30 resultados para sleeping
African trypanosomes are insect-borne parasites that cause sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in domesticated animals. Successful transmission is the outcome of crosstalk between the trypanosome and its insect vector, the tsetse fly. This enables the parasite to undergo successive rounds of differentiation, proliferation and migration, culminating in the infection of a new mammalian host. Several stage- and species-specific parasite surface molecules have been identified and there are new insights into their regulation in the fly. Tsetse flies are often refractory to infection with trypanosomes. While many environmental and physiological factors are known to influence infection, our detailed understanding of tsetse-trypanosome relationships is still in its infancy. Recent studies have identified a number of tsetse genes that show altered expression patterns in response to microbial infections, some of which have also been implicated in modulating trypanosome transmission.
BACKGROUND: The development of arsenical and diamidine resistance in Trypanosoma brucei is associated with loss of drug uptake by the P2 purine transporter as a result of alterations in the corresponding T. brucei adenosine transporter 1 gene (TbAT1). Previously, specific TbAT1 mutant type alleles linked to melarsoprol treatment failure were significantly more prevalent in T. b. gambiense from relapse patients at Omugo health centre in Arua district. Relapse rates of up to 30% prompted a shift from melarsoprol to eflornithine (alpha-difluoromethylornithine, DFMO) as first-line treatment at this centre. The aim of this study was to determine the status of TbAT1 in recent isolates collected from T. b. gambiense sleeping sickness patients from Arua and Moyo districts in Northwestern Uganda after this shift in first-line drug choice. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: Blood and cerebrospinal fluids of consenting patients were collected for DNA preparation and subsequent amplification. All of the 105 isolates from Omugo that we successfully analysed by PCR-RFLP possessed the TbAT1 wild type allele. In addition, PCR/RFLP analysis was performed for 74 samples from Moyo, where melarsoprol is still the first line drug; 61 samples displayed the wild genotype while six were mutant and seven had a mixed pattern of both mutant and wild-type TbAT1. The melarsoprol treatment failure rate at Moyo over the same period was nine out of 101 stage II cases that were followed up at least once. Five of the relapse cases harboured mutant TbAT1, one had the wild type, while no amplification was achieved from the remaining three samples. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The apparent disappearance of mutant alleles at Omugo may correlate with melarsoprol withdrawal as first-line treatment. Our results suggest that melarsoprol could successfully be reintroduced following a time lag subsequent to its replacement. A field-applicable test to predict melarsoprol treatment outcome and identify patients for whom the drug can still be beneficial is clearly required. This will facilitate cost-effective management of HAT in rural resource-poor settings, given that eflornithine has a much higher logistical requirement for its application.
OBJECTIVES Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) manifests as a transient but arresting oral pain. The incidence is thought to be rising, particularly in young adults, due to increases in consumption of healthy, yet erosive, diets. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of DH and relative importance of risk factors, in 18-35 year old Europeans. METHODS In 2011, 3187 adults were enrolled from general dental practices in France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Finland, Latvia and Estonia. DH was clinically evaluated by cold air tooth stimulation, patient pain rating (yes/no), accompanied by investigator pain rating (Schiff 0-3). Erosive toothwear (BEWE index 0-3) and gingival recession (mm) were recorded. Patients completed a questionnaire regarding the nature of their DH, erosive dietary intake and toothbrushing habits. RESULTS 41.9% of patients reported pain on tooth stimulation and 56.8% scored ≥1 on Schiff scale for at least one tooth. Clinical elicited sensitivity was closely related to Schiff score and to a lesser degree, questionnaire reported sensitivity (26.8%), possibly reflecting the transient nature of the pain, alongside good coping mechanisms. Significant associations were found between clinically elicited DH and erosive toothwear and gingival recession. The questionnaire showed marked associations between DH and risk factors including heartburn/acid reflux, vomiting, sleeping medications, energy drinks, smoking and acid dietary intake. CONCLUSION Overall, the prevalence of DH was high compared to many published findings, with a strong, progressive relationship between DH and erosive toothwear, which is important to recognise for patient preventive therapies and clinical management of DH pain.
