22 resultados para generally accepted auditing practice
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) serves as the basis of the secretory immune system by protecting the lining of mucosal sites from pathogens. In both humans and dogs, IgA deficiency (IgAD) is associated with recurrent infections of mucosal sites and immune-mediated diseases. Low concentrations of serum IgA have previously been reported to occur in a number of dog breeds but no generally accepted cut-off value has been established for canine IgAD. The current study represents the largest screening to date of IgA in dogs in terms of both number of dogs (n = 1267) and number of breeds studied (n = 22). Serum IgA concentrations were quantified by using capture ELISA and were found to vary widely between breeds. We also found IgA to be positively correlated with age (p < 0.0001). Apart from the two breeds previously reported as predisposed to low IgA (Shar-Pei and German shepherd), we identified six additional breeds in which ≥10% of all tested dogs had very low (<0.07 g/l) IgA concentrations (Hovawart, Norwegian elkhound, Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever, Bullterrier, Golden retriever and Labrador retriever). In addition, we discovered low IgA concentrations to be significantly associated with canine atopic dermatitis (CAD, p < 0.0001) and pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA, p = 0.04) in German shepherds.
The postnatal development and maturation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of neonatal calves is crucial for their survival. Major morphological and functional changes in the calf's GI tract initiated by colostrum bioactive substances promote the establishment of intestinal digestion and absorption of food. It is generally accepted that colostrum intake provokes the maturation of organs and systems in young calves, illustrating the significance of the cow-to-calf connection at birth. These postnatal adaptive changes of the GI tissues in neonatal calves are especially induced by the action of bioactive substances such as insulin-like growth factors, hormones, or cholesterol carriers abundantly present in colostrum. These substances interact with specific cell-surface receptors or receptor-like transporters expressed in the GI wall of neonatal calves to elicit their biological effects. Therefore, the abundance and activity of cell surface receptors and receptor-like transporters binding colostral bioactive substances are a key aspect determining the effects of the cow-to-calf connection at birth. The present review compiles the information describing the effects of colostrum feeding on selected serum metabolic and endocrine traits in neonatal calves. In this context, the current paper discusses specifically the consequences of colostrum feeding on the GI expression and activity of cell-receptors and receptor-like transporters binding growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors, insulin, or cholesterol acceptors in neonatal calves.
BACKGROUND: Controlled studies established the efficacy and good tolerability of pimecrolimus cream 1% for the treatment of atopic dermatitis but they may not reflect real-life use. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and cosmetic acceptance of a pimecrolimus-based regimen in daily practice in Switzerland. METHODS: This was a 6-month, open-label, multicentre study in 109 patients (55% > or = 18 years) with atopic dermatitis. Pimecrolimus cream 1% was incorporated into patients' standard treatment protocols. RESULTS: The pimecrolimus-based treatment was well tolerated and produced disease improvement in 65.7% of patients. It was particularly effective on the face (improvement rate: 75.0%). Mean pimecrolimus consumption decreased from 6.4 g/day (months 1-3) to 4.0 g/day (months 3-6) as disease improved. Most patients (74.1%) rated their disease control as 'complete' or 'good' and 90% were highly satisfied with the cream formulation. CONCLUSION: The use of a pimecrolimus-based regimen in everyday practice was effective, well tolerated and well accepted by patients.
Introduction: Preoperative chemoradiotherapy is generally recommended for locally advanced esophageal cancer (clinical stage T3 or T4 or nodal positive disease) but not for early cancer (clinical stage T0 to T2, N0). EUS has been described as the most accurate method to distinguish between early and locally advanced stage in several studies. Recently however, the high accuracy of EUS (90% or higher) was questioned by some investigators. This raises the issue whether the results of studies focused on EUS accuracy may be directly translated into daily clinical practice. Aim & Methods: The aim of this retrospective analysis was to assess the accuracy of preoperative EUS to distinguish between early and locally advanced esophageal cancer in daily clinical practice outside a study setting. EUS was performed by several investigators, including trainees in one university hospital. For this purpose, EUS reports and patient files (medical and surgical) including histological reports of 300 consecutive pts with esophageal tumors were reviewed. In pts with adenocarcinoma or squamous cell cancer and surgical resection without previous radio-/chemotherapy, EUS tumor staging was compared with histological diagnosis. Results: Out of the 300 consecutive pts with esophageal tumor and EUS 102 pts had esophageal surgery after EUS-staging without any radio-/chemotherapy. In 93 pts oesophageal cancer was confirmed, whereas 9 had other tumors. The mean age was 65 years (range 27-89), sex ratio female:male was 1:3.2. To distinguish between early and late tumor stage, the accuracy was 85%. The sensitivity and specificity for early cancer was 59%, and 93%, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy for local tumor spread was 90%, 90%, 68%, 69%, 89% for pT0, pT1, pT2, pT3 and pT4 lesions, respectively. The overall accuracy for T-stage was 74%. For pN-positive staging the accuracy of EUS was 73%. Conclusion: In daily clinical practice, the accuracy of EUS in assessing esophageal tumor staging is lower than in specific studies focusing on EUS accuracy. Mainly early esophageal cancer stages were overstaged. Thus, the implementation of recommendations for diagnostic work-up of esophageal cancer patients resulting from highly specific studies should consider the appropriate clinical setting.
