79 resultados para novel resistance strategies


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Aberrant glycosylation is a key feature of malignant transformation and reflects epigenetic and genetic anomalies among the multitude of molecules involved in glycan biosynthesis. Although glycan biosynthesis is not template bound, altered tumor glycosylation is not random, but associated with common glycosylation patterns. Evidence suggests that acquisition of distinct glycosylation patterns evolves from a ‘microevolutionary’ process conferring advantages in terms of tumor growth, tumor dissemination, and immune escape. Such glycosylation modifications also involve xeno- and hypersialylation. Xeno-autoantigens such as Neu5Gc-gangliosides provide potential targets for immunotherapy. Hypersialylation may display ‘enhanced self’ to escape immunosurveillance and involves several not mutually exclusive inhibitory pathways that all rely on protein–glycan interactions. A better understanding of tumor ‘glycan codes’ as deciphered by lectins, such as siglecs, selectins, C-type lectins and galectins, may lead to novel treatment strategies, not only in cancer, but also in autoimmune disease or transplantation.


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The p62/SQSTM1 adapter protein has an important role in the regulation of several key signaling pathways and helps transport ubiquitinated proteins to the autophagosomes and proteasome for degradation. Here, we investigate the regulation and roles of p62/SQSTM1 during acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell maturation into granulocytes. Levels of p62/SQSTM1 mRNA and protein were both significantly increased during all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of AML cells through a mechanism that depends on NF-κB activation. We show that this response constitutes a survival mechanism that prolongs the life span of mature AML cells and mitigates the effects of accumulation of aggregated proteins that occurs during granulocytic differentiation. Interestingly, ATRA-induced p62/SQSTM1 upregulation was impaired in maturation-resistant AML cells but was reactivated when differentiation was restored in these cells. Primary blast cells of AML patients and CD34(+) progenitors exhibited significantly lower p62/SQSTM1 mRNA levels than did mature granulocytes from healthy donors. Our results demonstrate that p62/SQSTM1 expression is upregulated in mature compared with immature myeloid cells and reveal a pro-survival function of the NF-κB/SQSTM1 signaling axis during granulocytic differentiation of AML cells. These findings may help our understanding of neutrophil/granulocyte development and will guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies for refractory and relapsed AML patients with previous exposure to ATRA.


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The plasticity and self-regenerative properties of stem cells have opened new avenues in regenerative medicine. Greater understanding of the biology of stem cells is followed by growing expectations of a rapid translation into alternative therapeutic options. Recent preclinical studies and clinical trials employing stem and progenitor cells from different sources have shown encouraging results. However, their underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, the potential adverse effects and the discrepancy in efficacy remain to be further investigated. Their essential role in vessel regeneration has made endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) a suitable candidate for therapeutic applications aiming at tissue revascularisation. Recent evidence suggests that EPC contribute to neovascularisation not only by direct participation in tissue homeostasis but mainly via paracrine mechanisms. In future, novel therapeutic strategies could be based on EPC paracrine factors or synthetic factors, and replace cell transplantation.


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The Mediterranean Basin is the region of Europe most vulnerable to negative climate-change impacts, including forest decline, increased wildfire, and biodiversity loss. Because humans have affected Mediterranean ecosystems for millennia, it is unclear whether the region's native ecosystems were more resilient to climate change than current ecosystems, and whether they would provide sustainable management options if restored. We simulated vegetation with the LandClim model, using present-day climate as well as future climate-change scenarios, in three representative areas that encompass a broad range of Mediterranean conditions and vegetation types. Sedimentary pollen records that document now-extinct forests help to validate the simulations. Forests modeled under present climate closely resemble the extinct forests when human disturbance is limited; under future scenarios, characterized by increased temperatures and decreased precipitation, extinct forests are projected to re-emerge. When combined with modeling, paleoecological evidence reveals the potential of native vegetation to re-establish under current and future climate conditions, and provides a template for novel management strategies to maintain forest productivity and biodiversity in a warmer and drier future.


