58 resultados para Think-aloud protocols
This paper analyses the role of think tanks in Swiss policy making. Starting from the relationship between interest groups and the state, which has been shaping Swiss policy making for a long time, we hypothesize that these structures offer good possibilities for scientific arguments and ideas to influence the process of policy making. Our observations from a recent example indeed illustrates that think tanks can use the same channels as vested interests to bring in their know-how. Furthermore, we conclude that the characteristics of the political system, e.g. direct democracy and the consensual alignment particularly influence the chances of think tanks to intervene. In this exchange vested interests and think tanks do not really interfere with each other, but rather they complement each other both having.
OBJECTIVE: To test the feasibility of and interactions among three software-driven critical care protocols. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Intensive care units in six European and American university hospitals. PATIENTS: 174 cardiac surgery and 41 septic patients. INTERVENTIONS: Application of software-driven protocols for cardiovascular management, sedation, and weaning during the first 7 days of intensive care. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: All protocols were used simultaneously in 85% of the cardiac surgery and 44% of the septic patients, and any one of the protocols was used for 73 and 44% of study duration, respectively. Protocol use was discontinued in 12% of patients by the treating clinician and in 6% for technical/administrative reasons. The number of protocol steps per unit of time was similar in the two diagnostic groups (n.s. for all protocols). Initial hemodynamic stability (a protocol target) was achieved in 26+/-18 min (mean+/-SD) in cardiac surgery and in 24+/-18 min in septic patients. Sedation targets were reached in 2.4+/-0.2h in cardiac surgery and in 3.6 +/-0.2h in septic patients. Weaning protocol was started in 164 (94%; 154 extubated) cardiac surgery and in 25 (60%; 9 extubated) septic patients. The median (interquartile range) time from starting weaning to extubation (a protocol target) was 89 min (range 44-154 min) for the cardiac surgery patients and 96 min (range 56-205 min) for the septic patients. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple software-driven treatment protocols can be simultaneously applied with high acceptance and rapid achievement of primary treatment goals. Time to reach these primary goals may provide a performance indicator.
OBJECTIVE: Measures to reduce radiation exposure and injected iodine mass are becoming more important with the widespread and often repetitive use of pulmonary CT angiography (CTA) in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the capability of 2 low-kilovoltage CTA-protocols to achieve these goals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety patients weighing less than 100 kg were examined by a pulmonary CTA protocol using either 100 kVp (group A) or 80 kVp (group B). Volume and flow rate of contrast medium were reduced in group B (75 mL at 3 mL/s) compared with group A (100 mL at 4 mL/s). Attenuation was measured in the central and peripheral pulmonary arteries, and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated. Entrance skin dose was estimated by measuring the surface dose in an ovoid-cylindrical polymethyl methacrylate chest phantom with 2 various dimensions corresponding to the range of chest diameters in our patients. Quantitative image parameters, estimated effective dose, and skin dose in both groups were compared by the t test. Arterial enhancement, noise, and overall quality were independently assessed by 3 radiologists, and results were compared between the groups using nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Mean attenuation in the pulmonary arteries in group B (427.6 +/- 116 HU) was significantly higher than in group A (342.1 +/- 87.7 HU; P < 0.001), whereas CNR showed no difference (group A, 20.6 +/- 7.3 and group B, 22.2 +/- 7.1; P = 0.302). Effective dose was lower by more than 40% with 80 kVp (1.68 +/- 0.23 mSv) compared with 100 kVp (2.87 +/- 0.88 mSv) (P < 0.001). Surface dose was significantly lower at 80 kVp compared with 100 kVp at both phantom dimensions (2.75 vs. 3.22 mGy; P = 0.027 and 2.22 vs. 2.73 mGy; P = 0.005, respectively). Image quality did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.151). CONCLUSIONS: Using 80 kVp in pulmonary CTA permits reduced patient exposure by 40% and CM volume by 25% compared with 100 kVp without deterioration of image quality in patients weighing less than 100 kg.
The management of anemia in patients with chronic renal failure has greatly improved with the availability of recombinant human erythropoietin in the late 1980s, leading to a considerable reduction in mortality and morbidity and to an improvement in quality of life. The findings from recent controlled clinical outcome trials have resulted in a rather narrow, generally accepted therapeutic hematocrit target range. However, currently available dosing algorithms do not permit achievement and maintenance of target values within the therapeutic range in many patients. One possible explanation for this failure may be the ignorance of a finite erythrocyte lifespan not integrated into most algorithms. The purpose of this article is to underline the essential role played by the erythrocyte lifespan in the erythropoietic response to recombinant human erythropoietin and to encourage the integration of this concept in the future development of computer-assisted decision support systems.
