31 resultados para the degree of polarization


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OBJECTIVE To assess patients' outcomes after subacromial or glenohumeral injections based on the degree of lateral extension of the acromion. METHODS 307 patients were prospectively included after therapeutic fluoroscopy-guided subacromial (n = 148) or glenohumeral (n = 159) injections with anaesthetic and long-acting corticosteroids. Pre- and post-injection outcomes at 1 week and 1 month were obtained using the 11-point numerical rating scale (NRS) for pain. Lateral extension of the acromion was quantified and categorized by the critical shoulder angle (CSA) and the acromion index (AI) on anteroposterior conventional radiographs. RESULTS Patients' outcomes at 1 week and 1 month were significantly improved (p < 0.001) compared to baseline for subacromial and glenohumeral injection patients. Patients with a CSA <35° showed significantly higher pain reduction 1 month after subacromial injection compared to patients with a CSA >35° (4.2 ± 2.6 vs. 3.2 ± 3.0, p = 0.04). A significant difference in the 1-month NRS change in pain scores is noted for smaller AIs after subacromial injection (4.3 ± 2.8 vs. 2.6 ± 2.9; p = 0.01). No significant association was noted between clinical outcome and the lateral extension of the acromion after glenohumeral joint injections. CONCLUSIONS A short lateral extension of the acromion was associated with better clinical outcomes in subacromial injection patients but not in glenohumeral injection patients. KEY POINTS • Patients' outcomes at 1 month improved significantly compared to baseline for subacromial injections. • Patients' outcomes at 1 month improved significantly compared to baseline for glenohumeral injections. • Short acromial lateralization was associated with better clinical outcome after subacromial injection. • The acromial lateralization was not associated with clinical outcome after glenohumeral injection.


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Abstract Context: Mammary and placental 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17βHSD1). Objective: To assess the impact of testosterone, tibolone, and black cohosh on purified mammary and placental 17βHSD1. Materials and methods: 17βHSD1 was purified from human mammary gland and placenta by column chromatography, its activity was monitored by a radioactive activity assay, and the degree of purification was determined by gel electrophoresis. Photometric cofactor transformation analysis was performed to assess 17βHSD1 activity without or in presence of testosterone, tibolone and black cohosh. Results: 17βHSD1 from both sources displayed a comparable basal activity. Testosterone and tibolone metabolites inhibited purified mammary and placental 17βHSD1 activity to a different extent, whereas black cohosh had no impact. Discussion: Studies on purified enzymes reveal the individual action of drugs on local regulatory mechanisms thus helping to develop more targeted therapeutic intervention. Conclusion: Testosterone, tibolone and black cohosh display a beneficial effect on local mammary estrogen metabolism by not affecting or decreasing local estradiol exposure.


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The goal of this study was to assess whether epicardial and paracardial adipose tissue volumes, as determined by computed tomography (CT), correlate with coronary artery stenosis as determined by autopsy. The postmortem CT data and autopsy findings of 116 adult human decedents were retrospectively compared. Subjects were classified into three groups according to their degree of coronary artery stenosis: ≥50, <50%, and no stenosis. Epicardial and paracardial adipose tissue volumes were calculated based on manual segmentation after threshold based masking. In addition, epicardial adipose tissue thickness was measured using a caliper. All three parameters (thickness of epicardial fat and volumes of both epicardial and paracardial fat) were compared among the three groups and correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis. The group with no coronary artery stenosis showed the lowest mean values of epicardial adipose tissue volume, while the coronary artery stenosis ≥50 % group showed the highest volume. All measured variables (thickness of epicardial fat and volumes of both epicardial and paracardial fat) correlated significantly with the grade of coronary artery stenosis, even after controlling for BMI, however, epicardial adipose tissue volume exhibited the strongest correlation. This study reveals that there is an association between the degree of coronary artery stenosis and the amount of epicardial fat tissue: The larger the volume of epicardial fat, the higher the degree of coronary artery stenosis.