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive lung disease with poor survival. Recent studies have improved understanding of IPF and new discoveries have led to novel treatment options, which now have become available for patients. In face of the newly available therapies we present an update on the pathophysiology and epidemiology of IPF. We discuss the typical clinical findings and elaborate diagnostic procedures according to current guidelines and our daily practice approach. The role of biomarkers will briefly be outlined. Finally, we discuss novel antifibrotic treatment options for IPF (pirfenidone, nintedanib) and the management of patients regarding to comorbidities and complications. Both pirfenidone and nintedanib were shown to reduce the progression of IPF and therefore represent novel therapeutic strategies in this so far untreatable chronic lung disease.


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A novel streptogramin A, pleuromutilin, and lincosamide resistance determinant, Vga(E), was identified in porcine methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) ST398. The vga(E) gene encoded a 524-amino-acid protein belonging to the ABC transporter family. It was found on a multidrug resistance-conferring transposon, Tn6133, which was comprised of Tn554 with a stably integrated 4,787-bp DNA sequence harboring vga(E). Detection of Tn6133 in several porcine MRSA ST398 isolates and its ability to circularize suggest a potential for dissemination.


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New tetracycline and streptomycin resistance genes, tet(44) and ant(6)-Ib, were identified in Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus within a transferable pathogenicity island that is typically unique to Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis. The 640-amino-acid tetracycline resistance determinant, Tet 44, belongs to a class of proteins that confers resistance to tetracycline and minocycline by ribosomal protection. The 286-amino-acid streptomycin resistance determinant, ANT(6)-Ib, belongs to a family of aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases. The resistance phenotypes were demonstrated by gene inactivation and expression.


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OBJECTIVES: To characterize Tn6198, a novel conjugative transposon from the clinical Listeria monocytogenes strain TTH-2007, which contains the tetracycline and trimethoprim resistance genes tet(M) and dfrG, respectively, and to assess its transferability in vitro and in situ. METHODS: The complete sequence of Tn6198 was determined using a primer walking strategy. Horizontal gene transfer studies were performed by filter matings, as well as on the surface of smear-ripened cheese and smoked salmon. The presence of Tn916-like circular intermediates was determined by PCR. Antibiotic resistance was determined by the broth microdilution method and microarray hybridization. RESULTS: Sequencing of Tn6198 revealed that a 3.3 kb fragment containing dfrG was integrated between open reading frames 23 and 24 of Tn916. Furthermore, an additional copy of Tn916 was present in L. monocytogenes TTH-2007. Both elements were transferred simultaneously and separately in vitro to recipients L. monocytogenes 10403S and Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 by conjugation, resulting in either tetracycline- and trimethoprim-resistant or solely tetracycline-resistant transconjugants. On the surface of cheese and salmon, only L. monocytogenes 10403S transconjugants were detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first Tn916-like element associated with a trimethoprim resistance gene, as well as the first fully characterized transposon conferring multidrug resistance in L. monocytogenes. This is of concern, as trimethoprim is administered to listeriosis patients with β-lactam allergy and as Tn6198 has a large potential for dissemination, indicated by both intra-species and inter-genus transfer.


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A novel erythromycin ribosome methylase gene, erm(44), that confers resistance to macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B (MLSB) antibiotics was identified by whole-genome sequencing of the chromosome of Staphylococcus xylosus isolated from bovine mastitis milk. The erm(44) gene is preceded by a regulatory sequence that encodes two leader peptides responsible for the inducible expression of the methylase gene, as demonstrated by cloning in Staphylococcus aureus. The erm(44) gene is located on a 53-kb putative prophage designated ΦJW4341-pro. The 56 predicted open reading frames of ΦJW4341-pro are structurally organized into the five functional modules found in members of the family Siphoviridae. ΦJW4341-pro is site-specifically integrated into the S. xylosus chromosome, where it is flanked by two perfect 19-bp direct repeats, and exhibits the ability to circularize. The presence of erm(44) in three additional S. xylosus strains suggests that this putative prophage has the potential to disseminate MLSB resistance.


