54 resultados para paraffin


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Cancer stem cell (CSC) based gene expression signatures are associated with prognosis in various tumour types and CSCs are suggested to be particularly drug resistant. The aim of our study was first, to determine the prognostic significance of CSC-related gene expression in residual tumour cells of neoadjuvant-treated gastric cancer (GC) patients. Second, we wished to examine, whether expression alterations between pre- and post-therapeutic tumour samples exist, consistent with an enrichment of drug resistant tumour cells. The expression of 44 genes was analysed in 63 formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tumour specimens with partial tumour regression (10-50% residual tumour) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy by quantitative real time PCR low-density arrays. A signature of combined GSK3B(high), β-catenin (CTNNB1)(high) and NOTCH2(low) expression was strongly correlated with better patient survival (p<0.001). A prognostic relevance of these genes was also found analysing publically available gene expression data. The expression of 9 genes was compared between pre-therapeutic biopsies and post-therapeutic resected specimens. A significant post-therapeutic increase in NOTCH2, LGR5 and POU5F1 expression was found in tumours with different tumour regression grades. No significant alterations were observed for GSK3B and CTNNB1. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a chemotherapy-associated increase in the intensity of NOTCH2 staining, but not in the percentage of NOTCH2. Taken together, the GSK3B, CTNNB1 and NOTCH2 expression signature is a novel, promising prognostic parameter for GC. The results of the differential expression analysis indicate a prominent role for NOTCH2 and chemotherapy resistance in GC, which seems to be related to an effect of the drugs on NOTCH2 expression rather than to an enrichment of NOTCH2 expressing tumour cells.


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PURPOSE To investigate whether Chlamydia pneumoniae and complement factors were present in surgically removed choroidal neovascular membranes (CNV) of patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS Paraffin sections of 26 CNV were stained for C. pneumoniae or the complement factors H (CFH) and C5, whereas macrophages were identified by positive CD68 staining. Clinical characteristics have been correlated to the immunohistochemical findings. RESULTS C. pneumoniae was found in 68% of the investigated membranes, and 88% of these membranes were also positive for CD68. Staining for CFH and C5 gave a positive reaction in 68 and 41% of the membranes, respectively. Patients with C5-positive membranes had significantly larger CNV mean area and were younger than patients with CFH-positive membranes at the operation time point. CONCLUSIONS Correlations between clinical symptoms and complement factor C5 could be shown. The results strengthen the hypothesis of an involvement of the complement system in AMD.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes M(1) to M(5) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness samples were collected from the fundus, corpus, and pyloric part of the abomasum and from the duodenum, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and both external loops of the spiral colon of 5 healthy dairy cows after slaughter. PROCEDURES: Samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Muscarinic receptor subtypes and ICCs were identified by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Staining for M(1) receptors was found in the submucosal plexus and myenteric plexus. Antibodies against M(2) receptors stained nuclei of smooth muscle cells only. Evidence of M(3) receptors was found in the lamina propria, in intramuscular neuronal terminals, on intermuscular nerve fibers, and on myocytes of microvessels. There was no staining for M(4) receptors. Staining for M(5) receptors was evident in the myocytes of microvessels and in smooth muscle cells. The ICCs were detected in the myenteric plexus and within smooth muscle layers. Distribution among locations of the bovine gastrointestinal tract did not differ for muscarinic receptor subtypes or ICCs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The broad distribution of M(1), M(3), M(5), and ICCs in the bovine gastrointestinal tract indicated that these components are likely to play an important role in the regulation of gastrointestinal tract motility in healthy dairy cows. Muscarinic receptors and ICCs may be implicated in the pathogenesis of motility disorders, such as abomasal displacement and cecal dilatation-dislocation.


