19 resultados para Wijk, Johnny
The human GH gene is 1.7 kilobase pairs (kb) in length and is composed of five exons and four introns. This gene is expressed in the pituitary gland and encodes a 22 kDa protein. In addition to this predominant (75%) form, 5-10% of pituitary GH is present as a 20 kDa protein that has an amino acid (aa) sequence identical to the 22 kDa form except for a 15 aa internal deletion of residues 32-46 as a result of an alternative splicing event. Because it has been reported that non-22-kDa GH isoforms might be partly responsible for short stature and growth retardation in children, the aim of this study was to compare the impact of both 22 kDa and 20 kDa GH on GH receptor gene (GH receptor/GH binding protein (GHR/GHBP)) expression. Various concentrations of 20 kDa and 22 kDa GH (0, 2, 5, 12.5, 25, 50 and 150 ng/ml) were added to human hepatoma (HuH7) cells cultured in serum-free hormonally defined medium for 0, 1 and 2 h. Thereafter GHR/GHBP mRNA expression was measured by quantitative PCR. Addition of either 20 kDa or 22 kDa GH, at low or normal physiological concentrations (0, 2, 5, 12.5, 25 or 50 ng/ml) induced a dose-dependent increase in GHR/GHBP expression. However, a supraphysiological concentration of 20 kDa GH (150 ng/ml) resulted in a significantly lower (P<0.05) downregulation of GHR/GHBP gene transcription compared with the downregulation achieved by this concentration of 22 kDa GH. This difference might be explained by a decreased ability to form a 1 : 1 complex with GHR and/or GHBP, which normally occurs at high concentrations of GH. Nuclear run-on experiments and GHBP determinations confirmed the changes in GHR/GHBP mRNA levels. In conclusion, we report that both 20 kDa and 22 kDa GH, in low and normal physiological concentrations, have the same effect on regulation of GHR/GHBP gene transcription in a human hepatoma cell line. At a supraphysiological concentration of 150 ng/ml, however, 20 kDa GH has a less self-inhibitory effect than the 22 kDa form.
We identified a new point mutation in the CYP19 gene responsible for aromatase (P450arom) deficiency in a 46,XY male infant with unremarkable clinical findings at birth. This boy is homozygote for a 1-bp (C) deletion in exon 5 of the aromatase gene causing a frame-shift mutation. The frame-shift results in a prematurely terminated protein that is inactive due to the absence of the functional regions of the enzyme. Aromatase deficiency was suspected prenatally because of the severe virilization of the mother during the early pregnancy, and the diagnosis was confirmed shortly after birth. Four weeks after birth, the baby boy showed extremely low levels of serum estrogens, but had a normal level of serum free testosterone; in comparison with the high serum concentration of androstenedione at birth, a striking decrease occurred by 4 weeks postnatally. We previously reported elevated basal and stimulated FSH levels in a female infant with aromatase deficiency in the first year of life. In contrast, in the male infant, basal FSH and peak FSH levels after standard GnRH stimulation tests were normal. This finding suggests that the contribution of estrogen to the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadotropin-gonadal feedback mechanism is different in boys and girls during infancy and early childhood. In normal girls, serum estradiol concentrations strongly correlate with circulating inhibin levels, and thus, low inhibin levels may contribute to the striking elevation of FSH in young girls with aromatase deficiency. In contrast, estradiol levels are physiologically about a 7-fold lower in boys than in girls, and serum inhibin levels remain elevated even though levels of FSH, LH, and testosterone are decreased.
As pituitary function depends on the integrity of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, any defect in the development and organogenesis of this gland may account for a form of combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD). Although pit-1 was 1 of the first factors identified as a cause of CPHD in mice, many other homeodomain and transcription factors have been characterized as being involved in different developmental stages of pituitary gland development, such as prophet of pit-1 (prop-1), P-Lim, ETS-1, and Brn 4. The aims of the present study were first to screen families and patients suffering from different forms of CPHD for PROP1 gene alterations, and second to define possible hot spots and the frequency of the different gene alterations found. Of 73 subjects (36 families) analyzed, we found 35 patients, belonging to 18 unrelated families, with CPHD caused by a PROP1 gene defect. The PROP1 gene alterations included 3 missense mutations, 2 frameshift mutations, and 1 splice site mutation. The 2 reported frameshift mutations could be caused by any 2-bp GA or AG deletion at either the 148-GGA-GGG-153 or 295-CGA-GAG-AGT-303 position. As any combination of a GA or AG deletion yields the same sequencing data, the frameshift mutations were called 149delGA and 296delGA, respectively. All but 1 mutation were located in the PROP1 gene encoding the homeodomain. Importantly, 3 tandem repeats of the dinucleotides GA at location 296-302 in the PROP1 gene represent a hot spot for CPHD. In conclusion, the PROP1 gene seems to be a major candidate gene for CPHD; however, further studies are needed to evaluate other genetic defects involved in pituitary development.
Recent empirical work on the semantics of emotion terms across many different cultures and languages, using a theoretical componential approach, suggested that four dimensions are needed to parsimoniously describe the semantic space of the emotion domain as reflected in emotion terms (Fontaine, Scherer, Roesch, & Ellsworth, 2007; Fontaine, Scherer, & Soriano, 2013). In addition to valence, power, and arousal, a novelty dimension was discovered that mostly differentiated surprise from other emotions. Here, we further explore the existence and nature of the fourth dimension in semantic emotion space using a much larger and much more representative set of emotion terms. A group of 156 participants each rated 10 out of a set of 80 French emotion terms with respect to semantic meaning. The meaning of an emotion term was evaluated with respect to 68 emotion features representing the appraisal, action tendency, bodily reaction, expression, and feeling components of the emotion process. A principal component analysis confirmed the four-dimensional valence, power, arousal, and novelty structure. Moreover, this larger and much more representative set of emotion terms revealed that the novelty dimension not only differentiates surprise terms from other emotion terms, but also identifies substantial variation within the fear and joy emotion families.