34 resultados para glycosylated amino acids
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications are usually coated with organic molecules to form a steric barrier against agglomeration. The stability of these coatings is well established in the synthesis medium but is more difficult to assess in physiological environment. To obtain a first theoretical estimate of their stability in such an environment, we perform density functional theory calculations of the adsorption of water, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating molecules, as well as the monomer and dimer of glycine as a prototype short peptide, on the (110) surface of magnetite (Fe3O4) in vacuo. Our results show that PVA binds significantly stronger to the surface than both PEG and glycine, while the difference between the latter two is quite small. Depending on the coverage, the wateradsorption strength is intermediate between PVA and glycine. Due to its strongly interacting OH side groups, PVA is likely to remain bound to the surface in the presence of short peptides. This stability will have to be further assessed by molecular dynamics in the solvated state for which the present work forms the basis.
Long N-terminal tails of amino acid transporters are known to act as sensors of the internal pool of amino acids and as positive regulators of substrate flux rate. In this study we establish that N-termini of amino acid transporters can also determine substrate specificity. We show that due to alternative trans splicing, the human pathogen Leishmania naturally expresses two variants of the proline/alanine transporter, one 18 amino acid shorter than the other. We demonstrate that the longer variant (LdAAP24) translocates both proline and alanine, whereas the shorter variant (∆18LdAAP24) translocates just proline. Remarkably, co-expressing the hydrophilic N-terminal peptide of the long variant with ∆18LdAAP24 was found to recover alanine transport. This restoration of alanine transport could be mediated by a truncated N-terminal tail, though truncations exceeding half of the tail length were no longer functional. Taken together, the data indicate that the first 18 amino acids of the negatively charged N-terminal LdAAP24 tail are required for alanine transport and may facilitate the electrostatic interactions of the entire negatively charged N-terminal tail with the positively charged internal loops in the transmembrane domain, as this mechanism has been shown to underlie regulation of substrate flux rate for other transporters.
With the purpose of rational design of optical materials, distributed atomic polarizabilities of amino acid molecules and their hydrogen-bonded aggregates are calculated in order to identify the most efficient functional groups, able to buildup larger electric susceptibilities in crystals. Moreover, we carefully analyze how the atomic polarizabilities depend on the one-electron basis set or the many-electron Hamiltonian, including both wave function and density functional theory methods. This is useful for selecting the level of theory that best combines high accuracy and low computational costs, very important in particular when using the cluster method to estimate susceptibilities of molecular-based materials.
OBJECTIVE To analytically validate a gas concentration of chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method for measurement of 6 amino acids in canine serum samples and to assess the stability of each amino acid after sample storage. SAMPLES Surplus serum from 80 canine samples submitted to the Gastrointestinal Laboratory at Texas A&M University and serum samples from 12 healthy dogs. PROCEDURES GC-MS was validated to determine precision, reproducibility, limit of detection, and percentage recovery of known added concentrations of 6 amino acids in surplus serum samples. Amino acid concentrations in serum samples from healthy dogs were measured before (baseline) and after storage in various conditions. RESULTS Intra- and interassay coefficients of variation (10 replicates involving 12 pooled serum samples) were 13.4% and 16.6% for glycine, 9.3% and 12.4% for glutamic acid, 5.1% and 6.3% for methionine, 14.0% and 15.1% for tryptophan, 6.2% and 11.0% for tyrosine, and 7.4% and 12.4% for lysine, respectively. Observed-to-expected concentration ratios in dilutional parallelism tests (6 replicates involving 6 pooled serum samples) were 79.5% to 111.5% for glycine, 80.9% to 123.0% for glutamic acid, 77.8% to 111.0% for methionine, 85.2% to 98.0% for tryptophan, 79.4% to 115.0% for tyrosine, and 79.4% to 110.0% for lysine. No amino acid concentration changed significantly from baseline after serum sample storage at -80°C for ≤ 7 days. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE GC-MS measurement of concentration of 6 amino acids in canine serum samples yielded precise, accurate, and reproducible results. Sample storage at -80°C for 1 week had no effect on GC-MS results.