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Between day E8 and E12 of embryonic development, the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) undergoes massive structural rearrangement enabling calcium-uptake from the eggshell to supply the growing embryo. However, the contribution of the various cell types of the chorionic epithelium including the capillary covering (CC) cells, villus cavity (VC) cells, endothelial-like cells, and basal cells to this developmental program is largely unknown. In order to obtain markers for the different cell types in the chorionic epithelium, we determined the expression patterns of various calcium-binding annexins in the developing chicken CAM. By reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction with primers deduced from nucleotide sequences available in various databases, the presence of annexin (anx)-1, anx-2, anx-5, and anx-6 was demonstrated at days E8 and E12. Quantitative immunoblotting with novel antibodies raised against the recombinant proteins revealed that anx-1 and anx-5 were significantly up-regulated at day E12, whereas anx-2 and anx-6 expression remained almost unchanged in comparison to levels at day E8. Immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded sections of E12 CAM revealed anx-1 in CC cells and VC cells. Anx-2 was localized in capillaries in the chorionic epithelium and in basal cells of the allantoic epithelium, whereas anx-6 was detected in basal cells or endothelial-like cells of the chorionic epithelium and in the media of larger vessels in the mesenchyme. A 2-day exposure of the CAM to a tumor cell spheroid resulted in strong proliferation of anx-1-expressing CC cells suggesting that these cells participate in the embryonic response to experimental intervention. Thus, annexins exhibit complementary expression patterns and represent appropriate cell markers for the further characterization of CAM development and the interpretation of results obtained when using CAM as an experimental model.


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We recently reported a complete change in the endothelial ABO histo-blood group phenotype of a cardiac allograft long term after B to O mismatched transplantation. In the context of the current controversy on graft recolonization with recipient endothelial cells and its importance in the development of immunological unresponsiveness, we monitored the expression of endothelial ABH histo-blood group antigens of 10 ABO-compatible, non-identical cardiac allografts over an observation period of at least 30 months. ABH antigens as well as markers for endothelial cells, erythrocytes and thrombocytes were investigated retrospectively by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies on sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsies and were evaluated semi-quantitatively by microscopy. In contrast to our earlier finding of the change in the endothelial ABO histo-blood group phenotype long term after ABO- mismatched transplantation, we could not confirm this change in 10 compatible but non-identical cases.


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Chronic renal allograft rejection is characterized by alterations in the extracellular matrix compartment and in the proliferation of various cell types. These features are controlled, in part by the metzincin superfamily of metallo-endopeptidases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) and meprin. Therefore, we investigated the regulation of metzincins in the established Fisher to Lewis rat kidney transplant model. Studies were performed using frozen homogenates and paraffin sections of rat kidneys at day 0 (healthy controls) and during periods of chronic rejection at day +60 and day +100 following transplantation. The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression was examined by Affymetrix Rat Expression Array 230A GeneChip and by real-time Taqman polymerase chain reaction analyses. Protein expression was studied by zymography, Western blot analyses, and immunohistology. mRNA levels of MMPs (MMP-2/-11/-12/-14), of their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1/-2), ADAM-17 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 significantly increased during chronic renal allograft rejection. MMP-2 activity and immunohistological staining were augmented accordingly. The most important mRNA elevation was observed in the case of MMP-12. As expected, Western blot analyses also demonstrated increased production of MMP-12, MMP-14, and TIMP-2 (in the latter two cases as individual proteins and as complexes). In contrast, mRNA levels of MMP-9/-24 and meprin alpha/beta had decreased. Accordingly, MMP-9 protein levels and meprin alpha/beta synthesis and activity were downregulated significantly. Members of metzincin families (MMP, ADAM, and meprin) and of TIMPs are differentially regulated in chronic renal allograft rejection. Thus, an altered pattern of metzincins may represent novel diagnostic markers and possibly may provide novel targets for future therapeutic interventions.


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Here we present the development of a visual evaluation system for routine assessment of in vitro-engineered cartilaginous tissue. Neocartilage was produced by culturing human articular chondrocytes in pellet culture systems or in a scaffold-free bioreactor system. All engineered tissues were embedded in paraffin and were sectioned and stained with Safranin O-fast green. The evaluation of each sample was broken into 3 categories (uniformity and intensity of Safranin O stain, distance between cells/amount of matrix produced, and cell morphology), and each category had 4 components with a score ranging from 0 to 3. Three observers evaluated each sample, and the new system was independently tested against an objective computer-based histomorphometry system. Pellets were also assessed biochemically for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content. Pellet histology scores correlated significantly with GAG contents and were in agreement with the computer-based histomorphometry system. This system allows a valid and rapid assessment of in vitro-generated cartilaginous tissue that has a relevant association with objective parameters indicative of cartilage quality.


