117 resultados para trypanosoma cruzi


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Trypanosoma brucei and related pathogens transcribe most genes as polycistronic arrays that are subsequently processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Expression is frequently regulated post-transcriptionally by cis-acting elements in the untranslated regions (UTRs). GPEET and EP procyclins are the major surface proteins of procyclic (insect midgut) forms of T. brucei. Three regulatory elements common to the 3' UTRs of both mRNAs regulate mRNA turnover and translation. The glycerol-responsive element (GRE) is unique to the GPEET 3' UTR and regulates its expression independently from EP. A synthetic RNA encompassing the GRE showed robust sequence-specific interactions with cytoplasmic proteins in electromobility shift assays. This, combined with column chromatography, led to the identification of 3 Alba-domain proteins. RNAi against Alba3 caused a growth phenotype and reduced the levels of Alba1 and Alba2 proteins, indicative of interactions between family members. Tandem-affinity purification and co-immunoprecipitation verified these interactions and also identified Alba4 in sub-stoichiometric amounts. Alba proteins are cytoplasmic and are recruited to starvation granules together with poly(A) RNA. Concomitant depletion of all four Alba proteins by RNAi specifically reduced translation of a reporter transcript flanked by the GPEET 3' UTR. Pulldown of tagged Alba proteins confirmed interactions with poly(A) binding proteins, ribosomal protein P0 and, in the case of Alba3, the cap-binding protein eIF4E4. In addition, Alba2 and Alba3 partially cosediment with polyribosomes in sucrose gradients. Alba-domain proteins seem to have exhibited great functional plasticity in the course of evolution. First identified as DNA-binding proteins in Archaea, then in association with nuclear RNase MRP/P in yeast and mammalian cells, they were recently described as components of a translationally silent complex containing stage-regulated mRNAs in Plasmodium. Our results are also consistent with stage-specific regulation of translation in trypanosomes, but most likely in the context of initiation.


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Although the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, can acquire lipids from its environment, recent reports have shown that it is also capable of de novo synthesis of all major phospholipids. Here we provide an overview of the biosynthetic pathways involved in phospholipid formation in T. brucei and highlight differences to corresponding pathways in other eukaryotes, with the aim of promoting trypanosomes as an attractive model organism to study lipid biosynthesis. We show that de novo synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine involving CDP-activated intermediates is essential in T. brucei and that a reduction in its cellular content affects mitochondrial morphology and ultrastructure. In addition, we highlight that reduced levels of phosphatidylcholine inhibit nuclear division, suggesting a role for phosphatidylcholine formation in the control of cell division. Furthermore, we discuss possible routes leading to phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin formation in T. brucei and review the biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol, which seems to take place in two separate compartments. Finally, we emphasize that T. brucei represents the only eukaryote so far that synthesizes all three sphingophospholipid classes, sphingomyelin, inositolphosphorylceramide and ethanolaminephosphorylceramide, and that their production is developmentally regulated.


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MAP kinase kinase 1 (MKK1) is encoded by a single copy gene in Trypanosoma brucei. It has been shown recently that MKK1 is not essential for bloodstream forms [14]. To investigate the requirement for MKK1 in other life-cycle stages we generated null mutants in procyclic forms of a fly-transmissible strain. These grew normally in culture and were able to establish midgut infections in tsetse at normal rates and intensities, but were incapable of colonising the salivary glands. Transformation of null mutants with an ectopic copy of MKK1 enabled parasites to complete the life cycle in tsetse and infect mice. This is the first example of a gene that is indispensable for transmission of T. brucei. It also raises the possibility that activating the MKK1 signalling cascade in vitro might trigger the differentiation and proliferation of life-cycle stages of T. brucei that are currently refractory to culture.


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Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness and Nagana in cattle. In addition to being an important pathogen T. brucei has developed into a model system in cell biology.