The proposition posed is that the value of amino acid conjugation to the organism is not, as in the traditional view, to use amino acids for the detoxication of aromatic acids. Rather, the converse is more likely, to use aromatic acids that originate from the diet and gut microbiota to assist in the regulation of body stores of amino acids, such as glycine, glutamate, and, in certain invertebrates, arginine, that are key neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS). As such, the amino acid conjugations are not so much detoxication reactions, rather they are homeostatic and neuroregulatory processes. Experimental data have been culled in support of this hypothesis from a broad range of scientific and clinical literature. Such data include the low detoxication value of amino acid conjugations and the Janus nature of certain amino acids that are both neurotransmitters and apparent conjugating agents. Amino acid scavenging mechanisms in blood deplete brain amino acids. Amino acids glutamate and glycine when trafficked from brain are metabolized to conjugates of aromatic acids in hepatic mitochondria and then irreversibly excreted into urine. This process is used clinically to deplete excess nitrogen in cases of urea cycle enzymopathies through excretion of glycine or glutamine as their aromatic acid conjugates. Untoward effects of high-dose phenylacetic acid surround CNS toxicity. There appears to be a relationship between extent of glycine scavenging by benzoic acid and psychomotor function. Glycine and glutamine scavenging by conjugation with aromatic acids may have important psychosomatic consequences that link diet to health, wellbeing, and disease.
Background The Nef protein of HIV facilitates virus replication and disease progression in infected patients. This role as pathogenesis factor depends on several genetically separable Nef functions that are mediated by interactions of highly conserved protein-protein interaction motifs with different host cell proteins. By studying the functionality of a series of nef alleles from clinical isolates, we identified a dysfunctional HIV group O Nef in which a highly conserved valine-glycine-phenylalanine (VGF) region, which links a preceding acidic cluster with the following proline-rich motif into an amphipathic surface was deleted. In this study, we aimed to study the functional importance of this VGF region. Results The dysfunctional HIV group O8 nef allele was restored to the consensus sequence, and mutants of canonical (NL4.3, NA-7, SF2) and non-canonical (B2 and C1422) HIV-1 group M nef alleles were generated in which the amino acids of the VGF region were changed into alanines (VGF→AAA) and tested for their capacity to interfere with surface receptor trafficking, signal transduction and enhancement of viral replication and infectivity. We found the VGF motif, and each individual amino acid of this motif, to be critical for downregulation of MHC-I and CXCR4. Moreover, Nef’s association with the cellular p21-activated kinase 2 (PAK2), the resulting deregulation of cofilin and inhibition of host cell actin remodeling, and targeting of Lck kinase to the trans-golgi-network (TGN) were affected as well. Of particular interest, VGF integrity was essential for Nef-mediated enhancement of HIV virion infectivity and HIV replication in peripheral blood lymphocytes. For targeting of Lck kinase to the TGN and viral infectivity, especially the phenylalanine of the triplet was essential. At the molecular level, the VGF motif was required for the physical interaction of the adjacent proline-rich motif with Hck. Conclusion Based on these findings, we propose that this highly conserved three amino acid VGF motif together with the acidic cluster and the proline-rich motif form a previously unrecognized amphipathic surface on Nef. This surface appears to be essential for the majority of Nef functions and thus represents a prime target for the pharmacological inhibition of Nef.
