297 resultados para 290 Other religions


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Are there planets beyond our solar system? What may appear quite plausible now had only been a hypothesis until about twenty years ago. The search for exoplanets is driven by the interest in the “habitable” ones among them. Could such planets one day in the far future provide resources or even shelter for humankind? Will we find one day a habitable planet that is even inhabited? These kinds of imaginative speculations drive public interest in the subject. Imagining alien intelligent life in the universe is not at all new. When Ted Peters called for establishing the field of “astrotheology,” he was certainly thinking less of historical precedents than of something analogous to the emerging field of astrobiology. Will astrotheology result in the decentering of humanity in cosmic dimensions? One could also conclude that we are alone, at least for all practical purposes.


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ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions, émanation de la Société genevoise d’histoire des religions, paraît chaque année depuis 2006. Son siège est établi à l’Université de Genève, Faculté des lettres, Unité d’histoire des religions. Héros de la mythologie tsimshian (Colombie-Britannique), Asdiwal est un personnage qui voyage, qui passe d’un monde à l’autre, sans jamais pouvoir dépasser ce qui fait de lui un Homme. Aujourd’hui, les cloisons qui séparent les différentes sciences humaines tendent elles aussi à s’effacer. Aussi, la revue ASDIWAL se donne-t-elle pour ambition, comme son héros éponyme, de faire voyager le lecteur d’un monde à l’autre. ASDIWAL revendique une approche anthropologique et historique du champ religieux, respectueuse des contextes culturels et sensible aux écarts comme aux ressemblances. Sans limite quant aux domaines abordés, la Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions plaide résolument pour une démarche comparatiste et un « regard éloigné », sans oublier un esprit de liberté et d'humour. Eclectique et ouverte, ASDIWAL donne la parole aussi bien à de jeunes chercheurs qu'à des spécialistes reconnus.


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Idolatry is a key concept in the history of Western thinking about religion, as an all-encompassing category in which all religions more or less alien to the Christian tradition could be subsumed. From Late Antiquity to the Modern period, we can follow how the notion was put to work within Christian discourse to think about the religious “other. ” In fact, the word is almost ubiquitous in pre-modern debates on religion and the origins of religion. Theories on the nature and causes of “idolatry” framed much of the issue of “Religion” vs. the “religions,” and largely provided the conceptual space, in early modern Europe, in which religious anthropology would emerge. The present paper will investigate some aspects of the early modern discourse on idolatry, and its place in early modern discussions on the “diversity” of religions.