408 resultados para Alpine deglaciation
The objective of this study was to evaluate risk factors associated with foot lesions and lameness in Swiss dairy cows. Potential risk factors were recorded by means of examination of 1'449 Swiss cows and the management systems of 78 farms during routine claw-trimming, and during personal interviews with the associated farmers. Statistical analysis of animal-based and herd level risk factors were performed using multivariate logistic regression models. The risk of being lame was increased in cows affected by digital dermatitis complex, heel-horn erosion, interdigital hyperplasia, Rusterholz' sole ulcer, deep laceration, double sole and severe hemorrhages. Cleanliness, BCS, affection with other foot lesions, breed, importance of claw health to the farmer, frequency of routine claw-trimming, producing according to the guidelines of the welfare label program RAUS, and silage feeding were shown to be associated with the occurrence of some of the evaluated foot lesions and lameness. The identified risk factors may help to improve management and the situation of lameness and claw health in dairy cows in Switzerland and other alpine areas with similar housing and pasturing systems.
Connus sous le nom populaire de palafittes, les habitats préhistoriques construits sur les rives des lacs subalpins du Néolithique à l’aube de l’âge du Fer (entre 5300 et 700 av. J.-C.) offrent des informations exceptionnelles sur l’évolution culturelle d’une importante région européenne, grâce à la préservation remarquable des matériaux organiques, en particulier du bois. À partir de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, le perfectionnement des techniques de fouille subaquatiques et de la dendrochronologie permettront la construction d’un schéma chronologique précis pour l’Europe nord-alpine. Les recherches contribueront à des observations d’ordre écologique à l’échelle locale et régionale et à l’identification des rythmes de développement des villages. Sous l’égide de l'UNESCO, les années 2010 verront la constitution d’un inventaire vaste et uniforme des sites préhistoriques des lacs circumalpins, classés Patrimoine culturel mondial en juin 2011. De nombreux objets préhistoriques, romains et médiévaux ont été découverts entre 2003 et 2010, au Schnidejoch, un col des Alpes bernoises occidentales à 2756 m d’altitude, à la frontière entre les cantons de Berne et du Valais. Les hautes températures de l'été 2003 ont provoqué la fonte d'un petit champ de glace et mis en lumière les vestiges. Les recherches ont été programmées à la suite d’une série d’informations fournies par des randonneurs. Les objets en matière organique (bois, écorce de bouleau, cuir, fibres végétales) revêtent une très grande importance car ils ont permis l’obtention de plus d’une cinquantaine de datations radiocarbone ; elles indiquent le passage du col entre la moitié du Ve millénaire av. J.-C. et l’année 1000 de notre ère. En outre, les séries de datations suggèrent l’alternance de périodes de praticabilité et d’inaccessibilité du col. Le Schnidejoch est actuellement le plus ancien témoignage de la traversée des Alpes, reliant l‘Oberland bernois par les vallées de la Simme et du Rhône.
Les villages préhistoriques des bords des lacs circum-alpins entre le Ve et IVe millénaire av. J.-C.
Connus sous le nom populaire de palafittes, les habitats préhistoriques construits sur les rives des lacs subalpins du Néolithique à l’aube de l’âge du Fer (entre 5300 et 700 av. J.-C.) offrent des informations exceptionnelles sur l’évolution culturelle d’une importante région européenne, grâce à la préservation remarquable des matériaux organiques, en particulier du bois. À partir de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, le perfectionnement des techniques de fouille subaquatiques et de la dendrochronologie permettront la construction d’un schéma chronologique précis pour l’Europe nord-alpine. Les recherches contribueront à des observations d’ordre écologique à l’échelle locale et régionale et à l’identification des rythmes de développement des villages. Sous l’égide de l'UNESCO, les années 2010 verront la constitution d’un inventaire vaste et uniforme des sites préhistoriques des lacs circumalpins, classés Patrimoine culturel mondial en juin 2011.