PURPOSE: Identification of a novel rhodopsin mutation in a family with retinitis pigmentosa and comparison of the clinical phenotype to a known mutation at the same amino acid position. METHODS: Screening for mutations in rhodopsin was performed in 78 patients with retinitis pigmentosa. All exons and flanking intronic regions were amplified by PCR, sequenced, and compared to the reference sequence derived from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, Bethesda, MD) database. Patients were characterized clinically according to the results of best corrected visual acuity testing (BCVA), slit lamp examination (SLE), funduscopy, Goldmann perimetry (GP), dark adaptometry (DA), and electroretinography (ERG). Structural analyses of the rhodopsin protein were performed with the Swiss-Pdb Viewer program available on-line (http://www.expasy.org.spdvbv/ provided in the public domain by Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland). RESULTS: A novel rhodopsin mutation (Gly90Val) was identified in a Swiss family of three generations. The pedigree indicated autosomal dominant inheritance. No additional mutation was found in this family in other autosomal dominant genes. The BCVA of affected family members ranged from 20/25 to 20/20. Fundus examination showed fine pigment mottling in patients of the third generation and well-defined bone spicules in patients of the second generation. GP showed concentric constriction. DA demonstrated monophasic cone adaptation only. ERG revealed severely reduced rod and cone signals. The clinical picture is compatible with retinitis pigmentosa. A previously reported amino acid substitution at the same position in rhodopsin leads to a phenotype resembling night blindness in mutation carriers, whereas patients reported in the current study showed the classic retinitis pigmentosa phenotype. The effect of different amino acid substitutions on the three-dimensional structure of rhodopsin was analyzed by homology modeling. Distinct distortions of position 90 (shifts in amino acids 112 and 113) and additional hydrogen bonds were found. CONCLUSIONS: Different amino acid substitutions at position 90 of rhodopsin can lead to night blindness or retinitis pigmentosa. The data suggest that the property of the substituted amino acid distinguishes between the phenotypes.
We have identified YkbA from Bacillus subtilis as a novel member of the L-amino acid transporter (LAT) family of amino acid transporters. The protein is approximately 30% identical in amino acid sequence to the light subunits of human heteromeric amino acid transporters. Purified His-tagged YkbA from Escherichia coli membranes reconstituted in proteoliposomes exhibited sodium-independent, obligatory exchange activity for L-serine and L-threonine and also for aromatic amino acids, albeit with less activity. Thus, we propose that YkbA be renamed SteT (Ser/Thr exchanger transporter). Kinetic analysis supports a sequential mechanism of exchange for SteT. Freeze-fracture analysis of purified, functionally active SteT in proteoliposomes, together with blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy of detergent-solubilized purified SteT, suggest that the transporter exists in a monomeric form. Freeze-fracture analysis showed spherical particles with a diameter of 7.4 nm. Transmission electron microscopy revealed elliptical particles (diameters 6 x 7 nm) with a distinct central depression. To our knowledge, this is the first functional characterization of a prokaryotic member of the LAT family and the first structural data on an APC (amino acids, polyamines, and choline for organocations) transporter. SteT represents an excellent model to study the molecular architecture of the light subunits of heteromeric amino acid transporters and other APC transporters.
Tight homeostatic control of brain amino acids (AA) depends on transport by solute carrier family proteins expressed by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC). To characterize the mouse BMEC transcriptome and probe culture-induced changes, microarray analyses of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1-positive (PECAM1(+)) endothelial cells (ppMBMECs) were compared with primary MBMECs (pMBMEC) cultured in the presence or absence of glial cells and with b.End5 endothelioma cell line. Selected cell marker and AA transporter mRNA levels were further verified by reverse transcription real-time PCR. Regardless of glial coculture, expression of a large subset of genes was strongly altered by a brief culture step. This is consistent with the known dependence of BMECs on in vivo interactions to maintain physiologic functions, for example, tight barrier formation, and their consequent dedifferentiation in culture. Seven (4F2hc, Lat1, Taut, Snat3, Snat5, Xpct, and Cat1) of nine AA transporter mRNAs highly expressed in freshly isolated ppMBMECs were strongly downregulated for all cultures and two (Snat2 and Eaat3) were variably regulated. In contrast, five AA transporter mRNAs with low expression in ppMBMECs, including y(+)Lat2, xCT, and Snat1, were upregulated by culture. We hypothesized that the AA transporters highly expressed in ppMBMECs and downregulated in culture have a major in vivo function for BBB transendothelial transport.
