148 resultados para groin pain treatment,sports hernia,athletic pubalgia,groin disruption injury,hip arthroscopy
The surgical management of symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) generally is indicated after the failure of a trial of nonsurgical treatment. Surgical planning includes an assessment of the labrochondral pathology as well as of the acetabular and proximal femoral bony deformity. Advanced articular cartilage disease generally is associated with poorer outcomes. Surgical hip dislocation and hip arthroscopy have been used, with favorable early outcomes and low complication rates. Careful patient selection is important in predicting the success of the surgical management of symptomatic FAI. A trial of nonsurgical management generally is recommended, but limited information exists regarding its success. The early outcomes of both open and arthroscopic surgical techniques demonstrate significant improvement in most patients, with relatively low rates of complications. Because poorer clinical outcomes are associated with more advanced articular cartilage degeneration, improved strategies for the earlier identification and disease staging of symptomatic patients may enhance the long-term outcomes of both nonsurgical and surgical management.
Peripheral neuropathic pain is a disabling condition resulting from nerve injury. It is characterized by the dysregulation of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) expressed in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons. The mechanisms underlying the altered expression of Na(v)s remain unknown. This study investigated the role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2, which is known to ubiquitylate Navs, in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain in mice. The spared nerve injury (SNI) model of traumatic nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain was used, and an Na(v)1.7-specific inhibitor, ProTxII, allowed the isolation of Na(v)1.7-mediated currents. SNI decreased NEDD4-2 expression in DRG cells and increased the amplitude of Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 currents. The redistribution of Na(v)1.7 channels toward peripheral axons was also observed. Similar changes were observed in the nociceptive DRG neurons of Nedd4L knockout mice (SNS-Nedd4L(-/-)). SNS-Nedd4L(-/-) mice exhibited thermal hypersensitivity and an enhanced second pain phase after formalin injection. Restoration of NEDD4-2 expression in DRG neurons using recombinant adenoassociated virus (rAAV2/6) not only reduced Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 current amplitudes, but also alleviated SNI-induced mechanical allodynia. These findings demonstrate that NEDD4-2 is a potent posttranslational regulator of Na(v)s and that downregulation of NEDD4-2 leads to the hyperexcitability of DRG neurons and contributes to the genesis of pathological pain.
CASE DESCRIPTION A 7-year-old 573-kg (1,261 -lb) Swiss Warmblood gelding was evaluated because of signs of acute abdominal pain. CLINICAL FINDINGS Physical examination revealed a markedly distended abdomen with subjectively reduced borborygmi in all abdominal quadrants. A large, gas-distended viscus was present at the pelvic brim preventing complete palpation of the abdomen per rectum. Ultrasonographic evaluation could not be safely performed in the initial evaluation because of severe signs of abdominal pain. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME Ventral midline celiotomy was performed, and right dorsal displacement of the ascending colon was corrected. Progressive signs of abdominal pain after surgery prompted repeat ventral midline celiotomy, and small intestinal incarceration in a large, radial mesojejunal rent was detected. The incarceration was reduced, but the defect was not fully accessible for repair via the celiotomy. Repair of the mesenteric defect was not attempted, and conservative management was planned after surgery; however, signs of colic returned. A standard laparoscopic approach was attempted from both flanks in the standing patient, but the small intestine could not be adequately mobilized for full evaluation of the rent. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) allowed identification and reduction of jejunal incarceration and repair of the mesenteric rent. Although minor ventral midline incisional complications were encountered, the horse recovered fully. CLINICAL RELEVANCE HALS techniques should be considered for repair of mesenteric rents in horses. In the horse of this report, HALS facilitated identification, evaluation, and repair of a large radial mesenteric rent that was not accessible from a ventral median celiotomy.
