47 resultados para epoc® blood analysis system
Das bisher einzige Buch mit CBASP zu verschiedenen Störungsbildern CBASP (Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy) ist als Therapieverfahren längst den Kinderschuhen entwachsen. Dieses Buch liefert eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme und wagt einen Blick nach vorn: - Wo steht die CBASP-Forschung derzeit, welche klinischen Erfahrungen gibt es und welche Fragen sind noch offen? - Wie kann man komorbide Störungen mit CBASP therapieren: Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS), Alkoholmissbrauch, Suizidalität, Zwangsstörung - In welchen Behandlungssettings kann man CBASP einsetzen, was ist zu beachten? - Welche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Perspektiven gibt es für CBASP? - Mit dem Code im Buch: zeitlich begrenzter, kostenloser Online-Zugriff auf Buchinhalt und Abbildungen Im Autorenteam sind die führenden amerikanischen und deutschsprachigen Spezialisten vertreten - der Begründer der Methode, James P. McCullough, gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand zum Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy.
Les dépressions chroniques sont fréquentes et souvent traitées par des approches traditionnelles. Cet article vise à présenter la nature spécifique de la psychopathologie et un traitement spécifiquement adapté à ces patients avec dépression chronique. Nous décrirons d’abord les spécificités psychopathologiques de cette population, en nous référant aux travaux de J. Piaget et de D. Kiesler. À partir de ces théories, nous mettrons en avant le modèle Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP), selon McCullough. Cet auteur propose deux volets d’interventions spécifiquement adaptées aux patients avec dépression chronique : l’analyse situationnelle et les techniques interpersonnelles basées sur la notion de transfert et de contre-transfert. Nous soulignerons la pertinence de cette approche par le résumé de plusieurs études empiriques ayant établi l’efficacité de ce modèle, sous certaines conditions cliniques. Nous terminerons par une réflexion de l’application de ce modèle au-delà du tableau clinique de la dépression chronique en ajoutant ainsi des arguments supplémentaires en faveur de l’apport du modèle CBASP au champ actuel de la psychothérapie des troubles mentaux.
Der Band liefert einen Praxisleitfaden zur Behandlung von chronischen Depressionen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz. Patienten mit chronischer Depression haben häufig Schwierigkeiten bei der Bewältigung von interpersonellen Situationen. Das Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) von James McCullough hilft ihnen, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Beim Vorgehen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz lässt sich der Therapeut persönlich und ganz individuell auf seinen Patienten ein, um mit ihm zusammen interpersonelle Fertigkeiten zu trainieren. Dieses Buch vermittelt die dazu notwendige therapeutische Vorgehensweise auf praxisnahe Weise. Basierend auf einer Beschreibung des Störungsbildes erläutern die Autoren Schritt für Schritt alle Techniken des CBASP und die therapeutische Haltung im Umgang mit chronisch depressiven Patienten. Der Ablauf der Therapie, beginnend mit der Vermittlung des Krankheitsmodells, der Fallkonzeptualisierung und dem Training interpersoneller Fertigkeiten bis hin zur Rückfallprohylaxe, wird praxisorientiert erläutert. Vorgestellt werden zudem aktuelle Entwicklungen des Ansatzes, wie z.B. der Umgang mit komorbiden psychischen Störungen und die Anwendung des CBASP in der Gruppe oder im stationären Setting. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele wird außerdem der Umgang mit schwierigen Therapiesituationen vermittelt. Die dem Buch beigefügte CD-ROM enthält Materialien für den gesamten Therapieprozess einschließlich der Diagnostik. Es finden sich dort die im CBASP notwendigen Patientenarbeitsblätter und Kurzzusammenfassungen aller im CBASP verwandten Techniken.
