25 resultados para computer simulations


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Altered gap junctional coupling potentiates slow conduction and arrhythmias. To better understand how heterogeneous connexin expression affects conduction at the cellular scale, we investigated conduction in tissue consisting of two cardiomyocyte populations expressing different connexin levels. Conduction was mapped using microelectrode arrays in cultured strands of foetal murine ventricular myocytes with prede fi ned contents of connexin 43 knockout (Cx43KO) cells. Corresponding computer simulations were run in randomly generated two-dimensional tissues mimicking the cellular architecture of the strands. In the cultures, the relationship between conduction velocity (CV) and Cx43KO cell content was nonlinear. CV fi rst decreased signi fi cantly when Cx43KO content was increased from 0 to 50%. When the Cx43KO content was ≥ 60%, CV became comparabletothatin100%Cx43KOstrands.Co-culturingCx43KOandwild-typecellsalsoresultedinsigni fi cantly more heterogeneous conduction patterns and in frequent conduction blocks. The simulations replicated this behaviour of conduction. For Cx43KO contents of 10 – 50%, conduction was slowed due to wavefront meandering between Cx43KO cells. For Cx43KO contents ≥ 60%, clusters of remaining wild-type cells acted as electrical loads thatimpairedconduction.ForCx43KOcontentsof40 – 60%,conductionexhibitedfractal characteristics,wasprone to block, and was more sensitive to changes in ion currents compared to homogeneous tissue. In conclusion, conduction velocity and stability behave in a nonline ar manner when cardiomyocytes expressing different connexin amounts are combined. This behaviour results from heterogeneous current-to-load relationships at the cellular level. Such behaviour is likely to be arrhythmogenic in various clinical contexts in which gap junctional coupling is heterogeneous.


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Background: In an artificial pancreas (AP), the meals are either manually announced or detected and their size estimated from the blood glucose level. Both methods have limitations, which result in suboptimal postprandial glucose control. The GoCARB system is designed to provide the carbohydrate content of meals and is presented within the AP framework. Method: The combined use of GoCARB with a control algorithm is assessed in a series of 12 computer simulations. The simulations are defined according to the type of the control (open or closed loop), the use or not-use of GoCARB and the diabetics’ skills in carbohydrate estimation. Results: For bad estimators without GoCARB, the percentage of the time spent in target range (70-180 mg/dl) during the postprandial period is 22.5% and 66.2% for open and closed loop, respectively. When the GoCARB is used, the corresponding percentages are 99.7% and 99.8%. In case of open loop, the time spent in severe hypoglycemic events (<50 mg/dl) is 33.6% without the GoCARB and is reduced to 0.0% when the GoCARB is used. In case of closed loop, the corresponding percentage is 1.4% without the GoCARB and is reduced to 0.0% with the GoCARB. Conclusion: The use of GoCARB improves the control of postprandial response and glucose profiles especially in the case of open loop. However, the most efficient regulation is achieved by the combined use of the control algorithm and the GoCARB.


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Modern concepts for the treatment of myocardial diseases focus on novel cell therapeutic strategies involving stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (SCMs). However, functional integration of SCMs requires similar electrophysiological properties as primary cardiomyocytes (PCMs) and the ability to establish intercellular connections with host myocytes in order to contribute to the electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. The aim of this project was to investigate the properties of cardiac conduction in a co-culture approach using SCMs and PCMs in cultured cell strands. Murine embryonic SCMs were pooled with fetal ventricular cells and seeded in predefined proportions on microelectrode arrays to form patterned strands of mixed cells. Conduction velocity (CV) was measured during steady state pacing. SCM excitability was estimated from action potentials measured in single cells using the patch clamp technique. Experiments were complemented with computer simulations of conduction using a detailed model of cellular architecture in mixed cell strands. CV was significantly lower in strands composed purely of SCMs (5.5 ± 1.5 cm/s, n = 11) as compared to PCMs (34.9 ± 2.9 cm/s, n = 21) at similar refractoriness (100% SCMs: 122 ± 25 ms, n = 9; 100% PCMs: 139 ± 67 ms, n = 14). In mixed strands combining both cell types, CV was higher than in pure SCMs strands, but always lower than in 100% PCM strands. Computer simulations demonstrated that both intercellular coupling and electrical excitability limit CV. These data provide evidence that in cultures of murine ventricular cardiomyocytes, SCMs cannot restore CV to control levels resulting in slow conduction, which may lead to reentry circuits and arrhythmias.


