21 resultados para hamster


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Testosterone (TES) 6-β-hydroxylation is a significant metabolic step in the biotransformation of TES in human liver microsomes and reflects cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4/5 specific metabolic activity. Several CYP3A enzymes have been annotated in the horse genome, but functional characterization is missing. This descriptive study investigates TES metabolism in the horse liver in vitro and the qualitative contribution of three CYP3A isoforms of the horse. Metabolism of TES was investigated by using equine hepatocyte primary cultures and liver microsomes. Chemical inhibitors were used to determine the CYPs involved in TES biotransformation in equine microsomes. Single CYPs 3A89, 3A94, and 3A95, recombinantly expressed in V79 hamster lung fibroblasts, were incubated with TES and the fluorescent metabolite 7-benzyloxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (BFC). The effect of ketoconazole and troleandomycin was evaluated on single CYPs. Testosterone metabolites were analyzed by HPLC and confirmed by GC/MS. In hepatocyte primary cultures, the most abundant metabolite was androstenedione (AS), whereas in liver microsomes, 6-β-hydroxytestosterone showed the largest peak. Formation of 6-β-hydroxytestosterone and 11-β-hydroxytestosterone in liver microsomes was inhibited by ketoconazole, troleandomycin, and quercetin. Equine recombinant CYP3A95 catalyzed 11-β-hydroxylation of testosterone (TES). Metabolism of BFC was significantly inhibited by ketoconazole in CYP3A95, whereas troleandomycin affected the activities of CYP3A94 and CYP3A95. Both inhibitors had no significant effect on CYP3A89. Metabolic reactions and effects of inhibitors differed between the equine CYP3A isoforms investigated. This has to be considered in future in vitro studies.


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11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1), catalyzing the intracellular activation of cortisone to cortisol, is currently considered a promising target to treat patients with metabolic syndrome; hence, there is considerable interest in the development of selective inhibitors. For preclinical tests of such inhibitors, the characteristics of 11beta-HSD1 from the commonly used species have to be known. Therefore, we determined differences in substrate affinity and inhibitor effects for 11beta-HSD1 from six species. The differences in catalytic activities with cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone were rather modest. Human, hamster and guinea-pig 11beta-HSD1 displayed the highest catalytic efficiency in the oxoreduction of cortisone, while mouse and rat showed intermediate and dog the lowest activity. Murine 11beta-HSD1 most efficiently reduced 11-dehydrocorticosterone, while the enzyme from dog showed lower activity than those from the other species. 7-ketocholesterol (7KC) was stereospecifically converted to 7beta-hydroxycholesterol by recombinant 11beta-HSD1 from all species analyzed except hamster, which showed a slight preference for the formation of 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol. Importantly, guinea-pig and canine 11beta-HSD1 displayed very low 7-oxoreductase activities. Furthermore, we demonstrate significant species-specific variability in the potency of various 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors, including endogenous compounds, natural chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds. The results suggest significant differences in the three-dimensional organization of the hydrophobic substrate-binding pocket of 11beta-HSD1, and they emphasize that species-specific variability must be considered in the interpretation of results obtained from different animal experiments. The assessment of such differences, by cell-based test systems, may help to choose the appropriate animal for safety and efficacy studies of novel potential drug candidates.


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A comprehensive second-generation whole genome radiation hybrid (RH II), cytogenetic and comparative map of the horse genome (2n = 64) has been developed using the 5000rad horse x hamster radiation hybrid panel and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The map contains 4,103 markers (3,816 RH; 1,144 FISH) assigned to all 31 pairs of autosomes and the X chromosome. The RH maps of individual chromosomes are anchored and oriented using 857 cytogenetic markers. The overall resolution of the map is one marker per 775 kilobase pairs (kb), which represents a more than five-fold improvement over the first-generation map. The RH II incorporates 920 markers shared jointly with the two recently reported meiotic maps. Consequently the two maps were aligned with the RH II maps of individual autosomes and the X chromosome. Additionally, a comparative map of the horse genome was generated by connecting 1,904 loci on the horse map with genome sequences available for eight diverse vertebrates to highlight regions of evolutionarily conserved syntenies, linkages, and chromosomal breakpoints. The integrated map thus obtained presents the most comprehensive information on the physical and comparative organization of the equine genome and will assist future assemblies of whole genome BAC fingerprint maps and the genome sequence. It will also serve as a tool to identify genes governing health, disease and performance traits in horses and assist us in understanding the evolution of the equine genome in relation to other species.