BACKGROUND: Reproducibility of basic research investigations in homeopathy is challenging. This study investigated if formerly observed effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) were reproducible. METHODS: Duckweed was grown in potencies (14x-30x) of GA3 and one time succussed and unsuccussed water controls. Outcome parameter area-related growth rate was determined by a computerised image analysis system. Three series including five independent blinded and randomised potency experiments (PE) each were carried out. System stability was controlled by three series of five systematic negative control (SNC) experiments. Gibbosity (a specific growth state of L. gibba) was investigated as possibly essential factor for reactivity of L. gibba towards potentised GA3 in one series of potency and SNC experiments, respectively. RESULTS: Only in the third series with gibbous L. gibba L. we observed a significant effect (p = 0.009, F-test) of the homeopathic treatment. However, growth rate increased in contrast to the former study, and most biologically active potency levels differed. Variability in PE was lower than in SNC experiments. The stability of the experimental system was verified by the SNC experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Gibbosity seems to be a necessary condition for reactivity of L. gibba to potentised GA3. Further still unknown conditions seem to govern effect direction and the pattern of active and inactive potency levels. When designing new reproducibility studies, the physiological state of the test organism must be considered. Variability might be an interesting parameter to investigate effects of homeopathic remedies in basic research.
Background: Sensor-based recordings of human movements are becoming increasingly important for the assessment of motor symptoms in neurological disorders beyond rehabilitative purposes. ASSESS MS is a movement recording and analysis system being developed to automate the classification of motor dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) using depth-sensing computer vision. It aims to provide a more consistent and finer-grained measurement of motor dysfunction than currently possible. Objective: To test the usability and acceptability of ASSESS MS with health professionals and patients with MS. Methods: A prospective, mixed-methods study was carried out at 3 centers. After a 1-hour training session, a convenience sample of 12 health professionals (6 neurologists and 6 nurses) used ASSESS MS to capture recordings of standardized movements performed by 51 volunteer patients. Metrics for effectiveness, efficiency, and acceptability were defined and used to analyze data captured by ASSESS MS, video recordings of each examination, feedback questionnaires, and follow-up interviews. Results: All health professionals were able to complete recordings using ASSESS MS, achieving high levels of standardization on 3 of 4 metrics (movement performance, lateral positioning, and clear camera view but not distance positioning). Results were unaffected by patients’ level of physical or cognitive disability. ASSESS MS was perceived as easy to use by both patients and health professionals with high scores on the Likert-scale questions and positive interview commentary. ASSESS MS was highly acceptable to patients on all dimensions considered, including attitudes to future use, interaction (with health professionals), and overall perceptions of ASSESS MS. Health professionals also accepted ASSESS MS, but with greater ambivalence arising from the need to alter patient interaction styles. There was little variation in results across participating centers, and no differences between neurologists and nurses. Conclusions: In typical clinical settings, ASSESS MS is usable and acceptable to both patients and health professionals, generating data of a quality suitable for clinical analysis. An iterative design process appears to have been successful in accounting for factors that permit ASSESS MS to be used by a range of health professionals in new settings with minimal training. The study shows the potential of shifting ubiquitous sensing technologies from research into the clinic through a design approach that gives appropriate attention to the clinic environment.
UNLABELLED The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of a new software based analysing system for ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (V/P SPECT/CT) in patients with pulmonary emphysema and to compare it to the visual interpretation. PATIENTS, MATERIAL AND METHODS 19 patients (mean age: 68.1 years) with pulmonary emphysema who underwent V/P SPECT/CT were included. Data were analysed by two independent observers in visual interpretation (VI) and by software based analysis system (SBAS). SBAS PMOD version 3.4 (Technologies Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland) was used to assess counts and volume per lung lobe/per lung and to calculate the count density per lung, lobe ratio of counts and ratio of count density. VI was performed using a visual scale to assess the mean counts per lung lobe. Interobserver variability and association for SBAS and VI were analysed using Spearman's rho correlation coefficient. RESULTS Interobserver agreement correlated highly in perfusion (rho: 0.982, 0.957, 0.90, 0.979) and ventilation (rho: 0.972, 0.924, 0.941, 0.936) for count/count density per lobe and ratio of counts/count density in SBAS. Interobserver agreement correlated clearly for perfusion (rho: 0.655) and weakly for ventilation (rho: 0.458) in VI. CONCLUSIONS SBAS provides more reproducible measures than VI for the relative tracer uptake in V/P SPECT/CTs in patients with pulmonary emphysema. However, SBAS has to be improved for routine clinical use.
