41 resultados para stable water isotopes
A new online method to analyse water isotopes of speleothem fluid inclusions using a wavelength scanned cavity ring down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) instrument is presented. This novel technique allows us simultaneously to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes for a released aliquot of water. To do so, we designed a new simple line that allows the online water extraction and isotope analysis of speleothem samples. The specificity of the method lies in the fact that fluid inclusions release is made on a standard water background, which mainly improves the δ D robustness. To saturate the line, a peristaltic pump continuously injects standard water into the line that is permanently heated to 140 °C and flushed with dry nitrogen gas. This permits instantaneous and complete vaporisation of the standard water, resulting in an artificial water background with well-known δ D and δ18O values. The speleothem sample is placed in a copper tube, attached to the line, and after system stabilisation it is crushed using a simple hydraulic device to liberate speleothem fluid inclusions water. The released water is carried by the nitrogen/standard water gas stream directly to a Picarro L1102-i for isotope determination. To test the accuracy and reproducibility of the line and to measure standard water during speleothem measurements, a syringe injection unit was added to the line. Peak evaluation is done similarly as in gas chromatography to obtain &delta D; and δ18O isotopic compositions of measured water aliquots. Precision is better than 1.5 ‰ for δ D and 0.4 ‰ for δ18O for water measurements for an extended range (−210 to 0 ‰ for δ D and −27 to 0 ‰ for δ18O) primarily dependent on the amount of water released from speleothem fluid inclusions and secondarily on the isotopic composition of the sample. The results show that WS-CRDS technology is suitable for speleothem fluid inclusion measurements and gives results that are comparable to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique.
Using the radioisotope 51Cr, we investigated the controls of cellular Cr accumulation in an array of marine phytoplankton grown in environmentally relevant Cr concentrations (1–10 nM). Given the affinity of Cr(III) for amorphous Fe-hydroxide mineral surfaces, and the formation of these mineral phases on the outside of phytoplankton cells, extracellular Cr was monitored in a model diatom species (Thalassiosira weissflogii) as extracellular Fe concentrations varied. Extracellular Cr in T. weissflogii increased with increasing extracellular Fe, demonstrating that Cr may be removed from seawater via extracellular adsorption to phytoplankton. Short-term Cr(VI) and Cr(III) uptake experiments performed with T. weissflogii demonstrated that Cr(III) was the primary oxidation state adsorbing to cells and being internalized by them. Cellular Cr:C ratios (<0.5 μmol Cr mol C−1) of the eight phytoplankton species surveyed were significantly lower than previously reported Cr:C ratios in marine particles with a high biogenic component (10–300 μmol Cr mol C−1). This indicates that Cr(III) likely accumulates in marine particles due to uptake and/or adsorption. Mass balance calculations demonstrate that surface water Cr deficits can be explained via loss of Cr(III) to exported particles, thereby providing a mechanism to account for the nutrient depth profile for Cr in modern seawater. Given the large fractionation of stable Cr isotopes during Cr(VI) reduction, Cr(III) associated with exported organic carbon is likely enriched in lighter isotopes. Most sedimentary Cr isotope studies have thus far neglected internal fractionating processes in the marine Cr cycle, but our data indicate that loss of Cr to exported particles may be traced in the sedimentary d53Cr record.
