20 resultados para plaster


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BACKGROUND We report on the design and implementation of a study protocol entitled Acupuncture randomised trial for post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain - a pilot study (ACUARP) designed to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy performed in the perioperative period on post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain. METHODS/DESIGN The study is designed as a randomised controlled pilot trial with three arms and partial double blinding. We will compare (a) press needle acupuncture, (b) no treatment and (c) press plaster acupressure in a standardised anaesthetic setting. Seventy-five patients scheduled for laparoscopic surgery to the uterus or ovaries will be allocated randomly to one of the three trial arms. The total observation period will begin one day before surgery and end on the second postoperative day. Twelve press needles and press plasters are to be administered preoperatively at seven acupuncture points. The primary outcome measure will be time from extubation to 'ready for discharge' from the post anaesthesia care unit (in minutes). The 'ready for discharge' end point will be assessed using three different scores: the Aldrete score, the Post Anaesthetic Discharge Scoring System and an In-House score. Secondary outcome measures will comprise pre-, intra- and postoperative variables (which are anxiety, pain, nausea and vomiting, concomitant medication). DISCUSSION The results of this study will provide information on whether acupuncture may improve patient post anaesthetic recovery. Comparing acupuncture with acupressure will provide insight into potential therapeutic differences between invasive and non-invasive acupuncture techniques. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01816386 (First received: 28 October 2012).


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The purpose of this long-term follow-up study was twofold-firstly, to assess prevalence of relapse after treatment of deep bite malocclusion and secondly, to identify risk factors that predispose patients with deep bite malocclusion to relapse. Sixty-one former patients with overbite more than 50% incisor overlap before treatment were successfully recalled. Clinical data, morphometrical measurements on plaster casts before treatment, after treatment and at long-term follow-up, as well as cephalometric measurements before and after treatment were collected. The median follow-up period was 11.9 years. Patients were treated by various treatment modalities, and the majority of patients received at least a lower fixed retainer and an upper removable bite plate during retention. Relapse was defined as increase in incisor overlap from below 50% after treatment to equal or more than 50% incisor overlap at long-term follow-up. Ten per cent of the patients showed relapse to equal or larger than 50% incisor overlap, and their amount of overbite increase was low. Among all cases with deep bite at follow-up, gingival contact and palatal impingement were more prevalent in partially corrected noncompliant cases than in relapse cases. In this sample, prevalence and amount of relapse were too low to identify risk factors of relapse.


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Operationsziel Geschlossene, anatomische Reposition und sichere Fixation von problematischen suprakondylären Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Humerusfrakturen, die mit den herkömmlichen Operationsmethoden nur schwierig geschlossen zu behandeln sind. Indikationen Gemäß der AO-Kinderklassifikation der suprakondylären Humerusfrakturen vom Typ III und IV: Frakturen, welche nicht geschlossen mittels üblicher Repositionsmethoden reponierbar sind sowie Frakturen, die nicht mittels der üblichen, gekreuzten perkutanen Kirschner-Draht-Technik zu fixieren sind. Bei schweren Schwellungszuständen, offener Fraktur oder initial neurologischen und/oder vaskulären Problemen („pulseless pink hand“) sowie bei mehrfachverletzten Kindern, welche eine optimale Rehabilitation benötigen und die Extremität gipsfrei sein sollte. Bei Kindern mit Komorbiditäten (z. B. Anfälle, Spastizität), die eine bessere Stabilität benötigen. Kontraindikationen Prinzipiell keine Kontraindikationen Operationstechnik Im nichtreponierten Zustand unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle Einbringen einer einzelnen Schanz-Schraube in den lateralen (radialen) Aspekt des distalen Fragments, welches sich in der streng seitlichen Röntgenprojektion als „Sand-Uhr“- bzw. Kreisform des Capitulum humeri darstellt. Je nach Größe dieses distalen Fragments kann die Schanz-Schraube rein epiphysär oder metaphysär liegen. Danach in absolut streng seitlicher Projektion des distalen Humerus im Bereich des meta-diaphysären Übergangs Einbohren einer 2. Schanz-Schraube unabhängig von der Ersten, die möglichst rechtwinklig zur Längsachse des Humerus in der a.-p.-Ebene zu liegen kommen sollte, um spätere Manipulationen mittels „Joy-Stick“-Technik zu erleichtern. Sind die beiden Schanz-Schrauben mehr oder weniger in beiden Ebenen parallel, so ist die Fraktur praktisch anatomisch reponiert. Nach erreichter Reposition Feinjustierung aller Achskomponenten. Sicherung der Flexion/Extension mittels einem von radial, distal eingebrachten sog. Anti-Rotations-Kirschner-Drahts, der die Stabilität signifikant erhöht und eine Drehung des distalen Fragments um die einzelne Schanz-Schraube verhindert. Postoperative Behandlung Keine zusätzliche Gipsruhigstellung notwendig. Es sollte eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung erfolgen. Ergebnisse Gemäß unserer Langzeitstudien bewegen die meisten Kinder bereits zum Zeitpunkt der ambulanten Pin-Entfernung in der Frakturambulanz ihren Ellbogen weitgehend normal. Bei einer Follow-up-Zeit über 40 Monate hatten 30/31 Kindern eine seitengleiche Achse und Beweglichkeit.


