52 resultados para visualization


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ABSTRACT: Nanotechnology in its widest sense seeks to exploit the special biophysical and chemical properties of materials at the nanoscale. While the potential technological, diagnostic or therapeutic applications are promising there is a growing body of evidence that the special technological features of nanoparticulate material are associated with biological effects formerly not attributed to the same materials at a larger particle scale. Therefore, studies that address the potential hazards of nanoparticles on biological systems including human health are required. Due to its large surface area the lung is one of the major sites of interaction with inhaled nanoparticles. One of the great challenges of studying particle-lung interactions is the microscopic visualization of nanoparticles within tissues or single cells both in vivo and in vitro. Once a certain type of nanoparticle can be identified unambiguously using microscopic methods it is desirable to quantify the particle distribution within a cell, an organ or the whole organism. Transmission electron microscopy provides an ideal tool to perform qualitative and quantitative analyses of particle-related structural changes of the respiratory tract, to reveal the localization of nanoparticles within tissues and cells and to investigate the 3D nature of nanoparticle-lung interactions.This article provides information on the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of electron microscopic preparation techniques and several advanced transmission electron microscopic methods including conventional, immuno and energy-filtered electron microscopy as well as electron tomography for the visualization of both model nanoparticles (e.g. polystyrene) and technologically relevant nanoparticles (e.g. titanium dioxide). Furthermore, we highlight possibilities to combine light and electron microscopic techniques in a correlative approach. Finally, we demonstrate a formal quantitative, i.e. stereological approach to analyze the distributions of nanoparticles in tissues and cells.This comprehensive article aims to provide a basis for scientists in nanoparticle research to integrate electron microscopic analyses into their study design and to select the appropriate microscopic strategy.


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BACKGROUND: /st> Retrobulbar anaesthesia allows eye surgery in awake patients. Severe complications of the blind techniques are reported. Ultrasound-guided needle introduction and direct visualization of the spread of local anaesthetic may improve quality and safety of retrobulbar anaesthesia. Therefore, we developed a new ultrasound-guided technique using human cadavers. METHODS: /st> In total, 20 blocks on both sides in 10 embalmed human cadavers were performed. Using a small curved array transducer and a long-axis approach, a 22 G short bevel needle was introduced under ultrasound guidance lateral and caudal of the eyeball until the needle tip was seen 2 mm away from the optic nerve. At this point, 2 ml of contrast dye as a substitute for local anaesthetic was injected. Immediately after the injection, the spread of the contrast dye was documented by means of CT scans performed in each cadaver. RESULTS: /st> The CT scans showed the distribution of the contrast dye in the muscle cone and behind the posterior sclera in all but one case. No contrast dye was found inside the optic nerve or inside the eyeball. In one case, there could be an additional trace of contrast dye behind the orbita. CONCLUSIONS: /st> Our new ultrasound-guided technique has the potential to improve safety and efficacy of the procedure by direct visualization of the needle placement and the distribution of the injected fluid. Furthermore, the precise injection near the optic nerve could lead to a reduction of the amount of the local anaesthetic needed with fewer related complications.


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Dental identification is the most valuable method to identify human remains in single cases with major postmortem alterations as well as in mass casualties because of its practicability and demanding reliability. Computed tomography (CT) has been investigated as a supportive tool for forensic identification and has proven to be valuable. It can also scan the dentition of a deceased within minutes. In the present study, we investigated currently used restorative materials using ultra-high-resolution dual-source CT and the extended CT scale for the purpose of a color-encoded, in scale, and artifact-free visualization in 3D volume rendering. In 122 human molars, 220 cavities with 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-mm diameter were prepared. With presently used filling materials (different composites, temporary filling materials, ceramic, and liner), these cavities were restored in six teeth for each material and cavity size (exception amalgam n = 1). The teeth were CT scanned and images reconstructed using an extended CT scale. Filling materials were analyzed in terms of resulting Hounsfield units (HU) and filling size representation within the images. Varying restorative materials showed distinctively differing radiopacities allowing for CT-data-based discrimination. Particularly, ceramic and composite fillings could be differentiated. The HU values were used to generate an updated volume-rendering preset for postmortem extended CT scale data of the dentition to easily visualize the position of restorations, the shape (in scale), and the material used which is color encoded in 3D. The results provide the scientific background for the application of 3D volume rendering to visualize the human dentition for forensic identification purposes.


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Visualization of the vascular systems of organs or of small animals is important for an assessment of basic physiological conditions, especially in studies that involve genetically manipulated mice. For a detailed morphological analysis of the vascular tree, it is necessary to demonstrate the system in its entirety. In this study, we present a new lipophilic contrast agent, Angiofil, for performing postmortem microangiography by using microcomputed tomography. The new contrast agent was tested in 10 wild-type mice. Imaging of the vascular system revealed vessels down to the caliber of capillaries, and the digital three-dimensional data obtained from the scans allowed for virtual cutting, amplification, and scaling without destroying the sample. By use of computer software, parameters such as vessel length and caliber could be quantified and remapped by color coding onto the surface of the vascular system. The liquid Angiofil is easy to handle and highly radio-opaque. Because of its lipophilic abilities, it is retained intravascularly, hence it facilitates virtual vessel segmentation, and yields an enduring signal which is advantageous during repetitive investigations, or if samples need to be transported from the site of preparation to the place of actual analysis, respectively. These characteristics make Angiofil a promising novel contrast agent; when combined with microcomputed tomography, it has the potential to turn into a powerful method for rapid vascular phenotyping.