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We aimed to evaluate whether nerve fibers are present in the endometrial layer of patients submitted to office hysteroscopy and their potential contribution to the pathogenesis of pain during that procedure. Through a prospective case-control study performed in tertiary centers for women's health, endometrium samples were collected during operative office hysteroscopy from 198 cycling women who previously underwent laparoscopy and/or magnetic resonance imaging investigation for infertility assessment. Samples were classified according to the degree of the pain patients experienced and scored from values ranging from 0 (absence of discomfort/pain) to 10 (intolerable pain) on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS). The presence of nerve fiber markers (S100, NSE, SP, VIP, NPY, NKA, NKB, NKR1, NKR2, and NKR3) in the endometrium was also evaluated by morphologic and immunohistochemical analyses. We found that S-100, NSE, NKR1, NK-A, NK-B, VIP, and NPY, were immunolocalized in samples of endometrium, in significantly (P < .01, for all) higher levels in samples collected from patients with VAS score > 5 (group A) than ≤ 5 (group B) and significantly (P < .0001 for all) positively correlated with VAS levels. A statistically significant (P = .018) higher prevalence of endometriosis and/or adenomyosis was depicted in patients of group A than group B. Data from the present study led us to conclude that nerve fibers are expressed at the level of the functional layer of the endometrium and may contribute to pain generation during office hysteroscopy, mainly in women affected by endometriosis and adenomyosis.


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The tension between openness and closedness is one of the most important cleavages in Swiss political debates. In the present article, we study the psychological foundations of attitudes regarding this issue. More precisely, we examine the link between personality and attitudes toward the degree of openness of Switzerland as a general stance toward the cultural, economic and political alignment of the country. Personality is understood as a complex and multifaceted concept that forms the basis for consistent patterns of attitudes and behavior. We build on the Five-Factor Theory to explain the link between personality traits, contextual factors and political attitudes. Analyzing survey data from a random sample of Swiss citizens, we find clear evidence that personality traits affect political attitudes. Furthermore, we are able to demonstrate that the relationship between personality and attitudes toward the degree of openness of Switzerland is moderated by perceived ethnic diversity in the neighborhood.


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Patterns of size inequality in crowded plant populations are often taken to be indicative of the degree of size asymmetry of competition, but recent research suggests that some of the patterns attributed to size‐asymmetric competition could be due to spatial structure. To investigate the theoretical relationships between plant density, spatial pattern, and competitive size asymmetry in determining size variation in crowded plant populations, we developed a spatially explicit, individual‐based plant competition model based on overlapping zones of influence. The zone of influence of each plant is modeled as a circle, growing in two dimensions, and is allometrically related to plant biomass. The area of the circle represents resources potentially available to the plant, and plants compete for resources in areas in which they overlap. The size asymmetry of competition is reflected in the rules for dividing up the overlapping areas. Theoretical plant populations were grown in random and in perfectly uniform spatial patterns at four densities under size‐asymmetric and size‐symmetric competition. Both spatial pattern and size asymmetry contributed to size variation, but their relative importance varied greatly over density and over time. Early in stand development, spatial pattern was more important than the symmetry of competition in determining the degree of size variation within the population, but after plants grew and competition intensified, the size asymmetry of competition became a much more important source of size variation. Size variability was slightly higher at higher densities when competition was symmetric and plants were distributed nonuniformly in space. In a uniform spatial pattern, size variation increased with density only when competition was size asymmetric. Our results suggest that when competition is size asymmetric and intense, it will be more important in generating size variation than is local variation in density. Our results and the available data are consistent with the hypothesis that high levels of size inequality commonly observed within crowded plant populations are largely due to size‐asymmetric competition, not to variation in local density.


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This article contributes to the ongoing discussion on how tolerance may be fostered in Western European countries and to the question of how contextual factors such as welfare state expenditures may contribute to this formation. Tolerance is understood as a basic democratic principle that helps civil societies cope with rising levels of diversity stemming from increased immigration and individualism. Within the tolerance literature it is commonly agreed upon that a comprehensive welfare state is capable of bridging class divides and overcoming social categorization. However, over the past decades European welfare states experienced an ongoing influx of immigrants, challenging their general purpose and increasing notions of ‘welfare chauvinism’. Drawing on insights from both tolerance and welfare state solidarity literature, we implement hierarchical analyses based on Eurobarometer data to assess the potential influence of welfare state universalism on political and social tolerance in 15 Western European countries. Moreover, we demonstrate that this relationship is highly conditional on the degree of ethnic heterogeneity within a country.