The chronology and configuration of the Svalbard Barents Sea Ice Sheet (SBSIS) during the Late Weichselian (LW) are based on few and geographically scattered data. Thus, the timing and configuration of the SBSIS has been a subject of extensive debate. We present provenance data of erratic boulders and cosmogenic 10Be ages of bedrock and boulders from Northwest Spitsbergen (NWS), Svalbard to determine the thickness, configuration and chronology during the LW. We sampled bedrock and boulders of mountain summits and summit slopes, along with erratic boulders from coastal locations around NWS. We suggest that a local ice dome over central NWS during LW drained radially in all directions. Provenance data from erratic boulders from northern coastal lowland Reinsdyrflya suggest northeastward ice flow through Liefdefjorden. 10Be ages of high-elevation erratic boulders in central NWS (687–836 m above sea level) ranging from 18.3 ± 1.3 ka to 21.7 ± 1.4 ka, indicate that the centre of a local ice dome was at least 300 m thicker than at present. 10Be ages of all high-elevation erratics (>400 m above sea level, central and coastal locations) indicate the onset of ice dome thinning at 25–20 ka. 10Be ages from erratic boulders on Reinsdyrflya ranging from 11.1 ± 0.8 ka to 21.4 ± 1.7 ka, indicate an ice cover over the entire Reinsdyrflya during LW and a complete deglaciation prior to the Holocene, but apparently later than the thinning in the mountains. Lack of moraine deposits, but the preservation of beach terraces, suggest that the ice covering this peninsula possibly was cold-based and that Reinsdyrflya was part of an inter ice-stream area covered by slow-flowing ice, as opposed to the adjacent fjord, which possibly was filled by a fast-flowing ice stream. Despite the early thinning of the ice sheet (25–20 ka) we find a later timing of deglaciation of the fjords and the distal lowlands. Several bedrock samples (10Be) from vertical transects in the central mountains of NWS pre-date the LW, and suggest either ice free or pervasive cold-based ice conditions. Our reconstruction is aligned with the previously suggested hypothesis that a complex multi-dome ice-sheet-configuration occupied Svalbard and the Barents Sea during LW, with numerous drainage basins feeding fast ice streams, separated by slow flowing, possibly cold-based, inter ice-stream areas.
Landscape evolution and surface morphology in mountainous settings are a function of the relative importance between sediment transport processes acting on hillslopes and in channels, modulated by climate variables. The Niesen nappe in the Swiss Penninic Prealps presents a unique setting in which opposite facing flanks host basins underlain by identical lithologies, but contrasting litho-tectonic architectures where lithologies either dip parallel to the topographic slope or in the opposite direction (i.e. dip slope and non-dip slope). The north-western facing Diemtigen flank represents such a dip slope situation and is characterized by a gentle topography, low hillslope gradients, poorly dissected channels, and it hosts large landslides. In contrast, the south-eastern facing Frutigen side can be described as non-dip slope flank with deeply incised bedrock channels, high mean hillslope gradients and high relief topography. Results from morphometric analysis reveal that noticeable differences in morphometric parameters can be related to the contrasts in the relative importance of the internal hillslope-channel system between both valley flanks. While the contrasting dip-orientations of the underlying flysch bedrock has promoted hillslope and channelized processes to contrasting extents and particularly the occurrence of large landslides on the dip slope flank, the flank averaged beryllium-10 (10Be)-derived denudation rates are very similar and range between 0.20 and 0.26 mm yr−1. In addition, our denudation rates offer no direct relationship to basin's slope, area, steepness or concavity index, but reveal a positive correlation to mean basin elevation that we interpret as having been controlled by climatically driven factors such as frost-induced processes and orographic precipitation. Our findings illustrate that while the landscape properties in this part of the northern Alpine border can mainly be related to the tectonic architecture of the underlying bedrock, the denudation rates have a strong orographic control through elevation dependent mean annual temperature and precipitation.
This study uses the widths, the spacing and the grain-size pattern of Oligo/Miocene alluvial fan conglomerates in the central segment of the Swiss Alpine foreland to reconstruct the topographic development of the Alps. These data are analysed with models of longitudinal stream profile development, to propose that the Alpine topography evolved from an early transient state where streams adjusted to rock uplift by headward retreat, to a mature phase where any changes in rock uplift were accommodated by vertical incision. The first stage comprises the time interval between ca 31 Ma and 22 Ma, when the Alpine streams deposited many small fans with a lateral spacing of <30 km in the north Alpine foreland. As the range evolved, the streams joined and the fans coalesced into a few large depositional systems with a lateral spacing of ca 80 to 100 km at 22 Ma. The models used here suggest that the overall elevation of the Alps increased rapidly within <5 Myr. The variability in pebble size increased either due to variations in sediment supply, enhanced orographic effects, or preferentially due to a change towards a stormier palaeoclimate. By 22 Ma, only two large rivers carried material into the foreland fans, suggesting that the major Alpine streams had established themselves. This second phase of stable drainage network was maintained until ca 5 Ma, when the uplift and erosion of the Molasse started and streams were redirected both in the Alps and in the foreland. This study illustrates that sedimentological archives of foreland basins can be used to reconstruct the chronology of the topographic development of mountain belts. It is suggested that the finite elevation of mountainous landscapes is reached early during orogeny and can be maintained for millions of years, provided that erosion is efficient.