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A rapid and simple DNA labeling system has been developed for disposable microarrays and has been validated for the detection of 117 antibiotic resistance genes abundant in Gram-positive bacteria. The DNA was fragmented and amplified using phi-29 polymerase and random primers with linkers. Labeling and further amplification were then performed by classic PCR amplification using biotinylated primers specific for the linkers. The microarray developed by Perreten et al. (Perreten, V., Vorlet-Fawer, L., Slickers, P., Ehricht, R., Kuhnert, P., Frey, J., 2005. Microarray-based detection of 90 antibiotic resistance genes of gram-positive bacteria. J.Clin.Microbiol. 43, 2291-2302.) was improved by additional oligonucleotides. A total of 244 oligonucleotides (26 to 37 nucleotide length and with similar melting temperatures) were spotted on the microarray, including genes conferring resistance to clinically important antibiotic classes like β-lactams, macrolides, aminoglycosides, glycopeptides and tetracyclines. Each antibiotic resistance gene is represented by at least 2 oligonucleotides designed from consensus sequences of gene families. The specificity of the oligonucleotides and the quality of the amplification and labeling were verified by analysis of a collection of 65 strains belonging to 24 species. Association between genotype and phenotype was verified for 6 antibiotics using 77 Staphylococcus strains belonging to different species and revealed 95% test specificity and a 93% predictive value of a positive test. The DNA labeling and amplification is independent of the species and of the target genes and could be used for different types of microarrays. This system has also the advantage to detect several genes within one bacterium at once, like in Staphylococcus aureus strain BM3318, in which up to 15 genes were detected. This new microarray-based detection system offers a large potential for applications in clinical diagnostic, basic research, food safety and surveillance programs for antimicrobial resistance.


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The jasmonic acid (JA) pathway plays a central role in plant defense responses against insects. Some phloem-feeding insects also induce the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, thereby suppressing the plant’s JA response. These phenomena have been well studied in dicotyledonous plants, but little is known about them in monocotyledons. We cloned a chloroplast-localized type 2 13-lipoxygenase gene of rice, OsHI-LOX, whose transcripts were up-regulated in response to feeding by the rice striped stem borer (SSB) Chilo suppressalis and the rice brown planthopper (BPH) Niaparvata lugens, as well as by mechanical wounding and treatment with JA. Antisense expression of OsHI-LOX (as-lox) reduced SSB- or BPH-induced JA and trypsin protease inhibitor (TrypPI) levels, improved the larval performance of SBB as well as that of the rice leaf folder (LF) Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, and increased the damage caused by SSB and LF larvae. In contrast, BPH, a phloem-feeding herbivore, showed a preference for settling and ovipositing on WT plants, on which they consumed more and survived better than on as-lox plants. The enhanced resistance of as-lox plants to BPH infestation correlated with higher levels of BPH-induced H2O2 and SA, as well as with increased hypersensitive response-like cell death. These results imply that OsHI-LOX is involved in herbivore-induced JA biosynthesis, and plays contrasting roles in controlling rice resistance to chewing and phloem-feeding herbivores. The observation that suppression of JA activity results in increased resistance to an insect indicates that revision of the generalized plant defense models in monocotyledons is required, and may help develop novel strategies to protect rice against insect pests.


