91 resultados para periodontitis pathogenesis


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Degradation of immunoglobulins is an effective strategy of bacteria to evade the immune system. We have tested whether human IgG is a substrate for gingipain K of Porphyromonas gingivalis and found that the enzyme can hydrolyze subclass 1 and 3 of human IgG. The heavy chain of IgG(1) was cleaved at a single site within the hinge region, generating Fab and Fc fragments. IgG(3) was also cleaved within the heavy chain, but at several sites around the CH2 region. Investigation of the enzyme kinetics of IgG proteolysis by gingipain K, using FPLC- and isothermal titration calorimetry-based assays followed by Hill plots, revealed non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics involving a mechanism of positive cooperativity. In ex vivo studies, it was shown that gingipain K retained its IgG hydrolyzing activity in human plasma despite the high content of natural protease inhibitors; that IgG(1) cleavage products were detected in gingival crevicular fluid samples from patients with severe periodontitis; and that gingipain K treatment of serum samples from patients with high antibody titers against P. gingivalis significantly hindered opsonin-dependent phagocytosis of clinical isolates of P. gingivalis by neutrophils. Altogether, these findings underline a biological function of gingipain K as an IgG protease of pathophysiological importance.


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The analysis of samplings from periodontal pockets is important in the diagnosis and therapy of periodontitis. In this study, three different sampling techniques were compared to determine whether one method yielded samples suitable for the reproducible and simultaneous determination of bacterial load, cytokines, neutrophil elastase, and arginine-specific gingipains (Rgps). Rgps are an important virulence factor of Porphyromonas gingivalis, the exact concentration of which in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) has not been quantified.


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The impact of a semiquantitative commercially available test based on DNA-strip technology (microIDent®, Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) on diagnosis and treatment of severe chronic periodontitis of 25 periodontitis patients was evaluated in comparison with a quantitative in-house real-time PCR. Subgingival plaque samples were collected at baseline as well as at 3, 6, and 12 months later. After extracting DNA, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and several other periodontopathogens were determined by both methods. The results obtained by DNA-strip technology were analyzed semiquantitatively and additionally quantitatively by densitometry. The results for the 4 major periodontopathogenic bacterial species correlated significantly between the 2 methods. Samples detecting a high bacterial load by one method and negative by the other were always found in less than 2% of the total samples. Both technologies showed the impact of treatment on microflora. Especially the semiquantitative DNA-strip technology clearly analyzed the different loads of periodontopathogens after therapy and is useful in microbial diagnostics for patients in dental practices.


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Periodontitis is an infection that results from an imbalance between periodontopathic microorganisms and the local and systemic host defense. This study analyzed saliva samples of patients with periodontitis for several biomarkers of host response.


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To assess the pattern of early bacterial colonization at implants and teeth in patients with a history of chronic periodontitis compared with a group of healthy subjects. Furthermore, the presence of host-derived markers at teeth and implants in the two subject groups was determined.


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Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans strains of serotype b and with a deletion of 530 bp in the promoter region of the leukotoxin gene (JP2 clone) are known to be associated with severe periodontitis. Our study was aimed to detect virulence genes of A. actinomycetemcomitans strains obtained from patients living in four German cities with different proportions of immigrants.


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The aim of this study is to determine in a randomized trial the impact on treatment outcome after 12 months of different subgingival irrigation solutions during scaling and root planing (SRP).


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Clostridium perfringens type C causes fatal necrotizing enteritis in different mammalian hosts, most commonly in newborn piglets. Human cases are rare, but the disease, also called pigbel, was endemic in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Lesions in piglets and humans are very similar and characterized by segmental necro-hemorrhagic enteritis in acute cases and fibrino-necrotizing enteritis in subacute cases. Histologically, deep mucosal necrosis accompanied by vascular thrombosis and necrosis was consistently reported in naturally affected pigs and humans. This suggests common pathogenetic mechanisms. Previous in vitro studies using primary porcine aortic endothelial cells suggested that beta-toxin (CPB) induced endothelial damage contributes to the pathogenesis of C. perfringens type C enteritis in pigs. In the present study we investigated toxic effects of CPB on cultured primary human macro- and microvascular endothelial cells. In vitro, these cells were highly sensitive to CPB and reacted with similar cytopathic and cytotoxic effects as porcine endothelial cells. Our results indicate that porcine and human cell culture based in vitro models represent valuable tools to investigate the pathogenesis of this bacterial disease in animals and humans.


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The regulation of VWF multimer size is essential in preventing spontaneous microvascular platelet clumping, a central pathophysiologic finding in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). In the majority of TTP patients, ADAMTS13, the principal regulator of VWF size, is severely deficient. Today, 2 forms of severe ADAMTS13 deficiency are recognized. The acquired form is caused by circulating autoantibodies inhibiting ADAMTS13 activity or increasing ADAMTS13 clearance. Pathogenic anti-ADAMTS13 Abs are mainly of the IgG class, predominantly of subclass IgG4, and inhibitory Abs recognize a defined epitope in the ADAMTS13 spacer domain. The reasons underlying the failure to maintain immunologic tolerance to ADAMTS13, however, are still poorly understood. Constitutional ADAMTS13 deficiency leading to hereditary TTP, also known as Upshaw-Schulman syndrome, is the result of homozygous or compound heterozygous ADAMTS13 gene mutations.