The natural abundance of stable Se isotopes in methylselenides reflects sources and formation conditions of methylselenides. We tested the effects of (i) different inorganic Se species spiked to soils and (ii) different soil samples on the extent of fungal biomethylation of Se and the Se isotope ratios (δ82/76Se) in methylselenides. Furthermore, we assessed the decrease of dissolved, bioavailable Se during three days of equilibration of the soils with Se-enriched solutions. We conducted closed microcosm experiments containing soil spiked with Se(IV) or Se(VI), a growth medium, and the fungus species Alternaria alternata for 11 d. The concentrations and isotope ratios of Se were determined in all components of the microcosm with multicollector ICP-MS. The equilibration of the spiked Se(IV) and Se(VI) for 3 d resulted in a decrease of dissolved, bioavailable Se concentrations by 32 to 44% and 8 to 14%, respectively. Very little isotope fractionation occurred during this phase, and it can be attributed to mixing of the added Se with the pre-existing Se in the soils and minor Se(IV) reduction in one experiment. In two of the incubated soils – moderately acidic roadside and garden soils – between 9.1 and 30% of the supplied Se(IV) and 1.7% of the supplied Se(VI) were methylated while in a strongly acidic forest soil no Se methylation occurred. The methylselenides derived from Se(IV) were strongly depleted in 82Se (δ82/76Se = − 3.3 to − 4.5‰) compared with the soil (0.16–0.45‰) and the added Se(IV) (0.20‰). The methylselenide yield of the incubations with Se(VI) was too small for isotope measurements. Our results demonstrate that Se source species and soil properties influence the extent of Se biomethylation and that the produced methylselenides contain isotopically light Se.
We explored the extent to which δ13C and δD values of freshwater bryozoan statoblasts can provide information about the isotopic composition of zooids, bryozoan food and surrounding water. Bryozoan samples were collected from 23 sites and encompassed ranges of nearly 30‰ for δ13C and 100‰ for δD values. δ13C offsets between zooids and statoblasts generally ranged from −3 to +4.5‰, with larger offsets observed in four samples. However, a laboratory study with Plumatella emarginata and Lophopus crystallinus demonstrated that, in controlled settings, zooids had only 0–1.2‰ higher δ13C values than statoblasts, and 1.7‰ higher values than their food. At our field sites, we observed a strong positive correlation between median δ13C values of zooids and median δ13C values of corresponding statoblasts. We also observed a positive correlation between median δD values of zooids and statoblasts for Plumatella, and a positive correlation between median δD values of statoblasts and δD values of lake water for Plumatella and when all bryozoan taxa were examined together. Our results suggest that isotope measurements on statoblasts collected from flotsam or sediment samples can provide information on the feeding ecology of bryozoans and the H isotopic composition of lake water.
We investigated oxygen and carbon isotopes of bulk carbonate and of benthic freshwater ostracods (Candona candida) in a sediment core of Lago Piccolo di Avigliana that was previously analyzed for pollen and loss-on-ignition, in order to reconstruct environmental changes during the late glacial and early Holocene. The depth-age relationship of the sediment core was established using 14 AMS C-14 dates and the Laacher See Tephra. While stable isotopes of bulk carbonates may have been affected by detrital input and, therefore, only indirectly reflect climatic changes, isotopes measured on ostracod shells provide unambiguous evidence for major environmental changes. Oxygen isotope ratios of ostracod shells (delta O-18(C)) increased by similar to 6 parts per thousand at the onset of the Bolling (similar to 14,650 cal BP) and were similar to 2 parts per thousand lower during the Younger Dryas (similar to 12,850 to 11,650 cal BP), indicating a temporal pattern of climate changes similar to the North Atlantic region. However, in contrast to records in that region, delta O-18(C) gradually decreased during the early Holocene, suggesting that compared to the Younger Dryas more humid conditions occurred and that the lake received gradually increasing input of O-18-depleted groundwater or river water.
