymal lymphoid tissue organizer and hematopoietic lymphoid tissue inducer cells has been regarded as critical for these processes. Here, we assessed whether endothelial cell (EC)-restricted LTβR signaling impacts on LN development and the vascular LN microenvironment. Using EC-specific ablation of LTβR in mice, we found that conditionally LTβR-deficient animals failed to develop a significant proportion of their peripheral LNs. However, remnant LNs showed impaired formation of high endothelial venules (HEVs). Venules had lost their cuboidal shape, showed reduced segment length and branching points, and reduced adhesion molecule and constitutive chemokine expression. Due to the altered EC-lymphocyte interaction, homing of lymphocytes to peripheral LNs was significantly impaired. Thus, this study identifies ECs as an important LTβR-dependent lymphoid tissue organizer cell population and indicates that continuous triggering of the LTβR on LN ECs is critical for lymphocyte homeostasis.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcomes and sexual function between transvaginal and transabdominal repairs of vesicovaginal fistulae (VVF). STUDY DESIGN Participants (99 women with VVF at a tertiary referral center) were treated with urinary catheterization for 12 weeks and, if the procedure was unsuccessful, underwent repair either the transvaginal (Latzko) or transabdominal technique. Objective clinical parameters were analyzed; subjective outcomes were recorded prospectively at the 6-month follow-up examination with the use of the female sexual function index to evaluate sexual function and the visual analogue scale to measure general disturbance by the fistula. RESULTS After bladder drainage for 12 weeks, 8 patients had spontaneous fistula closure. Demographic variables were similar in the transvaginal (n = 60) and transabdominal (n = 31) repair groups. The transvaginal procedure showed significantly shorter operation times, less blood loss, and shorter hospital stay. Continence rates 6 months after surgery were 82% (transvaginal) and 90% (transabdominal). Sexual function in the 64 sexually active patients was significantly improved, and overall disturbance by the fistula was reduced with both operative techniques. Neither surgical intervention was superior to the other regarding any domain of sexual function or visual analog scale. CONCLUSION Fistula repair improves sexual function and quality of life with no difference attributable to surgical route. Given this and that operating time, blood loss and length of stay are less with the transvaginal approach, the transvaginal approach is preferred in VVF repair if fistula and patient characteristics are suitable.
Rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 is not only changing the climate system but may also affect the biosphere directly through stimulation of plant growth and ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling. Although forest ecosystems play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, experimental information on forest responses to rising CO2 is scarce, due to the sheer size of trees. Here, we present a synthesis of the only study world-wide where a diverse set of mature broadleaved trees growing in a natural forest has been exposed to future atmospheric CO2 levels (c. 550ppm) by free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). We show that litter production, leaf traits and radial growth across the studied hardwood species remained unaffected by elevated CO2 over 8years. CO2 enrichment reduced tree water consumption resulting in detectable soil moisture savings. Soil air CO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon both increased suggesting enhanced below-ground activity. Carbon release to the rhizosphere and/or higher soil moisture primed nitrification and nitrate leaching under elevated CO2; however, the export of dissolved organic carbon remained unaltered.Synthesis. Our findings provide no evidence for carbon-limitation in five central European hardwood trees at current ambient CO2 concentrations. The results of this long-term study challenge the idea of a universal CO2 fertilization effect on forests, as commonly assumed in climate-carbon cycle models.
Our understanding of Earth's carbon climate system depends critically upon interactions between rising atmospheric CO2, changing land use, and nitrogen limitation on vegetation growth. Using a global land model, we show how these factors interact locally to generate the global land carbon sink over the past 200 years. Nitrogen constraints were alleviated by N2 fixation in the tropics and by atmospheric nitrogen deposition in extratropical regions. Nonlinear interactions between land use change and land carbon and nitrogen cycling originated from three major mechanisms: (i) a sink foregone that would have occurred without land use conversion; (ii) an accelerated response of secondary vegetation to CO2 and nitrogen, and (iii) a compounded clearance loss from deforestation. Over time, these nonlinear effects have become increasingly important and reduce the present-day net carbon sink by ~40% or 0.4 PgC yr−1.
•Symbioses between plant roots and mycorrhizal fungi are thought to enhance plant uptake of nutrients through a favourable exchange for photosynthates. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are considered to play this vital role for trees in nitrogen (N)-limited boreal forests. •We followed symbiotic carbon (C)–N exchange in a large-scale boreal pine forest experiment by tracing 13CO2 absorbed through tree photosynthesis and 15N injected into a soil layer in which ectomycorrhizal fungi dominate the microbial community. •We detected little 15N in tree canopies, but high levels in soil microbes and in mycorrhizal root tips, illustrating effective soil N immobilization, especially in late summer, when tree belowground C allocation was high. Additions of N fertilizer to the soil before labelling shifted the incorporation of 15N from soil microbes and root tips to tree foliage. •These results were tested in a model for C–N exchange between trees and mycorrhizal fungi, suggesting that ectomycorrhizal fungi transfer small fractions of absorbed N to trees under N-limited conditions, but larger fractions if more N is available. We suggest that greater allocation of C from trees to ectomycorrhizal fungi increases N retention in soil mycelium, driving boreal forests towards more severe N limitation at low N supply.