76 resultados para neonatal intensive care units


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OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence of hypo- and hyper-capnia in a European cohort of ventilated newborn infants. DESIGN AND SETTING Two-point cross-sectional prospective study in 173 European neonatal intensive care units. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patient characteristics, ventilator settings and measurements, and blood gas analyses were collected for endotracheally ventilated newborn infants on two separate dates. RESULTS A total of 1569 blood gas analyses were performed in 508 included patients with a mean±SD Pco2 of 48±12 mm Hg or 6.4±1.6 kPa (range 17-104 mm Hg or 2.3-13.9 kPa). Hypocapnia (Pco2<30 mm Hg or 4 kPa) and hypercapnia (Pco2>52 mm Hg or 7 kPa) was present in, respectively, 69 (4%) and 492 (31%) of the blood gases. Hypocapnia was most common in the first 3 days of life (7.3%) and hypercapnia after the first week of life (42.6%). Pco2 was significantly higher in preterm infants (49 mm Hg or 6.5 kPa) than term infants (43 mm Hg or 5.7 kPa) and significantly lower during pressure-limited ventilation (47 mm Hg or 6.3±1.6 kPa) compared with volume-targeted ventilation (51 mm Hg or 6.8±1.7 kPa) and high-frequency ventilation (50 mm Hg or 6.7±1.7 kPa). CONCLUSIONS This study shows that hypocapnia is a relatively uncommon finding during neonatal ventilation. The higher incidence of hypercapnia may suggest that permissive hypercapnia has found its way into daily clinical practice.


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INTRODUCTION Evidence concerning delivery room management in extremely low birth weight infants (ELBW) has grown substantially within the last 20 years, leading to several guidelines and recommendations. However, it is unknown in which extent local treatment strategies have changed and if they reflect current recommendations. METHODS A detailed questionnaire about treatment strategies for ELBW infants was sent to all German neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) treating ELBW infants in 1997. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2011 and sent to all NICUs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. RESULTS on delivery room management were compared to the first survey. RESULTS In 1997 and 2011, 63.6 and 66.2% of the approached hospitals responded. In 2011 similar results were observed between university and non-university hospitals as well as NICUs of different size. Differences between Germany, Austria and Switzerland were minimal. Changes over time were a lower initially applied fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) and peak inspiratory pressure (PiP) in 2011 compared to 1997. A longer time of apnea was tolerated before tracheal intubation is performed; the time of apnea was less frequently a sole criterion for intubation and surfactant was applied at lower FiO2 in 2011. The time of no thorax excursions and transport of the infant were considered an indication for intubation in 30.2 and 22.5%, and did not change in the observation period. CONCLUSION Treatment strategies for delivery room management in ELBW infants changed significantly between 1997 and 2011 and largely reflect current recommendations.


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UNLABELLED Evidence for target values of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), CO2, and pH has changed substantially over the last 20 years. A representative survey concerning treatment strategies in extremely low-birth-weight infants (ELBW) was sent to all German neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) treating ELBW infants in 1997. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2011 and sent to all NICUs in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. During the observation period, NICUs targeting SaO2 of 80, 85, and 90 % have increased, while units aiming for 94 and 96 % decreased (all p < 0.001). Similarly, NICUs aiming for pH 7.25 or lower increased, while 7.35 or higher decreased (both p < 0.001). Furthermore, more units targeted a CO2 of 50 mmHg (7.3 kPa) or higher (p < 0.001), while fewer targeted 40 or 35 mmHg (p < 0.001). Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was used in 80.2 % of NICUs in 2011. The most frequently used ventilation modes were synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) (67.5 %) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) (59.7 %) in 1997 and SIMV (77.2 %) and synchronized intermittent positive pressure ventilation (SIPPV) (26.8 %) in 2011. NICUs reporting frequent or always use of IPPV decreased to 11.0 % (p < 0.001). SIMV (77.2 %) and SIPPV (26.8 %) did not change from 1997 to 2011, while high-frequency oscillation (HFO) increased from 9.1 to 19.7 % (p = 0.018). Differences between countries, level of care, and size of the NICU were minimal. CONCLUSIONS Target values for SaO2 decreased, while CO2 and pH increased significantly during the observation period. Current values largely reflect available evidence at time of the surveys. WHAT IS KNOWN • Evidence concerning target values of oxygen saturation, CO 2 , and pH in extremely low-birth-weight infants has grown substantially. • It is not known to which extent this knowledge is transferred into clinical practice and if treatment strategies have changed. WHAT IS NEW • Target values for oxygen saturation in ELBW infants decreased between 1997 and 2011 while target values for CO 2 and pH increased. • Similar treatment strategies existed in different countries, hospitals of different size, or university versus nonuniversity hospitals in 2011.