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BACKGROUND INFORMATION Over the past decades, cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens has yielded a detailed understanding of the tubulin and microtubule structures of samples reassembled in vitro from purified components. However, our knowledge of microtubule structure in vivo remains limited by the chemical treatments commonly used to observe cellular architecture using electron microscopy. RESULTS We used cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of vitreous sections to investigate the ultrastructure of microtubules in their cellular context. Vitreous sections were obtained from organotypic slices of rat hippocampus and from Chinese-hamster ovary cells in culture. Microtubules revealed their protofilament ultrastructure, polarity and, in the most favourable cases, molecular details comparable with those visualized in three-dimensional reconstructions of microtubules reassembled in vitro from purified tubulin. The resolution of the tomograms was estimated to be approx. 4 nm, which enabled the detection of luminal particles of approx. 6 nm in diameter inside microtubules. CONCLUSIONS The present study provides a first step towards a description of microtubules, in addition to other macromolecular assemblies, in an unperturbed cellular context at the molecular level. As the resolution appears to be similar to that obtainable with plunge-frozen samples, it should allow for the in vivo identification of larger macromolecular assemblies in vitreous sections of whole cells and tissues.


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Sodium/hydrogen exchangers (NHEs) are ubiquitous ion transporters that serve multiple cell functions. We have studied two mammalian isoforms, NHE1 (ubiquitous) and NHE3 (epithelial-specific), by measuring extracellular proton (H+) gradients during whole-cell patch clamp with perfusion of the cell interior. Maximal Na(+)-dependent H+ fluxes (JH+) are equivalent to currents >20 pA for NHE1 in Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts, >200 pA for NHE1 in guinea pig ventricular myocytes, and 5-10 pA for NHE3 in opossum kidney cells. The fluxes are blocked by an NHE inhibitor, ethylisopropylamiloride, and are absent in NHE-deficient AP-1 cells. NHE1 activity is stable with perfusion of nonhydrolyzable ATP [adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate], is abolished by ATP depletion (2 deoxy-D-glucose with oligomycin or perfusion of apyrase), can be restored with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, and is unaffected by actin cytoskeleton disruption (latrunculin or pipette perfusion of gelsolin). NHE3 (but not NHE1) is reversibly activated by phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Both NHE1 and NHE3 activities are disrupted in giant patches during gigaohm seal formation. NHE1 (but not NHE3) is reversibly activated by cell shrinkage, even at neutral cytoplasmic pH without ATP, and inhibited by cell swelling. NHE1 in Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts (but not NHE3 in opossum kidney cells) is inhibited by agents that thin the membrane (L-alpha-lysophosphatidylcholine and octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside) and activated by cholesterol enrichment, which thickens membranes. Expressed in AP-1 cells, however, NHE1 is insensitive to these agents but remains sensitive to volume changes. Thus, changes of hydrophobic mismatch can modulate NHE1 but do not underlie its volume sensitivity.


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FGFRL1 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) family. Similar to the classical receptors FGFR1-FGFR4, it contains three extracellular Ig-like domains and a single transmembrane domain. However, it lacks the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain that would be required for signal transduction, but instead contains a short intracellular tail with a peculiar histidine-rich motif. This motif has been conserved during evolution from mollusks to echinoderms and vertebrates. Only the sequences of FgfrL1 from a few rodents diverge at the C-terminal region from the canonical sequence, as they appear to have suffered a frameshift mutation within the histidine-rich motif. This mutation is observed in mouse, rat and hamster, but not in the closely related rodents mole rat (Nannospalax) and jerboa (Jaculus), suggesting that it has occurred after branching of the Muridae and Cricetidae from the Dipodidae and Spalacidae. The consequence of the frameshift is a deletion of a few histidine residues and an extension of the C-terminus by about 40 unrelated amino acids. A similar frameshift mutation has also been observed in a human patient with a craniosynostosis syndrome as well as in several patients with colorectal cancer and bladder tumors, suggesting that the histidine-rich motif is prone to mutation. The reason why this motif was conserved during evolution in most species, but not in mice, is not clear.