26 resultados para simplicity


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We present a fluorescence-lifetime based method for monitoring cell and tissue activity in situ, during cell culturing and in the presence of a strong autofluorescence background. The miniature fiber-optic probes are easily incorporated in the tight space of a cell culture chamber or in an endoscope. As a first application we monitored the cytosolic calcium levels in porcine tracheal explant cultures using the Calcium Green-5N (CG5N) indicator. Despite the simplicity of the optical setup we are able to detect changes of calcium concentration as small as 2.5 nM, with a monitoring time resolution of less than 1 s.


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Introduction According to the Swiss Health Survey 2007, 1.7% of the adult population use traditional Chinese medicine (including Chinese herbal medicine, but excluding acupuncture). In contrast to conventional drugs, that contain single chemically defined substances, prescriptions of Chinese herbs are mixtures of up to 40 ingredients (parts of plants, fungi, animal substances and minerals). Originally they were taken in the form of decoctions, but nowadays granules are more popular. Medium daily dosages of granules range between 8 to 12g. In a recent work we identified the most commonly used Chinese herbs (all ingredients are referred to as herbs for reasons of simplicity) and classical formulas (mixtures). Here we present a short overview and the example of suan zao ren (Ziziphi Spinosae Semen), which is used in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety and contains saponins that have been shown to increase sleep in animal studies. Material and Methods A random sample of 1,053 prescriptions was drawn from the database of Lian Chinaherb AG, Switzerland, and analysed according to the most frequently used individual herbs and classical formulas. Cluster analysis (Jaccard similarity coefficient, complete linkage method) was applied to identify common combinations of herbs. Results The most frequently used herbs were dang gui (Angelicae Sinensis Radix), fu ling (Poria), bai shao (Paeoniae Radix Alba), and gan cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma); the most frequently used classical formulas were gui pi tang (Restore the Spleen Decoction) and xiao yao san (Rambling Powder). The average number of herbs per prescription was 12.0, and the average daily dosage of granules was 8.7g. 74.3% of the prescriptions were for female, 24.8% for male patients. Suan zao ren was present in 14.2% of all prescriptions. These prescriptions contained on average 13.7 herbs, and the daily dosage of granules was 8.9g. Suan zao ren was more frequently prescribed by practitioners of non-Asian than of Asian origin but equally often for female and male patients. Cluster analysis grouped suan zao ren with yuan zhi (Polygalae Radix), bai zi ren (Platycladi Semen), sheng di huang (Rehmanniae Radix) and dan shen (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma). Discussion Prescriptions including suan zao ren contained on average slightly more herbs than other prescriptions. This might be due to the fact that two of the three most popular classical formulas with suan zao ren are composed of 13 and 12 herbs with the possibility of adding more ingredients when necessary. Cluster analysis resulted in the clustering of suan zao ren with other herbs of the classical formula tian wang bu xin dan (Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the Heart), indicating the use of suan zao ren for the treatment of insomnia and irritability. Unfortunately, the diagnoses of the patients were unavailable and thus correlations between use of suan zao ren and diseases could not be analysed.