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BACKGROUND: Painful invasive procedures are frequently performed on preterm infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The aim of the present study was to investigate current pain management in Austrian, German and Swiss NICU and to identify factors associated with improved pain management in preterm infants. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to all Austrian, German and Swiss pediatric hospitals with an NICU (n = 370). Pain assessment and documentation, use of analgesics for 13 painful procedures, presence of written guidelines for pain management and the use of 12 analgesics and sedatives were examined. RESULTS: A total of 225 units responded (61%). Pain assessment and documentation and frequent analgesic therapy for painful procedures were performed more often in units using written guidelines for pain management and in those treating >50 preterm infants at <32 weeks of gestation per year. This was also the case for the use of opioid analgesics and sucrose solution. Non-opioid analgesics were used more often in smaller units and in units with written guidelines. There was a broad variation in dosage of analgesics and sedatives within all groups. CONCLUSION: Pain assessment, documentation of pain and analgesic therapy are more frequently performed in NICU with written guidelines for pain management and in larger units with more than 50 preterm infants at <32 weeks of gestation per year.


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The medical training model is currently immersed in a process of change. The new paradigm is intended to be more effective, more integrated within the healthcare system, and strongly oriented towards the direct application of knowledge to clinical practice. Compared with the established training system based on certification of the completion of a series or rotations and stays in certain healthcare units, the new model proposes a more structured training process based on the gradual acquisition of specific competences, in which residents must play an active role in designing their own training program. Training based on competences guarantees more transparent, updated and homogeneous learning of objective quality, and which can be homologated internationally. The tutors play a key role as the main directors of the process, and institutional commitment to their work is crucial. In this context, tutors should receive time and specific formation to allow the evaluation of training as the cornerstone of the new model. New forms of objective summative and training evaluation should be introduced to guarantee that the predefined competences and skills are effectively acquired. The free movement of specialists within Europe is very desirable and implies that training quality must be high and amenable to homologation among the different countries. The Competency Based training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe program is our main reference for achieving this goal. Scientific societies in turn must impulse and facilitate all those initiatives destined to improve healthcare quality and therefore specialist training. They have the mission of designing strategies and processes that favor training, accreditation and advisory activities with the government authorities.


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To investigate whether next of kin can be addressed as proxy to assess patients' satisfaction with care in the intensive care unit (ICU).


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Practice guidelines are systematically developed statements and recommendations that assist the physicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate health care measures for specific clinical circumstances taking into account specific national health care structures. The 1(st) revision of the S-2k guideline of the German Sepsis Society in collaboration with 17 German medical scientific societies and one self-help group provides state-of-the-art information (results of controlled clinical trials and expert knowledge) on the effective and appropriate medical care (prevention, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up care) of critically ill patients with severe sepsis or septic shock. The guideline had been developed according to the "German Instrument for Methodological Guideline Appraisal" of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF). In view of the inevitable advancements in scientific knowledge and technical expertise, revisions, updates and amendments must be periodically initiated. The guideline recommendations may not be applied under all circumstances. It rests with the clinician to decide whether a certain recommendation should be adopted or not, taking into consideration the unique set of clinical facts presented in connection with each individual patient as well as the available resources.


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The purpose of the study was to assess long-term mortality after an intensive care unit (ICU) stay and to test the hypotheses that (1) quality of life improves over time and (2) predictions of outcome made by caregivers during an ICU stay are reliable.


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Acute gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction and failure have been increasingly recognized in critically ill patients. The variety of definitions proposed in the past has led to confusion and difficulty in comparing one study to another. An international working group convened to standardize the definitions for acute GI failure and GI symptoms and to review the therapeutic options.