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There are controversial data on the meaning of viral induction of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in patients with breast carcinoma and the correlation of viral infection with disease outcome. Paraffin-embedded sections from 81 patients with breast cancer were analyzed for HPV DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the SPF1/2 primers covering about 40 different low-, intermediate- and high-risk types. We found all samples were negative for HPV DNA. Our analysis could not support a role of HPV in breast carcinoma. Controversial published data indicate a need for further, larger epidemiologic studies.


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PURPOSE: Integration of high-risk papillomavirus DNA has been considered an important step in oncogenic progression to cervical carcinoma. Disruption of the human papillomavirus (HPV) genome within the E2 gene is frequently a consequence. This study investigated the influence of episomal viral DNA on outcome in patients with advanced cervical cancer treated with primary radiotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Paraffin-embedded biopsies of 82 women with locally advanced cervical cancer could be analyzed for HPV infection by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by use of SPF1/2 primers. E2-gene intactness of HPV-16-positive samples was analyzed in 3 separate amplification reactions by use of the E2A, E2B, E2C primers. Statistical analyses (Kaplan-Meier method; log-rank test) were performed for overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), local progression-free survival (LPFS), and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS). RESULTS: Sixty-one (75%) of 82 carcinomas were HPV positive, 44 of them for HPV-16 (72%). Seventeen of the 44 HPV-16-positive tumors (39%) had an intact E2 gene. Patients with a HPV-16-positive tumor and an intact E2 gene showed a trend for a better DFS (58% vs. 38%, p = 0.06) compared with those with a disrupted E2 gene. A nonsignificant difference occurred regarding OS (87% vs. 66%, p = 0.16) and DMFS (57% vs. 48%, p = 0.15). CONCLUSION: E2-gene status may be a promising new target, but more studies are required to elucidate the effect of the viral E2 gene on outcome after radiotherapy in HPV-positive tumors.


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Numerous cases of acute-onset progressive ataxia, hindlimb paresis and paralysis of unknown aetiology occurred during 1993 to 2003 in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) within the European Endangered Species Programme (eep). This study describes the immunohistochemical investigation of a possible viral aetiology of the "cheetah myelopathy". Antibodies to feline herpesvirus type 1, canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus and Borna disease virus were applied to formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain and spinal cord sections from 25 affected cheetahs aged between three-and-a-half months and 13 years. Using the avidin-biotin complex technique, none of the antibodies gave positive immunosignals in either the brain or the spinal cord tissue.


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AIMS: The induction of tumour cell death by apoptosis is a major goal of cancer therapy and the in situ detection of apoptosis in tumour tissue has become an important diagnostic parameter. Different apoptosis detection methods assess distinct biochemical processes in the dying cell. Thus, their direct comparison is mandatory to evaluate their diagnostic value. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical detection of active caspase 3 and single-stranded DNA in primary and metastatic liver tumours as markers of apoptotic cell death. METHODS: We studied detection of active caspase 3 and single-stranded DNA in 20 primary hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) and 20 liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas (CRC) using immunohistochemistry on paraffin sections. RESULTS: Our results reveal that both methods are suitable and sensitive techniques for the in situ detection of apoptosis, however, they also demonstrate that immunohistochemistry for active caspase 3 and single-stranded DNA have differential sensitivities in HCC and CRC. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of apoptosis detection using immunohistochemistry for active caspase 3 and single-stranded DNA may be tumour cell type dependent.