OBJECTIVE Measuring children's health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is of growing importance given increasing chronic diseases. By integrating HRQOL questions into the European GABRIEL study, we assessed differences in HRQOL between rural farm and non-farm children from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland to relate it to common childhood health problems and to compare it to a representative, mostly urban German population sample (KIGGS). METHODS The parents of 10,400 school-aged children answered comprehensive questionnaires including health-related questions and the KINDL-R questions assessing HRQOL. RESULTS Austrian children reported highest KINDL-R scores (mean: 80.9; 95 % CI [80.4, 81.4]) and Polish children the lowest (74.5; [73.9, 75.0]). Farm children reported higher KINDL-R scores than non-farm children (p = 0.002). Significantly lower scores were observed in children with allergic diseases (p < 0.001), with sleeping difficulties (p < 0.001) and in overweight children (p = 0.04). The German GABRIEL sample reported higher mean scores (age 7-10 years: 80.1, [79.9, 80.4]; age 11-13 years: 77.1, [74.9, 79.2]) compared to the urban KIGGS study (age 7-10 years: 79.0, [78.7-79.3]; age 11-13 years: 75.1 [74.6-75.6]). Socio-demographic or health-related factors could not explain differences in HRQOL between countries. CONCLUSIONS Future increases in chronic diseases may negatively impact children's HRQOL.
INTRODUCTION: Task stressors typically refer to characteristics such as not having enough time or resources, ambiguous demands, or the like. We suggest the perceived lack of legitimacy as an additional feature of tasks as a source of stress. Tasks are “illegitimate” to the extent that it is perceived as improper to expect employees to execute them – not because of difficulties in executing them, but because of their content for a given person, time, and situation; they are illegitimate because a) they are not conforming to a specific occupational role, as in “non-nursing activities” (called unreasonable) or b) there is no legitimate need for them to exist (called unnecessary; Semmer et al., 2007). These features make illegitimate tasks a unique task-related stressor. The concept of illegitimate tasks grew from the “Stress-as-Offense-to-Self” theory (SOS; Semmer et al, 2007); it is conceptually related to role stress (Kahn et al., 1964; Beehr & Glazer, 2005) and the organizational justice tradition (Cropanzano et al., 2001; Greenberg, 2010). SOS argues that a threat to one’s self-image is at the core of many stressful experiences. Violating role expectations, illegitimate tasks can be regarded as a special case of role conflict. As roles shape identities, this violation is postulated to constitute a threat to one’s professional identity. Being assigned a task considered illegitimate is likely to be considered unfair. Lack of fairness, in turn, contains a message about one’s social standing, and thus, the self. However, the aspects discussed have not received much attention in the role stress or the justice/fairness tradition. OBJECTIVE: Illegitimate tasks are a rather recent concept that has to be established as a construct in its own right by showing that it is associated with well-being/strain while controlling for other stressors, most notably role conflict and lack of justice. The aim of the presentation is to present the evidence accumulated so far. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present several studies employing different designs, using different control variables, and testing associations with different criteria. Study 1 demonstrates associations of illegitimate tasks with self-esteem, feelings of resentment against one’s organization, and burnout, controlling for distributive justice, role conflict, and social stressors (i.e. tensions). Study 2 yielded comparable results, using the same outcome variables but controlling for distributive as well as procedural / interactional justice. Study 3 demonstrated associations between illegitimate tasks and feelings of stress, sleeping problems, and emotional exhaustion, controlling for demands, control, and social support among medical doctors. Study 4 showed that feeling appreciated by one’s superior acted as a mediator between illegitimate tasks and job satisfaction and resentments towards the military in Swiss military officers. Study 5 demonstrated an association of illegitimate tasks with counterproductive work behavior (Semmer et al. 2010). Studies 1 to 5 were cross-sectional. In Study 6, illegitimate demands predicted irritability and resentments towards one’s organization longitudinally. Study 7 also was longitudinal, focusing on intra-individual variation in multilevel modeling; occasion-specific illegitimate tasks predicted cortisol among those who judged their health as comparatively poor. Studies 1-3 and 6 used SEM, and measurement models that used unreasonable and unnecessary tasks as indicators (isolated parceling) yielded a good fit. IMPLICATIONS & CONCLUSIONS: These studies demonstrate that illegitimate tasks are a stressor in its own right that is worth studying. It illuminates the social meaning of job design, emphasizing the implications of tasks for the (professional) self, and thus combining aspects that are traditionally treated as separate, that is, social aspects and task characteristics. Practical implications are that supervisors and managers should be alerted to the social messages that may be contained in task assignments (cf. Semmer & Beehr, in press).