BACKGROUND National safety alert systems publish relevant information to improve patient safety in hospitals. However, the information has to be transformed into local action to have an effect on patient safety. We studied three research questions: How do Swiss healthcare quality and risk managers (qm/rm(1)) see their own role in learning from safety alerts issued by the Swiss national voluntary reporting and analysis system? What are their attitudes towards and evaluations of the alerts, and which types of improvement actions were fostered by the safety alerts? METHODS A survey was developed and applied to Swiss healthcare risk and quality managers, with a response rate of 39 % (n=116). Descriptive statistics are presented. RESULTS The qm/rm disseminate and communicate with a broad variety of professional groups about the alerts. While most respondents felt that they should know the alerts and their contents, only a part of them felt responsible for driving organizational change based on the recommendations. However, most respondents used safety alerts to back up their own patient safety goals. The alerts were evaluated positively on various dimensions such as usefulness and were considered as standards of good practice by the majority of the respondents. A range of organizational responses was applied, with disseminating information being the most common. An active role is related to using safety alerts for backing up own patient safety goals. CONCLUSIONS To support an active role of qm/rm in their hospital's learning from safety alerts, appropriate organizational structures should be developed. Furthermore, they could be given special information or training to act as an information hub on the issues discussed in the alerts.
PURPOSE: Patients with chronic depression (CD) by definition respond less well to standard forms of psychotherapy and are more likely to be high utilizers of psychiatric resources. Therefore, the aim of this guidance paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of current psychotherapy for CD. The evidence of efficacy is critically reviewed and recommendations for clinical applications and research are given. METHODS: We performed a systematic literature search to identify studies on psychotherapy in CD, evaluated the retrieved documents and developed evidence tables and recommendations through a consensus process among experts and stakeholders. RESULTS: We developed 5 recommendations which may help providers to select psychotherapeutic treatment options for this patient group. The EPA considers both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy to be effective in CD and recommends both approaches. The best effect is achieved by combined treatment with psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, which should therefore be the treatment of choice. The EPA recommends psychotherapy with an interpersonal focus (e.g. the Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy [CBASP]) for the treatment of CD and a personalized approach based on the patient's preferences. DISCUSSION: The DSM-5 nomenclature of persistent depressive disorder (PDD), which includes CD subtypes, has been an important step towards a more differentiated treatment and understanding of these complex affective disorders. Apart from dysthymia, ICD-10 still does not provide a separate entity for a chronic course of depression. The differences between patients with acute episodic depression and those with CD need to be considered in the planning of treatment. Specific psychotherapeutic treatment options are recommended for patients with CD. CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic forms of depression should be offered tailored psychotherapeutic treatments that address their specific needs and deficits. Combination treatment with psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy is the first-line treatment recommended for CD. More research is needed to develop more effective treatments for CD, especially in the longer term, and to identify which patients benefit from which treatment algorithm.
ROTEM® is considered a helpful point-of-care device to monitor blood coagulation in emergency situations. Centrally performed analysis is desirable but rapid transport of blood samples is an important prerequisite. The effect of acceleration forces on sample transport through a pneumatic tube system on ROTEM® should be tested at each institution to exclude a pre-analytical influence. The aims of the present work were: (i) to investigate the effect of pneumatic tube transport on ROTEM® parameters; (ii) to compare blood sample transport via pneumatic tube vs. manual transportation; and (iii) to determine the effect of acceleration forces on ROTEM® parameters.