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Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae to all available therapeutic antimicrobials has emerged and new efficacious drugs for treatment of gonorrhea are essential. The topoisomerase II inhibitor ETX0914 (also known as AZD0914) is a new spiropyrimidinetrione antimicrobial that has different mechanisms of action from all previous and current gonorrhea treatment options. In this study, the N. gonorrhoeae resistance determinants for ETX0914 were further described and the effects of ETX0914 on the growth of N. gonorrhoeae (ETX0914 wild type, single step selected resistant mutants, and efflux pump mutants) were examined in a novel in vitro time-kill curve analysis to estimate pharmacodynamic parameters of the new antimicrobial. For comparison, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, ceftriaxone, and tetracycline were also examined (separately and in combination with ETX0914). ETX0914 was rapidly bactericidal for all wild type strains and had similar pharmacodynamic properties to ciprofloxacin. All selected resistant mutants contained mutations in amino acid codons D429 or K450 of GyrB and inactivation of the MtrCDE efflux pump fully restored the susceptibility to ETX0914. ETX0914 alone and in combination with azithromycin and ceftriaxone was highly effective against N. gonorrhoeae and synergistic interaction with ciprofloxacin, particularly for ETX0914-resistant mutants, was found. ETX0914, monotherapy or in combination with azithromycin (to cover additional sexually transmitted infections), should be considered for phase III clinical trials and future gonorrhea treatment.


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Naive T cells are migratory cells that continuously recirculate between blood and lymphoid tissues. Antigen-specific stimulation of T cells within the lymph nodes reprograms the trafficking properties of T cells by inducing a specific set of adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors on their surface which allow these activated and effector T cells to effectively and specifically home to extralymphoid organs. The observations of organ-specific homing of T cells initiated the development of therapeutic strategies targeting adhesion receptors for organ-specific inhibition of chronic inflammation. As most adhesion receptors have additional immune functions besides mediating leukocyte trafficking, these drugs may have additional immunomodulatory effects. Therapeutic targeting of T-cell trafficking to the central nervous system is the underlying concept of a novel treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis with the humanized anti-alpha-4-integrin antibody natalizumab. In this chapter, we describe a possible preclinical in vivo approach to directly visualize the therapeutic efficacy of a given drug in inhibiting T-cell homing to a certain organ at the example of the potential of natalizumab to inhibit the trafficking of human T cells to the inflamed central nervous system in an animal model of multiple sclerosis.


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Representing the common endpoint of various cardiovascular disorders, heart failure (HF) shows a dramatically growing prevalence. As currently available therapeutic strategies are not capable of terminating the progress of the disease, HF is still associated with a poor clinical prognosis. Among the underlying molecular mechanisms, the loss of cardiomyocyte Ca(2+) cycling integrity plays a key role in the pathophysiological development and progression of the disease. The cardiomyocyte EF-hand Ca(2+) sensor protein S100A1 emerged as a regulator both of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), sarcomere and mitochondrial function implicating a significant role in cardiac physiology and dysfunction. In this review, we aim to recapitulate the translation of S100A1-based investigation from first clinical observations over basic research experiments back to a near-clinical setting on the verge of clinical trials today. We also address needs for further developments towards "second-generation" gene therapy and discuss the therapeutic potential of S100A1 gene therapy for HF as a promising novel strategy for future cardiologists. This article is part of a Special Section entitled "Special Section: Cardiovascular Gene Therapy".


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Hypertension represents a complex, multifactorial disease and contributes to the major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries: ischemic and hypertensive heart disease, stroke, peripheral atherosclerosis and renal failure. Current pharmacological therapy of essential hypertension focuses on the regulation of vascular resistance by inhibition of hormones such as catecholamines and angiotensin II, blocking them from receptor activation. Interaction of G-protein coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) and regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins with activated G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) effect the phosphorylation state of the receptor leading to desensitization and can profoundly impair signaling. Defects in GPCR regulation via these modulators have severe consequences affecting GPCR-stimulated biological responses in pathological situations such as hypertension, since they fine-tune and balance the major transmitters of vessel constriction versus dilatation, thus representing valuable new targets for anti-hypertensive therapeutic strategies. Elevated levels of GRKs are associated with human hypertensive disease and are relevant modulators of blood pressure in animal models of hypertension. This implies therapeutic perspective in a disease that has a prevalence of 65million in the United States while being directly correlated with occurrence of major adverse cardiac and vascular events. Therefore, therapeutic approaches using the inhibition of GRKs to regulate GPCRs are intriguing novel targets for treatment of hypertension and heart failure.