Unlike all other organisms, parasitic protozoa of the family Trypanosomatidae maintain a large cellular pool of proline that, together with the alanine pool, serve as alternative carbon sources as well as reservoirs of organic osmolytes. These reflect adaptation to their insect vectors whose haemolymphs are exceptionally rich in the two amino acids. In the present study we identify and characterize a new neutral amino acid transporter, LdAAP24, that translocates proline and alanine across the Leishmania donovani plasma membrane. This transporter fulfils multiple functions: it is the sole supplier for the intracellular pool of proline and contributes to the alanine pool; it is essential for cell volume regulation after osmotic stress; and it regulates the transport and homoeostasis of glutamate and arginine, none of which are its substrates. Notably, we provide evidence that proline and alanine exhibit different roles in the parasitic response to hypotonic shock; alanine affects swelling, whereas proline influences the rate of volume recovery. On the basis of our data we suggest that LdAAP24 plays a key role in parasite adaptation to its varying environments in host and vector, a phenomenon essential for successful parasitism.
Amino acids are necessary for all living cells and organisms. Specialized transporters mediate the transfer of amino acids across plasma membranes. Malfunction of these proteins can affect whole-body homoeostasis giving raise to diverse human diseases. Here, we review the main features of the SLC3 and SLC7 families of amino acid transporters. The SLC7 family is divided into two subfamilies, the cationic amino acid transporters (CATs), and the L-type amino acid transporters (LATs). The latter are the light or catalytic subunits of the heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs), which are associated by a disulfide bridge with the heavy subunits 4F2hc or rBAT. These two subunits are glycoproteins and form the SLC3 family. Most CAT subfamily members were functionally characterized and shown to function as facilitated diffusers mediating the entry and efflux of cationic amino acids. In certain cells, CATs play an important role in the delivery of L-arginine for the synthesis of nitric oxide. HATs are mostly exchangers with a broad spectrum of substrates and are crucial in renal and intestinal re-absorption and cell redox balance. Furthermore, the role of the HAT 4F2hc/LAT1 in tumor growth and the application of LAT1 inhibitors and PET tracers for reduction of tumor progression and imaging of tumors are discussed. Finally, we describe the link between specific mutations in HATs and the primary inherited aminoacidurias, cystinuria and lysinuric protein intolerance.
The SLC43 family is composed of only three genes coding for the plasma membrane facilitator system l amino acid transporters LAT3 (SLC43A1; TC 2.A.1.44.1) and LAT4 (SLC43A2; TC 2.A.1.44.2), and the orphan protein EEG1 (SLC43A3; TC 2.A.1.44.3). Besides the known mechanism of transport of LAT3 and LAT4, their physiological roles still remain quite obscure. Morphants suggested a role of LAT3 in renal podocyte development in zebrafish. Expression in liver and skeletal muscle, and up-regulation by starvation suggest a role of LAT3 in the flux of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) from liver and skeletal muscle to the bloodstream. Finally, LAT3 is up-regulated in androgen-dependent cancers, suggesting a role in mTORC1 signaling in this type of tumors. In addition, LAT4 might contribute to the transfer of BCAAs from mother to fetus. Unfortunately, the EEG1 mouse model (EEG1(Y221∗)) described here has not yet offered a clue to the physiological role of this orphan protein.