AIMS: To determine whether the current practice of sweat testing in Swiss hospitals is consistent with the current international guidelines. METHODS: A questionnaire was mailed to all children's hospitals (n = 8), regional paediatric sections of general hospitals (n = 28), and all adult pulmonology centres (n = 8) in Switzerland which care for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The results were compared with published "guidelines 2000" of the American National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) and the UK guidelines of 2003. RESULTS: The response rate was 89%. All 8 children's hospitals and 18 out of 23 answering paediatric sections performed sweat tests but none of the adult pulmonology centres. In total, 1560 sweat tests (range: 5-200 tests/centre/year, median 40) per year were done. 88% (23/26) were using Wescor systems, 73% (19/26) the Macroduct system for collecting sweat and 31% (8/26) the Nanoduct system. Sweat chloride was determined by only 62% (16/26) of all centres; of these, only 63% (10/16) indicated to use the recommended diagnostic chloride-CF-reference value of >60 mmol/l. Osmolality was measured in 35%, sodium in 42% and conductivity in 62% of the hospitals. Sweat was collected for maximal 30-120 (median 55) minutes; only three centres used the maximal 30 minutes sample time recommended by the international guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: Sweat testing practice in Swiss hospitals was inconsistent and seldom followed the current international guidelines for sweat collection, analyzing method and reference values. Only 62% were used the chloride concentration as a diagnostic reference, the only accepted diagnostic measurement by the NCCLS or UK guidelines.
Mass screening for osteoporosis using DXA measurements at the spine and hip is presently not recommended by health authorities. Instead, risk factor questionnaires and peripheral bone measurements may facilitate the selection of women eligible for axial bone densitometry. The aim of this study was to validate a case finding strategy for postmenopausal women who would benefit most from subsequent DXA measurement by using phalangeal radiographic absorptiometry (RA) alone or in combination with risk factors in a general practice setting. The sensitivity and specificity of this strategy in detecting osteoporosis (T-score < or =2.5 SD at the spine and/or the hip) were compared with those of the current reimbursement criteria for DXA measurements in Switzerland. Four hundred and twenty-three postmenopausal women with one or more risk factors for osteoporosis were recruited by 90 primary care physicians who also performed the phalangeal RA measurements. All women underwent subsequent DXA measurement of the spine and the hip at the Osteoporosis Policlinic of the University Hospital of Berne. They were allocated to one of two groups depending on whether they matched with the Swiss reimbursement conditions for DXA measurement or not. Logistic regression models were used to predict the likelihood of osteoporosis versus "no osteoporosis" and to derive ROC curves for the various strategies. Differences in the areas under the ROC curves (AUC) were tested for significance. In women lacking reimbursement criteria, RA achieved a significantly larger AUC (0.81; 95% CI 0.72-0.89) than the risk factors associated with patients' age, height and weight (0.71; 95% C.I. 0.62-0.80). Furthermore, in this study, RA provided a better sensitivity and specificity in identifying women with underlying osteoporosis than the currently accepted criteria for reimbursement of DXA measurement. In the Swiss environment, RA is a valid case finding tool for patients with risk factors for osteoporosis, especially for those who do not qualify for DXA reimbursement.
Background Patients' health related quality of life (HRQoL) has rarely been systematically monitored in general practice. Electronic tools and practice training might facilitate the routine application of HRQoL questionnaires. Thorough piloting of innovative procedures is strongly recommended before the conduction of large-scale studies. Therefore, we aimed to assess i) the feasibility and acceptance of HRQoL assessment using tablet computers in general practice, ii) the perceived practical utility of HRQoL results and iii) to identify possible barriers hindering wider application of this approach. Methods Two HRQoL questionnaires (St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire SGRQ and EORTC QLQ-C30) were electronically presented on portable tablet computers. Wireless network (WLAN) integration into practice computer systems of 14 German general practices with varying infrastructure allowed automatic data exchange and the generation of a printout or a PDF file. General practitioners (GPs) and practice assistants were trained in a 1-hour course, after which they could invite patients with chronic diseases to fill in the electronic questionnaire during their waiting time. We surveyed patients, practice assistants and GPs regarding their acceptance of this tool in semi-structured telephone interviews. The number of assessments, HRQoL results and interview responses were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results Over the course of 1 year, 523 patients filled in the electronic questionnaires (1–5 times; 664 total assessments). On average, results showed specific HRQoL impairments, e.g. with respect to fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances. The number of electronic assessments varied substantially between practices. A total of 280 patients, 27 practice assistants and 17 GPs participated in the telephone interviews. Almost all GPs (16/17 = 94%; 95% CI = 73–99%), most practice assistants (19/27 = 70%; 95% CI = 50–86%) and the majority of patients (240/280 = 86%; 95% CI = 82–91%) indicated that they would welcome the use of electronic HRQoL questionnaires in the future. GPs mentioned availability of local health services (e.g. supportive, physiotherapy) (mean: 9.4 ± 1.0 SD; scale: 1 – 10), sufficient extra time (8.9 ± 1.5) and easy interpretation of HRQoL results (8.6 ± 1.6) as the most important prerequisites for their use. They believed HRQoL assessment facilitated both communication and follow up of patients' conditions. Practice assistants emphasised that this process demonstrated an extra commitment to patient centred care; patients viewed it as a tool, which contributed to the physicians' understanding of their personal condition and circumstances. Conclusion This pilot study indicates that electronic HRQoL assessment is technically feasible in general practices. It can provide clinically significant information, which can either be used in the consultation for routine care, or for research purposes. While GPs, practice assistants and patients were generally positive about the electronic procedure, several barriers (e.g. practices' lack of time and routine in HRQoL assessment) need to be overcome to enable broader application of electronic questionnaires in every day medical practice.