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Life expectancy continuously increases but our society faces age-related conditions. Among musculoskeletal diseases, osteoporosis associated with risk of vertebral fracture and degenerative intervertebral disc (IVD) are painful pathologies responsible for tremendous healthcare costs. Hence, reliable diagnostic tools are necessary to plan a treatment or follow up its efficacy. Yet, radiographic and MRI techniques, respectively clinical standards for evaluation of bone strength and IVD degeneration, are unspecific and not objective. Increasingly used in biomedical engineering, CT-based finite element (FE) models constitute the state-of-art for vertebral strength prediction. However, as non-invasive biomechanical evaluation and personalised FE models of the IVD are not available, rigid boundary conditions (BCs) are applied on the FE models to avoid uncertainties of disc degeneration that might bias the predictions. Moreover, considering the impact of low back pain, the biomechanical status of the IVD is needed as a criterion for early disc degeneration. Thus, the first FE study focuses on two rigid BCs applied on the vertebral bodies during compression test of cadaver vertebral bodies, vertebral sections and PMMA embedding. The second FE study highlights the large influence of the intervertebral disc’s compliance on the vertebral strength, damage distribution and its initiation. The third study introduces a new protocol for normalisation of the IVD stiffness in compression, torsion and bending using MRI-based data to account for its morphology. In the last study, a new criterion (Otsu threshold) for disc degeneration based on quantitative MRI data (axial T2 map) is proposed. The results show that vertebral strength and damage distribution computed with rigid BCs are identical. Yet, large discrepancies in strength and damage localisation were observed when the vertebral bodies were loaded via IVDs. The normalisation protocol attenuated the effect of geometry on the IVD stiffnesses without complete suppression. Finally, the Otsu threshold computed in the posterior part of annulus fibrosus was related to the disc biomechanics and meet objectivity and simplicity required for a clinical application. In conclusion, the stiffness normalisation protocol necessary for consistent IVD comparisons and the relation found between degeneration, mechanical response of the IVD and Otsu threshold lead the way for non-invasive evaluation biomechanical status of the IVD. As the FE prediction of vertebral strength is largely influenced by the IVD conditions, this data could also improve the future FE models of osteoporotic vertebra.


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In this paper we study the problem of blind deconvolution. Our analysis is based on the algorithm of Chan and Wong [2] which popularized the use of sparse gradient priors via total variation. We use this algorithm because many methods in the literature are essentially adaptations of this framework. Such algorithm is an iterative alternating energy minimization where at each step either the sharp image or the blur function are reconstructed. Recent work of Levin et al. [14] showed that any algorithm that tries to minimize that same energy would fail, as the desired solution has a higher energy than the no-blur solution, where the sharp image is the blurry input and the blur is a Dirac delta. However, experimentally one can observe that Chan and Wong's algorithm converges to the desired solution even when initialized with the no-blur one. We provide both analysis and experiments to resolve this paradoxical conundrum. We find that both claims are right. The key to understanding how this is possible lies in the details of Chan and Wong's implementation and in how seemingly harmless choices result in dramatic effects. Our analysis reveals that the delayed scaling (normalization) in the iterative step of the blur kernel is fundamental to the convergence of the algorithm. This then results in a procedure that eludes the no-blur solution, despite it being a global minimum of the original energy. We introduce an adaptation of this algorithm and show that, in spite of its extreme simplicity, it is very robust and achieves a performance comparable to the state of the art.


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The minimally invasive approach for hysterectomy with proven benefits and lower morbidity has become the gold standard, even in women with large uterine masses. Most women with a malignant condition present with abnormal vaginal bleeding and/or suspicious imaging such that few are diagnosed by final histopathology after surgery. However, if a malignancy is not diagnosed preoperatively, intraabdominal morcellation for uterus extraction has an increased risk for potential tumor spread and peritoneal metastases, especially in cases of unexpected leiomyosarcoma. We describe a simple method to wrap the uterus in a contained environment with a plastic bag through the posterior vaginal fornix prior to conventional coring morcellation for vaginal extraction in total laparoscopic hysterectomy. We further describe our experience with a risk stratification and treatment algorithm to implement this procedure in daily routine. A video and an illustrating sketch demonstrate the simplicity and safety of the procedure.


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Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) signals might suffer from relevant baseline disturbances during physical activity. Motion artifacts in particular are more pronounced with dry surface or esophageal electrodes which are dedicated to prolonged ECG recording. In this paper we present a method called baseline wander tracking (BWT) that tracks and rejects strong baseline disturbances and avoids concurrent saturation of the analog front-end. The proposed algorithm shifts the baseline level of the ECG signal to the middle of the dynamic input range. Due to the fast offset shifts, that produce much steeper signal portions than the normal ECG waves, the true ECG signal can be reconstructed offline and filtered using computationally intensive algorithms. Based on Monte Carlo simulations we observed reconstruction errors mainly caused by the non-linearity inaccuracies of the DAC. However, the signal to error ratio of the BWT is higher compared to an analog front-end featuring a dynamic input ranges above 15 mV if a synthetic ECG signal was used. The BWT is additionally able to suppress (electrode) offset potentials without introducing long transients. Due to its structural simplicity, memory efficiency and the DC coupling capability, the BWT is dedicated to high integration required in long-term and low-power ECG recording systems.


