141 resultados para supersymmetric standard model


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The very clean theoretical predictions for the rare decays K --> pi nu nu_bar and KL --> pi0 l+ l- are reviewed, and their various theoretical inputs summarized. The less favorable situation for KL --> mu+ mu- is also commented.


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We consider an effective field theory for a gauge singlet Dirac dark matter particle interacting with the standard model fields via effective operators suppressed by the scale Λ≳1  TeV. We perform a systematic analysis of the leading loop contributions to spin-independent Dirac dark matter–nucleon scattering using renormalization group evolution between Λ and the low-energy scale probed by direct detection experiments. We find that electroweak interactions induce operator mixings such that operators that are naively velocity suppressed and spin dependent can actually contribute to spin-independent scattering. This allows us to put novel constraints on Wilson coefficients that were so far poorly bounded by direct detection. Constraints from current searches are already significantly stronger than LHC bounds, and will improve in the near future. Interestingly, the loop contribution we find is isospin violating even if the underlying theory is isospin conserving.


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We study lepton flavor observables in the Standard Model (SM) extended with all dimension-6 operators which are invariant under the SM gauge group. We calculate the complete one-loop predictions to the radiative lepton decays μ → eγ, τ → μγ and τ → eγ as well as to the closely related anomalous magnetic moments and electric dipole moments of charged leptons, taking into account all dimension-6 operators which can generate lepton flavor violation. Also the 3-body flavor violating charged lepton decays τ ± → μ ± μ + μ −, τ ± → e ± e + e −, τ ± → e ± μ + μ −, τ ± → μ ± e + e −, τ ± → e ∓ μ ± μ ±, τ ± → μ ∓ e ± e ± and μ ± → e ± e + e − and the Z 0 decays Z 0 → ℓ+iℓ−j are considered, taking into account all tree-level contributions.


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Because of physical processes ranging from microscopic particle collisions to macroscopic hydrodynamic fluctuations, any plasma in thermal equilibrium emits gravitational waves. For the largest wavelengths the emission rate is proportional to the shear viscosity of the plasma. In the Standard Model at 0T > 16 GeV, the shear viscosity is dominated by the most weakly interacting particles, right-handed leptons, and is relatively large. We estimate the order of magnitude of the corresponding spectrum of gravitational waves. Even though at small frequencies (corresponding to the sub-Hz range relevant for planned observatories such as eLISA) this background is tiny compared with that from non-equilibrium sources, the total energy carried by the high-frequency part of the spectrum is non-negligible if the production continues for a long time. We suggest that this may constrain (weakly) the highest temperature of the radiation epoch. Observing the high-frequency part directly sets a very ambitious goal for future generations of GHz-range detectors.


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Even though the Standard Model with a Higgs mass mH = 125GeV possesses no bulk phase transition, its thermodynamics still experiences a "soft point" at temperatures around T = 160GeV, with a deviation from ideal gas thermodynamics. Such a deviation may have an effect on precision computations of weakly interacting dark matter relic abundances if their mass is in the few TeV range, or on leptogenesis scenarios operating in this temperature range. By making use of results from lattice simulations based on a dimensionally reduced effective field theory, we estimate the relevant thermodynamic functions across the crossover. The results are tabulated in a numerical form permitting for their insertion as a background equation of state into cosmological particle production/decoupling codes. We find that Higgs dynamics induces a non-trivial "structure" visible e.g. in the heat capacity, but that in general the largest radiative corrections originate from QCD effects, reducing the energy density by a couple of percent from the free value even at T > 160GeV.