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CONTEXT Chemical eye injuries are ophthalmological emergencies with a high risk of secondary complications and severe visual loss. Only limited epidemiological data for such injuries are available for many countries. PATIENTS AND METHODS We performed two independent studies. The cause of chemical eye injuries was assessed with a prospective questionnaire study. Questionnaires were sent to all ophthalmologists in Switzerland. A total of 163 patients (205 eyes) were included, between December 2012 and October 2014. Independent of the questionnaire study, the incidence of chemical eye injuries was assessed with a retrospective cohort study design using the database of the mandatory accident insurance. RESULTS Ophthalmological questionnaires revealed that plaster/cement (20.5%), alkaline (12.2%) and acid (10.2%) solutions caused the highest number of chemical injuries. Only 2% of all injuries were classified as grade III and none as grade IV (Roper-Hall classification). The official toxicological information phone-hotline was contacted in 4.3% of cases. Using data from the accident insurance, an incidence of chemical eye injuries of about 50/100 000/year was found in the working population. CONCLUSION Here, we present data on the involved agents of chemical eye injuries in Switzerland, and also the incidence of such injuries in the working population. This may also help to assess the need for further education programs and to improve and direct preventive measures.


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INTRODUCTION A prerequisite for development of gingival recession is the presence of alveolar bone dehiscence. Proclination of mandibular incisors can result in thinning of the alveolus and dehiscence formation. OBJECTIVE To assess an association between proclination of mandibular incisor and development of gingival recession. METHODS One hundred and seventeen subjects who met the following inclusion criteria were selected: 1. age 11-14 years at start of orthodontic treatment (TS), 2. bonded retainer placed immediately after treatment (T0), 3. dental casts and lateral cephalograms available pre-treatment (TS), post-treatment (T0), and 5 years post-treatment (T5), and 4. post-treatment (T0) lower incisor inclination (Inc_Incl) <95° or >100.5°. Two groups were formed: non-proclined (N = 57; mean Inc_Incl = 90.8°) and proclined (N = 60; mean Inc_Incl = 105.2°). Clinical crown heights of mandibular incisors and the presence of gingival recession sites in this region were assessed on plaster models. Fisher's exact tests, t-tests, and regression models were computed for analysis of inter-group differences. RESULTS The mean increase of clinical crown heights (from T0 to T5) of mandibular incisors ranged from 0.75 to 0.83mm in the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively (P = 0.273). At T5, gingival recession sites were present in 12.3% and 11.7% patients from the non-proclined and proclined groups, respectively. The difference was also not significant (P = 0.851). CONCLUSIONS The proclination of mandibular incisors did not increase a risk of development of gingival recession during five-year observation in comparison non-proclined teeth.