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Perinatal care of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery and of preterm infants born at the limit of viability (22-26 completed weeks of gestation) requires a multidisciplinary approach by an experienced perinatal team. Limited precision in the determination of both gestational age and foetal weight, as well as biological variability may significantly affect the course of action chosen in individual cases. The decisions that must be taken with the pregnant women and on behalf of the preterm infant in this context are complex and have far-reaching consequences. When counselling pregnant women and their partners, neonatologists and obstetricians should provide them with comprehensive information in a sensitive and supportive way to build a basis of trust. The decisions are developed in a continuing dialogue between all parties involved (physicians, midwives, nursing staff and parents) with the principal aim to find solutions that are in the infant's and pregnant woman's best interest. Knowledge of current gestational age-specific mortality and morbidity rates and how they are modified by prenatally known prognostic factors (estimated foetal weight, sex, exposure or nonexposure to antenatal corticosteroids, single or multiple births) as well as the application of accepted ethical principles form the basis for responsible decision-making. Communication between all parties involved plays a central role. The members of the interdisciplinary working group suggest that the care of preterm infants with a gestational age between 22 0/7 and 23 6/7 weeks should generally be limited to palliative care. Obstetric interventions for foetal indications such as Caesarean section delivery are usually not indicated. In selected cases, for example, after 23 weeks of pregnancy have been completed and several of the above mentioned prenatally known prognostic factors are favourable or well informed parents insist on the initiation of life-sustaining therapies, active obstetric interventions for foetal indications and provisional intensive care of the neonate may be reasonable. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 0/7 and 24 6/7 weeks, it can be difficult to determine whether the burden of obstetric interventions and neonatal intensive care is justified given the limited chances of success of such a therapy. In such cases, the individual constellation of prenatally known factors which impact on prognosis can be helpful in the decision making process with the parents. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 25 0/7 and 25 6/7 weeks, foetal surveillance, obstetric interventions for foetal indications and neonatal intensive care measures are generally indicated. However, if several prenatally known prognostic factors are unfavourable and the parents agree, primary non-intervention and neonatal palliative care can be considered. All pregnant women with threatening preterm delivery or premature rupture of membranes at the limit of viability must be transferred to a perinatal centre with a level III neonatal intensive care unit no later than 23 0/7 weeks of gestation, unless emergency delivery is indicated. An experienced neonatology team should be involved in all deliveries that take place after 23 0/7 weeks of gestation to help to decide together with the parents if the initiation of intensive care measures appears to be appropriate or if preference should be given to palliative care (i.e., primary non-intervention). In doubtful situations, it can be reasonable to initiate intensive care and to admit the preterm infant to a neonatal intensive care unit (i.e., provisional intensive care). The infant's clinical evolution and additional discussions with the parents will help to clarify whether the life-sustaining therapies should be continued or withdrawn. Life support is continued as long as there is reasonable hope for survival and the infant's burden of intensive care is acceptable. If, on the other hand, the health car...


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Two major difficulties arise when taking blood samples in children: the challenge of venous access and the comparatively large amount of blood required.


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Early-onset sepsis (EOS) is one of the main causes for the admission of newborns to the neonatal intensive care unit. However, traditional infection markers are poor diagnostic markers of EOS. Pancreatic stone protein (PSP) is a promising sepsis marker in adults. The aim of this study was to investigate whether determining PSP improves the diagnosis of EOS in comparison with other infection markers.


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Background: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) following perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy in term infants improves mortality and neurodevelopmental outcome. In Europe, most neonatal units perform active cooling whereas in Switzerland passive cooling is predominantly used. Aims: (i) To determine how many infants were cooled within the last 5 years in Switzerland, (ii) to assess the cooling methods, (iii) to evaluate the variation of temperature of different cooling methods, and (iv) to evaluate the use of neuromonitoring. Study design: Retrospective cohort study. Patients: Notes of all cooled term infants between March 2005 and December 2010 in 9 perinatal and two paediatric intensive care centres were retrospectively reviewed. Active cooling was compared to passive cooling alone and to passive cooling in combination with gel packs. Results: 150 infants were cooled. Twenty-seven (18.2%) were cooled actively, 34 (23%) passively and 87 (58.8%) passively in combination with gel packs. Variation of temperature was significantly different between the three methods. Passive cooling had a significant higher variation of temperature (SD of 0.89) than both passive cooling in combination with gel packs (SD of 0.79) and active cooling (SD of 0.76). aEEG before TH was obtained in 35.8% of the infants and 86.5% had full EEG. One cUS was performed in 95.3% and MRI in 62.2% of the infants. Conclusion: Target temperature can be achieved with all three cooling methods. Passive cooling has the highest variation of temperature. Neuromonitoring should be improved in Swiss neonatal and paediatric intensive care units. Our results stress the importance of national registries.


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BACKGROUND: Physiological data obtained with the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) are susceptible to errors in measurement and interpretation. Little attention has been paid to the relevance of errors in hemodynamic measurements performed in the intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study was to assess the errors related to the technical aspects (zeroing and reference level) and actual measurement (curve interpretation) of the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP). METHODS: Forty-seven participants in a special ICU training program and 22 ICU nurses were tested without pre-announcement. All participants had previously been exposed to the clinical use of the method. The first task was to set up a pressure measurement system for PAC (zeroing and reference level) and the second to measure the PAOP. RESULTS: The median difference from the reference mid-axillary zero level was - 3 cm (-8 to + 9 cm) for physicians and -1 cm (-5 to + 1 cm) for nurses. The median difference from the reference PAOP was 0 mmHg (-3 to 5 mmHg) for physicians and 1 mmHg (-1 to 15 mmHg) for nurses. When PAOP values were adjusted for the differences from the reference transducer level, the median differences from the reference PAOP values were 2 mmHg (-6 to 9 mmHg) for physicians and 2 mmHg (-6 to 16 mmHg) for nurses. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of the PAOP is susceptible to substantial error as a result of practical mistakes. Comparison of results between ICUs or practitioners is therefore not possible.