38 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia
AIMS: To analyse tumour characteristics and the prognostic significance of prostatic cancers with extranodal extension of lymph node metastases (ENE) in 102 node-positive, hormone treatment-naive patients undergoing radical prostatectomy and extended lymphadenectomy. METHODS AND RESULTS: The median number of nodes examined per patient was 21 (range 9-68), and the median follow-up time was 92 months (range 12-191). ENE was observed in 71 patients (70%). They had significantly more, larger and less differentiated nodal metastases, paralleled by significantly larger primary tumours at more advanced stages and with higher Gleason scores than patients without ENE. ENE defined a subgroup with significantly decreased biochemical recurrence-free (P = 0.038) and overall survival (P = 0.037). In multivariate analyses the diameter of the largest metastasis and Gleason score of the primary tumour were independent predictors of survival. CONCLUSIONS: ENE in prostatic cancer is an indicator lesion for advanced/aggressive tumours with poor outcome. However, the strong correlation with larger metastases suggests that ENE may result from their size, which was the only independent risk factor in the metastasizing component. Consequently, histopathological reports should specify the true indicator of poor survival in the lymphadenectomy specimens, which is the size of the largest metastasis in each patient.
Patients with adrenal insufficiency, genital anomalies and bony malformations resembling the Antley- Bixler syndrome (a craniosynostosis syndrome), are likely to have P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency. Since our first report in 2004, about 26 recessive POR mutations have been identified in 50 patients. POR is the obligate electron donor to all microsomal (type II) P450 enzymes, including the steroidogenic enzymes CYP17A1, CYP21A2 and CYP19A1. POR deficiency may cause disordered sexual development manifested as genital undervirilization in 46,XY newborns as well as overvirilization in those who are 46,XX. This may be explained by impaired aromatization of fetal androgens which may also lead to maternal virilization and low urinary estriol levels during pregnancy. A role for the alternate 'backdoor' pathway of androgen biosynthesis, leading to dihydrotestosterone production bypassing androstenedione and testosterone, has been suggested in POR deficiency but remains unclear. POR variants may play an important role in drug metabolism, as most drugs are metabolized by hepatic microsomal P450 enzymes. However, functional assays studying the effects of specific POR mutations on steroidogenesis showed that several POR variants impaired CYP17A1, CYP21A2 and CYP19A1 activities to different degrees, indicating that each POR variant must be studied separately for each potential target P450 enzyme. Thus, the impact of POR mutations on drug metabolism by hepatic P450s requires further investigation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the response of RA patients to rituximab (RTX) treatment using a sensitive imaging technique for synovitis. METHODS: Twenty-three RA patients were treated with two 1000-mg infusions of the B-cell depleting antibody, RTX, in an observational protocol. Clinical response was assessed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. High-resolution grey-scale and colour-coded power Doppler (PD) ultrasonography was performed at baseline and 6 months after RTX. The second to fifth MCP and PIP joints were bilaterally examined with joints in a neutral 0 position from a palmar view and scored from 0 to 3. RESULTS: Median disease activity score (DAS28) improved from 5.03 to 3.56 (P = 0.001), which corresponded to a EULAR moderate response in 11 of 23 patients and a EULAR good response in another 6 patients. Improved control of disease activity by RTX was also indicated by tapering of median daily corticosteroid doses from 10 to 5 mg, without flare ups. Mean grey-scale scores correlated with the swollen joint count at baseline (r = 0.484, P = 0.022) and month 6 (r = 0.519, P = 0.011). Mean grey-scale scores improved upon RTX from a 0.90 median (range 0.13-1.87) to 0.75 (range 0.19-1.50, P = 0.023). Frequency of PD positive joints was low (6.1%) at baseline and did not significantly change following RTX treatment. CONCLUSIONS: High-resolution grey-scale ultrasonography (US) examination confirmed reduced synovial hyperplasia, but the applied PD method displayed no significant changes. Therefore, only grey-scale US is recommended in follow-up examinations after RTX treatment.