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing attention for decades due to their broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MANET or WSN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MANETs or WSNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such types of networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges due to the dynamic nature of MANETs or WSNs. On the one hand, the open-air nature of wireless environments brings many difficulties when an efficient routing solution is required. The wireless channel is unreliable due to fading and interferences, which makes it impossible to maintain a quality path from a source node to a destination node. Additionally, node mobility aggravates network dynamics, which causes frequent topology changes and brings significant overheads for maintaining and recalculating paths. Furthermore, mobile devices and sensors are usually constrained by battery capacity, computing and communication resources, which impose limitations on the functionalities of routing protocols. On the other hand, the wireless medium possesses inherent unique characteristics, which can be exploited to enhance transmission reliability and routing performance. Opportunistic routing (OR) is one promising technique that takes advantage of the spatial diversity and broadcast nature of the wireless medium to improve packet forwarding reliability in multihop wireless communication. OR combats the unreliable wireless links by involving multiple neighboring nodes (forwarding candidates) to choose packet forwarders. In opportunistic routing, a source node does not require an end-to-end path to transmit packets. The packet forwarding decision is made hop-by-hop in a fully distributed fashion. Motivated by the deficiencies of existing opportunistic routing protocols in dynamic environments such as mobile ad-hoc networks or wireless sensor networks, this thesis proposes a novel context-aware adaptive opportunistic routing scheme. Our proposal selects packet forwarders by simultaneously exploiting multiple types of cross-layer context information of nodes and environments. Our approach significantly outperforms other routing protocols that rely solely on a single metric. The adaptivity feature of our proposal enables network nodes to adjust their behaviors at run-time according to network conditions. To accommodate the strict energy constraints in WSNs, this thesis integrates adaptive duty-cycling mechanism to opportunistic routing for wireless sensor nodes. Our approach dynamically adjusts the sleeping intervals of sensor nodes according to the monitored traffic load and the estimated energy consumption rate. Through the integration of duty cycling of sensor nodes and opportunistic routing, our protocol is able to provide a satisfactory balance between good routing performance and energy efficiency for WSNs.
The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) separates the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, serving both as a barrier and as a gateway. Protein complexes — believed to be universally conserved in all eukaryotes — reside in the MOM to orchestrate and control metabolite exchange, lipid metabolism and uptake of biopolymers such as protein and RNA. African trypanosomes are the causative agent of the sleeping sickness in humans. The parasites are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Trypanosomes have unique mitochondrial biology that concerns their mitochondrial metabolism and their unusual mitochondrial morphology that differs to great extent between life stages. Another striking feature is the organization of the mitochondrial genome that does not encode any tRNA genes, thus all tRNAs needed for mitochondrial translation have to be imported. However, the MOM of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. It lacks a canonical protein import machinery and facilitation of tRNA translocation remains completely elusive. Using biochemical fractionation and label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to identify a cluster of 82 candidate proteins that can be localized to the trypanosomal MOM with high confidence. This enabled us to identify a highly unusual, potentially archaic protein import machinery that might also transport tRNAs. Moreover, two-thirds of the identified polypeptides present on the MOM have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the MOM of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of insect-stage parasites and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology.
Developmental changes in sleep biology and potential effects on adolescent behavior and caffeine use
Adolescent development includes changes in the biological regulatory processes for the timing of sleep. Circadian rhythm changes and changes to the sleep-pressure system (sleep homeostasis) during adolescence both favor later timing of sleep. These changes, combined with prevailing social pressures, are responsible for most teens sleeping too late and too little; those who sleep least report consuming more caffeine. Although direct research findings are scarce, the likelihood of use and abuse of caffeine-laden products grows across the adolescent years due, in part, to excessive sleepiness
Choline is an essential nutrient for eukaryotic cells, where it is used as precursor for the synthesis of choline-containing phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine (PC). Our experiments showed – for the first time – that Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness, is able to take up choline from the culture medium to use for PC synthesis, indicating that trypanosomes express a transporter for choline at the plasma membrane. Further characterization in procyclic and bloodstream forms revealed that choline uptake is saturable and can be inhibited by HC-3, a known inhibitor of choline uptake in mammalian cells. To obtain additional insights on choline uptake and metabolism, we investigated the effects of choline-analogs that were previously shown to be toxic for T. brucei parasites in culture. Interestingly, we found that all analogs tested effectively inhibited choline uptake into both bloodstream and procyclic form parasites. Subsequently, selected compounds were used to search for possible candidate genes encoding choline transporters in T. brucei, using an RNAi library in bloodstream forms. We identified a protein belonging to the mitochondrial carrier family, previously annotated as TbMCP14, as prime candidate. Down‐regulation of TbMCP14 by RNAi prevented drug-induced loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and conferred 8‐fold resistance of T. brucei bloodstream forms to choline analogs. Conversely, over‐expression of the carrier increased parasite susceptibility more than 13-fold. However, subsequent experiments demonstrated that TbMCP14 was not involved in metabolism of choline. Instead, growth curves in glucose‐depleted medium using RNAi or knock‐out parasites suggested that TbMCP14 is involved in metabolism of amino acids for energy production. Together, our data demonstrate that the identified member of the mitochondrial carrier family is involved in drug uptake into the mitochondrion and has a vital function in energy production in T. brucei.
