89 resultados para Zygomatic fracture
Fractures in men are a major health issue, and data on the antifracture efficacy of therapies for osteoporosis in men are limited. We studied the effect of zoledronic acid on fracture risk among men with osteoporosis.
OBJECTIVE: To report use of a pinless external fixator (PEF) for unilateral mandibular fractures in 9 equids. STUDY DESIGN: Case series. ANIMALS: Equids (n=9) with unilateral mandibular fractures. METHODS: All fractures were stabilized with the AO/ASIF PEF using a minimum of 4 clamps, under general anesthesia. Fracture configuration, complications, outcome, and owner satisfaction were evaluated. RESULTS: All fractures were stabilized; 2 equids were euthanatized; 1 because of an inability to stand after surgery and 1 because of owner decision after PEF dislodgement. Seven repairs healed with good outcome and owner satisfaction. Complications included dislodgement of the PEF (3), bone sequestration (3), and weight loss (1). Drainage associated with repair resolved after removal of sequestra and clamps. CONCLUSIONS: Stabilization of unilateral mandibular fractures with the PEF in horses was minimally invasive with minimal risk of tooth root interference; however, after care is time consuming. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PEF is an alternative technique for stabilizing unilateral mandibular fractures in equids.
OBJECTIVE: To report clinical evaluation of the clamp rod internal fixator 4.5/5.5 (CRIF 4.5/5.5) in bovine long-bone fracture repair. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Cattle (n=22) with long-bone fractures. METHODS: Records for cattle with long-bone fractures repaired between 1999 and 2004 with CRIF 4.5/5.5 were reviewed. Quality of fracture repair, fracture healing, and clinical outcome were investigated by means of clinical examination, medical records, radiographs, and telephone questionnaire. RESULTS: Successful long-term outcome was achieved in 18 cattle (82%); 4 were euthanatized 2-14 days postoperatively because of fracture breakdowns. Two cattle had movement of clamps on the rod. Moderate to severe callus formation was evident in 11 cattle 6 months postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Movement of clamps on the rod was recognized as implant failure unique to the CRIF. This occurred in cattle with poor fracture stability because of an extensive cortical defect. The CRIF system may not be ideal to treat metacarpal/metatarsal fractures because its voluminous size makes skin closure difficult, thereby increasing the risk of postoperative infections. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: CRIF cannot be recommended for repair of complicated long-bone fractures in cattle.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the advantages and surgical technique of a trochanteric flip osteotomy in combination with a Kocher-Langenbeck approach for the treatment of selected acetabular fractures. DESIGN: Consecutive series, teaching hospital. METHODS: Through mobilization of the vastus lateralis muscle, a slice of the greater trochanter with the attached gluteus medius muscle can be flipped anteriorly. The gluteus minimus muscle can then be easily mobilized, giving free access to the posterosuperior and superior acetabular wall area. Damage to the abductor muscles by vigorous retraction can be avoided, potentially resulting in less ectopic ossification. Ten consecutive cases of acetabular fractures treated with this approach are reported. In eight cases, an anatomic reduction was achieved; in the remaining two cases with severe comminution, the reduction was within one to three millimeters. The trochanteric fragment was fixed with two 3.5-millimeter cortical screws. RESULTS: All osteotomies healed in anatomic position within six to eight weeks postoperatively. Abductor strength was symmetric in eight patients and mildly reduced in two patients. Heterotopic ossification was limited to Brooker classes 1 and 2 without functional impairment at an average follow-up of twenty months. No femoral head necrosis was observed. CONCLUSION: This technique allows better visualization, more accurate reduction, and easier fixation of cranial acetabular fragments. Cranial migration of the greater trochanter after fixation with two screws is unlikely to occur because of the distal pull of the vastus lateralis muscle, balancing the cranial pull of the gluteus medius muscle.
This paper presents a novel technique to create a computerized fluoroscopy with zero-dose image updates for computer-assisted fluoroscopy-based close reduction and osteosynthesis of diaphyseal fracture of femurs. With the novel technique, repositioning of bone fragments during close fracture reduction will lead to image updates in each acquired imaging plane, which is equivalent to using several fluoroscopes simultaneously from different directions but without any X-ray radiation. Its application facilitates the whole fracture reduction and osteosynthesis procedure when combining with the existing leg length and antetorsion restoration methods and may result in great reduction of the X-ray radiation to the patient and to the surgical team. In this paper, we present the approach for achieving such a technique and the experimental results with plastic bones.