Patients with skin nodules characterized by the infiltrate of pleomorphic small/medium T lymphocytes are currently classified as "primary cutaneous CD4+ small-/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma" (SMPTCL) or as T-cell pseudolymphoma. The distinction is often arbitrary, and patients with similar clinicopathologic features have been included in both groups. We studied 136 patients (male:female = 1:1; median age: 53 years, age range: 3-90 years) with cutaneous lesions that could be classified as small-/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma according to current diagnostic criteria. All but 3 patients presented with solitary nodules located mostly on the head and neck area (75%). Histopathologic features were characterized by nonepidermotropic, nodular, or diffuse infiltrates of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. A monoclonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor-gamma gene was found in 60% of tested cases. Follow-up data available for 45 patients revealed that 41 of them were alive without lymphoma after a median time of 63 months (range: 1-357 months), whereas 4 were alive with cutaneous disease (range: 2-16 months). The incongruity between the indolent clinical course and the worrying histopathologic and molecular features poses difficulties in classifying these cases unambiguously as benign or malignant, and it may be better to refer to them with a descriptive term such as "cutaneous nodular proliferation of pleomorphic T lymphocytes of undetermined significance," rather than forcing them into one or the other category. On the other hand, irrespective of the name given to these equivocal cutaneous lymphoid proliferations, published data support a nonaggressive therapeutic strategy, particularly for patients presenting with solitary lesions.
PURPOSE: According to the literature transurethral resection of the prostate in patients with Parkinson's disease has an increased risk of postoperative urinary incontinence. However, this conclusion might have been reached because some patients with multiple system atrophy incorrectly diagnosed as Parkinson's disease were included in these reports. Therefore, we investigated the outcome of transurethral prostate resection in patients with a secure neurological diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 23 patients with Parkinson's disease who underwent transurethral prostate resection for benign prostatic obstruction were evaluated retrospectively. Subsequent neurological developments in patients were followed, ensuring that those with multiple system atrophy had not been included in analysis. RESULTS: At transurethral prostate resection median patient age was 73 years, median duration of Parkinson's disease before the resection was 3 years, and median Hoehn and Yahr scale was 2. Of the 14 patients with a preoperative indwelling urinary catheter transurethral prostate resection restored voiding in 9 (64%) and only 5 (36%) required catheterization postoperatively. Of the 10 patients with preoperative urge urinary incontinence, continence was restored in 5 and improved in 3 following transurethral prostate resection. There were no cases of de novo urinary incontinence after transurethral prostate resection. At a median postoperative followup of 3 years transurethral prostate resection was successful in 16 of the 23 patients (70%). CONCLUSIONS: Transurethral prostate resection for benign prostatic obstruction in patients with Parkinson's disease may be successful in up to 70% and the risk of de novo urinary incontinence seems minimal. Thus, Parkinson's disease should no longer be considered a contraindication for transurethral prostate resection provided that preoperative investigations including urodynamic assessment indicate prostatic bladder outlet obstruction.
In hormone refractory prostatic carcinoma (HRPCa), the majority of patients have bone metastases only, which are by definition non-measurable. This makes objective evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents difficult. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) as a dynamic model was analyzed as potential auxiliary end point in HRPCa.
OBJECTIVE The steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) transports cholesterol to the mitochondria for steroidogenesis. Loss of StAR function causes lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LCAH) which is characterized by impaired synthesis of adrenal and gonadal steroids causing adrenal insufficiency, 46,XY disorder of sex development (DSD) and failure of pubertal development. Partial loss of StAR activity may cause adrenal insufficiency only. PATIENT A newborn girl was admitted for mild dehydration, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and hypoglycaemia and had normal external female genitalia without hyperpigmentation. Plasma cortisol, 17OH-progesterone, DHEA-S, androstendione and aldosterone were low, while ACTH and plasma renin activity were elevated, consistent with the diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency. Imaging showed normal adrenals, and cytogenetics revealed a 46,XX karyotype. She was treated with fluids, hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone. DESIGN, METHODS AND RESULTS Genetic studies revealed a novel homozygous STAR mutation in the 3' acceptor splice site of intron 4, c.466-1G>A (IVS4-1G>A). To test whether this mutation would affect splicing, we performed a minigene experiment with a plasmid construct containing wild-type or mutant StAR gDNA of exons-introns 4-6 in COS-1 cells. The splicing was assessed on total RNA using RT-PCR for STAR cDNAs. The mutant STAR minigene skipped exon 5 completely and changed the reading frame. Thus, it is predicted to produce an aberrant and shorter protein (p.V156GfsX19). Computational analysis revealed that this mutant protein lacks wild-type exons 5-7 which are essential for StAR-cholesterol interaction. CONCLUSIONS STAR c.466-1A skips exon 5 and causes a dramatic change in the C-terminal sequence of the protein, which is essential for StAR-cholesterol interaction. This splicing mutation is a loss-of-function mutation explaining the severe phenotype of our patient. Thus far, all reported splicing mutations of STAR cause a severe impairment of protein function and phenotype.