In order to determine anticoagulation strategies in OPCAB a questionnaire survey among 750 European cardio-thoracic surgeons was performed. Questions addressed volume of OPCAB procedures performed, intra- and perioperative heparinization and antiplatelet therapy, as well as perioperative management. A total of 325 (43.7%) questionnaires were returned and validated. Perioperative protocols for administration of antiplatelets differed among the respondent surgeons. Perioperative prophylaxis of thrombosis (low or high molecular weight heparin) is performed by 78%. Intraoperative heparin dosage range between 70 U/kg to 500 U/kg, 60% of respondents prefer a low-dose regimen (< or = 150 U/kg). Correspondingly, the lowest activated clotting time (ACT) during surgery is accepted to be 200 s by 24%, 250 s by 18% and 300 s by 26% of surgeons. Protamine is used by 91% of respondents, while 52% perform a 1:1 reversal. A cell-saver and antifibrinolytics are used by 70% and 40%, respectively. Interestingly, 56% of respondents think bleeding in OPCAB patients is not reduced when compared to on-pump CABG. In addition, 34% of respondents believe there is an increased risk of early graft occlusion following OPCAB. This survey demonstrates widely different intra- and perioperative anticoagulation strategies for OPCAB procedures among European surgeons.
PURPOSE: Facial esthetics play an important role in social interactions. However, children with a repaired complete unilateral cleft lip and palate usually show some disfigurement of the nasolabial area. To date, few studies have assessed the nasolabial appearance after different treatment protocols. The aim of the present study was to compare the nasolabial esthetics after 1- and 3-stage treatment protocols. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four components of the nasolabial appearance (nasal form, nasal deviation, mucocutaneous junction, and profile view) were assessed by 4 raters in 108 consecutively treated children who had undergone either 1-stage closure (Warsaw group, 41 boys and 19 girls, mean age 10.8 years, SD 2.0) or 3-stage (Nijmegen group, 30 boys and 18 girls, mean age 8.9 years, SD 0.7). A 5-grade esthetic index of Asher-McDade was used, in which grade 1 indicates the most esthetic and grade 5 the least esthetic outcome. RESULTS: The nasal form was judged the least esthetic in both groups and graded 3.1 (SD 1.1) and 3.2 (SD 1.1). The nasal deviation, mucocutaneous junction, and profile view were scored from 2.1 (SD 0.8) to 2.3 (SD 1.0) in both groups. The treatment outcome after the Warsaw and Nijmegen protocols was comparable. Neither overall nor any of the 4 components of the nasolabial appearance showed intercenter differences (P > .1). CONCLUSIONS: The nasolabial appearance after the Warsaw (1-stage) and Nijmegen (3-stage) protocols was comparable. The technique of lip repair (triangular flap in Warsaw and Millard rotation advancement in Nijmegen) gave comparable results for the esthetics of the nasolabial area.
PURPOSE: To evaluate early and immediate loading of implants in the posterior maxilla and to investigate whether there is a difference in success rates, survival rates, and peri-implant parameters, including marginal bone level changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A comprehensive systematic review of the literature was conducted. The selection of publications reporting on human clinical studies was based on predetermined inclusion criteria and was agreed upon by two reviewers. RESULTS: Twelve papers were identified on early loading (two randomized controlled clinical trials [RCTs] and 10 prospective case series studies). Six papers were found on immediate loading (one RCT, four prospective case series, and one retrospective study). CONCLUSIONS: Under certain circumstances it is possible to successfully load dental implants in the posterior maxilla early or immediately after their placement in selected patients. The success rate appears to be technique sensitive, although no study has directly assessed this. A high degree of primary implant stability (high value of insertion torque) and implant surface characteristics play an important role. It is not possible to draw evidence-based conclusions concerning contraindications, threshold values for implant stability, bone quality and quantity needed, or impact of occlusal loading forces. As for the impact of the surgical technique on implant outcome in different bone densities, no studies prove significant superior results with one technique over another. Well-designed RCTs with a large number of patients are necessary to make early/immediate loading protocols in posterior maxilla evidence based, but ethical and practical considerations may limit the real possibility of such studies in the near future.
The detection rate of pulmonary emboli (PE) with computed tomography angiography (CTA) using either a standard or a low-dose protocol, combining reduced radiation exposure and iodine delivery rate, was retrospectively analyzed in a matched cohort of 120 patients.