17 resultados para cell sorting
Neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated 4 (Nedd4) proteins are ubiquitin ligases, which attach ubiquitin moieties to their target proteins, a post-translational modification that is most commonly associated with protein degradation. Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases have been shown to down-regulate both potassium and sodium channels. In this study, we investigated whether Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases also regulate Ca(v) calcium channels. We expressed three Nedd4 family members, Nedd4-1, Nedd4-2, and WWP2, together with Ca(v)1.2 channels in tsA-201 cells. We found that Nedd4-1 dramatically decreased Ca(v) whole-cell currents, whereas Nedd4-2 and WWP2 failed to regulate the current. Surface biotinylation assays revealed that Nedd4-1 decreased the number of channels inserted at the plasma membrane. Western blots also showed a concomitant decrease in the total expression of the channels. Surprisingly, however, neither the Ca(v) pore-forming α1 subunit nor the associated Ca(v)β and Ca(v)α(2)δ subunits were ubiquitylated by Nedd4-1. The proteasome inhibitor MG132 prevented the degradation of Ca(v) channels, whereas monodansylcadaverine and chloroquine partially antagonized the Nedd4-1-induced regulation of Ca(v) currents. Remarkably, the effect of Nedd4-1 was fully prevented by brefeldin A. These data suggest that Nedd4-1 promotes the sorting of newly synthesized Ca(v) channels for degradation by both the proteasome and the lysosome. Most importantly, Nedd4-1-induced regulation required the co-expression of Ca(v)β subunits, known to antagonize the retention of the channels in the endoplasmic reticulum. Altogether, our results suggest that Nedd4-1 interferes with the chaperon role of Ca(v)β at the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi level to prevent the delivery of Ca(v) channels at the plasma membrane.
Natural killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic cells that play a critical role in the innate immune response against infections and tumors. In the elderly, the cytotoxic function of NK cells is often compromised. Telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division and with age in most somatic cells eventually leading to chromosomal instability and cellular senescence. We studied the telomere length in NK cell subsets isolated from peripheral blood using "flow FISH," a method in which the hybridization of telomere probe in cells of interest is measured relative to internal controls in the same tube. We found that the average telomere length in human NK cells decreased with age as was previously found for human T lymphocytes. Separation of adult NK cells based on CD56 and CD16 expression revealed that the telomere length was significantly shorter in CD56(dim)CD16(+) (mature) NK cells compared to CD56(bright)CD16(-) (immature) NK cells from the same donor. Furthermore, sorting of NK cells based on expression of activation markers, such as NKG2D and LFA-1, revealed that NK cells expressing these markers have significantly shorter telomeres. Telomere fluorescence was very heterogeneous in NK cells expressing CD94, killer inhibitory receptor (KIR), NKG2A, or CD161. Our observations indicate that telomeric DNA in NK cells is lost with cell division and with age similar to what has been observed for most other hematopoietic cells. Telomere attrition in NK cells is a plausible cause for diminished NK cell function in the elderly.