BACKGROUND Histologic experimental studies have reported incomplete neointimal healing in overlapping with respect to nonoverlapping segments in drug-eluting stents (DESs), but these observations have not been confirmed in human coronary arteries hitherto. On the contrary, angiographic and optical coherence tomography studies suggest that DES overlap elicits rather an exaggerated than an incomplete neointimal reaction. METHODS Optical coherence tomography studies from 2 randomized trials including sirolimus-eluting, biolimus-eluting, everolimus-eluting, and zotarolimus-eluting stents were analyzed at 9- to 13-month follow-up. Coverage in overlapping segments was compared versus the corresponding nonoverlapping segments of the same stents, using statistical pooled analysis. RESULTS Forty-two overlaps were found in 31 patients: 11 in sirolimus-eluting stents, 3 in biolimus-eluting stents, 17 in everolimus-eluting stents, and 11 in zotarolimus-eluting stents. The risk ratio of incomplete coverage was 2.35 (95% CI 1.86-2.98) in overlapping versus nonoverlapping segments. Thickness of coverage in overlaps was only 85% (95% CI 81%-90%) of the thickness in nonoverlaps. Significant heterogeneity of the effect was observed, especially pronounced in the comparison of thickness of coverage (I(2) = 90.31). CONCLUSIONS The effect of overlapping DES on neointimal inhibition is markedly heterogeneous: on average, DES overlap is associated with more incomplete and thinner coverage, but in some cases, the overlap elicits an exaggerated neointimal reaction, thicker than in the corresponding nonoverlapping segments. These results might help to understand why overlapping DES is associated with worse clinical outcomes, both in terms of thrombotic phenomena and in terms of restenosis and revascularization.
PURPOSE High aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) has been suggested to selectively mark cells with high tumorigenic potential in established prostate cancer cell lines. However, the existence of cells with high ALDH activity (ALDH(bright)) in primary prostate cancer specimens has not been shown so far. We investigated the presence, phenotype, and clinical significance of ALDH(bright) populations in clinical prostate cancer specimens. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN We used ALDEFLUOR technology and fluorescence-activated cell-sorting (FACS) staining to identify and characterize ALDH(bright) populations in cells freshly isolated from clinical prostate cancer specimens. Expression of genes encoding ALDH-specific isoforms was evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR in normal prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer tissues. ALDH1A1-specific expression and prognostic significance were assessed by staining two tissue microarrays that included more than 500 samples of BPH, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), and multistage prostate cancer. RESULTS ALDH(bright) cells were detectable in freshly excised prostate cancer specimens (n = 39) and were mainly included within the EpCAM((+)) and Trop2((+)) cell populations. Although several ALDH isoforms were expressed to high extents in prostate cancer, only ALDH1A1 gene expression significantly correlated with ALDH activity (P < 0.01) and was increased in cancers with high Gleason scores (P = 0.03). Most importantly, ALDH1A1 protein was expressed significantly more frequently and at higher levels in advanced-stage than in low-stage prostate cancer and BPH. Notably, ALDH1A1 positivity was associated with poor survival (P = 0.02) in hormone-naïve patients. CONCLUSIONS Our data indicate that ALDH contributes to the identification of subsets of prostate cancer cells of potentially high clinical relevance.
