23 resultados para fluid flow


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Deep geological storage of radioactive waste foresees cementitious materials as reinforcement of tunnels and as backfill. Bentonite is proposed to enclose spent fuel canisters and as drift seals. Sand/bentonite (s/b) is foreseen as backfill material of access galleries or as drift seals. The emplacement of cementitious material next to clay material generates an enormous chemical gradient in pore-water composition that drives diffusive solute transport. Laboratory studies and reactive transport modeling predicted significant mineral alteration at and near interfaces, mainly resulting in a decrease of porosity in bentonite. The goal of this thesis was to characterize and quantify the cement/bentonite interactions both spatially and temporally in laboratory experiments. A newly developed mobile X-ray transparent core infiltration device was used to perform X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans without interruption of running experiments. CT scans allowed tracking the evolution of the reaction plume and changes in core volume/diameter/density during the experiments. In total 4 core infiltration experiments were carried out for this study with the compacted and saturated cores consisting of MX-80 bentonite and sand/MX-80 bentonite mixture (s/b; 65/35%). Two different high-pH cementitious pore-fluids were infiltrated: a young (early) ordinary Portland cement pore-fluid (APWOPC; K+–Na+–OH-; pH 13.4; ionic strength 0.28 mol/kg) and a young ‘low-pH’ ESDRED shotcrete pore-fluid (APWESDRED; Ca2+–Na+–K+–formate; pH 11.4; ionic strength 0.11 mol/kg). The experiments lasted between 1 and 2 years. In both bentonite experiments, the hydraulic conductivity was strongly reduced after switching to high-pH fluids, changing eventually from an advective to a diffusion-dominated transport regime. The reduction was mainly induced by mineral precipitation and possibly partly also by high ionic strength pore-fluids. Both bentonite cores showed a volume reduction and a resulting transient flow in which pore-water was squeezed out during high-pH infiltration. The outflow chemistry was characterized by a high ionic strength, while chloride in the initial pore water got replaced as main anionic charge carrier by sulfate, originating from gypsum dissolution. The chemistry of the high-pH fluids got strongly buffered by the bentonite, consuming hydroxide and in case of APWESDRED also formate. Hydroxide got consumed by mineral reactions (saponite and possibly talc and brucite precipitation), while formate being affected by bacterial degradation. Post-mortem analysis showed reaction zones near the inlet of the bentonite core, characterized by calcium and magnesium enrichment, consisting predominately of calcite and saponite, respectively. Silica got enriched in the outflow, indicating dissolution of silicate-minerals, identified as preferentially cristobalite. In s/b, infiltration of APWOPC reduced the hydraulic conductivity strongly, while APWESDRED infiltration had no effect. The reduction was mainly induced by mineral precipitation and probably partly also by high ionic strength pore-fluids. Not clear is why the observed mineral precipitates in the APWESDRED experiment had no effect on the fluid flow. Both s/b cores showed a volume expansion along with decreasing ionic strengths of the outflow, due to mineral reactions or in case of APWESDRED infiltration also mediated by microbiological activity, consuming hydroxide and formate, respectively. The chemistry of the high-pH fluids got strongly buffered by the s/b. In the case of APWESDRED infiltration, formate reached the outflow only for a short time, followed by enrichment in acetate, indicating most likely biological activity. This was in agreement to post-mortem analysis of the core, observing black spots on the inflow surface, while the sample had a rotten-egg smell indicative of some sulfate reduction. Post-mortem analysis showed further in both cores a Ca-enrichment in the first 10 mm of the core due to calcite precipitation. Mg-enrichment was only observed in the APWOPC experiment, originating from newly formed saponite. Silica got enriched in the outflow of both experiments, indicating dissolution of silicate-minerals, identified in the OPC experiment as cristobalite. The experiments attested an effective buffering capacity for bentonite and s/b, a progressing coupled hydraulic-chemical sealing process and also the preservation of the physical integrity of the interface region in this setup with a total pressure boundary condition on the core sample. No complete pore-clogging was observed but the hydraulic conductivity got rather strongly reduced in 3 experiments, explained by clogging of the intergranular porosity (macroporosity). Such a drop in hydraulic conductivity may impact the saturation time of the buffer in a nuclear waste repository, although the processes and geometry will be more complex in repository situation.


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Exhumed faults hosting hydrothermal systems provide direct insight into relationships between faulting and fluid flow, which in turn are valuable for making hydrogeological predictions in blind settings. The Grimsel Breccia Fault (Aar massif, Central Swiss Alps) is a late Neogene, exhumed dextral strike-slip fault with a maximum displacement of 25–45 m, and is associated with both fossil and active hydrothermal circulation. We mapped the fault system and modelled it in three dimensions, using the distinctive hydrothermal mineralisation as well as active thermal fluid discharge (the highest elevation documented in the Alps) to reveal the structural controls on fluid pathway extent and morphology. With progressive uplift and cooling, brittle deformation inherited the mylonitic shear zone network at Grimsel Pass; preconditioning fault geometry into segmented brittle reactivations of ductile shear zones and brittle inter-shear zone linkages. We describe ‘pipe’-like, vertically oriented fluid pathways: (1) within brittle fault linkage zones and (2) through alongstrike- restricted segments of formerly ductile shear zones reactivated by brittle deformation. In both cases, low-permeability mylonitic shear zones that escaped brittle reactivation provide important hydraulic seals. These observations show that fluid flow along brittle fault planes is not planar, but rather highly channelised into sub-vertical flow domains, with important implications for the exploration and exploitation of geothermal energy.