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a condition in which the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential, resulting in low birth weight. IUGR is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, thus contributing substantially to medically indicated preterm birth in order to prevent fetal death. We subjected umbilical cord blood serum samples either belonging to the IUGR group (n = 15) or to the control group (n = 15) to fractionation by affinity chromatography using a bead system with hydrophobic interaction capabilities. So prepared protein mixtures were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric profiling. The six best differentiating ion signals at m/z 8205, m/z 8766, m/z 13 945, m/z 15 129, m/z 15 308, and m/z 16 001 were collectively assigned as IUGR proteome signature. Separation confidence of our IUGR proteome signature reached a sensitivity of 0.87 and a specificity of 0.93. Assignment of ion signals in the mass spectra to specific proteins was substantiated by SDS-PAGE in conjunction with peptide mass fingerprint analysis of cord blood serum proteins. One constituent of this proteome signature, apolipoprotein C-III(0) , a derivative lacking glycosylation, has been found more abundant in the IUGR cord blood serum samples, irrespective of gestational age. Hence, we suggest apolipoprotein C-III(0) as potential key-marker of the here proposed IUGR proteome signature, as it is a very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) member and as such involved in triglyceride metabolism that itself is discussed as being of importance in IUGR pathogenesis. Our results indicate that subtle alterations in protein glycosylation need to be considered for improving our understanding of the pathomechanisms in IUGR.
Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) often have alterations of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), even early in their disease course. Previous research has not evaluated whether these changes may have consequences on adaptation mechanisms in DM, e.g. to mental stress. We therefore evaluated whether patients with DM who already had early alterations of the ANS reacted with an abnormal regulatory pattern to mental stress. We used the spectral analysis technique, known to be valuable and reliable in the investigation of disturbances of the ANS. We investigated 34 patients with DM without clinical evidence of ANS dysfunction (e.g. orthostatic hypotension) and 44 normal control subjects (NC group). No patients on medication known to alter ANS responses were accepted. The investigation consisted of a resting state evaluation and a mental stress task (BonnDet). In basal values, only the 21 patients with type 2 DM were different in respect to body mass index and systolic blood pressure. In the study parameters we found significantly lower values in resting and mental stress spectral power of mid-frequency band (known to represent predominantly sympathetic influences) and of high-frequency and respiration bands (known to represent parasympathetic influences) in patients with DM (types 1 and 2) compared with NC group (5.3 +/- 1.2 ms2 vs. 6.1 +/- 1.3 ms2, and 5.5 +/- 1.6 ms2 vs. 6.2 +/- 1.5 ms2, and 4.6 +/- 1.7 ms2 vs. 6.2 +/- 1.5 ms2, for resting values respectively; 4.7 +/- 1.4 ms2 vs. 5.9 +/- 1.2 ms2, and 4.6 +/- 1.9 ms2 vs. 5.6 +/- 1.7 ms2, and 3.7 +/- 2.1 ms2 vs. 5.6 +/- 1.7 ms2, for stress values respectively; M/F ratio 6/26 vs. 30/14). These differences remained significant even when controlled for age, sex, and body weight. However, patients with DM type 2 (and significantly higher body weight) showed only significant values in mental stress modulus values. There were no specific group effects in the patients with DM in adaptation mechanisms to mental stress compared with the NC group. These findings demonstrate that power spectral examinations at rest are sufficiently reliable to diagnose early alterations in ANS in patients with DM. The spectral analysis technique is sensitive and reliable in investigation of ANS in patients with DM without clinically symptomatic autonomic dysfunction.