In this chapter, we discuss the factors controlling the mechanisms and rates of hillslope failure in temperate environments with a major focus on the Swiss Alps. We frame this presentation by defining Alpine hillslopes as either strength- or transport-limited hillslopes. We organize this discussion into individual sections that outline how hillslope processes are related to (1) the mechanical strength and bedding orientation of bedrock, (2) the competition between channelized and hillslope processes, (3) hillslope–channel coupling relationships, and (4) fluvial erosion rates. We find that hillslope angles depend on bedrock strength along nonincised channels, but are not related to this parameter in inner gorges. We also find that valley flanks host deep-seated landslides where the bedrock dips parallel to the topographic slope. In the opposite case, the valley sides are dissected by a network of bedrock channels bordered by strength-limited hillslopes. In this chapter, we illustrate that a high ratio between sediment discharge on hillslopes and in channels explains the formation of smooth landscapes with low channel densities and long response times. This chapter considers the formation of strength-limited hillslopes as a consequence of an upslope-directed coupling between channels and hillslopes. The chapter also discusses that soil-mantled hillslopes occur where fluvial incision rates are less than weathering rates of bedrock, which are limited to 0.1–0.3 mm yr−1. We finally present evidence for a decreasing trend of hillslope-derived sediment discharge during the Holocene, but predict an opposite trend in the nearest future as winters are warmer and wetter.
The coupling relationships between hillslope and channel network are fundamental for the understanding of mountainous landscapes' evolution. Here, we applied dendrogeomorphic methods to identify the hillslope–channel relationship and the sediment transfer dynamics within an alpine catchment, at the highest possible resolution. The Schimbrig catchment is located in the central Swiss Alps and can be divided into two distinct geomorphic sectors. To the east, the Schimbrig earth flow is the largest sediment source of the basin, while to the west, the Rossloch channel network is affected by numerous shallow landslides responsible for the supply of sediment from hillslopes to channels. To understand the connectivity between hillslopes and channels and between sources and sink, trees were sampled along the main Rossloch stream, on the Schimbrig earth flow and on the Rossloch depositional area. Geomorphic observations and dendrogeomophic results indicate different mechanisms of sediment production, transfer and deposition between upper and lower segments of the channel network. In the source areas (upper part of the Rossloch channel system), sediment is delivered to the channel network through slow movements of the ground, typical of earth flow, shallow landslides and soil creep. Contrariwise, in the depositional area (lower part of the channel network), the mechanisms of sediment transfer are mainly due to torrential activity, floods and debris flows. Tree analysis allowed the reconstruction of periods of high activity during the last century for the entire catchment. The collected dataset presents a very high temporal resolution but we encountered some limitations in establishing the source-to-sink connectivity at the catchment-wide scale. Despite these uncertainties, for decennial timescales the results suggest a direct coupling between hillslopes and neighbouring channels in the Rossloch channel network, and a de-coupling between sediment sources and sink farther downstream, with connections possible only during extraordinary events.
This paper presents the first comprehensive analysis of sediment and dissolved load across an entire mountain range. We investigate patterns and rates of modern denudation of the European Alps based on a compilation of data about river loads and reservoir sedimentation from 202 drainage basins that are between ca. 1 to 10,000 km2 large. The study basins cover about 50% of the total area of the Alps. Modern glaciated basins have the highest sediment yields of up to 7000 t km− 2 a− 1, which are on average 5 to 10 times higher than in non-glaciated basins. Likewise sediment yield and glacial cover are positively correlated. Instead, relief is a relatively weak predictor of sediment yield. The strong glacial impact in the correlations is due to glacier recession since the 19th century as well as due to glacial conditioning during repeated Quaternary glaciations which have produced the strong transient state of the Alpine landscape. We suggest that this is the major cause for ca. 3 fold enhanced denudation of the western compared to the eastern Alps. Chemical denudation rates are highest in the external Alps dominated by carbonate sedimentary rocks, where they make up about one third of total denudation. The high rates cannot be explained without anhydrite dissolution. We estimated that only 45% of the sediments mobilized in headwaters are exported out off the Alps, most sediments being trapped in artificial reservoirs. The total amount of sediment annually trapped within the Alps equates to 43 Mt. When corrected for sediment storage, we obtain an area-weighted mean total denudation rate for the Alps of about 0.32 mm a− 1. The pre-dam rate might be as high as 0.42 mm a− 1. In total, ca. 35 plus 23 Mt of mass are exported each year out of the Alps as solids and solutes, respectively. These rates are not enough to out pace modern rock uplift. Nevertheless, pattern of sediment yield across the Alps coincides roughly with the intensity of glacial conditioning and modern rock uplift, supporting the hypothesis of an erosion-driven uplift of the Alps.
