37 resultados para subcutaneous adipose-tissue


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Cutaneous scleroderma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the dermal and subcutaneous connective tissue leading to sclerosis. Sclerosis of the skin can lead to dysmorphism, contractures and restrictions of movement.


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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is strongly associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome. It encompasses a clinico-pathologic spectrum of conditions ranging from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The latter develops upon pro-inflammatory cell infiltration and is widely considered as the first relevant pathophysiological step in NAFLD-progression. The chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) plays an important role in the progression of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis, and both increased hepatic expression and circulating serum levels have been described in NASH. Here, we aimed to investigate MCP-1 expression in simple hepatic steatosis. Upon feeding a high-fat diet mice developed hepatic steatosis in the absence of significant hepatic inflammation, but elevated hepatic MCP-1 expression compared to control mice fed a standard chow. Interestingly, high-fat diet fed mice had significantly higher MCP-1 serum levels, and MCP-1 mRNA expression was significantly increased in visceral adipose tissue. Furthermore, MCP-1 serum levels were also elevated in patients with ultrasound-diagnosed NAFLD and correlated with the body-mass index and fasting glucose. In conclusion, our data indicate both the liver and adipose tissue as cellular sources of elevated circulating MCP-1 levels already in the early phase of hepatic steatosis. Since MCP-1 derived from visceral adipose tissue reaches the liver via portal circulation at high concentrations it may significantly contribute to the progression of simple steatosis to NASH.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can induce normal angiogenesis or the growth of angioma-like vascular tumors depending on the amount secreted by each producing cell because it remains localized in the microenvironment. In order to control the distribution of VEGF expression levels in vivo, we recently developed a high-throughput fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)-based technique to rapidly purify transduced progenitors that homogeneously express a specific VEGF dose from a heterogeneous primary population. Here we tested the hypothesis that cell-based delivery of a controlled VEGF level could induce normal angiogenesis in the heart, while preventing the development of angiomas. Freshly isolated human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASC) were transduced with retroviral vectors expressing either rat VEGF linked to a FACS-quantifiable cell-surface marker (a truncated form of CD8) or CD8 alone as control (CTR). VEGF-expressing cells were FACS-purified to generate populations producing either a specific VEGF level (SPEC) or uncontrolled heterogeneous levels (ALL). Fifteen nude rats underwent intramyocardial injection of 10(7) cells. Histology was performed after 4 weeks. Both the SPEC and ALL cells produced a similar total amount of VEGF, and both cell types induced a 50%-60% increase in both total and perfused vessel density compared to CTR cells, despite very limited stable engraftment. However, homogeneous VEGF expression by SPEC cells induced only normal and stable angiogenesis. Conversely, heterogeneous expression of a similar total amount by the ALL cells caused the growth of numerous angioma-like structures. These results suggest that controlled VEGF delivery by FACS-purified ASC may be a promising strategy to achieve safe therapeutic angiogenesis in the heart.


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Milk fatty acid (FA) profile is a dynamic pattern influenced by lactational stage, energy balance and dietary composition. In the first part of this study, effects of the energy balance during the proceeding lactation [weeks 1-21 post partum (pp)] on milk FA profile of 30 dairy cows were evaluated under a constant feeding regimen. In the second part, effects of a negative energy balance (NEB) induced by feed restriction on milk FA profile were studied in 40 multiparous dairy cows (20 feed-restricted and 20 control). Feed restriction (energy balance of -63 MJ NEL/d, restriction of 49 % of energy requirements) lasted 3 weeks starting at around 100 days in milk. Milk FA profile changed markedly from week 1 pp up to week 12 pp and remained unchanged thereafter. The proportion of saturated FA (predominantly 10:0, 12:0, 14:0 and 16:0) increased from week 1 pp up to week 12 pp, whereas monounsaturated FA, predominantly the proportion of 18:1,9c decreased as NEB in early lactation became less severe. During the induced NEB, milk FA profile showed a similarly directed pattern as during the NEB in early lactation, although changes were less marked for most FA. Milk FA composition changed rapidly within one week after initiation of feed restriction and tended to adjust to the initial composition despite maintenance of a high NEB. C18:1,9c was increased significantly during the induced NEB indicating mobilization of a considerable amount of adipose tissue. Besides 18:1,9c, changes in saturated FA, monounsaturated FA, de-novo synthesized and preformed FA (sum of FA >C16) reflected energy status in dairy cows and indicated the NEB in early lactation as well as the induced NEB by feed restriction.