Glutamate transporters play important roles in the termination of excitatory neurotransmission and in providing cells throughout the body with glutamate for metabolic purposes. The high-affinity glutamate transporters EAAC1 (SLC1A1), GLT1 (SLC1A2), GLAST (SLC1A3), EAAT4 (SLC1A6), and EAAT5 (SLC1A7) mediate the cellular uptake of glutamate by the co-transport of three sodium ions (Na(+)) and one proton (H(+)), with the counter-transport of one potassium ion (K(+)). Thereby, they protect the CNS from glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Loss of function of glutamate transporters has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, glutamate transporters play a role in glutamate excitotoxicity following an ischemic stroke, due to reversed glutamate transport. Besides glutamate transporters, the SLC1 family encompasses two transporters of neutral amino acids, ASCT1 (SLC1A4) and ASCT2 (SLC1A5). Both transporters facilitate electroneutral exchange of amino acids in neurons and/or cells of the peripheral tissues. Some years ago, a high resolution structure of an archaeal homologue of the SLC1 family was determined, followed by the elucidation of its structure in the presence of the substrate aspartate and the inhibitor d,l-threo-benzyloxy aspartate (d,l-TBOA). Historically, the first few known inhibitors of SLC1 transporters were based on constrained glutamate analogs which were active in the high micromolar range but often also showed off-target activity at glutamate receptors. Further development led to the discovery of l-threo-β-hydroxyaspartate derivatives, some of which effectively inhibited SLC1 transporters at nanomolar concentrations. More recently, small molecule inhibitors have been identified whose structures are not based on amino acids. Activators of SLC1 family members have also been discovered but there are only a few examples known.
Arabidopsis amino acid transporters (AAPs) show individual temporal and spatial expression patterns. A new amino acid transporter, AAP8 was isolated by reverse transcription-PCR. Growth and transport assays in comparison to AAP1-5 characterize AAP8 and AAP6 as high affinity amino acid transport systems from Arabidopsis. Histochemical promoter-beta-glucuronidase (GUS) studies identified AAP6 expression in xylem parenchyma, cells requiring high affinity transport due to the low amino acid concentration in xylem sap. AAP6 may thus function in uptake of amino acids from xylem. Histochemical analysis of AAP8 revealed stage-dependent expression in siliques and developing seeds. Thus AAP8 is probably responsible for import of organic nitrogen into developing seeds. The only missing transporter of the family AAP7 was nonfunctional in yeast with respect to amino acid transport, and expression was not detectable. Therefore, AAP6 and -8 are the only members of the family able to transport aspartate with physiologically relevant affinity. AAP1, -6 and -8 are the closest AAP paralogs. Although AAP1 and AAP8 originate from a duplicated region on chromosome I, biochemical properties and expression pattern diverged. Overlapping substrate specificities paired with individual properties and expression patterns point to specific functions of each of the AAP genes in nitrogen distribution rather than to mere redundancy.
Human heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) are membrane protein complexes that facilitate the transport of specific amino acids across cell membranes. Loss of function or overexpression of these transporters is implicated in several human diseases such as renal aminoacidurias and cancer. HATs are composed of two subunits, a heavy and a light subunit, that are covalently connected by a disulphide bridge. Light subunits catalyse amino acid transport and consist of twelve transmembrane α-helix domains. Heavy subunits are type II membrane N-glycoproteins with a large extracellular domain and are involved in the trafficking of the complex to the plasma membrane. Structural information on HATs is scarce because of the difficulty in heterologous overexpression. Recently, we had a major breakthrough with the overexpression of a recombinant HAT, 4F2hc-LAT2, in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Microgram amounts of purified protein made possible the reconstruction of the first 3D map of a human HAT by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy. Here we report the important stabilization of purified human 4F2hc-LAT2 using a combination of two detergents, i.e., n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside and lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol, and cholesteryl hemisuccinate. The superior quality and stability of purified 4F2hc-LAT2 allowed the measurement of substrate binding by scintillation proximity assay. In addition, an improved 3D map of this HAT could be obtained. The detergent-induced stabilization of the purified human 4F2hc-LAT2 complex presented here paves the way towards its crystallization and structure determination at high-resolution, and thus the elucidation of the working mechanism of this important protein complex at the molecular level.