BACKGROUND: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is caused by the larval stage (metacestode) of Echinococcus multilocularis. The domestic dog can act as a definitive host and harbor adult cestodes in its small intestine or become an aberrant intermediate host carrying larval stages that may cause severe lesions in the liver, lungs and other organs with clinical signs similar to AE in humans. CASE PRESENTATION: A case of canine AE, affecting the liver and prostate with development of multilocular hydatid paraprostatic cysts and possible lung involvement is described in an 8-year-old neutered male Labrador retriever dog.The dog presented with progressive weight loss, acute constipation, stranguria and a suspected soft tissue mass in the sublumbar region. Further evaluation included computed tomography of the thorax and abdomen, which revealed cystic changes in the prostate, a paraprostatic cyst, as well as lesions in the liver and lungs. Cytological examination of fine-needle aspirates of the liver, prostate and paraprostatic cyst revealed parasitic hyaline membranes typical of an Echinococcus infection and the presence of E. multilocularis-DNA was confirmed by PCR. The dog was treated with albendazole and debulking surgery was considered in case there was a good response to antiparasitic treatment. Constipation and stranguria resolved completely. Six months after the definitive diagnosis, the dog was euthanized due to treatment-resistant ascites and acute anorexia and lethargy. CONCLUSIONS: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first publication of an E. multilocularis infection in a dog causing prostatic and paraprostatic cysts. Although rare, E. multilocularis infection should be considered as an extended differential diagnosis in dogs presenting with prostatic and paraprostatic disease, especially in areas where E. multilocularis is endemic.
CONTEXT Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is the most severe form of CAH leading to impaired production of all adrenal and gonadal steroids. Mutations in the gene encoding steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) cause lipoid CAH. OBJECTIVE We investigated three unrelated patients of Swiss ancestry who all carried novel mutations in the StAR gene. All three subjects were phenotypic females with absent Müllerian derivatives, 46,XY karyotype, and presented with adrenal failure. METHODS AND RESULTS StAR gene analysis showed that one patient was homozygous and the other two were heterozygous for the novel missense mutation L260P. Of the heterozygote patients, one carried the novel missense mutation L157P and one had a novel frameshift mutation (629-630delCT) on the second allele. The functional ability of all three StAR mutations to promote pregnenolone production was severely attenuated in COS-1 cells transfected with the cholesterol side-chain cleavage system and mutant vs. wild-type StAR expression vectors. CONCLUSIONS These cases highlight the importance of StAR-dependent steroidogenesis during fetal development and early infancy; expand the geographic distribution of this condition; and finally establish a new, prevalent StAR mutation (L260P) for the Swiss population.
BACKGROUND The GRP receptor shows high over-expression in prostatic adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN, but low expression in normal prostate glands. This represents the molecular basis for GRP receptor imaging of prostate cancer with radioactive compounds. However, a focal, high density GRP receptor expression can be observed in hitherto uncharacterized prostate glands. METHODS GRP receptors were quantitatively measured with in vitro receptor autoradiography using ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin in samples from 115 prostates. On successive tissue sections, ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin autoradiography was compared with H&E staining and MIB-1 and 34βE12 immunohistochemistry. RESULTS On one hand, it was confirmed that GRP receptors were expressed in adenocarcinoma and high grade PIN in high density and high incidence (77% and 73%, respectively), but in normal prostate glands in low density and low frequency (18%). On the other hand, a novel and intriguing observation was the existence of focal non-invasive prostate glands with high GRP receptor density, characterized by low grade nuclear atypia and increased proliferation, compatible with lower grade PIN. There was a significant GRP receptor density gradient (P ≤ 0.005), increasing from normal prostate glands (mean relative optical density, ROD, of ¹²⁵I-Tyr⁴ -bombesin binding: 0.17) over atypical glands without increased MIB-1 labeling (0.28) and atypical glands with increased MIB-1 expression (0.44) to high grade PIN and adenocarcinoma (0.64 and 0.58, respectively). CONCLUSIONS GRP receptor over-expression may be a novel, specific marker of early prostatic neoplastic transformation, arising in low grade PIN, and progressively increasing during malignant progression. This should be considered when interpreting in vivo GRP receptor imaging in males.