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Five diagnostic techniques performed on skin biopsies (shoulder region) and/or serum were compared for detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus infection in 224 calves 0-3 months of age, 23 calves older than 3 months but younger than 7 months, and 11 cattle older than 7 months. The diagnostic methods used were immunohistochemistry (IHC), 2 commercial antigen ELISAs, 1 commercial antibody ELISA, and real-time RT-PCR. Results of 249 out of 258 skin and serum samples were identical and correlated within the 3 antigen detection methods and the real-time RT-PCR used. Twenty-six of these 249 samples were BVDV-positive with all antigen detection methods and the real-time RT-PCR. Nine out of 258 samples yielding discordant results were additionally examined by RT-PCR, RT-PCR Reamplification (ReA), and antigen ELISA I on serum and by immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed and paraffin-embedded skin biopsies. Virus isolation and genotyping was performed as well on these discordant samples. In 3 cases, transiently infected animals were identified. Two samples positive by real-time RT-PCR were interpreted as false positive and were ascribed to cross-contamination. The antigen ELISA II failed to detect 2 BVDV-positive calves due to the presence of maternal antibodies; the cause of 2 false-positive cases in this ELISA remained undetermined. Only persistently infected animals were identified in skin samples by IHC or antigen ELISA I. The 3 antigen detection methods and the real-time RT-PCR used in parallel had a high correlation rate (96.5%) and similar sensitivity and specificity values.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to establish a standardized procedure for postmortem whole-body CT-based angiography with lipophilic and hydrophilic contrast media solutions and to compare the results of these two methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Minimally invasive postmortem CT angiography was performed on 10 human cadavers via access to the femoral blood vessels. Separate perfusion of the arterial and venous systems was established with a modified heart-lung machine using a mixture of an oily contrast medium and paraffin (five cases) and a mixture of a water-soluble contrast medium with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 200 in the other five cases. Imaging was executed with an MDCT scanner. RESULTS: The minimally invasive femoral approach to the vascular system provided a good depiction of lesions of the complete vascular system down to the level of the small supplying vessels. Because of the enhancement of well-vascularized tissues, angiography with the PEG-mixed contrast medium allowed the detection of tissue lesions and the depiction of vascular abnormalities such as pulmonary embolisms or ruptures of the vessel wall. CONCLUSION: The angiographic method with a water-soluble contrast medium and PEG as a contrast-agent dissolver showed a clearly superior quality due to the lack of extravasation through the gastrointestinal vascular bed and the enhancement of soft tissues (cerebral cortex, myocardium, and parenchymal abdominal organs). The diagnostic possibilities of these findings in cases of antemortem ischemia of these tissues are not yet fully understood.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to adapt and improve a minimally invasive two-step postmortem angiographic technique for use on human cadavers. Detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools. The technique described should be valuable in the diagnosis of vascular abnormalities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postmortem perfusion with an oily liquid is established with a circulation machine. An oily contrast agent is introduced as a bolus injection, and radiographic imaging is performed. In this pilot study, the upper or lower extremities of four human cadavers were perfused. In two cases, the vascular system of a lower extremity was visualized with anterograde perfusion of the arteries. In the other two cases, in which the suspected cause of death was drug intoxication, the veins of an upper extremity were visualized with retrograde perfusion of the venous system. RESULTS: In each case, the vascular system was visualized up to the level of the small supplying and draining vessels. In three of the four cases, vascular abnormalities were found. In one instance, a venous injection mark engendered by the self-administration of drugs was rendered visible by exudation of the contrast agent. In the other two cases, occlusion of the arteries and veins was apparent. CONCLUSION: The method described is readily applicable to human cadavers. After establishment of postmortem perfusion with paraffin oil and injection of the oily contrast agent, the vascular system can be investigated in detail and vascular abnormalities rendered visible.


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Cell death induction by apoptosis is an important process in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis as well as tissue destruction during various pathological processes. Consequently, detection of apoptotic cells in situ represents an important technique to assess the extent and impact of cell death in the respective tissue. While scoring of apoptosis by histological assessment of apoptotic cells is still a widely used method, it is likely biased by sensitivity problems and observed-based variations. The availability of caspase-mediated neo-epitope-specific antibodies offers new tools for the detection of apoptosis in situ. Here, we discuss the use of immunohistochemical detection of cleaved caspase 3 and lamin A for the assessment of apoptotic cells in paraffin-embedded liver tissue. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of tissue pretreatment and antigen retrieval on the sensitivity of apoptosis detection, background staining and maintenance of tissue morphology.