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Bayesian clustering methods are typically used to identify barriers to gene flow, but they are prone to deduce artificial subdivisions in a study population characterized by an isolation-by-distance pattern (IbD). Here we analysed the landscape genetic structure of a population of wild boars (Sus scrofa) from south-western Germany. Two clustering methods inferred the presence of the same genetic discontinuity. However, the population in question was characterized by a strong IbD pattern. While landscape-resistance modelling failed to identify landscape features that influenced wild boar movement, partial Mantel tests and multiple regression of distance matrices (MRDMs) suggested that the empirically inferred clusters were separated by a genuine barrier. When simulating random lines bisecting the study area, 60% of the unique barriers represented, according to partial Mantel tests and MRDMs, significant obstacles to gene flow. By contrast, the random-lines simulation showed that the boundaries of the inferred empirical clusters corresponded to the most important genetic discontinuity in the study area. Given the degree of habitat fragmentation separating the two empirical partitions, it is likely that the clustering programs correctly identified a barrier to gene flow. The differing results between the work published here and other studies suggest that it will be very difficult to draw general conclusions about habitat permeability in wild boar from individual studies.


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Die Organisation und die strategische Kommunikation von Wahlkämpfen haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in den meisten westeuropäischen Staaten gewandelt, so auch in der Schweiz. Die Kommunikationswissenschaft hat dafür den Begriff der „Professionalisierung“ geprägt und Eigenschaften zusammengetragen, die zu einem „professionalisierten“ Wahlkampf gehören – wie z.B. die Beauftragung von externen Expertinnen und Experten oder die direkte Ansprache von Wählerinnen und Wählern („narrowcasting“). Welche Hintergründe diese Professionalisierung aber hat und wie das Phänomen nicht nur praktisch zu beschreiben, sondern auch theoretisch zu begründen ist, wurde bisher kaum diskutiert. Hier setzt die vorliegende Dissertation an. Basierend auf einer Analyse von 23 Wahlkämpfen aus den Kantonen Aargau, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Bern, Neuchâtel und Zürich mithilfe der Methode Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) kommt sie zum Schluss, dass die Professionalisierung der Wahlkämpfe vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund des soziologischen Neo-Institutionalismus als Anpassung von Wahlkämpfen an sich verändernde Bedingungen, Erwartungen und Anforderungen in den wichtigsten Anspruchsgruppen oder „Umwelten“ für den Wahlkampf (Wählerinnen und Wähler, Mitglieder, Medien, andere Parteien) definiert werden kann. Daraus folgt, dass es nicht nur „die“ Professionalisierung gibt, sondern dass jeder Wahlkampf an jene Umwelten angepasst wird, wo diese Anpassung den Wahlkampfverantwortlichen am dringlichsten erscheint. Daher sollte Professionalisierung mit vier einzelnen Messinstrumenten bzw. Professionalisierungsindices – einem pro Umwelt – gemessen werden. Misst man Professionalisierung wie bisher üblich nur mit einem einzigen Messinstrument, gibt der resultierende Wert nur ein ungenaues Bild vom Grad der Professionalisierung des Wahlkampfs wieder und verschleiert, als Anpassung an welche Umwelt die Professionalisierung geschieht. Hat man ermittelt, wie professionalisiert ein Wahlkampf im Hinblick auf jede der vier relevantesten Umwelten ist, können dann auch zuverlässiger die Gründe analysiert werden, die zur jeweiligen Professionalisierung geführt haben. Die empirische Analyse der kantonalen Wahlkämpfe bestätigte, dass hinter der Professionalisierung in Bezug auf jede der vier Umwelten auch tatsächlich unterschiedliche Gründe stecken. Wahlkämpfe werden in Bezug auf die Ansprache der Wähler angepasst („professionalisiert“), wenn sie in urbanen Kontexten stattfinden. Den Wahlkampf im Hinblick auf die Mitglieder zu professionalisieren ist besonders wichtig, wenn die Konkurrenz zwischen den Parteien gross ist oder wenn eine Ansprache der Gesamtwählerschaft für eine Partei wenig gewinnbringend erscheint. Die Professionalisierung des Wahlkampfes in Bezug auf die Medien erfolgt dann, wenn er eine grosse, regional stark verteilte oder aber eine urbane Wählerschaft ansprechen muss. Für die Professionalisierung der Wahlkämpfe gegenüber anderen Parteien kann kein aussagekräftiger Schluss gezogen werden, da nur wenige der untersuchten Kantonalparteien ihre Wahlkämpfe überhaupt im Hinblick auf andere Parteien professionalisierten, indem sie die gegnerischen Wahlkämpfe beobachteten und den eigenen wenn nötig entsprechend anpassten.