Recent studies have identified relationships between landscape form, erosion and climate in regions of landscape rejuvenation, associated with increased denudation. Most of these landscapes are located in non-glaciated mountain ranges and are characterized by transient geomorphic features. The landscapes of the Swiss Alps are likewise in a transient geomorphic state as seen by multiple knickzones. In this mountain belt, the transient state has been related to erosional effects during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we focus on the catchment scale and categorize hillslopes based on erosional mechanisms, landscape form and landcover. We then explore relationships of these variables to precipitation and extent of LGM glaciers to disentangle modern versus palaeo controls on the modern shape of the Alpine landscape. We find that in grasslands, the downslope flux of material mainly involves unconsolidated material through hillslope creep, testifying a transport-limited erosional regime. Alternatively, strength-limited hillslopes, where erosion is driven by bedrock failure, are covered by forests and/or expose bedrock, and they display oversteepened hillslopes and channels. There, hillslope gradients and relief are more closely correlated with LGM ice occurrence than with precipitation or the erodibility of the underlying bedrock. We relate the spatial occurrence of the transport- and strength-limited process domains to the erosive effects of LGM glaciers. In particular, strength-limited, rock dominated basins are situated above the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the LGM, reflecting the ability of glaciers to scour the landscape beyond threshold slope conditions. In contrast, transport-limited, soil-mantled landscapes are common below the ELA. Hillslopes covered by forests occupy the elevations around the ELA and are constrained by the tree line. We conclude that the current erosional forces at work in the Central Alps are still responding to LGM glaciation, and that the modern climate has not yet impacted on the modern landscape.
The bedrock topography beneath the Quaternary cover provides an important archive for the identification of erosional processes during past glaciations. Here, we combined stratigraphic investigations of more than 40,000 boreholes with published data to generate a bedrock topography model for the entire plateau north of the Swiss Alps including the valleys within the mountain belt. We compared the bedrock map with data about the pattern of the erosional resistance of Alpine rocks to identify the controls of the lithologic architecture on the location of overdeepenings. We additionally used the bedrock topography map as a basis to calculate the erosional potential of the Alpine glaciers, which was related to the thickness of the LGM ice. We used these calculations to interpret how glaciers, with support by subglacial meltwater under pressure, might have shaped the bedrock topography of the Alps. We found that the erosional resistance of the bedrock lithology mainly explains where overdeepenings in the Alpine valleys and the plateau occur. In particular, in the Alpine valleys, the locations of overdeepenings largely overlap with areas where the underlying bedrock has a low erosional resistance, or where it was shattered by faults. We also found that the assignment of two end-member scenarios of erosion, related to glacial abrasion/plucking in the Alpine valleys, and dissection by subglacial meltwater in the plateau, may be adequate to explain the pattern of overdeepenings in the Alpine realm. This most likely points to the topographic controls on glacial scouring. In the Alps, the flow of LGM and previous glaciers were constrained by valley flanks, while ice flow was mostly divergent on the plateau where valley borders are absent. We suggest that these differences in landscape conditioning might have contributed to the contrasts in the formation of overdeepenings in the Alpine valleys and the plateau.
Carbonaceous particles that comprise organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) are of increasing interest in climate research because of their influence on the radiation balance of the Earth. The radiocarbon determination of particulate OC and EC extracted from ice cores provides a powerful tool to reconstruct the long-term natural and anthropogenic emissions of carbonaceous particles. However, this C-14-based source apportionment method has not been applied for the firn section, which is the uppermost part of Alpine glaciers with a typical thickness of up to 50 m. In contrast to glacier ice, firn samples are more easily contaminated through drilling and handling operations. In this study, an alternative decontamination method for firn samples consisting of chiselling off the outer parts instead of rinsing them was developed and verified. The obtained procedural blank of 2.8 +/- 0.8 mu g C for OC is a factor of 2 higher compared to the rinsing method used for ice, but still relatively low compared to the typical OC concentration in firn samples from Alpine glaciers. The EC blank of 0.3 +/- 0.1 mu g C is similar for both methods. For separation of OC and EC for subsequent C-14 analysis, a thermal-optical method instead of the purely thermal method was applied for the first time to firn and ice samples, resulting in a reduced uncertainty of both the mass and C-14 determination. OC and EC concentrations as well as their corresponding fraction of modern for firn and ice samples from Fiescherhorn and Jungfraujoch agree well with published results, validating the new method.