BACKGROUND Current international treatment guidelines recommending therapeutic exercise for people with symptomatic hip osteoarthritis (OA) report are based on limited evidence. OBJECTIVES To determine whether land-based therapeutic exercise is beneficial for people with hip OA in terms of reduced joint pain and improved physical function and quality of life. SEARCH METHODS We searched five databases from inception up to February 2013. SELECTION CRITERIA All randomised controlled trials (RCTs) recruiting people with hip OA and comparing some form of land-based therapeutic exercise (as opposed to exercises conducted in water) with a non-exercise group. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Four review authors independently selected studies for inclusion. We resolved disagreements through consensus. Two review authors independently extracted data, assessed risk of bias and the quality of the body of evidence for each outcome using the GRADE approach. We conducted analyses on continuous outcomes (pain, physical function and quality of life) and dichotomous outcomes (proportion of study withdrawals). MAIN RESULTS We considered that seven of the 10 included RCTs had a low risk of bias. However, the results may be vulnerable to performance and detection bias as none of the RCTs were able to blind participants to treatment allocation and, while most RCTs reported blinded outcome assessment, pain, physical function and quality of life were participant self reported. One of the 10 RCTs was only reported as a conference abstract and did not provide sufficient data for the evaluation of bias risk.High-quality evidence from nine trials (549 participants) indicated that exercise reduced pain (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.55 to -0.20) and improved physical function (SMD -0.38, 95% CI -0.54 to -0.05) immediately after treatment. Pain and physical function were estimated to be 29 points on a 0- to 100-point scale (0 was no pain or loss of physical function) in the control group; exercise reduced pain by an equivalent of 8 points (95% CI 4 to 11 points; number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) 6) and improved physical function by an equivalent of 7 points (95% CI 1 to 12 points; NNTB 6). Only three small studies (183 participants) evaluated quality of life, with overall low quality evidence, with no benefit of exercise demonstrated (SMD -0.07, 95% CI -0.23 to 0.36). Quality of life was estimated to be 50 points on a norm-based mean (standard deviation (SD)) score of 50 (10) in the general population in the control group; exercise improved quality of life by 0 points. Moderate-quality evidence from seven trials (715 participants) indicated an increased likelihood of withdrawal from the exercise allocation (event rate 6%) compared with the control group (event rate 3%), but this difference was not significant (risk difference 1%; 95% CI -1% to 4%). Of the five studies reporting adverse events, each study reported only one or two events and all were related to increased pain attributed to the exercise programme.The reduction in pain was sustained at least three to six months after ceasing monitored treatment (five RCTs, 391 participants): pain (SMD -0.38, 95% CI -0.58 to -0.18). Pain was estimated to be 29 points on a 0- to 100-point scale (0 was no pain) in the control group, the improvement in pain translated to a sustained reduction in pain intensity of 8 points (95% CI 4 to 12 points) compared with the control group (0 to 100 scale). The improvement in physical function was also sustained (five RCTs, 367 participants): physical function (SMD -0.37, 95% CI -0.57 to -0.16). Physical function was estimated to be 24 points on a 0- to 100-point scale (0 was no loss of physical function) in the control group, the improvement translated to a mean of 7 points (95% CI 4 to 13) compared with the control group.Only five of the 10 RCTs exclusively recruited people with symptomatic hip OA (419 participants). There was no significant difference in pain or physical function outcomes compared with five studies recruiting participants with hip or knee OA (130 participants). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS Pooling the results of these 10 RCTs demonstrated that land-based therapeutic exercise programmes can reduce pain and improve physical function among people with symptomatic hip OA.
Our purpose was to study the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values for hip adhesions, labral tears, and articular cartilage lesions in patients who had open treatment for femoroacetabular impingement, had persistent symptoms, and had both magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) with radial slices and hip arthroscopy.
Chronic irritation of the iliopsoas tendon is a rare cause of persistent pain after total joint replacement of the hip. In the majority of cases, pain results from a mechanical conflict between the iliopsoas tendon and the anterior edge of the acetabular cup after total hip arthroplasty. Pain can be reproduced by active flexion of the hip and by active raising of the straightened leg. In addition, painful leg raising against resistance and passive hyperextension are suggestive of an irritation of the iliopsoas tendon. Symptoms evolve from a mechanical irritation of the iliopsoas tendon and an oversized or retroverted acetabular cup, screws penetrating into the inner aspect of the ilium, or from bone cement protruding beyond the anterior acetabular rim. The diagnosis may be assumed on conventional radiographs and confirmed by CT scans. Fifteen patients with psoas irritation after total hip replacement are reported on. Eleven patients were treated surgically. The acetabular cup was revised and reoriented with more anteversion in six patients, isolated screws penetrating into the tendon were cut and leveled in three patients, and prominent bone cement in conflict with the tendon was resected once. A partial release of the iliopsoas tendon only was performed in another patient. Follow-up examination (range: 11-89 months) revealed that nine patients were free of pain and two patient had mild residual complaints. Psoas irritation in combination with total hip replacement can be prevented by a correct surgical technique, especially with proper selection of the cup size and insertion of the acetabular cup avoiding a rim position exceeding the level of the anterior acetabular rim.