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This paper proposes a new estimator for the fixed effects ordered logit model. In contrast to existing methods, the new procedure allows estimating the thresholds. The empirical relevance and simplicity of implementation is illustrated in an application on the effect of unemployment on life satisfaction.


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The various meanings of discourse connectives like while and however are difficult to identify and annotate, even for trained human annotators. This problem is all the more important that connectives are salient textual markers of cohesion and need to be correctly interpreted for many NLP applications. In this paper, we suggest an alternative route to reach a reliable annotation of connectives, by making use of the information provided by their translation in large parallel corpora. This method thus replaces the difficult explicit reasoning involved in traditional sense annotation by an empirical clustering of the senses emerging from the translations. We argue that this method has the advantage of providing more reliable reference data than traditional sense annotation. In addition, its simplicity allows for the rapid constitution of large annotated datasets.


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We propose dual-domain filtering, an image processing paradigm that couples spatial domain with frequency domain filtering. Our dual-domain defined filter removes artifacts like residual noise of other image denoising methods and compression artifacts. Moreover, iterating the filter achieves state-of-the-art image denoising results, but with a much simpler algorithm than competing approaches. The simplicity and versatility of the dual-domain filter makes it an attractive tool for image processing.


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BACKGROUND: Bioluminescence imaging is widely used for cell-based assays and animal imaging studies, both in biomedical research and drug development. Its main advantages include its high-throughput applicability, affordability, high sensitivity, operational simplicity, and quantitative outputs. In malaria research, bioluminescence has been used for drug discovery in vivo and in vitro, exploring host-pathogen interactions, and studying multiple aspects of Plasmodium biology. While the number of fluorescent proteins available for imaging has undergone a great expansion over the last two decades, enabling simultaneous visualization of multiple molecular and cellular events, expansion of available luciferases has lagged behind. The most widely used bioluminescent probe in malaria research is the Photinus pyralis firefly luciferase, followed by the more recently introduced Click-beetle and Renilla luciferases. Ultra-sensitive imaging of Plasmodium at low parasite densities has not been previously achieved. With the purpose of overcoming these challenges, a Plasmodium berghei line expressing the novel ultra-bright luciferase enzyme NanoLuc, called PbNLuc has been generated, and is presented in this work. RESULTS: NanoLuc shows at least 150 times brighter signal than firefly luciferase in vitro, allowing single parasite detection in mosquito, liver, and sexual and asexual blood stages. As a proof-of-concept, the PbNLuc parasites were used to image parasite development in the mosquito, liver and blood stages of infection, and to specifically explore parasite liver stage egress, and pre-patency period in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: PbNLuc is a suitable parasite line for sensitive imaging of the entire Plasmodium life cycle. Its sensitivity makes it a promising line to be used as a reference for drug candidate testing, as well as the characterization of mutant parasites to explore the function of parasite proteins, host-parasite interactions, and the better understanding of Plasmodium biology. Since the substrate requirements of NanoLuc are different from those of firefly luciferase, dual bioluminescence imaging for the simultaneous characterization of two lines, or two separate biological processes, is possible, as demonstrated in this work.


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Blind deconvolution is the problem of recovering a sharp image and a blur kernel from a noisy blurry image. Recently, there has been a significant effort on understanding the basic mechanisms to solve blind deconvolution. While this effort resulted in the deployment of effective algorithms, the theoretical findings generated contrasting views on why these approaches worked. On the one hand, one could observe experimentally that alternating energy minimization algorithms converge to the desired solution. On the other hand, it has been shown that such alternating minimization algorithms should fail to converge and one should instead use a so-called Variational Bayes approach. To clarify this conundrum, recent work showed that a good image and blur prior is instead what makes a blind deconvolution algorithm work. Unfortunately, this analysis did not apply to algorithms based on total variation regularization. In this manuscript, we provide both analysis and experiments to get a clearer picture of blind deconvolution. Our analysis reveals the very reason why an algorithm based on total variation works. We also introduce an implementation of this algorithm and show that, in spite of its extreme simplicity, it is very robust and achieves a performance comparable to the top performing algorithms.