Abstract. Here we present stable isotope data from three sediment records from lakes that lie along the Macedonian- Albanian border (Lake Prespa: 1 core, and Lake Ohrid: 2 cores). The records only overlap for the last 40 kyr, although the longest record contains the MIS 5/6 transition (Lake Ohrid). The sedimentary characteristics of both lakes differ significantly between the glacial and interglacial phases. At the end of MIS 6 Lake Ohrid’s water level was low (high �18Ocalcite) and, although productivity was increasing (high calcite content), the carbon supply was mainly from inorganic catchment rock sources (high �13Ccarb). During the last interglacial, calcite and TOC production and preservation increased, progressively lower �18Ocalcite suggest increase in humidity and lake levels until around 115 ka. During ca. 80 ka to 11 ka the lake records suggest cold conditions as indicated by negligible calcite precipitation and low organic matter content. In Lake Ohrid, �13Corg are complacent; in contrast, Lake Prespa shows consistently higher �13Corg suggesting a low oxidation of 13C-depleted organic matter in agreement with a general deterioration of climate conditions during the glacial. From 15 ka to the onset of the Holocene, calcite and TOC begin to increase, suggesting lake levels were probably low (high �18Ocalcite). In the Holocene (11 ka to present) enhanced productivity is manifested by high calcite and organic matter content. All three cores show an early Holocene characterised by low �18Ocalcite, apart from the very early Holocene phase in Prespa where the lowest �18Ocalcite occurs at ca. 7.5 ka, suggesting a phase of higher lake level only in (the more sensitive) Lake Prespa. From 6 ka, �18Ocalcite suggest progressive aridification, in agreement with many other records in the Mediterranean, although the uppermost sediments in one core records low �18Ocalcite which we interpret as a result of human activity. Overall, the isotope data present here confirm that these two big lakes have captured the large scale, low frequency palaeoclimate variation that is seen in Mediterranean lakes, although in detail there is much palaeoclimate information that could be gained, especially small scale, high frequency differences between this region and the Mediterranean.
Karst aquifers are known for their wide distribution of water transfer velocities. From this observation, a multiple geochemical tracer approach seems to be particularly well suited to provide a significant assessment of groundwater flows, but the choice of adapted tracers is essential. In this study, several common tracers in karst aquifers such as physicochemical parameters, major ions, stable isotopes, and d13C to more specific tracers such as dating tracers – 14C, 3H, 3H–3He, CFC-12, SF6 and 85Kr, and 39Ar – were used, in a fractured karstic carbonated aquifer located in Burgundy (France). The information carried by each tracer and the best sampling strategy are compared on the basis of geochemical monitoring done during several recharge events and over longer time periods (months to years). This study’s results demonstrate that at the seasonal and recharge event time scale, the variability of concentrations is low for most tracers due to the broad spectrum of groundwater mixings. The tracers used traditionally for the study of karst aquifers, i.e., physicochemical parameters and major ions, efficiently describe hydrological processes such as the direct and differed recharge, but require being monitored at short time steps during recharge events to be maximized. From stable isotopes, tritium, and Cl� contents, the proportion of the fast direct recharge by the largest porosity was estimated using a binary mixing model. The use of tracers such as CFC-12, SF6, and 85Kr in karst aquifers provides additional information, notably an estimation of apparent age, but they require good preliminary knowledge of the karst system to interpret the results suitably. The CFC-12 and SF6 methods efficiently determine the apparent age of baseflow, but it is preferable to sample the groundwater during the recharge event. Furthermore, these methods are based on different assumptions such as regional enrichment in atmospheric SF6, excess air, and flow models among others. 85Kr and 39Ar concentrations can potentially provide a more direct estimation of groundwater residence time. Conversely, the 3H–3He method is inefficient in the karst aquifer for dating due to 3He degassing.
Knowledge of the fate of deposited N in the possibly N-limited, highly biodiverse north Andean forests is important because of the possible effects of N inputs on plant performance and species composition. We analyzed concentrations and fluxes of NO3 −–N, NH4 +–N and dissolved organic N (DON) in rainfall, throughfall, litter leachate, mineral soil solutions (0.15–0.30 m depths) and stream water in a montane forest in Ecuador during four consecutive quarters and used the natural 15N abundance in NO3 − during the passage of rain water through the ecosystem and bulk δ15N values in soil to detect N transformations. Depletion of 15N in NO3 − and increased NO3 −–N fluxes during the passage through the canopy and the organic layer indicated nitrification in these compartments. During leaching from the organic layer to mineral soil and stream, NO3 − concentrations progressively decreased and were enriched in 15N but did not reach the δ15N values of solid phase organic matter (δ15N = 5.6–6.7‰). This suggested a combination of nitrification and denitrification in mineral soil. In the wettest quarter, the δ15N value of NO3 − in litter leachate was smaller (δ15N = −1.58‰) than in the other quarters (δ15N = −9.38 ± SE 0.46‰) probably because of reduced mineralization and associated fractionation against 15N. Nitrogen isotope fractionation of NO3 − between litter leachate and stream water was smaller in the wettest period than in the other periods probably because of a higher rate of denitrification and continuous dilution by isotopically lighter NO3 −–N from throughfall and nitrification in the organic layer during the wettest period. The stable N isotope composition of NO3 − gave valuable indications of N transformations during the passage of water through the forest ecosystem from rainfall to the stream.