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BACKGROUND: In the acute respiratory distress syndrome potentially recruitable lung volume is currently discussed. (3)He-magnetic resonance imaging ((3)He-MRI) offers the possibility to visualize alveolar recruitment directly. METHODS: With the approval of the state animal care committee, unilateral lung damage was induced in seven anesthetized pigs by saline lavage of the right lungs. The left lung served as an intraindividual control (healthy lung). Unilateral lung damage was confirmed by conventional proton MRI and spiral-CT scanning. The total aerated lung volume was determined both at a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 0 and 10 mbar from three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He images, both for healthy and damaged lungs. The fractional increase of aerated volume in damaged and healthy lungs, followed by a PEEP increase from 0 to 10 mbar, was compared. RESULTS: Aerated gas space was visualized with a high spatial resolution in the three-dimensionally reconstructed (3)He-MR images, and aeration defects in the lavaged lung matched the regional distribution of atelectasis in proton MRI. After recruitment and PEEP increase, the aerated volume increased significantly both in healthy lungs from 415 ml [270-445] (median [min-max]) to 481 ml [347-523] and in lavaged lungs from 264 ml [71-424] to 424 ml [129-520]. The fractional increase in lavaged lungs was significantly larger than that in healthy lungs (healthy: 17% [11-38] vs. lavage: 42% [14-90] (P=0.031). CONCLUSION: The (3)He-MRI signal might offer an experimental approach to discriminate atelectatic vs. poor aerated lung areas in a lung damage animal model. Our results confirm the presence of potential recruitable lung volume by either alveolar collapse or alveolar flooding, in accordance with previous reports by computed tomography.


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The small trees of gas-exchanging pulmonary airways which are fed by the most distal purely conducting airways are called acini and represent the functional gas-exchanging units. The three-dimensional architecture of the acini has a strong influence on ventilation and particle deposition. Due to the difficulty to identify individual acini on microscopic lung sections the knowledge about the number of acini and their biological parameters like volume, surface area, and number of alveoli per acinus are limited. We developed a method to extract individual acini from lungs imaged by high-resolution synchrotron radiation based X-ray tomographic microscopy and estimated their volume, surface area and number of alveoli. Rat acini were isolated by semiautomatically closing the airways at the transition from conducting to gas-exchanging airways. We estimated a mean internal acinar volume of 1.148mm(3), a mean acinar surface area of 73.9mm(2), and a mean of 8470 alveoli per acinus. Assuming that the acini are similarly sized throughout different regions of the lung, we calculated that a rat lung contains 5470±833 acini. We conclude that our novel approach is well suited for the fast and reliable characterization of a large number of individual acini in healthy, diseased, or transgenic lungs of different species including humans.


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Self – assembly is a powerful tool for the construction of highly organized nanostructures. Therefore, the possibility to control and predict pathways of molecular ordering on the nanoscale level is a critical issue for the production of materials with tunable and adaptive macroscopic properties. 2D polymers are attractive objects for the field of material sciences due to their exceptional properties. [1] As shown before, amphiphilic oligopyrenotides (produced via automated solid-phase synthesis) form rod–like supramolecular polymers in water. [2] These assemblies form 1D objects. [3] By applying certain changes to the design of the oligopyrenotide units the dimensionality of the formed assemblies can be influenced. Herein, we demonstrate that Py3 (see Figure 1) forms defined supramolecular assemblies under thermodynamic conditions in water. To study Py3 self-assembly, we carried out whole set of spectroscopic (UV/vis, fluorescence, DLS) and microscopic experiments (AFM). The obtained results suggest that oligopyrenotides with the present type of geometry and linker length leads to formation of 2D supramolecular assemblies.


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The authors tested an autoclavable external ring retractor, fixed to the operation table, for the endoscopic reconstruction of anterior column injuries of the thoracolumbar junction. It served as a retractor for the diaphragm, and offered a stable support for the scope and other instruments, making an assistant superfluous. Moreover, it allowed bimanual manipulation. Of course, the two-dimensional image, provided by the scope, necessitated proper eye-hand coordination. Twenty-eight consecutive patients underwent either a monosegmental (n = 10) or a bisegmental (n = 18) anterior stabilization in the area Th11L1. Three portals were necessary, but an assistant was not needed. The overall (mean +/- SD) operating time was 196 +/- 56 min, the blood loss was 804 +/- 719 mL. Intraoperatively, one epidural bleeding and a single screw cut-out occurred. All complications were managed endoscopically. Postoperatively, evacuation of a haemothorax (n = 1) was necessary. In all patients, wounds and fractures healed uneventfully. The combination of the endoscopic technique and the retractor system was feasible, successful, safe, and time efficient. Moreover, it allowed for anterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar fractures by a single surgeon. It became the standard approach in the authors' department.