18 resultados para implements
Erhöhte Depressivität und Ängstlichkeit sowie ein erhöhtes subjektives Belastungserleben sind bei Angehörigen von Menschen mit einer Hirnverletzung häufig. Die vorliegende Pilotuntersuchung widmet sich der Evaluation einer neuartigen Intervention, dem OSCAR Online-Coaching, einer internetbasierten Mehrkomponentenintervention. In einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Pilotstudie mit 35 TeilnehmerInnen wurde ein 16-wöchiges therapeutengeleitetes Selbsthilfeprogramm mit einer Wartekontrollgruppe verglichen. Als primäre Ergebnismasse wurde der Perceived Stress Questionnaire und das Zarit Burden Interview eingesetzt. Intention-to-treat-Analysen der unmittelbaren Effekte direkt nach der Intervention zeigten keine signifikanten Gruppenunterschiede auf den primären und auf sekundären Ergebnismassen. Im 6-Monate Follow-up, nach Zugang der Kontrollgruppe zur Intervention, wurde in der Gesamtstichprobe eine signifikante Reduktion des Caregiver Burden, depressiver Symptome, der Angst, sowie eine Zunahme positiver Emotionen gefunden. Die Zufriedenheit mit dem Programm war gut.
Software developers are often unsure of the exact name of the API method they need to use to invoke the desired behavior. Most state-of-the-art documentation browsers present API artefacts in alphabetical order. Albeit easy to implement, alphabetical order does not help much: if the developer knew the name of the required method, he could have just searched for it in the first place. In a context where multiple projects use the same API, and their source code is available, we can improve the API presentation by organizing the elements in the order in which they are more likely to be used by the developer. Usage frequency data for methods is gathered by analyzing other projects from the same ecosystem and this data is used then to improve tools. We present a preliminary study on the potential of this approach to improve the API presentation by reducing the time it takes to find the method that implements a given feature. We also briefly present our experience with two proof-of-concept tools implemented for Smalltalk and Java.
Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) is a medium-sized deciduous tree with large compound leaves that develop relatively late in spring. It flowers before leaf-buds burst and trees can carry male, female, or hermaphrodite flowers, or different combinations of the flower types. It grows throughout the European temperate zone, but is absent from the driest Mediterranean areas because it does not tolerate extended summer drought, and from the northern boreal regions, with its seedlings in particular being vulnerable to late spring frost. Soils exert a strong control on common ash distribution locally. The species grows best on fertile soils where soil pH exceeds 5.5. It rarely forms pure stands, more often it is found in small groups in mixed stands. Ash trees produce high quality timber that combines light weight, strength, and flexibility. Before the mass use of steel, it was used for a wide range of purposes, from agricultural implements to construction of boat and car frames. Today