ntroduction: The ProAct study has shown that a pump switch to the Accu-Chek® Combo system (Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) in type 1 diabetes patients results in stable glycemic control with significant improvements in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with unsatisfactory baseline HbA1c and shorter pump usage time. Patients and Methods: In this post hoc analysis of the ProAct database, we investigated the glycemic control and glycemic variability at baseline by determination of several established parameters and scores (HbA1c, hypoglycemia frequency, J-score, Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia Indexes, and Index of Glycemic Control) in participants with different daily bolus and blood glucose measurement frequencies (less than four day, four or five per day, and more than five per day, in both cases). The data were derived from up to 299 patients (172 females, 127 males; age [mean±SD], 39.4±15.2 years; pump treatment duration, 7.0±5.2 years). Results: Participants with frequent glucose readings had better glycemic control than those with few readings (more than five readings per day vs. less than four readings per day: HbA1c, 7.2±1.1% vs. 8.0±0.9%; mean daily blood glucose, 151±22 mg/dL vs. 176±30 mg/dL; percentage of readings per month >300 mg/dL, 10±4% vs. 14±5%; percentage of readings in target range [80-180 mg/dL], 59% vs. 48% [P<0.05 in all cases]) and had a lower glycemic variability (J-score, 49±13 vs. 71±25 [P<0.05]; Hyperglycemia Index, 0.9±0.5 vs. 1.9±1.2 [P<0.05]; Index of Glycemic Control, 1.9±0.8 vs. 3.1±1.6 [P<0.05]; Hypoglycemia Index, 0.9±0.8 vs. 1.2±1.3 [not significant]). Frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose was associated with a higher number of bolus applications (6.1±2.2 boluses/day vs. 4.5±2.0 boluses/day [P<0.05]). Therefore, a similar but less pronounced effect on glycemic variability in favor of more daily bolus applications was observed (more than five vs. less than four bolues per day: J-score, 57±17 vs. 63±25 [not significant]; Hypoglycemia Index, 1.0±1.0 vs. 1.5±1.4 [P<0.05]; Hyperglycemia Index, 1.3±0.6 vs. 1.6±1.1 [not significant]; Index of Glycemic Control, 2.3±1.1 vs. 3.1±1.7 [P<0.05]). Conclusions: Pump users who perform frequent daily glucose readings have a better glycemic control with lower glycemic variability.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for the treatment of renal stones and other related renal diseases has proved its efficacy and has stood the test of time compared with open surgical methods and extracorporal shock wave lithotripsy. However, access to the collecting system of the kidney is not easy because the available intra-operative image modalities only provide a two dimensional view of the surgical scenario. With this lack of visual information, several punctures are often necessary which, increases the risk of renal bleeding, splanchnic, vascular or pulmonary injury, or damage to the collecting system which sometimes makes the continuation of the procedure impossible. In order to address this problem, this paper proposes a workflow for introduction of a stereotactic needle guidance system for PCNL procedures. An analysis of the imposed clinical requirements, and a instrument guidance approach to provide the physician with a more intuitive planning and visual guidance to access the collecting system of the kidney are presented.
Introduction The survival of patients admitted to an emergency department is determined by the severity of acute illness and the quality of care provided. The high number and the wide spectrum of severity of illness of admitted patients make an immediate assessment of all patients unrealistic. The aim of this study is to evaluate a scoring system based on readily available physiological parameters immediately after admission to an emergency department (ED) for the purpose of identification of at-risk patients. Methods This prospective observational cohort study includes 4,388 consecutive adult patients admitted via the ED of a 960-bed tertiary referral hospital over a period of six months. Occurrence of each of seven potential vital sign abnormalities (threat to airway, abnormal respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, low Glasgow Coma Scale and seizures) was collected and added up to generate the vital sign score (VSS). VSSinitial was defined as the VSS in the first 15 minutes after admission, VSSmax as the maximum VSS throughout the stay in ED. Occurrence of single vital sign abnormalities in the first 15 minutes and VSSinitial and VSSmax were evaluated as potential predictors of hospital mortality. Results Logistic regression analysis identified all evaluated single vital sign abnormalities except seizures and abnormal respiratory rate to be independent predictors of hospital mortality. Increasing VSSinitial and VSSmax were significantly correlated to hospital mortality (odds ratio (OR) 2.80, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.50 to 3.14, P < 0.0001 for VSSinitial; OR 2.36, 95% CI 2.15 to 2.60, P < 0.0001 for VSSmax). The predictive power of VSS was highest if collected in the first 15 minutes after ED admission (log rank Chi-square 468.1, P < 0.0001 for VSSinitial;,log rank Chi square 361.5, P < 0.0001 for VSSmax). Conclusions Vital sign abnormalities and VSS collected in the first minutes after ED admission can identify patients at risk of an unfavourable outcome.