A CT-based method ("HipMotion") for the noninvasive three-dimensional assessment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) was developed, validated, and applied in a clinical pilot study. The method allows for the anatomically based calculation of hip range of motion (ROM), the exact location of the impingement zone, and the simulation of quantified surgical maneuvers for FAI. The accuracy of HipMotion was 0.7 +/- 3.1 degrees in a plastic bone setup and -5.0 +/- 5.6 degrees in a cadaver setup. Reliability and reproducibility were excellent [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) > 0.87] for all measures except external rotation (ICC = 0.48). The normal ROM was determined from a cohort of 150 patients and was compared to 31 consecutive hips with FAI. Patients with FAI had a significantly decreased flexion, internal rotation, and abduction in comparison to normal hips (p < 0.001). Normal hip flexion and internal rotation are generally overestimated in a number of orthopedic textbooks. HipMotion is a useful tool for further assessment of impinging hips and for appropriate planning of the necessary amount of surgical intervention, which represents the basis for future computer-assisted treatment of FAI with less invasive surgical approaches, such as hip arthroscopy.
AIM: To evaluate the pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients presenting with lateral luxation of permanent teeth during 2001-2002 were enrolled in this clinical study. Laterally luxated teeth were repositioned and splinted with a TTS/composite resin splint for 4 weeks. Immediate (prophylactic) root-canal treatment was performed in severely luxated teeth with radiographically closed apices. All patients received tetracycline for 10 days. Re-examinations were performed after 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 and 48 months. RESULTS: All 47 laterally luxated permanent teeth that could be followed over the entire study period survived. In 10 teeth (21.3%), a prophylactic root-canal treatment was performed within 2 weeks following injury. The remaining 37 teeth showed the following characteristics at the 4-year re-examination: 19 teeth (51.4%) had pulp survival (no clinical or radiographic signs or symptoms), nine teeth (24.3%) presented with pulp canal calcification, and pulp necrosis was seen in another nine teeth (24.3%), within the first year after trauma. None of the teeth with a radiographically open apex at the time of lateral luxation showed complications. External root resorption was only seen in one tooth. CONCLUSIONS: Laterally luxated permanent teeth with incomplete root formation have a good prognosis, with all teeth surviving in this study. The most frequent complication was pulp necrosis that was only seen in teeth with closed apices.
Osteoarthritis is thought to be caused by a combination of intrinsic vulnerabilities of the joint, such as anatomic shape and alignment, and environmental factors, such as body weight, injury, and overuse. It has been postulated that much of osteoarthritis is due to anatomic deformities. Advances in surgical techniques such as the periacetabular osteotomy, safe surgical dislocation of the hip, and hip arthroscopy have provided us with effective and safe tools to correct these anatomical problems. The limiting factor in treatment outcome in many mechanically compromised hips is the degree of cartilage damage which has occurred prior to treatment. In this regard, the role of imaging, utilizing plain radiographs in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging, is becoming vitally important for the detection of these anatomic deformities and pre-radiographic arthritis. In this article, we will outline the plain radiographic features of hip deformities that can cause instability or impingement. Additionally, we will illustrate the use of MRI imaging to detect subtle anatomic abnormalities, as well as the use of biochemical imaging techniques such as dGEMRIC to guide clinical decision making.