Establishing precise age-depth relationships of high-alpine ice cores is essential in order to deduce conclusive paleoclimatic information from these archives. Radiocarbon dating of carbonaceous aerosol particles incorporated in such glaciers is a promising tool to gain absolute ages, especially from the deepest parts where conventional methods are commonly inapplicable. In this study, we present a new validation for a published C-14 dating method for ice cores. Previously C-14-dated horizons of organic material from the Juvfonne ice patch in central southern Norway (61.676 degrees N, 8.354 degrees E) were used as reference dates for adjacent ice layers, which were C-14 dated based on their particulate organic carbon (POC) fraction. Multiple measurements were carried out on 3 sampling locations within the ice patch featuring modern to multimillennial ice. The ages obtained from the analyzed samples were in agreement with the given age estimates. In addition to previous validation work, this independent verification gives further confidence that the investigated method provides the actual age of the ice.
Pressure-temperature estimates of the lizardite/antigorite transition in high pressure serpentinites
Serpentine minerals in natural samples are dominated by lizardite and antigorite. In spite of numerous laboratory experiments, the stability fields of these species remain poorly constrained. This paper presents petrological observations and the Raman spectroscopy and XRD analyses of natural serpentinites from the Alpine paleo-accretionary wedge. Serpentine varieties were identified from a range of metamorphic pressure and temperature conditions from sub-greenschist (P < 4 kbar, T ~ 200–300 °C) to eclogite facies conditions (P > 20 kbar, T > 460 °C) along a subduction geothermal gradient. We use the observed mineral assemblage in natural serpentinite along with the Tmax estimated by Raman spectroscopy of the carbonaceous matter in associated metasediments to constrain the temperature of the lizardite to antigorite transition at high pressures. We show that below 300 °C, lizardite and locally chrysotile are the dominant species in the mesh texture. Between 320 and 390 °C, lizardite is progressively replaced by antigorite at the grain boundaries through dissolution–precipitation processes in the presence of SiO2 enriched fluids and in the cores of the lizardite mesh. Above 390 °C, under high-grade blueschist to eclogite facies conditions, antigorite is the sole stable serpentine mineral until the onset of secondary olivine crystallization at 460 °C.
Correct estimation of the firn lock-in depth is essential for correctly linking gas and ice chronologies in ice core studies. Here, two approaches to constrain the firn depth evolution in Antarctica are presented over the last deglaciation: outputs of a firn densification model, and measurements of δ15N of N2 in air trapped in ice core, assuming that δ15N is only affected by gravitational fractionation in the firn column. Since the firn densification process is largely governed by surface temperature and accumulation rate, we have investigated four ice cores drilled in coastal (Berkner Island, BI, and James Ross Island, JRI) and semi-coastal (TALDICE and EPICA Dronning Maud Land, EDML) Antarctic regions. Combined with available ice core air-δ15N measurements from the EPICA Dome C (EDC) site, the studied regions encompass a large range of surface accumulation rates and temperature conditions. Our δ15N profiles reveal a heterogeneous response of the firn structure to glacial–interglacial climatic changes. While firn densification simulations correctly predict TALDICE δ15N variations, they systematically fail to capture the large millennial-scale δ15N variations measured at BI and the δ15N glacial levels measured at JRI and EDML – a mismatch previously reported for central East Antarctic ice cores. New constraints of the EDML gas–ice depth offset during the Laschamp event (~41 ka) and the last deglaciation do not favour the hypothesis of a large convective zone within the firn as the explanation of the glacial firn model–δ15N data mismatch for this site. While we could not conduct an in-depth study of the influence of impurities in snow for firnification from the existing datasets, our detailed comparison between the δ15N profiles and firn model simulations under different temperature and accumulation rate scenarios suggests that the role of accumulation rate may have been underestimated in the current description of firnification models.