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Mechanotransduction refers to the conversion of mechanical forces into biochemical or electrical signals that initiate structural and functional remodeling in cells and tissues. The heart is a kinetic organ whose form changes considerably during development and disease. This requires cardiomyocytes to be mechanically durable and able to mount coordinated responses to a variety of environmental signals on different time scales, including cardiac pressure loading and electrical and hemodynamic forces. During physiological growth, myocytes, endocardial and epicardial cells have to adaptively remodel to these mechanical forces. Here we review some of the recent advances in the understanding of how mechanical forces influence cardiac development, with a focus on fluid flow forces. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Integration of Develomental and Environmental Cues in the Heart edited by Marcus Schaub and Hughes Abriel.


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Vasopressors, such as norepinephrine, are frequently used to treat perioperative hypotension. Increasing perfusion pressure with norepinephrine may increase blood flow in regions at risk. However, the resulting vasoconstriction could deteriorate microcirculatory blood flow in the intestinal tract and kidneys. This animal study was designed to investigate the effects of treating perioperative hypotension with norepinephrine during laparotomy with low fluid volume replacement.


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We hypothesized that fluid administration may increase regional splanchnic perfusion after abdominal surgery-even in the absence of a cardiac stroke volume (SV) increase and independent of accompanying endotoxemia. Sixteen anesthetized pigs underwent abdominal surgery with flow probe fitting around splanchnic vessels and carotid arteries. They were randomized to continuous placebo or endotoxin infusion, and when clinical signs of hypovolemia (mean arterial pressure, <60 mmHg; heart rate, >100 beats · min(-1); urine production, <0.5 mL · kg(-1) · h(-1); arterial lactate concentration, >2 mmol · L(-1)) and/or low pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (target 5-8 mmHg) were present, they received repeated boli of colloids (50 mL) as long as SV increased 10% or greater. Stroke volume and regional blood flows were monitored 2 min before and 30 min after fluid challenges. Of 132 fluid challenges, 45 (34%) resulted in an SV increase of 10% or greater, whereas 82 (62%) resulted in an increase of 10% or greater in one or more of the abdominal flows (P < 0.001). During blood flow redistribution, celiac trunk (19% of all measurements) and hepatic artery flow (15%) most often decreased, whereas portal vein (10%) and carotid artery (7%) flow decreased less frequently (P = 0.015, between regions). In control animals, celiac trunk (30% vs. 9%, P = 0.004) and hepatic artery (25% vs. 11%, P = 0.040) flow decreased more often than in endotoxin-infused pigs. Accordingly, blood flow redistribution is a common phenomenon in the postoperative period and is only marginally influenced by endotoxemia. Fluid management based on SV changes may not be useful for improving regional abdominal perfusion.


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The effects of hydration status on cerebral blood flow (CBF) and development of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactic acidosis were evaluated in rabbits with experimental pneumococcal meningitis. As loss of cerebrovascular autoregulation has been previously demonstrated in this model, we reasoned that compromise of intravascular volume might severely affect cerebral perfusion. Furthermore, as acute exacerbation of the inflammatory response in the subarachnoid space has been observed after antibiotic therapy, animals were studied not only while meningitis evolved, but also 4-6 h after treatment with antibiotics to determine whether there would also be an effect on CBF. To produce different levels of hydration, animals were given either 50 ml/kg per 24 h of normal saline ("low fluid") or 150 ml/kg 24 h ("high fluid"). After 16 h of infection, rabbits that were given the lower fluid regimen had lower mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), lower CBF, and higher CSF lactate compared with animals that received the higher fluid regimen. In the first 4-6 h after antibiotic administration, low fluid rabbits had a significant decrease in MABP and CBF compared with, and a significantly greater increase in CSF lactate concentration than, high fluid rabbits. This study suggests that intravascular volume status may be a critical variable in determining CBF and therefore the degree of cerebral ischemia in meningitis.


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Aims: Angiographic ectasias and aneurysms in stented segments have been associated with late stent thrombosis. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT), some stented segments show coronary evaginations reminiscent of ectasias. The purpose of this study was to explore, using computational fluid-dynamic (CFD) simulations, whether OCT-detected coronary evaginations can induce local changes in blood flow. Methods and results: OCT-detected evaginations are defined as outward bulges in the luminal vessel contour between struts, with the depth of the bulge exceeding the actual strut thickness. Evaginations can be characterised cross ectionally by depth and along the stented segment by total length. Assuming an ellipsoid shape, we modelled 3-D evaginations with different sizes by varying the depth from 0.2-1.0 mm, and the length from 1-9 mm. For the flow simulation we used average flow velocity data from non-diseased coronary arteries. The change in flow with varying evagination sizes was assessed using a particle tracing test where the particle transit time within the segment with evagination was compared with that of a control vessel. The presence of the evagination caused a delayed particle transit time which increased with the evagination size. The change in flow consisted locally of recirculation within the evagination, as well as flow deceleration due to a larger lumen - seen as a deflection of flow towards the evagination. Conclusions: CFD simulation of 3-D evaginations and blood flow suggests that evaginations affect flow locally, with a flow disturbance that increases with increasing evagination size.