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The histidine triad nucleotide-binding (Hint2) protein is a mitochondrial adenosine phosphoramidase expressed in liver and pancreas. Its physiological function is unknown. To elucidate the role of Hint2 in liver physiology, the Hint2 gene was deleted. Hint2(-/-) and Hint2(+/+) mice were generated in a mixed C57Bl6/J x 129Sv background. At 20 weeks, the phenotypic changes in Hint2(-/-) relative to Hint2(+/+) mice were an accumulation of hepatic triglycerides, decreased tolerance to glucose, a defective counter-regulatory response to insulin-provoked hypoglycaemia, an increase in plasma interprandial insulin but a decrease in glucose stimulated insulin secretion and defective thermoregulation upon fasting. Leptin mRNA in adipose tissue and plasma leptin were elevated. In mitochondria from Hint2(-/-) hepatocytes, state 3 respiration was decreased, a finding confirmed in HepG2 cells where HINT2 mRNA was silenced. The linked complex II to III electron transfer was decreased in Hint2(-/-) mitochondria, which was accompanied by a lower content of coenzyme Q. HIF-2α expression and the generation of reactive oxygen species were increased. Electron microscopy of mitochondria in Hint2(-/-) mice aged 12 months revealed clustered, fused organelles. The hepatic activities of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase short chain and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were decreased by 68% and 60%, respectively, without a change in protein expression. GDH activity was similarly decreased in HINT2-silenced HepG2 cells. When measured in the presence of purified sirtuin 3, latent GDH activity was recovered (126% in Hint2(-/-) vs. 83% in Hint2(+/+) ). This suggests a greater extent of acetylation in Hint2(-/-) than in Hint2(+/+) . Conlusions: Hint2 positively regulates mitochondrial lipid metabolism and respiration, and glucose homeostasis. The absence of Hint2 provokes mitochondrial deformities and a change in the pattern of acetylation of selected proteins. (HEPATOLOGY 2012.).


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Fillers are an important tool in the armamentarium of the physician combating aging phenomena. A wide variety of filler substances are now available that meet many, but by far not all, needs in aesthetic medicine. The most commonly used substances now are hyaluronic acid and collagen preparations that have slightly different indications, but collagen requires pre-use testing to rule out inflammatory complications. Poly-L-lactic acid has gained its place in the filling of adipose tissue wasting in HIV-infected patients. Autologous fat is easy to harvest and inject and has virtually no risk of adverse side effects. Permanent fillers may be of advantage but carry the risk of permanent adverse reactions. Skillful combination of different fillers as well as with botulinum toxin injections and other cosmetic procedures may give optimal results.


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Adiponectin (Acrp30) is an adipose tissue-derived protein whose serum concentrations, in contrast to leptin, are reported to be negatively correlated to body mass. In spite of the comparatively high circulating adiponectin concentrations, this protein has not been studied in the context of assisted reproduction to date. The aim of this preliminary project was thus to examine the potential of adiponectin to serve as a marker for fertility. We compared adiponectin levels in serum before and after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, as well as in follicular fluid (FF), between two groups: those with successful outcome (clinical pregnancies) and those with implantation failure. In the former, adiponectin concentrations were higher than in the negative outcome group; this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in serum on the day of oocyte pick-up (OPU) as well as two or three days before OPU, but not in FF or in serum at the beginning of the stimulation phase. This finding adds a new perspective to the suggested but still controversial reduction in FF leptin concentrations in the positive outcome group, and may become a useful tool for early prediction of success of in vitro fertilization treatment for a given patient.


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BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.