AIMS: Data on moderately cold water immersion and occurrence of arrhythmias in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients are scarce. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined 22 male patients, 12 with CHF [mean age 59 years, ejection fraction (EF) 32%, NYHA class II] and 10 patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) without CHF (mean age 65 years, EF 52%). Haemodynamic effects of water immersion and swimming in warm (32 degrees C) and moderately cold (22 degrees C) water were measured using an inert gas rebreathing method. The occurrence of arrhythmias during water activities was compared with those measured during a 24 h ECG recording. Rate pressure product during water immersion up to the chest was significantly higher in moderately cold (P = 0.043 in CHF, P = 0.028 in CAD patients) compared with warm water, but not during swimming. Rate pressure product reached 14200 in CAD and 12 400 in CHF patients during swimming. Changes in cardiac index (increase by 5-15%) and oxygen consumption (increase up to 20%) were of similar magnitude in moderately cold and warm water. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) increased significantly in moderately cold water from 15 +/- 41 to 76 +/- 163 beats per 30 min in CHF (P = 0.013) but not in CAD patients (20 +/- 33 vs. 42 +/- 125 beats per 30 min, P = 0.480). No ventricular tachycardia was noted. CONCLUSION: Patients with compensated CHF tolerate water immersion and swimming in moderately cold water well. However, the increase in PVCs raises concerns about the potential danger of high-grade ventricular arrhythmias.
Using stable isotope techniques to establish turnover rates for very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), a group of eight adult patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) exhibited an increased VLDL apoprotein B (apo B) secretion and decreased VLDL apoB metabolic clearance rate compared to controls. Such increased secretion is seen in some dyslipidemic states, including GHD, which are associated with atherosclerosis. The study of VLDL metabolism may provide a clue to the lipid metabolism disorder associated with GHD.
The mean transit time (MTT) of water in a catchment gives information about storage, flow paths, sources of water and thus also about retention and release of solutes in a catchment. To our knowledge there are only a few catchment studies on the influence of vegetation cover changes on base flow MTTs. The main changes in vegetation cover in the Swiss Alps are massive shrub encroachment and forest expansion into formerly open habitats. Four small and relatively steep headwater catchments in the Swiss Alps (Ursern Valley) were investigated to relate different vegetation cover to water transit times. Time series of water stable isotopes were used to calculate MTTs. The high temporal variation of the stable isotope signals in precipitation was strongly dampened in stream base flow samples. MTTs of the four catchments were 70 to 102 weeks. The strong dampening of the stable isotope input signal as well as stream water geochemistry points to deeper flow paths and mixing of waters of different ages at the catchments' outlets. MTTs were neither related to topographic indices nor vegetation cover. The major part of the quickly infiltrating precipitation likely percolates through fractured and partially karstified deeper rock zones, which increases the control of bedrock flow paths on MTT. Snow accumulation and the timing of its melt play an important role for stable isotope dynamics during spring and early summer. We conclude that, in mountainous headwater catchments with relatively shallow soil layers, the hydrogeological and geochemical patterns (i.e. geochemistry, porosity and hydraulic conductivity of rocks) and snow dynamics influence storage, mixing and release of water in a stronger way than vegetation cover or topography do.