TbRRM1 of Trypanosoma brucei is a nucleoprotein that was previously identified in a search for splicing factors in T. brucei. We show that TbRRM1 associates with mRNAs and with the auxiliary splicing factor polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 2, but not with components of the core spliceosome. TbRRM1 also interacts with several retrotransposon hot spot (RHS) proteins and histones. RNA immunoprecipitation of a tagged form of TbRRM1 from procyclic (insect) form trypanosomes identified ca. 1,500 transcripts that were enriched and 3,000 transcripts that were underrepresented compared to cellular mRNA. Enriched transcripts encoded RNA-binding proteins, including TbRRM1 itself, several RHS transcripts, mRNAs with long coding regions, and a high proportion of stage-regulated mRNAs that are more highly expressed in bloodstream forms. Transcripts encoding ribosomal proteins, other factors involved in translation, and procyclic-specific transcripts were underrepresented. Knockdown of TbRRM1 by RNA interference caused widespread changes in mRNA abundance, but these changes did not correlate with the binding of the protein to transcripts, and most splice sites were unchanged, negating a general role for TbRRM1 in splice site selection. When changes in mRNA abundance were mapped across the genome, regions with many downregulated mRNAs were identified. Two regions were analyzed by chromatin immunoprecipitation, both of which exhibited increases in nucleosome occupancy upon TbRRM1 depletion. In addition, subjecting cells to heat shock resulted in translocation of TbRRM1 to the cytoplasm and compaction of chromatin, consistent with a second role for TbRRM1 in modulating chromatin structure. IMPORTANCE: Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes human sleeping sickness, is transmitted by tsetse flies. The parasite progresses through different life cycle stages in its two hosts, altering its pattern of gene expression in the process. In trypanosomes, protein-coding genes are organized as polycistronic units that are processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Since genes in the same unit can be regulated independently of each other, it is believed that gene regulation is essentially posttranscriptional. In this study, we investigated the role of a nuclear RNA-binding protein, TbRRM1, in the insect stage of the parasite. We found that TbRRM1 binds nuclear mRNAs and also affects chromatin status. Reduction of nuclear TbRRM1 by RNA interference or heat shock resulted in chromatin compaction. We propose that TbRRM1 regulates RNA polymerase II-driven gene expression both cotranscriptionally, by facilitating transcription and efficient splicing, and posttranscriptionally, via its interaction with nuclear mRNAs.
Results from the Zurich study have shown lasting associations between sport practice and mental health. The effects are pronounced in people with pre-exising mental health problems. This analysis aims to replicate these results with the large Swiss Household Panel data set and to provide more differentiated results. The analysis covered the interviews 1999-2003 and included 3891 stayers, i.e., participants who were interviewed in all years. The outcome variables are depression / blues / anxiety, weakness / weariness, sleeping problems, energy / optimism. Confounding variables include sex, age, education level, citizenship. The analyses were carried out with mixed models (depression, optimism) and GEE models (weakness, sleep). About 60% of the SHP participants practise weekly or daily an individual or a team sport. A similar proportion enjoys a frequent physical activity (for half an hour minimum) which makes oneself slightly breathless. There are slight age-specific differences but also noteworthy regional differences. Practice of sport is clearly interrelated with self-reported depressive symptoms, optimism and weakness. This applies even though some relevant confounders – sex, educational level and citizenship – were introduced into the model. However, no relevant interaction effects with time could be shown. Moreover, direct interrelations commonly led to better fits than models with lagged variables, thus indicating that delayed effects of sport practice on the self-reported psychological complaints are less important. Model variants resulted for specific subgroups, for example, participants with a high vs. low initial activity level. Lack of sport practice is an interesting marker for serious psychological symptoms and mental disorders. The background of this association may differ in different subgroups, and should stimulate further investigations in this area.
Human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) is a neglected tropical disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei spp. The parasites are transmitted by tsetse flies and adapt to their different hosts and environments by undergoing a series of developmental changes. During differentiation, the trypanosome alters its protein coat. Bloodstream form trypanosomes in humans have a coat of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) that shields them from the immune system. The procyclic form, the first life-cycle stage to develop in the tsetse fly, replaces the VSG coat by procyclins; these proteins do not protect the parasite from lysis by serum components. Our study exploits the parasite-specific process of differentiation from bloodstream to procyclic forms to screen for potential drug candidates. Using transgenic trypanosomes with a reporter gene in a procyclin locus, we established a whole-cell assay for differentiation in a medium-throughput format. We screened 7,495 drug-like compounds and identified 28 hits that induced expression of the reporter and loss of VSG at concentrations in the low micromolar range. Small molecules that induce differentiation to procyclic forms could facilitate studies on the regulation of differentiation as well as serving as scaffolds for medicinal chemistry for new treatments for sleeping sickness.