To compare the prediction of hip fracture risk of several bone ultrasounds (QUS), 7062 Swiss women > or =70 years of age were measured with three QUSs (two of the heel, one of the phalanges). Heel QUSs were both predictive of hip fracture risk, whereas the phalanges QUS was not. INTRODUCTION: As the number of hip fracture is expected to increase during these next decades, it is important to develop strategies to detect subjects at risk. Quantitative bone ultrasound (QUS), an ionizing radiation-free method, which is transportable, could be interesting for this purpose. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture Risk (SEMOF) study is a multicenter cohort study, which compared three QUSs for the assessment of hip fracture risk in a sample of 7609 elderly ambulatory women > or =70 years of age. Two QUSs measured the heel (Achilles+; GE-Lunar and Sahara; Hologic), and one measured the heel (DBM Sonic 1200; IGEA). The Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the hazard of the first hip fracture, adjusted for age, BMI, and center, and the area under the ROC curves were calculated to compare the devices and their parameters. RESULTS: From the 7609 women who were included in the study, 7062 women 75.2 +/- 3.1 (SD) years of age were prospectively followed for 2.9 +/- 0.8 years. Eighty women reported a hip fracture. A decrease by 1 SD of the QUS variables corresponded to an increase of the hip fracture risk from 2.3 (95% CI, 1.7, 3.1) to 2.6 (95% CI, 1.9, 3.4) for the three variables of Achilles+ and from 2.2 (95% CI, 1.7, 3.0) to 2.4 (95% CI, 1.8, 3.2) for the three variables of Sahara. Risk gradients did not differ significantly among the variables of the two heel QUS devices. On the other hand, the phalanges QUS (DBM Sonic 1200) was not predictive of hip fracture risk, with an adjusted hazard risk of 1.2 (95% CI, 0.9, 1.5), even after reanalysis of the digitalized data and using different cut-off levels (1700 or 1570 m/s). CONCLUSIONS: In this elderly women population, heel QUS devices were both predictive of hip fracture risk, whereas the phalanges QUS device was not.
OBJECTIVE: To compare analgesic efficacy of preoperative versus postoperative administration of carprofen and to determine, if preincisional mepivacaine epidural anesthesia improves postoperative analgesia in dogs treated with carprofen. STUDY DESIGN: Blind, randomized clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs with femoral (n=18) or pelvic (27) fractures. METHODS: Dogs were grouped by restricted randomization into 4 groups: group 1 = carprofen (4 mg/kg subcutaneously) immediately before induction of anesthesia, no epidural anesthesia; group 2 = carprofen immediately after extubation, no epidural anesthesia; group 3 = carprofen immediately before induction, mepivacaine epidural block 15 minutes before surgical incision; and group 4 = mepivacaine epidural block 15 minutes before surgical incision, carprofen after extubation. All dogs were administered carprofen (4 mg/kg, subcutaneously, once daily) for 4 days after surgery. Physiologic variables, nociceptive threshold, lameness score, pain, and sedation (numerical rating scale [NRS], visual analog scale [VAS]), plasma glucose and cortisol concentration, renal function, and hemostatic variables were measured preoperatively and at various times after surgery. Dogs with VAS pain scores >30 were administered rescue analgesia. RESULTS: Group 3 and 4 dogs had significantly lower pain scores and amount of rescue analgesia compared with groups 1 and 2. VAS and NRS pain scores were not significantly different among groups 1 and 2 or among groups 3 and 4. There was no treatment effect on renal function and hemostatic variables. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative carprofen combined with mepivacaine epidural anesthesia had superior postoperative analgesia compared with preoperative carprofen alone. When preoperative epidural anesthesia was performed, preoperative administration of carprofen did not improve postoperative analgesia compared with postoperative administration of carprofen. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Preoperative administration of systemic opioid agonists in combination with regional anesthesia and postoperative administration of carprofen provides safe and effective pain relieve in canine fracture repair.
A Lhassa Apso is presented in emergency after having been injured by another dog. It was suffering from a mandibular fracture. The clinical exam revealed generalized and excessive mobility of the whole dentition. Radiographs showed generalized jaw bone demineralisation. A blood sample was analysed and revealed chronic renal disease. We came to the conclusion that this dog was suffering from secondary renal hyperparathyroidism. The hypocalcified bone was so thin that a slight trauma induced the mandibular fracture.