21 resultados para acid production


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The endocannabinoid system (ECS) comprises the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 and their endogenous arachidonic acid-derived agonists 2-arachidonoyl glycerol and anandamide, which play important neuromodulatory roles. Recently, a novel class of negative allosteric CB1 receptor peptide ligands, hemopressin-like peptides derived from alpha hemoglobin, has been described, with yet unknown origin and function in the CNS. Using monoclonal antibodies we now identified the localization of RVD-hemopressin (pepcan-12) and N-terminally extended peptide endocannabinoids (pepcans) in the CNS and determined their neuronal origin. Immunohistochemical analyses in rodents revealed distinctive and specific staining in major groups of noradrenergic neurons, including the locus coeruleus (LC), A1, A5 and A7 neurons, which appear to be major sites of production/release in the CNS. No staining was detected in dopaminergic neurons. Peptidergic axons were seen throughout the brain (notably hippocampus and cerebral cortex) and spinal cord, indicative of anterograde axonal transport of pepcans. Intriguingly, the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla were also strongly stained for pepcans. We found specific co-expression of pepcans with galanin, both in the LC and adrenal gland. Using LC-MS/MS, pepcan-12 was only detected in non-perfused brain (∼40 pmol/g), suggesting that in the CNS it is secreted and present in extracellular compartments. In adrenal glands, significantly more pepcan-12 (400-700 pmol/g) was measured in both non-perfused and perfused tissue. Thus, chromaffin cells may be a major production site of pepcan-12 found in blood. These data uncover important areas of peptide endocannabinoid occurrence with exclusive noradrenergic immunohistochemical staining, opening new doors to investigate their potential physiological function in the ECS. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Fluorescent Neuro-Ligands'.


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Fatty acid derivatives are of central importance for plant immunity against insect herbivores; however, majorregulatory genes and the signals that modulate these defense metabolites are vastly understudied, especiallyin important agro-economic monocot species. Here we show that products and signals derived from a singleZea mays (maize) lipoxygenase (LOX), ZmLOX10, are critical for both direct and indirect defenses to herbiv-ory. We provide genetic evidence that two 13-LOXs, ZmLOX10 and ZmLOX8, specialize in providing substratefor the green leaf volatile (GLV) and jasmonate (JA) biosynthesis pathways, respectively. Supporting the spe-cialization of these LOX isoforms, LOX8 and LOX10 are localized to two distinct cellular compartments, indi-cating that the JA and GLV biosynthesis pathways are physically separated in maize. Reduced expression ofJA biosynthesis genes and diminished levels of JA in lox10 mutants indicate that LOX10-derived signaling isrequired for LOX8-mediated JA. The possible role of GLVs in JA signaling is supported by their ability to par-tially restore wound-induced JA levels in lox10 mutants. The impaired ability of lox10 mutants to produceGLVs and JA led to dramatic reductions in herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) and attractiveness toparasitoid wasps. Because LOX10 is under circadian rhythm regulation, this study provides a mechanistic linkto the diurnal regulation of GLVs and HIPVs. GLV-, JA- and HIPV-deficient lox10 mutants display compro-mised resistance to insect feeding, both under laboratory and field conditions, which is strong evidence thatLOX10-dependent metabolites confer immunity against insect attack. Hence, this comprehensive gene toagro-ecosystem study reveals the broad implications of a single LOX isoform in herbivore defense.


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Synthetic chemical elicitors of plant defense have been touted as a powerful means for sustainable crop protection. Yet, they have never been successfully applied to control insect pests in the field. We developed a high-throughput chemical genetics screening system based on a herbivore-induced linalool synthase promoter fused to a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter construct to test synthetic compounds for their potential to induce rice defenses. We identified 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), an auxin homolog and widely used herbicide in monocotyledonous crops, as a potent elicitor of rice defenses. Low doses of 2,4-D induced a strong defensive reaction upstream of the jasmonic acid and ethylene pathways, resulting in a marked increase in trypsin proteinase inhibitor activity and volatile production. Induced plants were more resistant to the striped stem borer Chilo suppressalis, but became highly attractive to the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens and its main egg parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae. In a field experiment, 2,4-D application turned rice plants into living traps for N. lugens by attracting parasitoids. • Our findings demonstrate the potential of auxin homologs as defensive signals and show the potential of the herbicide to turn rice into a selective catch crop for an economically important pest.