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Eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) is the only protein modified by ethanolamine phosphoglycerol (EPG). In mammals and plants, EPG is attached to conserved glutamate residues located in eEF1A domains II and III, whereas in the unicellular eukaryote, Trypanosoma brucei, a single EPG moiety is attached to domain III. A biosynthetic precursor of EPG and structural requirements for EPG attachment to T. brucei eEF1A have been reported, but the role of this unique protein modification in cellular growth and eEF1A function has remained elusive. Here we report, for the first time in a eukaryotic cell, a model system to study potential roles of EPG. By down-regulation of EF1A expression and subsequent complementation of eEF1A function using conditionally expressed exogenous eEF1A (mutant) proteins, we show that eEF1A lacking EPG complements trypanosomes deficient in endogenous eEF1A, demonstrating that EPG attachment is not essential for normal growth of T. brucei in culture.


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myo-Inositol is an essential precursor for the production of inositol phosphates and inositol phospholipids in all eukaryotes. Intracellular myo-inositol is generated by de novo synthesis from glucose 6-phosphate or is provided from the environment via myo-inositol symporters. We show that in Trypanosoma brucei, the causative pathogen of human African sleeping sickness and nagana in domestic animals, myo-inositol is taken up via a specific proton-coupled electrogenic symport and that this transport is essential for parasite survival in culture. Down-regulation of the myo-inositol transporter using RNA interference inhibited uptake of myo-inositol and blocked the synthesis of the myo-inositol-containing phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol and inositol phosphorylceramide; in contrast, it had no effect on glycosylphosphatidylinositol production. This together with the unexpected localization of the myo-inositol transporter in both the plasma membrane and the Golgi demonstrate that metabolism of endogenous and exogenous myo-inositol in T. brucei is strictly segregated.


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Cyclic nucleotide specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are pivotal regulators of cellular signaling. They are also important drug targets. Besides catalytic activity and substrate specificity, their subcellular localization and interaction with other cell components are also functionally important. In contrast to the mammalian PDEs, the significance of PDEs in protozoal pathogens remains mostly unknown. The genome of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human sleeping sickness, codes for five different PDEs. Two of these, TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2, are closely similar, cAMP-specific PDEs containing two GAF-domains in their N-terminal regions. Despite their similarity, these two PDEs exhibit different subcellular localizations. TbrPDEB1 is located in the flagellum, whereas TbrPDEB2 is distributed between flagellum and cytoplasm. RNAi against the two mRNAs revealed that the two enzymes can complement each other but that a simultaneous ablation of both leads to cell death in bloodstream form trypanosomes. RNAi against TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2 also functions in vivo where it completely prevents infection and eliminates ongoing infections. Our data demonstrate that TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2 are essential for virulence, making them valuable potential targets for new PDE-inhibitor based trypanocidal drugs. Furthermore, they are compatible with the notion that the flagellum of T. brucei is an important site of cAMP signaling.--Oberholzer, M., Marti, G., Baresic, M., Kunz, S., Hemphill, A., Seebeck, T. The Trypanosoma brucei cAMP phosphodiesterases TbrPDEB1 and TbrPDEB2: flagellar enzymes that are essential for parasite virulence.


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African trypanosomes undergo differentiation in order to adapt to the mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. To characterize the role of a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase homologue, TbMAPK5, in the differentiation of Trypanosoma brucei, we constructed a knockout in procyclic (insect) forms from a differentiation-competent (pleomorphic) stock. Two independent knockout clones proliferated normally in culture and were not essential for other life cycle stages in the fly. They were also able to infect immunosuppressed mice, but the peak parasitemia was 16-fold lower than that of the wild type. Differentiation of the proliferating long slender to the nonproliferating short stumpy bloodstream form is triggered by an autocrine factor, stumpy induction factor (SIF). The knockout differentiated prematurely in mice and in culture, suggestive of increased sensitivity to SIF. In contrast, a null mutant of a cell line refractory to SIF was able to proliferate normally. The differentiation phenotype was partially rescued by complementation with wild-type TbMAPK5 but exacerbated by introduction of a nonactivatable mutant form. Our results indicate a regulatory function for TbMAPK5 in the differentiation of bloodstream forms of T. brucei that might be exploitable as a target for chemotherapy against human sleeping sickness.