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Glucocorticoids play a pivotal role in the regulation of most essential physiological processes, including energy metabolism, maintenance of electrolyte balance and blood pressure, immune-modulation and stress responses, cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as regulation of memory and cognitive functions. There are several levels at which glucocorticoid action can be modulated. On a tissue-specific level, glucocorticoid action is tightly controlled by 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD) enzymes. The conversion of inactive 11-ketoglucocorticoids (cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone) into active 11beta-hydroxyglucocorticoids (cortisol and corticosterone) is catalyzed by 11beta-HSD1, which is expressed in many tissues and plays an important role in metabolically relevant tissues such as the liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscles. Chronically elevated local glucocorticoid action as a result of increased 11beta-HSD1 activity rather than elevated systemic glucocorticoid levels has been associated with metabolic syndrome, which is characterized by obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular complications. Recent studies indicate that compounds inhibiting 11beta-HSD1 activity ameliorate the adverse effects of excessive glucocorticoid concentrations on metabolic processes, providing promising opportunities for the development of therapeutic interventions. This review addresses recent findings relevant for the development and application of therapeutically useful compounds that modulate 11beta-HSD1 function.


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Based on only one objective and several subjective signs, the forensic classification of strangulation incidents concerning their life-threatening quality can be problematic. Reflecting that it is almost impossible to detect internal injuries of the neck with the standard forensic external examination, we examined 14 persons who have survived manual and ligature strangulation or forearm choke holds using MRI technique (1.5-T scanner). Two clinical radiologists evaluated the neck findings independently. The danger to life was evaluated based on the "classical" external findings alone and in addition to the radiological data. We observed hemorrhaging in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the neck in ten cases. Other frequent findings were hemorrhages of the neck and larynx muscles, the lymph nodes, the pharynx, and larynx soft tissues. Based on the classical forensic strangulation findings with MRI, eight of the cases were declared as life-endangering incidents, four of them without the presence of petechial hemorrhage but with further signs of impaired brain function due to hypoxia. The accuracy of future forensic classification of the danger to life will probably be increased when it is based not only on one objective and several subjective signs but also on the evidence of inner neck injuries. However, further prospective studies including larger cohorts are necessary to clarify the value of the inner neck injuries in the forensic classification of surviving strangulation victims.


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We recently demonstrated that in vivo insulin resistance is not retained in cultured skeletal muscle cells. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that treating cultured skeletal muscle cells with fatty acids has an effect on insulin action which differs between insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant subjects. Insulin effects were examined in myotubes from 8 normoglycemic non-obese insulin-resistant and 8 carefully matched insulin-sensitive subjects after preincubation with or without palmitate, linoleate, and 2-bromo-palmitate. Insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis decreased by 27 +/- 5 % after palmitate treatment in myotubes from insulin-resistant, but not from insulin-sensitive subjects (1.50 +/- 0.08-fold over basal vs. 1.81 +/- 0.09-fold, p = 0.042). Despite this observation, we did not find any impairment in the PI 3-kinase/PKB/GSK-3 pathway. Furthermore, insulin action was not affected by linoleate and 2-bromo-palmitate. In conclusion, our data provide preliminary evidence that insulin resistance of skeletal muscle does not necessarily involve primary defects in insulin action, but could represent susceptibility to the desensitizing effect of fatty acids and possibly other environmental or adipose tissue-derived factors.


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Vitamin A is a nutrient with remarkable effects on adipose tissue and skeletal muscles, and plays a role in controlling energy balance. Retinoic acid (RA), the carboxylic form of vitamin A, has been associated with improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. In contrast, elevated glucocorticoids have been implicated in the development of insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. Here, we investigated whether RA might counteract glucocorticoid effects in skeletal muscle cells by lowering 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1)-dependent local glucocorticoid activation and/or activation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR). We found a dose-dependent down-regulation of 11beta-HSD1 mRNA expression and activity upon incubation of fully differentiated mouse C2C12 myotubes with RA. In addition, RA inhibited GR transactivation by an 11beta-HSD1-independent mechanism. The presence of RA during myogenesis did not prevent myotube formation but resulted in relatively glucocorticoid-resistant myotubes, exhibiting very low 11beta-HSD1 expression and GR activity. The use of selective retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor ligands provided evidence that these effects were mediated through RARgamma. Importantly, short hairpin RNA against RARgamma abolished the effect of RA on 11beta-HSD1 and GR. In conclusion, we provide evidence for an important role of RA in the control of glucocorticoid activity during myogenesis and in myotubes. Disturbances of the nutrient and hormonal regulation of glucocorticoid action in skeletal muscles might be relevant for metabolic diseases.