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The viral protein Npro is unique to the genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae. After autocatalytic cleavage from the nascent polyprotein, Npro suppresses type I IFN (IFN-α/β) induction by mediating proteasomal degradation of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3). Previous studies found that the Npro-mediated IRF-3 degradation was dependent of a TRASH domain in the C-terminal half of Npro coordinating zinc by means of the amino acid residues C112, C134, D136 and C138. Interestingly, four classical swine fever virus (CSFV) isolates obtained from diseased pigs in Thailand in 1993 and 1998 did not suppress IFN-α/β induction despite the presence of an intact TRASH domain. Through systematic analyses, it was found that an amino acid mutation at position 40 or mutations at positions 17 and 61 in the N-terminal half of Npro of these four isolates were related to the lack of IRF-3-degrading activity. Restoring a histidine at position 40 or both a proline at position 17 and a lysine at position 61 based on the sequence of a functional Npro contributed to higher stability of the reconstructed Npro compared with the Npro from the Thai isolate. This led to enhanced interaction of Npro with IRF-3 along with its degradation by the proteasome. The results of the present study revealed that amino acid residues in the N-terminal domain of Npro are involved in the stability of Npro, in interaction of Npro with IRF-3 and subsequent degradation of IRF-3, leading to downregulation of IFN-α/β production.


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Androgens are essential for sexual development and reproduction. However, androgen regulation in health and disease is poorly understood. We showed that human adrenocortical H295R cells grown under starvation conditions acquire a hyperandrogenic steroid profile with changes in steroid metabolizing enzymes HSD3B2 and CYP17A1 essential for androgen production. Here we studied the regulatory mechanisms underlying androgen production in starved H295R cells. Microarray expression profiling of normal versus starved H295R cells revealed fourteen differentially expressed genes; HSD3B2, HSD3B1, CYP21A2, RARB, ASS1, CFI, ASCL1 and ENC1 play a role in steroid and energy metabolism and ANGPTL1, PLK2, DUSP6, DUSP10 and FREM2 are involved in signal transduction. We discovered two new gene networks around RARB and ANGPTL1, and show how they regulate androgen biosynthesis. Transcription factor RARB stimulated the promoters of genes involved in androgen production (StAR, CYP17A1 and HSD3B2) and enhanced androstenedione production. For HSD3B2 regulation RARB worked in cooperation with Nur77. Secretory protein ANGPTL1 modulated CYP17A1 and DUSP6 expression by inducing ERK1/2 phosphorylation. By contrast, our studies revealed no evidence for hormones or cell cycle involvement in regulating androgen biosynthesis. In summary, these studies establish a firm role for RARB and ANGPTL1 in the regulation of androgen production in H295R cells.


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In this paper we report on our study of the changes in biomass, lipid composition, and fermentation end products, as well as in the ATP level and synthesis rate in cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) cells submitted to anoxia stress. During the first phase of about 12 h, cells coped with the reduced energy supply brought about by fermentation and their membrane lipids remained intact. The second phase (12–24 h), during which the energy supply dropped down to 1% to 2% of its maximal theoretical normoxic value, was characterized by an extensive hydrolysis of membrane lipids to free fatty acids. This autolytic process was ascribed to the activation of a lipolytic acyl hydrolase. Cells were also treated under normoxia with inhibitors known to interfere with energy metabolism. Carbonyl-cyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone did not induce lipid hydrolysis, which was also the case when sodium azide or salicylhydroxamic acid were fed separately. However, the simultaneous use of sodium azide plus salicylhydroxamic acid or 2-deoxy-D-glucose plus iodoacetate with normoxic cells promoted a lipid hydrolysis pattern similar to that seen in anoxic cells. Therefore, a threshold exists in the rate of ATP synthesis (approximately 10 μmol g−1 fresh weight h−1), below which the integrity of the membranes in anoxic potato cells cannot be preserved.