78 resultados para sun-hat
Navigation mit Satelliten: die Zukunft hat bereits begonnen. Geomatik Herbstkolloquium, FHNW Muttenz
Hat der Himmel ein Geschlecht? Altorientalische Vorstellungen von Himmel und den himmlischen Mächten
We describe a case of a 10 years old girl, which presented to the emergency room with non-specific gastro-intestinal symptoms, fatigue and low blood pressure. The clinical signs and laboratory value supported the diagnosis of Addison crisis with hypovolaemic shock. The pathophysiology and the therapy of this entity are discussed. Importantly, in children the aetiology may differ depending on age and sex. Based on the family history of autoimmune disorders, in our patient presenting with autoimmune adrenalitis and celiac disease, the diagnosis of an autoimmune polyendocrinopathy was made. A therapy of mineralcorticoids and glucocorticoids was initiated and a special gluten-free diet was prescribed. On this treatment our patient recovered promptly.