BACKGROUND: Activation of the complement system and polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes plays a major role in mediating reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. We hypothesized that early interference with complement activation would reduce lung reperfusion injury after transplantation. METHODS: Unilateral left lung autotransplantation was performed in 6 sheep. After hilar stripping the left lung was flushed with Euro-Collins solution and preserved for 2 hours in situ at 15 degrees C. After reperfusion the right main bronchus and pulmonary artery were occluded, leaving the animal dependent on the reperfused lung (reperfused group). C1-esterase inhibitor group animals (n = 6) received 200 U/kg body weight of C1-esterase inhibitor as a short infusion, half 10 minutes before, the other half 10 minutes after reperfusion. Controls (n = 6) underwent hilar preparation only. Pulmonary function was assessed by alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance. The release of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase served as indicator of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation. Extravascular lung water was an indicator for pulmonary edema formation. Biopsy specimens were taken from all groups 3 hours after reperfusion for light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: In the reperfused group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance were significantly elevated after reperfusion. All animals developed frank alveolar edema. The biochemical marker beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase showed significant leukocyte activation. In the C1-esterase inhibitor group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, pulmonary vascular resistance, and the level of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation were significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with C1-esterase inhibitor reduces reperfusion injury and improves pulmonary function in this experimental model.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the precision of central hip arthroscopy in the assessment and treatment of pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) avoiding the posterolateral portal, with its close proximity to the main arterial blood supply of the femoral head, the medial circumflex femoral artery. METHODS: Seven human cadaveric hips underwent arthroscopic trimming of the acetabular labrum and rim along a preoperatively defined 105 degrees arc of resection for treatment of a presumed pincer-type lesion. After the arthroscopic procedure, all specimens were dissected and measured for evaluation of the location, quantity, and quality of the area undergoing resection. RESULTS: The difference between the actual and planned arc of resection was 18.7 degrees +/- 4.7 degrees (range, 2 degrees to 34 degrees). This was mainly because of a lack of accuracy in the presumed posterior starting point (PSP), with a mean deviation of 19 degrees +/- 3.4 degrees (range, 10 degrees to 36 degrees). Correlation analysis showed that variance in the arc of resection was mainly dependent on the PSP (r = 0.739, P = .058). CONCLUSIONS: Central hip arthroscopy is a feasible option in treating anterosuperior pincer-type FAI by use of the anterior and anterolateral portals only. This cadaveric study showed that there is a significant risk of underestimating the actual arc of resection compared with the planned arc of resection for posterosuperior pincer-type lesions because of the modest accuracy in determining the PSP of the resection. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Accurate preoperative planning and arthroscopic identification of anatomic landmarks at the acetabular side are crucial for the definition of the appropriate starting and ending points in the treatment of pincer-type FAI. Whereas anterosuperior pincer-type lesions can be addressed very precisely with our technique, the actual resection of posterosuperior lesions averaged 19 degrees less than the planned resection, which may have clinical implications.
Pelvic discontinuity is a complex problem in revision total hip arthroplasty. Although rare, the incidence is likely to increase due to the ageing population and the increasing number of total hip arthroplasties being performed. The various surgical options available to solve this problem include plating, massive allografts, reconstruction rings, custom triflanged components and tantalum implants. However, the optimal solution remains controversial. None of the known methods completely solves the major obstacles associated with this problem, such as restoration of massive bone loss, implant failure in the short- and long-term and high complication rates. This review discusses the diagnosis, decision making, and treatment options of pelvic discontinuity in revision total hip arthroplasty.
Femoro-acetabular impingement can cause pain and degenerative changes of the hip joint. Traditionally, surgical dislocation of the hip joint has been performed for correction of pathologic abnormalities in the proximal part of the femur and the acetabulum. Failures of surgical treatment are often related to postoperative pain in the groin or in the area of the greater trochanter, associated with this surgical approach. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence and functional impact of pain at the greater trochanter after surgical dislocation of the hip.
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is an established cause of osteoarthrosis of the hip. Surgery is intended to remove the cause of impingement with hip dislocation and resection of osseous prominences of the acetabular rim and of the femoral head-neck junction. Using the Merle d'Aubigné score and qualitative categories, recent studies suggest good to excellent outcomes in 75% to 80% of patients after open surgery with dislocation of the femoral head. Unsatisfactory outcome is mainly related to pain, located either in the area of the greater trochanter or in the groin. There are several reasons for persisting groin pain. Joint degeneration with joint space narrowing and/or osteophyte formation, insufficient correction of the acetabula, and femoral pathology are known factors for unsatisfactory outcome. Recently, intraarticular adhesions between the femoral neck and joint capsule have been identified as an additional cause of postoperative groin pain. The adhesions form between the joint capsule and the resected area on the femoral neck and may lead to soft tissue impingement. MR-arthrography is used for diagnosis and the adhesions can be treated successfully by arthroscopy. While arthroscopic resection improves outcome it is technically demanding. Avoiding the formation of adhesions is important and is perhaps best accomplished by passive motion exercises after the initial surgery.
Following Lichtenstein hernia repair, up to 25% of patients experience prolonged postoperative and chronic pain as well as discomfort in the groin. One of the underlying causes of these complaints are the compression or irritation of nerves by the sutures used to fixate the mesh. We compared the level and rate of chronic pain in patients operated with the classical Lichtenstein technique fixated by sutures to patients with sutureless mesh fixation technique.