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It is unclear whether regular exercise alone (no caloric restriction) is a useful strategy to reduce adiposity and obesity-related metabolic risk factors in obese girls. We examined the effects of aerobic (AE) vs. resistance exercise (RE) alone on visceral adipose tissue (VAT), intrahepatic lipid, and insulin sensitivity in obese girls. Forty-four obese adolescent girls (BMI ≥95th percentile, 12-18 yr) with abdominal obesity (waist circumference 106.5 ± 11.1 cm) were randomized to 3 mo of 180 min/wk AE (n = 16) or RE (n = 16) or a nonexercising control group (n = 12). Total fat and VAT were assessed by MRI and intrahepatic lipid by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Intermuscular AT (IMAT) was measured by CT. Insulin sensitivity was evaluated by a 3-h hyperinsulinemic (80 mU·m(2)·min(-1)) euglycemic clamp. Compared with controls (0.13 ± 1.10 kg), body weight did not change (P > 0.1) in the AE (-1.31 ± 1.43 kg) and RE (-0.31 ± 1.38 kg) groups. Despite the absence of weight loss, total body fat (%) and IMAT decreased (P < 0.05) in both exercise groups compared with control. Compared with control, significant (P < 0.05) reductions in VAT (Δ-15.68 ± 7.64 cm(2)) and intrahepatic lipid (Δ-1.70 ± 0.74%) and improvement in insulin sensitivity (Δ0.92 ± 0.27 mg·kg(-1)·min(-1) per μU/ml) were observed in the AE group but not the RE group. Improvements in insulin sensitivity in the AE group were associated with the reductions in total AT mass (r = -0.65, P = 0.02). In obese adolescent girls, AE but not RE is effective in reducing liver fat and visceral adiposity and improving insulin sensitivity independent of weight loss or calorie restriction.


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Post-mortem MR (PMMR) imaging is a powerful diagnostic tool with a wide scope in forensic radiology. In the past 20 years, PMMR has been used as both an adjunct and an alternative to autopsy. The role of PMMR in forensic death investigations largely depends on the rules and habits of local jurisdictions, availability of experts, financial resources, and individual case circumstances. PMMR images are affected by post-mortem changes, including position-dependent sedimentation, variable body temperature and decomposition. Investigators must be familiar with the appearance of normal findings on PMMR to distinguish them from disease or injury. Coronal whole-body images provide a comprehensive overview. Notably, short tau inversion–recovery (STIR) images enable investigators to screen for pathological fluid accumulation, to which we refer as “forensic sentinel sign”. If scan time is short, subsequent PMMR imaging may be focussed on regions with a positive forensic sentinel sign. PMMR offers excellent anatomical detail and is especially useful to visualize pathologies of the brain, heart, subcutaneous fat tissue and abdominal organs. PMMR may also be used to document skeletal injury. Cardiovascular imaging is a core area of PMMR imaging and growing evidence indicates that PMMR is able to detect ischaemic injury at an earlier stage than traditional autopsy and routine histology. The aim of this review is to present an overview of normal findings on forensic PMMR, provide general advice on the application of PMMR and summarise the current literature on PMMR imaging of the head and neck, cardiovascular system, abdomen and musculoskeletal system.


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A complex interaction among metabolic factors, adipose tissue lipolysis, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance results in a deleterious process that may link nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with severe cardiovascular (CV) outcomes. Patients with NAFLD are at higher risk of atherosclerosis, new onset of CV events, and overall mortality. The strong association between NAFLD and CV disease should affect clinical practice, with screening and surveillance of patients with NAFLD. This review discusses the data linking these major diseases.