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Eosinophils and their products play an essential role in the pathogenesis of various reactive and neoplastic disorders. Depending on the underlying disease, molecular defect and involved cytokines, hypereosinophilia may develop and may lead to organ damage. In other patients, persistent eosinophilia is accompanied by typical clinical findings, but the causative role and impact of eosinophilia remain uncertain. For patients with eosinophil-mediated organ pathology, early therapeutic intervention with agents reducing eosinophil counts can be effective in limiting or preventing irreversible organ damage. Therefore, it is important to approach eosinophil disorders and related syndromes early by using established criteria, to perform all appropriate staging investigations, and to search for molecular targets of therapy. In this article, we review current concepts in the pathogenesis and evolution of eosinophilia and eosinophil-related organ damage in neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. In addition, we discuss classifications of eosinophil disorders and related syndromes as well as diagnostic algorithms and standard treatment for various eosinophil-related disorders.


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The pathology associated with Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis results largely from activation of immune-associated pathways. We systematically investigated the production of IFN subtypes, as well as their influence on pathology, in a mouse model of S. pneumoniae meningitis. Despite the occurrence of a mixed IFN type I/II gene signature, no evidence for production or involvement of type I IFNs in disease progression was found. In contrast, type II IFN (IFN-γ) was strongly induced, and IFN-γ(-/-) mice were significantly protected from severe disease. Using intracellular cytokine staining and targeted cell-depletion approaches, NK cells were found to be the dominant source of IFN-γ. Furthermore, production of IFN-γ was found to be dependent upon ASC and IL-18, indicating that an ASC-dependent inflammasome pathway was responsible for mediating IFN-γ induction. The influence of IFN-γ gene deletion on a range of processes known to be involved in bacterial meningitis pathogenesis was examined. Although neutrophil numbers in the brain were similar in infected wild-type and IFN-γ(-/-) mice, both monocyte recruitment and CCL2 production were less in infected IFN-γ(-/-) mice compared with infected wild-type controls. Additionally, gene expression of NO synthase was strongly diminished in infected IFN-γ(-/-) mice compared with infected controls. Finally, bacterial clearance was enhanced in IFN-γ(-/-) mice, although the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Together, these data suggest that inflammasome-dependent IFN-γ contributes via multiple pathways to pathology during S. pneumoniae meningitis.


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Moraxella catarrhalis (M. catarrhalis) is a human-restricted commensal of the normal bacterial flora in the upper respiratory tract of children, and - during the previous two decades - has been recognised as a true human pathogen. M. catarrhalis is the third most common pathogen causing acute otitis media in children, which is the most common reason to visit a paediatrician during childhood. Acute otitis media thus causes a high clinical and economical burden. With the introduction of the conjugate pneumococcal vaccines the microbiomic pattern in the nasopharyngeal flora of children has changed, and the frequency of isolation of M. catarrhalis has increased. Compared to adults, children are more often colonised with M. catarrhalis. Over the last three decades there has been a dramatic increase in the acquisition of β-lactam resistance in M. catarrhalis. Today 95-100% of clinically isolated M. catarrhalis produce β-lactamase. It is thus desirable to reduce the burden of M. catarrhalis disease by developing a vaccine. There are several potential vaccine antigen candidates in different stages of development, but none of them has entered clinical trials at the present time.


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In clinical routine, adverse drug reactions (ADR) are common, and they should be included in the differential diagnosis in all patients undergoing drug treatment. Only part of those ADR are immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions and thus true drug allergies. Far more common are non-immune-mediated ADR, e.g. due to the pharmacological properties of the drug or to the individual predisposition of the patient (enzymopathies, cytokine dysbalance, mast cell hyperreactivity). In true drug allergiesT cell- and immunoglobulin E (lgE)-mediated reactions dominate the clinical presentation. T cell-mediated ADR usually have a delayed appearance and include skin eruptions in most cases. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that they may involve systemic T cell activation and thus take a severe, sometimes lethal turn. Clinical danger signs are involvement of mucosal surfaces, blistering within the exanthematous skin areas and systemic symptoms, e.g. fever or malaise. Drug presentation via antigen-presenting cells to T cells can either involve the classical pathway of haptenization of endogenous proteins or be directly mediated via noncovalent binding to immune receptors (MHC molecules or T cell receptors), the so-called p-i concept. Flare-up reactions during the acute phase of T cell-mediated ADR should not be mistaken for true drug allergies, as they only occur in the setting of a highly activated T cell pool. IgE-mediated ADR are less frequent and involve mast cells and/or basophils as peripheral effector cells. Recent data suggest that certain patients with drug allergy have a preexistent sensitization although they have never been exposed to the culprit drug, probably due to cross-reactivity. Thus, allergic drug reactions on first encounter are possible. In general, the extent of cross-reactivity is higher in IgE-compared to T cell-mediated ADR. Based on a specific ethnic background and only for severe T cell-mediated ADR to certain drugs, a strong HLA association has been established recently.