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PURPOSE: The advent of imaging software programs has proved to be useful for diagnosis, treatment planning, and outcome measurement, but precision of 3-dimensional (3D) surgical simulation still needs to be tested. This study was conducted to determine whether the virtual surgery performed on 3D models constructed from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can correctly simulate the actual surgical outcome and to validate the ability of this emerging technology to recreate the orthognathic surgery hard tissue movements in 3 translational and 3 rotational planes of space. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Construction of pre- and postsurgery 3D models from CBCTs of 14 patients who had combined maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery and 6 patients who had 1-piece maxillary advancement surgery was performed. The postsurgery and virtually simulated surgery 3D models were registered at the cranial base to quantify differences between simulated and actual surgery models. Hotelling t tests were used to assess the differences between simulated and actual surgical outcomes. RESULTS: For all anatomic regions of interest, there was no statistically significant difference between the simulated and the actual surgical models. The right lateral ramus was the only region that showed a statistically significant, but small difference when comparing 2- and 1-jaw surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Virtual surgical methods were reliably reproduced. Oral surgery residents could benefit from virtual surgical training. Computer simulation has the potential to increase predictability in the operating room.


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The impact of the systematic variation of either DeltapK(a) or mobility of 140 biprotic carrier ampholytes on the conductivity profile of a pH 3-10 gradient was studied by dynamic computer simulation. A configuration with the greatest DeltapK(a) in the pH 6-7 range and uniform mobilities produced a conductivity profile consistent with that which is experimentally observed. A similar result was observed when the neutral (pI = 7) ampholyte is assigned the lowest mobility and mobilities of the other carriers are systematically increased as their pI's recede from 7. When equal DeltapK(a) values and mobilities are assigned to all ampholytes a conductivity plateau in the pH 5-9 region is produced which does not reflect what is seen experimentally. The variation in DeltapK(a) values is considered to most accurately reflect the electrochemical parameters of commercially available mixtures of carrier ampholytes. Simulations with unequal mobilities of the cationic and anionic species of the carrier ampholytes show either cathodic (greater mobility of the cationic species) or anodic (greater mobility of the anionic species) drifts of the pH gradient. The simulated cationic drifts compare well to those observed experimentally in a capillary in which the focusing of three dyes was followed by whole column optical imaging. The cathodic drift flattens the acidic portion of the gradient and steepens the basic part. This phenomenon is an additional argument against the notion that focused zones of carrier ampholytes have no electrophoretic flux.


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One-dimensional dynamic computer simulation was employed to investigate the separation and migration order change of ketoconazole enantiomers at low pH in presence of increasing amounts of (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (OHP-β-CD). The 1:1 interaction of ketoconazole with the neutral cyclodextrin was simulated under real experimental conditions and by varying input parameters for complex mobilities and complexation constants. Simulation results obtained with experimentally determined apparent ionic mobilities, complex mobilities, and complexation constants were found to compare well with the calculated separation selectivity and experimental data. Simulation data revealed that the migration order of the ketoconazole enantiomers at low (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. below migration order inversion) is essentially determined by the difference in complexation constants and at high (OHP-β-CD) concentrations (i.e. above migration order inversion) by the difference in complex mobilities. Furthermore, simulations with complex mobilities set to zero provided data that mimic migration order and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized. For the studied CEC configuration, no migration order inversion is predicted and separations are shown to be quicker and electrophoretic transport reduced in comparison to migration in free solution. The presented data illustrate that dynamic computer simulation is a valuable tool to study electrokinetic migration and separations of enantiomers in presence of a complexing agent.