23 resultados para violence in the workplace


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THE INFLUENCE of combat sport practice on behaviour, attitude, personality and other factors was, and still remains, a research topic of great interest as well as conflicting points of view. Findings are as yet inconclusive since a direct or causal effect is difficult to establish and other factors external to the individual, such as the instructor’s coaching style, also need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore, the wide range of disciplines pertaining to the category combat sports differ from each other on a number of characteristics, such as the extent of physical contact or competition rules, and in fact, attempts have been made to distinguish between various sub-types (e.g. Trulson, 1986). A common distinction made is that between the traditional martial arts, which place emphasis on the art’s philosophy, its traditions and hierarchy (e.g. traditional karate, aikido) and the modern (or Western) combat sports (e.g. boxing, Mixed Martial Arts). An ongoing debate exists about the potential positive and/or negative influence of combat sport practice in comparison to other sport disciplines that do not include this element of fighting and direct aggression. On the one hand, combat sports have been presented by some researchers and sport practitioners as a means of promoting positive social and individual behavior, such as in Theeboom, De Knop and Wylleman’s (2008) evaluation of a martial arts Programme for socially disadvantaged youths in Belgium. Results revealed a positive effect of this project; however, it also highlighted the crucial role played by the instructors or leaders of such programmes. In another intervention using martial arts, Trulson (1986) reported a positive effect of a six month traditional martial art (Korean Tae Kwon Do) intervention with male juvenile delinquents including a reduction in aggressiveness and anxiety, thus confirming the positive influence of such an activity. Nevertheless, this effect was not observed in the other group participating in a modern Adaptation of this martial art led by the same instructor, where the philosophical aspect of this discipline was not emphasised. Moreover, an opposite effect was ascertained in this case where an increased tendency towards delinquency was reported. These results support the distinction between the various types of combat sports together with the way this sport is presented and taught by the instructor.


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Anthropogenic nano-sized particles (NSP), ie, particles with a diameter of less than 100 nm, are generated with or without purpose as chemically and physically well-defined materials or as a consequence of combustion processes respectively. Inhalation of NSP occurs on a regular basis due to air pollution and is associated with an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Manufactured NSP may intentionally be inhaled as pharmaceuticals or unintentionally during production at the workplace. Hence the interactions of NSP with the respiratory tract are currently under intensive investigation. Due to special physicochemical features of NSP, its biological behaviour may differ from that of larger sized particles. Here we review two important themes of current research into the effects of NSP on the lungs: 1) The potential of NSP to cross the blood-air barrier of the lungs, thus gaining access to the circulation and extrapulmonary organs. It is currently accepted that a small fraction of inhaled NSP may translocate to the circulation. The significance of this translocation requires further research. 2) The entering mechanisms of NSP into different cell types. There is evidence that NSP are taken up by cells via well-known pathways of endocytosis but also via different mechanisms not well understood so far. Knowledge of the quantitative relationship between the different entering mechanisms and cellular responses is not yet available but is urgently needed in order to understand the effects of intentionally or unintentionally inhaled NSP on the respiratory tract.


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Given the increasing interest in using social software for company-internal communication and collaboration, this paper examines drivers and inhibitors of micro-blogging adoption at the workplace. While nearly one in two companies is currently planning to introduce social software, there is no empirically validated research on employees’ adoption. In this paper, we build on previous focus group results and test our research model in an empirical study using Structural Equation Modeling. Based on our findings, we derive recommendations on how to foster adoption. We suggest that micro-blogging should be presented to employees as an efficient means of communication, personal brand building, and knowledge management. In order to particularly promote content contribution, privacy concerns should be eased by setting clear rules on who has access to postings and for how long they will be archived.


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Supervisor support, peer support and transfer motivation have been identified as important predictors for training transfer. Transfer motivation is supposed to mediate the support–training transfer relationship. Especially after team training interventions that include all team members (i.e., intact-team training), individual perception of these factors might be shared among team members. However, an integration of the team level in the training transfer process is rare, yet still needed. Analyzing 194 employees from 34 teams in the context of intact-team training interventions, we found similar relationships and processes at both levels of analysis: Social support enhances transfer motivation at the individual and team levels. Furthermore, motivation to transfer increases training transfer and serves as a connecting mechanism in the social support–training transfer link. The results underline the importance of (1) considering multiple levels in theories and research about the training transfer process and (2) ensuring the practice of individual-directed support and a shared, supportive climate within teams.


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The phenomenon of sexually harassing telephone calls in the workplace has been studied only marginally. In the present study 106 employees working in call centres in Germany answered a questionnaire regarding their experiences of sexual harassment over the telephone. The following data are presented: description of the phenomenon, i.e. prevalence and characteristics, stress reactions of the victims, behavioural reactions and coping strategies, consequences and anticipated consequences; prediction of the stress reactions by characteristics of the situation; and employees' recommendations for coping with sexually harassing calls. It was found that the female employees were more often sexually harassed over the telephone at work than their male colleagues. Three out of four female employees had experienced sexually harassing telephone calls; in the majority of cases the harassers were men. Characteristic patterns of harassment included groaning, sexual insults, silence, and threats of sexual violence. Some 16% of the harassed female employees described these experiences as extremely stressful. If the harassment contained threats of sexual violence and groaning, the perceived physical response was stronger. Being subjected to sexual harassment over the telephone both at home and at work was a more severe stress than having the experience only in the workplace. In conclusion, employees' recommendations for coping with the occurrence of sexually harassing calls are described.


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Throughout the last decades, narrative approaches have become quintessential tools for understanding crisis and displacement. While a focus on individual stories allows for a deep look into the particularity of being-displaced, it simultaneously runs the risk of romanticising the outcome (the life story) of what is indeed the product of a rather complex process (the telling of the life story). In this paper I will discuss a change of perspectives: Rather than laying the focus on life stories as texts, I will suggest to shift the attention towards the existential dynamics of storytelling. By zooming in on my longstanding collaboration with a Somali woman in Melbourne, Australia, I will map out the interplay of telling and being that marked this process. Focusing on one particular storytelling moment, I will suggest the importance of appreciating the intersubjective force of storytelling. Rather than melting the set of stories into a coherent “life story”, I will look at the storytelling moment in its lived messiness. In doing so, I will sketch out its potential to shed light both on the teller’s hopes, imaginations and ambitions, and on the reality of being part of a wider world that often contradicts and shatters these hopes.