Kosrae is the most remote island of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), with a population of less than 7,000 inhabitants, located in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Guam. FSM is an independent sovereign nation consisting of four states in total: Pohnpei, Chuuk, Yap, and Kosrae. Having passed through the hands of Spain, Germany and Japan, the United States gained administrative control of FSM after WWII, as commissioned by the UN. The FSM became an independent nation in 1986 while still retaining affiliation with the US under a ‘Compact of Free Association’. Now both Kosraean and English are considered to be the two official languages and the variety of Kosraean English which has arisen proves for an interesting comparative study. In order to obtain the relevant data, I spent three months on the island of Kosrae, interviewing 90 local speakers, ranging in age (16-70), occupation, sex and time spent off island. The 45 minute long interviews were informal but supported by participant information to capture relevant data and conversations were guided in a way that aimed to reveal language and cultural attitudes. With reference to these samples, I examine the effects of American English on the language use in Kosrae. This paper aims to present a broad analysis of phonological, morphosyntactic and pragmatic features, such as pro-dropping, discourse markers and other practices in order to demonstrate the similarities and differences between the two varieties, which are coming to shape the variety developing on Kosrae. Having transcribed conversations using the tool Elan, I will put particular focus on [h] deletion and insertion, a rare occurrence found in a variety of post-colonial American English which I believe is of particular interest. I assess the presence of English in Kosrae with reference to sociological influences, past and present. First, I discuss the extralinguistic factors which have shaped the English that is currently used on Kosrae, including migration between US and FSM, and English as a language of administration, social media usage and visual media presence. Secondly, I assess the use of English in this community in light of Schneider’s (2007) ‘Dynamic Model’, with reference to America’s contribution as an ‘exploitation colony’ as defined by Mufwene (2001). Finally, an overview of the salient linguistic characteristics of Kosraean English, based on the data collected will be presented and compared to features associated with standard American English in view of examining overlap and divergence. The overall objective is to present a cross-linguistic description of a hitherto unexamined English emerging in a postcolonial environment with a juxtaposed contact variety. Mufwene, Salikoko S. 2001. The ecology of language evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schneider, E. (2007). Postcolonial Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Segal, H.G. (1989) Kosrae, The Sleeping Lady Awakens. Kosrae: Kosrae Tourist Division, Dept. Of Conservation and Development. Keywords: American English, Global English, Pacific English, Morphosyntactic, Phonological, Variation, Discourse
myo-Inositol is a building block for all inositol-containing phospholipids in eukaryotes. It can be synthesized de novo from glucose-6-phosphate in the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum. Alternatively, it can be taken up from the environment via Na(+)- or H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters. While Na(+)-coupled myo-inositol transporters are found exclusively in the plasma membrane, H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters are detected in intracellular organelles. In Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness, myo-inositol metabolism is compartmentalized. De novo-synthesized myo-inositol is used for glycosylphosphatidylinositol production in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the myo-inositol taken up from the environment is used for bulk phosphatidylinositol synthesis in the Golgi complex. We now provide evidence that the Golgi complex-localized T. brucei H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporter (TbHMIT) is essential in bloodstream-form T. brucei. Downregulation of TbHMIT expression by RNA interference blocked phosphatidylinositol production and inhibited growth of parasites in culture. Characterization of the transporter in a heterologous expression system demonstrated a remarkable selectivity of TbHMIT for myo-inositol. It tolerates only a single modification on the inositol ring, such as the removal of a hydroxyl group or the inversion of stereochemistry at a single hydroxyl group relative to myo-inositol.
We presented 28 sentences uttered by 28 unfamiliar speakers to sleeping participants to investigate whether humans can encode new verbal messages, learn voices of unfamiliar speakers, and form associations between speakers and messages during EEG-defined deep sleep. After waking, participants performed three tests which assessed the unconscious recognition of sleep-played speakers, messages, and speaker-message associations. Recognition performance in all tests was at chance level. However, response latencies revealed implicit memory for sleep-played messages but neither for speakers nor for speaker-message combinations. Only participants with excellent implicit memory for sleep-played messages also displayed implicit memory for speakers but not speaker-message associations. Hence, deep sleep allows for the semantic encoding of novel verbal messages.