22 resultados para open-ended photothermal cell


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Increasing evidence suggest that the long "untranslated" region (UTR) between the matrix (M) and the fusion (F) proteins of morbilliviruses has a functional role. In canine distemper virus (CDV), the F 5' UTR was recently shown to code for a long F signal peptide (Fsp). Subsequently, it was reported that the M/F UTRs combined with the long Fsp were synergistically regulating the F mRNA and protein expression, thereby modulating virulence. Unique to CDV, a short putative open reading frame (ORF) has been identified within the wild-type CDV-M 3' UTR (termed M2). Here, we investigated whether M2 was expressed from the genome of the virulent and demyelinating A75/17-CDV strain. An expression plasmid encoding the M2 ORF tagged both at its N-terminal (HA) and C-terminal domains (RFP), was first constructed. Then, a recombinant virus with its putative M2 ORF replaced by HA-M2-RFP was successfully recovered from cDNA (termed recA75/17(green)-HA-M2-RFP). M2 expression in cells transfected or infected with these mutants was studied by immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence, immunoblot and flow cytometry analyses. Although fluorescence was readily detected in HA-M2-RFP-transfected cells, absence of red fluorescence emission in several recA75/17(green)-HA-M2-RFP-infected cell types suggested lack of M2 biosynthesis, which was confirmed by the other techniques. Consistent with these data, no functional role of the short polypeptide was revealed by infecting various cell types with HA-M2-RFP over-expressing or M2-knockout recombinant viruses. Thus, in sharp contrast to the CDV-F 5' UTR reported to translate a long Fsp, our data provided evidence that the CDV-M 3' UTR does not express any polypeptides.


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PURPOSE: To review the evidence implicating the deregulation of cyclin D1 in the pathogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and to discuss the opportunities for targeted clinical intervention. METHODS: Data published until June 2006 are summarized, and previously unpublished results from our own research are included. RESULTS: In normal cells, cyclin D1 complexes with and activates cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) and acts as a transcriptional regulator. The protein is frequently overexpressed in a wide range of cancers, sometimes coincident with CCND1 (cyclin D1) gene amplification (5-20% of tumours). A low level of somatic mutations have been seen in certain tumours. CCND1 is amplified in NSCLC and cyclin D1 is frequently overexpressed in tumours and pre-invasive bronchial lesions, generally from one parental allele. Mutation analyses revealed a frequent CCND1 gene polymorphism (A870G) that modulates alternative splicing and allows expression of an alternative cyclin D1 transcript (transcript cyclin D1b). The encoded cyclin D1b protein lacks a specific phosphorylation site required for nuclear export. Genotype has been correlated with the risk and/or severity of disease or drug response across a range of malignancies, including lung cancer. Together, these findings suggest a strong pathological role for cyclin D1 deregulation in bronchial neoplasia. CONCLUSION: Current data indicate that cyclin D1 overexpression is not a consequence of, but rather a pivotal element in the process of malignant transformation in the lung and other tissues. This understanding may open new avenues for lung cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


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A 8(6/12) year-old-boy presented with precocious puberty and a slightly enlarged left testis. After a detailed examination a Leydig cell tumour was diagnosed. Surgical exploration revealed an encapsulated tumour, 2.7 cm in length, which was selectively removed without orchidectomy. Within one year the clinical signs of pubertal precocity disappeared, the bone age did not further advance and height velocity declined from 8.2 cm / year (+3.9 SDS) to 4.1 cm/year (-1.0 SDS). Physiologically, he entered puberty at the chronological age of twelve years, presenting at that age, in comparison to his peer group, a slightly decreased pubertal growth spurt. However, bearing in mind that being precocious in puberty he started in fact his pubertal growth spurt at a far earlier age, therefore, this acceleration of height before operation has to be added to the centimetres gained during pubertal development thereafter resuiting consequently in an absolute normal pubertal growth spurt. This underlines the fact that the individual growth spurt and, therefore, the total amount of centimetres gained is very much robust. Ten years later, the patient ended up well within his familial target height and remained free of disease. We report on a long-term follow-up of a prepubertal boy after testis-sparing surgery for Leydig-cell-tumour.


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An increased or disturbed activation and aggregation of platelets plays a major role in the pathophysiology of thrombosis and haemostasis and is related to cardiovascular disease processes. In addition to qualitative disturbances of platelet function, changes in thrombopoiesis or an increased elimination of platelets, (e. g., in autoimmune thrombocytopenia), are also of major clinical relevance. Flow cytometry is increasingly used for the specific characterisation of phenotypic alterations of platelets which are related to cellular activation, haemostatic function and to maturation of precursor cells. These new techniques also allow the study of the in vitro response of platelets to stimuli and the modification thereof under platelet-targeted therapy as well as the characterisation of platelet-specific antibodies. In this protocol, specific flow cytometric techniques for platelet analysis are recommended based on a description of the current state of flow cytometric methodology. These recommendations are an attempt to promote the use of these new techniques which are at present broadly evaluated for diagnostic purposes. Furthermore, the definition of the still open questions primarily related to the technical details of the method should help to promote the multi-center evaluation of procedures with the goal to finally develop standardized operation procedures as the basis of interlaboratory reproducibility when applied to diagnostic testing.


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Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is a manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis strongly associated with a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In a considerable proportion of patients with PAOD, revascularization either by endovascular means or by open surgery combined with best possible risk factor modification does not achieve limb salvage or relief of ischaemic rest pain. As a consequence, novel therapeutic strategies have been developed over the last two decades aiming to promote neovascularization and remodelling of collaterals. Gene and stem cell therapy are the main directions for clinical investigation concepts. For both, preclinical studies have shown promising results using a wide variety of genes encoding for growth factors and populations of adult stem cells, respectively. As a consequence, clinical trials have been performed applying gene and stem cell-based concepts. However, it has become apparent that a straightforward translation into humans is not possible. While several trials reported relief of symptoms and functional improvement, other trials did not confirm this early promise of efficacy. Ongoing clinical trials with an improved study design are needed to confirm the potential that gene and cell therapy may have and to prevent the gaps in our scientific knowledge that will jeopardize the establishment of angiogenic therapy as an additional medical treatment of PAOD. This review summarizes the experimental background and presents the current status of clinical applications and future perspectives of the therapeutic use of gene and cell therapy strategies for PAOD.


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We describe the case of a 55-year-old man who presented with parasternal swelling. The chest CT scan showed a large tumor of the chest wall infiltrating the subcutaneous tissue. To assume histologic diagnosis an open biopsy was performed. Between the myofibrils a coarse, white tumor with infiltrative growth was noted. Histopathologic examination revealed expanded atrophic skeletal muscle that was infiltrated by histiocytic cells. Numerous eosinophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes CD20 and CD3 positive could be detected and immunohistochemical staining was also positive for S-100 proteins and CD1a. Histologic findings were characteristic of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). To the best of our knowledge a LCH originating from the mediastinum in an adult as presented has not been previously described.